
Favorite ruining a great p4p relationship with greed

Years ago I had a smoking hot, fun, favorite that I would see often ITC and OTC. We would tear it up ITC doing shots and LD's. Eventually we had such a history together it was just fun as hell to hang out and party hard. Always a blast.

We would party in the club at the bar with me buying shots and giving generous random tips (hey, I'm a PL). She was free to go give dances and come back as much as she wanted. That's just my style.

One day, I go in and we are drinking hard as usual and I ask her if she is ready for another shot. She says "I'll drink another shot if you pay me $20." I thought she was kidding and said "what?". She repeated, "I will drink a shot but you will have to tip me 20 to drink it."

And BAM! that was the end of our p4p friendship. That was the last time I really partied with her or gave her any tangible cash. She never understood what happened. Heartbreaking really, but I had been very generous with her and was disappointed she tried to hustle me over something so stupid. She could have made bank off me for years but decided to trash it over a stupid hustle for 20.

Have any of you other PL's had a dancer ruin a beautiful p4p relationship over something really trivial?


  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    What are you doing paying for services unrendered, or paying over market prices for services that were rendered, or getting drunk, and thereby impairing your judgment, at a strip club . . . wait, I just answered my own question.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @LM - I believe having a beautiful sexy woman available to party with me on demand is services rendered.

    Would you happen to have anything to add to the topic besides judgemrntal BS?
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Recently ended a budding OTC relationship after two sessions when dancer asked me via text to send money to her bank acct in advance of a vacation. Wrote back I wasn't an ATM. Relationship went down hill quickly. No more OTC and we don't even speak ITC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If they were smart most of them wouldn't be strippers- this kinda shit often goes w/ the territory
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Sounds like she joined SW and got some advice
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @lone_wolf we seem to have similar style for what we like to do in clubs, although I'm not much into shots.

    Sat with a nice girl last night and she seemed truly surprised when I offered to buy her a drink, and said OK when she asked me if I'd buy her something to eat. Spending an evening hanging out with a pretty girl is what I wanted last night.

    To your question: last winter I had a CF and our pattern was similar to yours. We'd hang out, drink, eat, do some dances, she'd find other girls for me (she liked watching them too), I'd pimp her out to other customers (inside joke), but we'd almost always end up in VIP at the end of the night, and our VIP sessions evolved into some hot and heavy stuff but never FS (not that kind of club). So, we started working out OTC arrangement.

    At what turned out to be our final ITC session, a 1hr long VIP so we'd have time for me to take care of her, too, she was giving me a HJ and I climaxed with so much enthusiasm it got all over her. She got all pissy and said "I should get a good tip for that" - considering what I already gave her for the VIP and had made her cum twice I thought she was kidding. We cleaned up, snuggled until our time was up, and as we're getting ready to leave she asks for the tip again. Very insistently. I think I ended up giving her the last $20 I had.

    I should have taken this as a sign, because when it came time to go on our first OTC date, the $300 dinner and fun at decent hotel turned in to a request for $500, dinner at 5star restaurant, a shopping trip, and a couples package at a fancy resort.

    So, that last $20 tip she was so pissy about was the last she got from me period.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    what's the rest of the story? she didn't just want a tip for you to buy her a drink out of nowhere.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Yeah that is some up selling bull Shit she did...I would have ditched her as well...hell you had a proven track record you was a big spender with her plus she had the freedom to cash out dances and come back to you

    She fucked up

    I've had a few favorites fuck up in similar situations

    Had one girl I was giving a salary of $1,000 a month for one twelve hour visit each weekend...did this for about a year and half then one day I'm about to fuck her pussy after a fun visit and she tries to get an extra $250...I paid fucked her hard and never once came back...she never understood either on what had happen
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I buy strippers shots, but I don't pay them to drink shots. I pay them to suck my dick.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @chessmaster - yea, awhile before the shot hustle, she ran into some legal trouble common to strippers making her desperate for cash that changed her demeanor to more of a hard hustle. Sad man, this honey and I had some fun times.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Most of these girls can't stand us and put up we us as long as they can till they make a ridiculous request and either get a big payday or they're ready to move on
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    @lonewolf....not yet and with the cf/atf I have now, I hope it doesn't ever happen.... There is an old saying, "familiarity breeds contempt". It sort of sounds like that is at least part of what happened. Sorry to hear though....sucks.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @Papi - yea the realty of it all is pretty ugly. I do try to make my interactions with these honeys as tolerable as possible for them but, at some point, the rubber has to meet the road so to speak.

