
avatar for flagooner
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After all the talk about tattoos latelg, I'm watching the finale of Ink Master. It's a good show, and I really don't like tattoos.


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avatar for DallasCowboys
7 years ago
I've never heard of the show. I have a tattoo ans want more but everyone else has tattoos so they aren't anything special anymore so I'm not going to get another one. Also everyone has the same tattoos and it's annoying.

A flower
A quote
An owl
A clock
A dreamcatcher
Or the American flag (I love America but I'd never tattoo the flag on my body... That's too hooah for me).
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Same boat: hate tattoos, enjoy Ink Master. I don't seek it out, but if there's nothing really good on, it's perfectly serviceable fun fare
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I have watched Ink Master during previous seasons. It's a good show. Some of the artists do incredible work. I'm amazed at how intricate the designs are. I also wonder how the intricate work holds up over time. I wonder if a touch up is needed sometimes?
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
I think touchups are always needed, eventually ... but based on my expertise that I developed watching a reality tv show about tattoos, I believe high-quality inks and more importantly, high-quality expert technique, greatly forestalls that
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Subraman - that's a good point. There is probably less degradation when quality techniques and quality products are used.
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