
Comments by Subraman (page 190)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    Ya, I think those of us who use ignore have it pretty easy -- we see mostly signal, little noise. You can literally put a handful of handles on ignore, and the site is positively great. The thing is, though, there must be guys out there who would be great contributors, who happen to stumble on the site at its worst, and go running. Certainly, if I'd had the bad luck of looking at the forum for the first time during one of the troll revolts, no way I'd have stuck around
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    -->"The new calculation makes sense, but I still miss the comments. I like to read other ppl’s trusts and see why ppl trust them. Sometimes it’s reviews, comments on discussion, some shared view, or some other random thing." I'd been remiss on using the trust feature; just started doing it now, since it may actually mean something, though might take a few days to remember all the people I trust. But I've been making goofy comments instead of actually why I trust them... ack
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    -->"It seems like a lot of the changes around here occurring for the sole purpose of making changes." I dunno, orange, I think the purpose is crystal clear: the place had become a cesspool of trolling. This place has the potential to be THE place to discuss SCs, but who knows how many quality contributors clicked on forum, saw the cesspool, and bolted? I don't know what founder is up to with the trust thing; I'm just glad he's decided to adjust the signal-to-noise ratio, for those of us who prefer signal. In every other site I've been part of, quality discussion on the forum has attracted eyes to the part of the site that makes money, too -- win win.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    Got it, thanks. Based on the top 40 trusted members, I worry a little bit about our crowdsourcing :) lol...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trust Ratings
    How in the world can you figure out who, and how many people, trusted you? If I go into Account and click on Manage Trust List, it just tells me who I trusted, not who trusted me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    I don't quite know what to make of mdb either. I lean towards "alternative creative fiction account of one of the regulars", because it's so odd to me that someone would choose to be so vulnerable and contrarian, so early in his tenure here. If he's for real, as I've stated in another thread, I feel like he's engaging in his own therapeutic writing exercise for his own purposes (likely, he realizes he's in the "here be dragons" part of the map), and we're just the audience; I don't feel like most of his posts are really designed for discussion & engagement with the broader hoi polloi here.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club for ‘sugar daddies’ and ‘loners’ given green light
    -->"I fit into all of those categories some of the time" Agree, l00ber; I'd guess they know people spread their motivations around, but I'd bet it's also true that most people lean more towards one. I have been vaguely sugardaddy (or maybe splendadaddy) for many years now; my experience on SA has triply reinforced that for me -- many of my relationships with strippers evolve towards arrangement-ish (with a per-meet model), and that's the way I like it, most of the time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you document your strip club visits?
    In the days before the popularity of cell phones & posted online schedules, I used to log which girls were there on a particular day, so I could start to discern patterns, e.g., "If I want to see Amber, I should go on Monday or Thursday, she's usually there". I kept these meticulously, and even swapped this sort of schedule info with other PLs through the forums. Have had no need of that for a veeerrrrry long time
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    mdb: You seem like a good guy who just wants to express himself. I, too, think tone is important. I don't think this is all just about not understanding your audience. It seems pretty clear that this writing is therapeutic for you, and you're being a bit self-indulgent. Or, to put it another way, you're doing some mental and emotional masturbation, and finding that we're not happy you're using us as your tube sock. We're not here to be your tube sock, man. We're here to be the guy who puts itching powder into your tube sock.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Cock ring during a Lap Dance
    I'm not sure your ATF at Chippendale's would go for it, but no harm in asking
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to tactfully let your regular dancer know you want variety?
