
Comments by Subraman (page 191)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    I think I finally hit my PL bottom.
    Sniffing a stripper's gross foot -- congrats, I am promoting you to level 2 PL. Note that several of the guys in this thread are level 10.
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    7 years ago
    Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc
    -->"But I find there's simply no substitute for a change of clothes" Nothing even close. And a change of clothes is so insanely simple to do, with a little foresight, I don't understand why that would ever not be part of your process. Even if you take unscheduled trips, a gym bag in your car (if you have one) is all you need to carry extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc
    ashe, I don't think that's overboard... at least I hope it's not, since there were definitely times I did what you did. When I was married, my wife left the house for work earlier than I did, so most of the time, she had no idea what I was wearing when I left the house. But, there were a few times when she saw how I was dressed for work because I left first -- those times, I did exactly what you did, changed into a different set of clothes to club, then washed up and came home in the still-clean clothes she saw me leave in. For many years I always showered, but came to believe it wasn't worth the extra time & effort beyond a wipe down. I even had an explanation in the incredibly unlikely event that she went through my gym bag, and wanted to know why I always carry both work and gym clothes in there!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc
    -->"Short of having a second change of clothes before you head home" A second change of clothes, plus a quick wipedown, is the only way to be sure. I've always held the view -- and continue to hold it -- that if you don't have a change of clothes, you secretly want to get caught. It's just atrocious judgement not to have at least that, IMO. When I was married, my gym bag was just always in my trunk, and underneath the gym clothes and towel, was the jeans and shirt I could always change into. You're right that perfume will stay on your skin, but it comes out of skin far more easily and is more easily covered up with a scrub-down of scented soap. If it's in clothes, it stays there; if you don't smell it anymore, you've just gone noseblind to it -- it doesn't mean someone else can't smell it on you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    -->"Regarding MBOT, I always wanted to go, but scared after hearing what happens there. This was in 2000 to 2005 time frame." Weird ... what scared you away? For reference, I think that MBOT from 1996-2007 was the best American strip club that has ever existed -- at least if you had the money, which was high but not scary if you were lucky enough to have a decent job at the time. From everything I've read, there's never been anything like it ... full-blown extras, often out in the open, with girls the quality of the highest-end no-extras Vegas girls, and shifts of 15-40 girls all of that quality. It was pretty amazing.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    Darkblue: yes, the main reason I didn't love MSC is because I tend to not compromise below girls who for my taste are at least 7s or up, and MSC didn't always have the best quality. Although you'd be surprised, many really gorgeous girls got their start at MSC, before moving on to CH or MBOT... with the right timing, you could have sex with a 9 for $100 (you'd need to catch her before she moved to MBOT and raised her price to $350!)
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    Sorry, I think lotsoffun's rule #5 bears repeating about 12 more times :)
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    Well, it may all be moot now that his stripper hasn't messaged him back. But I think it boils down to: 1. Hey, we're dealing with strippers, which means things can go terrible wrong, ala warhawks, so just be prepared to abort if you have to. 2. Hey, we're dealing with strippers, so even if things don't go terribly wrong, have your common-sense PL guard up. Do be prepared to pay for everything, don't give her your credit card and tell her to just have fun for the day, etc. 3. If all the above is ok, and you're the type of PL who likes spending lots of time with his fave stripper, and you've done a smart job picking your stripper out -- this can be a next-level experience (it was for me) that I think you're crazy not to try at least once, if you have the means. I pretty much see my ATATF like this exclusively, 2-5 days at a time every 8 weeks or so, out of necessity (she's moved away, so one or both of us has to get on a plane to see each other).