    Often I'll have three or four honeys texting me every day wanting to hang out. I can't imagine what a major head fuck it must be for the honeys to be asking for something so aggressively that they really don't want to do. No wonder many have drinking or drug problems.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    overall... jackslash sums it up well. "I buy strippers shots, but I don't pay them to drink shots. I pay them to suck my dick."
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @justme - at least in my experience, strippers won't spend much time with dudes just for buying them shots. Some time maybe, but very little. If a stripper is spending time drinking with you than you are paying for both the oral and the drinks. Its just a matter of timing.

    Not sure why so many on TUSCL struggle with that.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"Most of these girls can't stand us and put up we us as long as they can till they make a ridiculous request and either get a big payday or they're ready to move on"

    I may be over SW-ified, but I think that's right. I don't think that, in all cases, the girls are being stupid or short-sighted. I think that all along they felt like they were getting the raw end of the deal, they weren't as thrilled with it as you were (which is why you thought it was awesome, you wired yourself up an awesome gig), until finally something or other made her crack and ask for something more... as little as $20, maybe ... knowing full well that that might break the relationship, and being fine with that because they're sick of being the one with the raw end of the deal.

    On the other hand, maybe they're just stupid and short-sighted. I dunno. *shrug*
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    If a PL pays 500 (far too much I know) for a hotel date than two days later takes her to lunch and pays nothing. The PL is still paying for the lunch date from the 500. If the PL pays nothing, there would be no OTC lunch date. Simple as that. But somehow its more pathetic to gift 50 during the lunch itself. Baffling.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    It goes both ways. I agree that was a bitchy move on her, but it was still up to you to decide to throw it all way or not over 20 dollar request.

    Maybe I'm too forgiving but my entertainment trumps pettiness. I say laugh it off and don't let one incident ruin such a good thing.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Subraman I'd go with stupid and shortsighted!
    The rest is just a load of horseshit.
  • K
    7 years ago
    I frequently tell my customers they need to pay me more for the services I provide. They don't get made and end our business relationship. Usually they agree or counter offer. Occasionally they say no thank you and hire someone else. I can't recall a single time it ended our business relationship. Why would a dancer asking for too much one time end the relationship? Tell her no you won't pay for her to take a shot but you will continue to pay for dances and whatever other activities.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @K but you don't hit your good customers with an increase just because, yes sometimes you need to raise rates but doing it the wrong way will cost you sorry but that's a fact.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    One of my favorites twisted her knee badly and was unable to work for several months. She asked for ( demanded ? ) money. The tone of the conversation was essentially that I owed her disability payment.

    I gave her $40 for a cab home and never saw her again.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    K: that's a point I've pondered myself. I don't know why it irritates me more when my stripper asks for more money, than it does when my accountant, mechanic, or cleaning lady ask for my money, but it does. I definitely don't always end the relationship because of it, but it does strain things unless we reach some new equilibrium.

    And what makes this even more hypocritical is that, in every stripper relationship, **I** certainly ask for more and more as time goes on. I expect more and more activities to open up to me ITC and OTC; I dunno why I get irritated if she asks for more. Hell, I remember one girl, we started off doing 3-hour OTCs, and I'd only talked her OTC by agreeing we wouldn't do more than HJ; didn't take long until I was fucking her, and a couple of months after that I'm fucking her in the ass and our OTCs are now 6-8 hours long. But dammit she better not ask for more! And though that's an extreme example, the girls increase their service steadily and regularly, come to think of it.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    She wanted you to tip her for the drink you bought her? I've never seen anything like that.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    larry: to me, the explanation is simple. She think she's spending waaay too much time with him, for waaay too little money... that is, where LW thinks they're both happy with the arrangement, she's been unhappy all along and has finally decided that getting "paid" a drink for her prime working time isn't enough.

    I do the same thing LW does -- I use drinks (and food) to buy strippers' time, it's an amazingly great deal for me ... and, IMO, not always a particularly good deal for her, unless there's few other spending customers around. It disappoints me, but doesn't surprise me, when a stripper decides that me buying her two $5 shots isn't worth 30 minutes to her.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    If the level of intimacy in the OTC dates increases like you say, it would have 1 of two effects on me:

    1) I'd probably automatically start giving her more money, especially if it's MY idea. Like you, or LW, if she asks for more $ in a style that is anywhere close to an ultimatum, then it would definitely rub me the wrong way. I like being generous, and love when genuine appreciation is expressed as a result.

