Stripper's birthday

avatar for theDirkDiggler
If you have a favorite stripper and it's her birthday (for real) do you give anything extra or do anything special for it?


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avatar for londonguy
7 years ago
Would she give me anything of value if it was mine? No. There's your answer.
avatar for londonguy
7 years ago
On second thoughts if she was a fav and I'd known her for a while if probably buy an extra dance or maybe tip her a little more than usual.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Well i certainly don't do gifts or anything like that. Heck, i've had girls ask me for stuff when it wasn't their birthday. What i would do is maybe do more dances with them or even a VIP (birthday sex! ah-ah-ah). And i might tip a little more than usual, but that does depend on the girl as well as the service she provided.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Oh and i would never go to a club on my birthday. You ever see what they do to the birthday fools that go on stage?
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Of course I would. By "favorite stripper" I mean a dancer I see OTC and have sex with on a regular basis. I have celebrated strippers' birthdays by taking them out to dinner and throwing them parties with birthday cake and candles. I have given them gifts from clothes to crock pots to cash.

Some of these strippers have done things for my birthdays too. I have received gifts such as clothes and trinkets and free sex. Of course, the dancers have not spent as much on me as I spent on them--but neither do civilian girls.
avatar for Cowboy12
7 years ago
I have given a gift to a favorite a couple of times.
But I think from now on I'll just tip her a little extra cash.
avatar for PeterEaster
7 years ago
I'm in the jackslash camp (you other guys must be hard-assess, lol). Like Jack, I like to celebrate a fav's birthday, usually give them a nice card with a $50 inside, and have taken a couple out to dinner as well. One dancer even got very emotional, said her Mom had baked her a cake, but otherwise she hadn't gotten any birthday cards or gifts.

I've also celebrated my birthday in the club with a fav, and always had a great time. Once when I went to pay my fav for a couple dances she stopped me, and said "that was your birthday present." Nice!
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I think any dancer would be happy for a tip, but if you know ahead of time, it’s nice to get her something. Many dancers don’t have a lot for close friends or family. If it actually crosses your mind, you might as well.
avatar for ChromesClassy
7 years ago
On my birthday my favorite regular brought me champagne (byob club since we are full nude), cupcakes, and gave me $100 tip on top of his normal dance purchases.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
My advice would be similar to the others - a little extra cash would be all I would offer. I’ve never gotten gifts for strippers.

If I was really feeling it - I might buy her a drink. But I think cash is the gift that keeps on giving...
avatar for scgato
7 years ago
On my atf birthday I gave her a stack and let her earn another one.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
Sure, I gave her a gift. But then again, I had a relationship different then a "normal" PL/ATF relationship. We had the PL/ATF one first, then discovered we had a normal relationship outside that realm. Turned out she was friends with my son and sort of became a friend of my family as well as the PL/ATF relationship.

I think the most expensive thing I gave her was a gift certificate for a spa session.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I get my ATF something small on her birthday. Along with some cash. I’m considering giving her the gift of me this year, and going to visit. Last year when I sent her $500, she bitched at me for not using it to visit.

For the MILF’s birthday, I assume she’d find it hard to explain anything else to her hubby, so I just give her cash.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
I've different things over the years, but these days, if she's a CF, I might not do anything but buy a celebratory shot that's higher quality than the usual shit I make her drink. If she's an ATF, I might do an extra VIP beyond what I normally do. In both cases, if there's a small fun cheap gag gift, I might give her that. Honestly, with my ATFs, I might buy them a gift if I thought that's what they wanted, but have come to really think that buying a stripper gifts is more about how it makes you feel, than about how it makes her feel (generally, she'll feel irritated that you bought her a gift rather than just giving her the money).

My best SC wingman is exactly the reverse of me, he makes a big deal about all his CF's birthdays, buys her a bunch of gifts, etc. Not my thing, but it makes him happy, so whatevs
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
It depends on how close the relationship is. Last month I gave my CF a humerus t-shirt. My ATF always got a gift for special occasions. Have they reciprocated? Well 2 of them have brought birthday cakes to the club for me and my friends. I'm sure that there are a couple of posters on here that remember that.
avatar for bubba267
7 years ago
In jackslash camp. Nothing to over the top but a nice dinner and gift card to buy something with.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

A "humerus" shirt? Sort of a Freudian slip instead of HUMMERus shirt?
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Damn auto correct. :)
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
+1 to the folks advocating small gifts (favoring cash or gift cards) but not going overboard into RIL territory. Thoughtfulness can pay dividends, but be realistic about the type of relationship you have (or more importantly, what you don't).
avatar for sshrfrsky
7 years ago
Buying a gift is complete PL territory and Im ashamed to say I have done it once years ago. Never have since and never will again. But if an OTC relentionship, I can see it. A little extra tip for ATF or CF I will consider.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I don't have faves - but if I did, I'd just prefer to give them cash as an outright gift and not necessarily as a tip tied to dances or VIP.

I'm Mr glass-half-empty - thus the fact that most of these girls often flake OTC even when they are bound to get paid, tells me they rather spend their time doing what they like and w/ their acquaintances, than spend it w/ us - IMO strippers spend time w/ PLs b/c they have to, not b/c they want to (of course there are some exceptions) - thus I would rather just give them a $$$ gift for them to spend as they wish, than take them out to a dinner that IMO they would most likely not rather do but would never say so.

I also don't like buying gifts for adults b/c it's hard to pick something out that they would genuinely like - IMO it's best to give them the $$$ so they can get what they really want.

I also don't believe in giving them a nice card - personally I don't think they really care (again w/ some exceptions) - cards are similar to flowers that are bought for them in the club and the dancer acts all fake-happy then throws them in the trash at the end of the night.

The over-riding reason strippers deal w/ customers is b/c of $$$ - and as long as that is the reason/source for the interaction, everything else is pretty-much of little-value, IMO.
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
Got my ATF a $100 Victoria's Secret gift card for a combination Valentine's Day/birthday present. It worked out very well. We were talking before I gave her the card and she was talking about a sexy teddy at VS that she was lusting after, "but it's $100 and I really can't afford that." I gave her a big smile, handed her the card and said, "Now you can!" She opened it and I was rewarded with a huge smile, a long kiss and a great session in VIP. The next time I was in, she modelled it for me. The gift that keeps on paying returns ;-)
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ awe! ❤️ That’s awesome!!
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I got My ATF from a few years ago some bath and body works on her birthday. She was appreciative as she didn't get anything from anyone else.

She returned the favor on my birthday by making me dinner.

My current fave I just texted her happy birthday a couple months ago. She happened to mention her birthdare in passing one night. I made note of it and sent her a message. I'm sure she was surprised I remembered it.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I’d probably just do more dances with her than I would normally do.
avatar for TippingDollars
7 years ago
No. Never
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