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    Ch3ll ... ah, 8 hours stuck in a car with anyone, even a stripper -- especially a stripper -- is too much for me! I think if tensions are going to flare, it'll be the monotony of the car ride that causes it. For me, if I were investing in this whole thing, I'd just fly; what do flights cost, maybe $130 round trip? Not a horrible outlay, compared to the risk of a bad drive. That's just me, I suppose, I especially dislike driving
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pulling a Vegas Stripper
    Oh sorry, I see now I completely misread James's scenario. Yeah, you're right, in the end he says yes or no , and if he says no, it's not like there's a bouncer around. That said, if she's smart, she herself will raise this early on
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    I think that's the best scenario, be with her the whole time, strippers can get themselves into trouble without adult supervision :) You've done OTC and overnight and enjoyed it the whole time, I'd say big thumbs up. Let us know how it goes, if she actually makes it to the airport :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Jackslash is Gay.
    It won't be the same unless you respond to your own post 75 times, with just "LOL!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    Plus he does anal
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pulling a Vegas Stripper
    James: In the case of both the stripper I was talking about, and her friends, they all have the same M.O... at some point during teh night, they ask for the money. Sometimes, they get so drunk partying that they forget to ask before the very end. Problems with the guys are rare enough (remember, if the guys asks for sex, the girls will shame them a bit and say that was never part of the deal and never discussed) that they just don't sweat it. I'm sure different strippers have different policies, but these girls just generally don't find it to be a problem, though of course they're happier if they get the money partway through, just in case
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    Obviously, you have to be the kind of PL who likes this kind of thing (some of the guys here don't like socializing with the talent), and find the right stripper (not a bad idea to follow K's advice and at least get a taste of her behavior OTC or overnight, if that is possible)... but if you check both of those boxes, it can be really awesome. I find that pretty much anywhere can be fun with the right stripper, and Vegas is a place that's particularly easy to have fun. I'd go one step further than K -- I always spend all my time with my vacation stripper, but if I were off working or at a tournament during the day, I'd absolutely expect to be sliding her some entertainment money for the day. You're offering to take her on a vacation, for me personally, I don't think it's reasonable to tell her that I'll be gone for 6 hours every day and she's got to spend her own money the whole time... particularly if she's not charging you for the trip . Especially when it comes to Vegas, my few experiences have been that strippers get excited about it enough that they often don't even charge for it, but do expect to be treated like princesses the whole time (great restaurants, great bars, a bit of gambling money here and there, fancy massages, strip club trips, sightseeing, good seats at popular shows, etc), which I'm fine with
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    Another fun things about Market Street Cinema, in SF's golden age of strip clubs, was that, with basically all kinds of wild sex going on everywhere, everything needed to be cleaned up. So, there was this guy who wore gloves and had long tongs, and it was his job to clean up all the splooged condoms... which seemed to be everywhere. Everyone called him Tong Man. I think there was the horrified fascination with him, people would mentioned Tong Man in their TR's and describe his various comings and goings; somehow, we'd found someone who had a worse job than a bathroom troll.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    -->" Subra, give me a hint, what color?" You mean what ethnicity was she? Asian. I'm not being coy, I can't remember her name. But as I said, she was absolutely legendary for many years; I wasn't a big fan of that club so didn't indulge there often, but any of the old timer SF PLs could probably name her. Always fun to get TRs from newbies who hadn't been with her before, the shock and near-PTSD they had afterwards.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    There was a legendary strip club here that closed down a few years after DJV unfortunately acquired them. But the club was basically an out-in-the-open brothel. In that legendary strip club was an even more legendary stripper. What made her legendary is, after you fucked her in the booth, she always squatted and peed into the trashcan. Good times. Good times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pulling a Vegas Stripper
    Upright: agree with everything you said (Vegas strippers are very comfortable hangout out with PLs outside the club, for a high price, often without sex), with the correction (at least to my reading) that the stripper did not quote 2k -- OP is asking if he should be on the lookout to being suckered for 2k. The answer, according to both of us, I think, is: yes, he should be on the lookout. brownguy: I think you should set your expectations low -- expect to be asked for 1k-2k, and that does not include sex. And then hopefully she'll exceed expectations. But don't get over-excited about this opportunity until you've worked it out. I know a Vegas stripper who does this very often -- in fact, it's a more important part of her income than stripping. She asks for $1k minimum to see the PL outside the club (she'll tell him, "I was scheduled to work, so it's fair for you to buy out my shift", even though she had no intention of working). PLs usually do not specifically ask whether sex is included, and if they don't ask, she thinks it's fair to let them assume whatever they want; but most assuredly, there is no sex without an uplift, and for many customers she won't offer more than HJ. I think overall that's a pretty common model
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pulling a Vegas Stripper
    It's a surprising story, especially for Rhino, especially just after CES week. But hey, she hasn't asked you for anything for the meet yet, you might as well play it out. Note that unlike in many other places, when a Vegas stripper says "I'll hang out with you tomorrow for $500", it usually does NOT imply sex, so if that's important to you, maybe negotiate that explicitly. Are you sure about the $250? Could be wrong, but by very hazy memory, VIP was $200 plus mandatory drinks (at least another $50-$100), plus the girls and bouncer expect tips. Plus drinks on the floor are costly, you didn't buy her anything?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Butter Face Strippers: Yes or No?