    What I do: (smile and big hug) "Hi Porsche! You look great! Hey, I'm making today a variety day to get dances with lots of girls (or, I'm hanging out with Mocha today, or whatever), but have a great day and I'm looking forward to hanging out again soon!" That's it. Friendly, smiling, act like it's the most natural and reasonable thing in the world (because it is!). I realize strippers can be crazy and get mad at almost anything, but so far, to my knowledge, this has worked beautifully and always allowed me to return to Porsche next time, with no penalties. I advocate for being transparent and direct and polite, and against bitch moves. Examples of you being a little bitch: - You're so uncomfortable about telling her, you tell her in an insulting or offensive way - You're so scared that you use passive aggressive techniques -- hide from her in the club, get up and go to the bathroom and don't come back - You're so scared you schedule strip club trips from now on around her schedule, or even go to different clubs. Note, I do realize that sometimes (rarely), you run into a stripper who is so fucking crazy that you might have to consider just not being there... I haven't run into that yet, but have heard stories. 99.9% of the time, just avoid bitch moves and be confident & direct
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Wives
    Ya, the "you're my strip club husband" thing is a pretty low-brow form of false-teaming that relies on you confusing the strip club business relationship for a romantic one. I mean, once she says she's your strip club wife or you're her strip club husband, she's relying on you to interpret this as a wonderful statement of affection -- and certainly, only a true cad would cast aside a woman's declaration that she's your metaphorical wife. So the hapless non-tuscl PL now feels awkward about being a dick and leaving her. Meanwhile, what she did is NOT remotely akin to a romantic declaration, but rather the strip club equivalent of peeing all over you to claim you as her property and, if you're psychologically weak, bind you to her. These kinds of things only work with really weak PLs
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Wives
    You realize this thread is going to be full of guys saying "yes ... grow some balls" :) Seriously though, that really is the answer. You should be able to manage a 23-year-old in her underwear without being intimidated, having to be passive aggressive (like going to the bathroom and hoping she interprets that as a hint), or being an asshole. And changing clubs just to avoid her may be the height of being a little bitch... I say that with love, of course, but it's true. Here's what I do if my CF comes up to me but I want to see someone else that day: *big smile and hug* "Porsche! Awesome to see you! I'm planning to (hang out with Cinnamon)(just do lots of dances with different girls)today, hope you don't mind! See you another time!" Then walk away. No drama, no muss, and the girls see to appreciate that you are a respectful but direct shooter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In the VIP
    "Rituals" before heading off to the club?
    I'm not sure that getting dressed counts as part of the strip club ritual -- presumably, you do that every day before you leave the house... wait, juice is here, nevermind :) I think the main SC-specific rituals I have: - If I'm SCing with my buddies (which is more than half the time), as I'm getting dressed, group text everyone to get a status check on who will or won't make our agreed train - Put together my little "away in the city SC survival pack" and stuff it in my jacket pockets: portable charger, small flashlight (this is earthquake country), beanie (SF is fkn cold at night even in the summer), purell, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Q: What is SA? A: It's what you say after orale
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    When a dancer asks "So what do you do for fun?"
    Two words: auto-erotic asphyxiation
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    I think I finally hit my PL bottom.
    ^^^ Definitely a level of strip club bad-assery that I have not yet attained :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Three sets of twenty
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper's birthday
    I've different things over the years, but these days, if she's a CF, I might not do anything but buy a celebratory shot that's higher quality than the usual shit I make her drink. If she's an ATF, I might do an extra VIP beyond what I normally do. In both cases, if there's a small fun cheap gag gift, I might give her that. Honestly, with my ATFs, I might buy them a gift if I thought that's what they wanted, but have come to really think that buying a stripper gifts is more about how it makes you feel, than about how it makes her feel (generally, she'll feel irritated that you bought her a gift rather than just giving her the money). My best SC wingman is exactly the reverse of me, he makes a big deal about all his CF's birthdays, buys her a bunch of gifts, etc. Not my thing, but it makes him happy, so whatevs
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Three sets of twenty
    -->"One hundred ? Sounds impressive . Do you do that every day or every other day to let your muscles recover ?" I don't think juice said he can do a hundred, he said he's working towards it. With the caveat that the "everything you read here is fiction" applies triply to everything juice says, I think he's saying that's his goal, and the thread title -- three sets of 20 -- might be where he is currently. For those working towards goals like this, particularly with bodyweight movements, there's a training protocol that works amazingly well and fast, called Grease the Groove (I can describe it, or just google it yourself). Use it wisely and chances are you'll make much faster progress than whatever weird training protocol you made up for yourself :) (generic "you" there, not you personally)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    I think I finally hit my PL bottom.
    For what it's worth, even strippers geek out on how gross their feet are, mid-shift. It's not just that they're on their feet, it's that the hygiene of their stripper shoes is suspect (they use many wonderful adjectives to describe how gross their shoes are) and their feet are sitting in them. To bring in another thread, I'll happily rub my stripper's feet if we're on a nice OTC vacation to Vegas LOL ... mid-shift, pass.