How many stripper fights have you seen
Solo PL
I have only seen one actual fight. I have seen girls screaming at each other and calling names when security intervened. I have seen one knock down, punching, clothes ripping hair pulling fight between two strippers. I think it was of course over money whether one stole from the other or it was one stole a client I do not know. It was at Babe's East in Indy. I heard yelling from the dressing room as I walked by going to the men's room, then as I came back out I heard a crash. I quickly went to my seat, I have no idea why the DJ was not in his booth where he could have heard the argument but no one knew what was going on. A dancer I knew came and sat on my lap and I asked her if she knew, she only knew the two were in the locker room. About that time one came out the door with the other on her heels. She grabbed the back of her top and when the first girl tried to go on it torn off. Then the fight was on! It is a small club so there was just the bartender(woman) the DJ, the small old doorman and the manager.
It took all four to separate them. By that time both tops were off and one bottom was mostly off giving a view of what was not supposed to be shown in this topless club. The took one to the locker room and one to the office to applause for the show. They had the first get dressed in the locker room and she was escorted out and off the property before the second was take to get dressed and shown the door.
As I was leaving later I chatted with the doorman and said some excitement tonight? He shook his head and said that the two fighting shared an apartment and it was not the first argument that had spilled into work both first and last that had come to blows. I laughed and said it was a nice show and they should have put it on stage pulled off pants and all. He then laughed and told me to have a good evening.
It took all four to separate them. By that time both tops were off and one bottom was mostly off giving a view of what was not supposed to be shown in this topless club. The took one to the locker room and one to the office to applause for the show. They had the first get dressed in the locker room and she was escorted out and off the property before the second was take to get dressed and shown the door.
As I was leaving later I chatted with the doorman and said some excitement tonight? He shook his head and said that the two fighting shared an apartment and it was not the first argument that had spilled into work both first and last that had come to blows. I laughed and said it was a nice show and they should have put it on stage pulled off pants and all. He then laughed and told me to have a good evening.
**no actual blows exchanged...
They used to have that in the back room at the old Tootsies before changing locations. They would auction off the chance to be their manager/cornerman.
I've seen one real fight with hair pulling that got broken up real fast.