    Depends on how butter her face is :) One of my favorite SC stories, my buddy and I were at a strip club a few years back. There's a stripper facing away from us with a picture perfect body, just perfect legs and one of the best asses I've ever seen, along with gorgeous blond hair. We're drooling over her, and she turns around, and she looks like a female version of a particular UFC fighter http://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/headshots/mma/players/full/2494735.png&w=350&h=254 We're like OH DAMN FORGET THAT. Then, she turns back around and, I shit you not -- she is so fucking hot from behind that we're like, "we over-reacted, that body is perfect"... turns around again OH DAMN. We left the club when I got buzzed enough that I was like "I don't care, I'm gonna get dances with her". Maybe the point of this story is that it's good to have a sober wingman.
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Cameras in the clubs (warning to owners)
    Interesting ... I've never seen cameras having such an obvious impact -- customers rage about them, but show up to the club anyway. I'm glad at least one segment of PLs is sending the right message.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Reasons i love SA
    -->"It is not very common to find a girl from SA willing to have sex on the first date, unless you've been in contact a lot via phone/text before the first date, or you're willing to make a very good PPM (pay per meet) offer." Again, it could be a factor of geographic differences -- and in particular, how desperate women are here, in the most expensive area in the country -- but not only is it NOT uncommon to find a woman who is willing to have sex on the first date, but many women won't even meet me without at least that as an option (I think they want at least a possibility of compensation, if they come to the meet&greet, and I make it clear that I won't compensate without intimacy). In other news, I"m pretty sure I had a first today: an SA meet&greet with a woman who was better looking than her pics. And not just a little bit -- 7-7.5 face in her pic, 8.5 face IRL. Maybe this is an omen. She was also one of the first in a while who insisted that the meet&greet be absolutely no-intimacy, and we could consider that for next time.
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    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    -->"Obviously you're into this girl. Obviously you haven't been with her yet. Obviously you're conflicted both about having to pay for it and about the fact that she's got a boyfriend who doesn't have to pay for it. And she's 19. So ask yourself this, when was the last time you were with a 19 year old? And when do you next envision yourself being with a 19 year old?" You two have some inside argument going on that the rest of us don't quite understand, but I'll say that that sort of feeling -- being resentful that you have to pay, but her 19 year old boyfriend does not -- is purely toxic. Best to find ways to move past those feelings... and again, for me, one of the positive things that open discussion of our love lives with my ATATF has done, is basically put things all out in the open... no dontask/donttell or other techniques that basically just hide what your relationship with her is. Anyway, that's what turned out to work best for me -- that, an spending more time enjoying my interactions with her, than being envious about others' interactions with her.
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    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    ... It's also a pretty good gut-check on where you are emotionally and whether you're really feeling any jealousy or not.