    2) it would make me much more willing to help out with the inevitable hint dropping about little problems that require money to fix. See last part of #1.

    We are similar wrt the food and drinks. I'm not forcing her to stay with me, but if she doesn't want to spend her own money on drinks and food she's welcome to hang out. I'll probably get some dances, too, but I make it clear she's welcome to circulate and that if she stays I'm probably going to "cheat" on her while she's there. If she's fun, we may end up in VIP together, or more recently I've been going straight to the OTC pitch. This is how last Friday night went for me. There were easily 40 girls working and only 2 I recognized, so I figured if I pissed one off by being too forward there were plenty of other new possibilities to meet next time.

    And, like someone else said somewhere recently, if she talks about me in the dressing room, then the other non-OTC girls will stay away and the interested ones will know who to come talk to.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @K: I was very generous with this honey ITC and OTC. Embarrassingly generous. Her asking for 20 to drink a shot would be like your car mechanic asking for a 100 to pop the hood. That would instantly end any business relationship. There would be no sense in negotiating.

    @Subra: Her time was her own. I encouraged her to go give LD's to other PL's as I enjoyed the company of other honeys while she was gone. I would also tip her cash under the table although not that much. Asking for 20 for a shot was just ludicrous given our history.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Just to be clear on one thing: I absolutely agree "her time was her own", you are not her daddy and it's not up to you to tell her whether you think she's using her time wisely or not. She an adult, and a professional, and if she chooses to stay 30 minutes with me for $10 in drinks, then that's that. Abso-fucking-lutely no judgement implied, other than "congrats, you got things wired up awesome, bro!". I do think, though, that her ultimatum didn't come out of the blue, it was creeping dissatisfaction with the deal (even though it's a deal she chose)

    I do agree with joc, though -- it's how she handled this that would rub me the wrong way, just like it rubbed you the wrong way. Ultimatums never come off well. Hints and charm work better on me.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    In hindsight, I do not think this was a case where she was fucking miserable and just soaking more cash from regardless of risk.

    No, I suspect, due to my generosity, she just assumed I was a big enough PL chump to start paying her per shot. This was probably a case of the dancer losing respect for PL for being too generous with cash. Seems to go against common sense but it s a bizzaro world.

    Not sure which scenario is more pathetic. Probably the latter.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Ya, that absolutely is just as reasonable a possibility: if you're too generous, she loses respect and moves into "soak him for more" mode.
  • K
    7 years ago
    Maybe I'm missing something here. A customer requests something. The service provider names a price for that service. There was no mention of rudeness or insults in the OP. It was a simple service, drink a shot with me. Unless there is more to the story I don't know why it would end a good P2P relationship.

    Dancers sell their time. A shot isn't one minute . It is five or ten minutes of her time hanging with you. That's is at least a couple of dances time wise.

    However, if this perceived insult is enough for you to end the relationship, that is your call.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I've seen Lone Wolf doing his drinking thing with his favs, and I understand why he enjoys it. I used to do something similar with the DS, showering her with money to spend much of the evening itc with me. But she was very smart, and she almost never asked me for money. Instead, she just flirted with me and went out of her way to treat me like her boyfriend, knowing that the money was guaranteed to flow.

    Once I tested her to see if she would ask for money. On an otc date, I waited until the very end to pay her. She had showered, dressed, and headed for the door and I hadn't paid her. Usually I dropped the money next to her purse while she was in the bathroom. But not this time. I went to give her a good bye hug, and still she made no mention of the money. It appeared that she was fine leaving without getting paid.

    I handed the money to her as she was walking out the door. She said thanks, but acted like it was no big deal and she hadn't even thought about it. I know it was all about the money for her, but I loved the way she could act like the money was just a side benefit.

    I completely understand why this girls comment ducked up a great relationship with Lone Wolf. I would have been extraordinarily pissed if the DS, or any regular for that matter, had asked me for money just to do a shot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As we often-say; strippers are a crapshoot:

    + some are too-dumb and/or inexperienced to know any better

    + some are fed-up w/ the regular and kinda try to end the "relationship" by sabotaging it

    + others can't help their greed and it's never enough ($$$)

    + some of them are cocky-narcissists w/ severe cases of GPS and a tremendous sense of entitlement and think they can have any PL wrapped around their finger where all she has to do is say "jump" and she thinks ever PL will jump
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