
Comments by Subraman (page 145)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big Game Tomorrow
    ""In America, people fucking hate soccer, and honestly, that's the way it should be. You kinda like soccer? I'm gonna pretend you didn't just make my dick go soft. Yeah, no, it's totally soft. I feel like it's just gone back inside of me... No, don't talk about soccer." -- Kenny Powers
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    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    ^^^ ANyway, not really "paying for conversation"... but suggest if you're not taking her for a VIP, you see if there's enhanced touching that can go on. The girls seem to LOVE the "let's fuck the club over" aspect; wonder to what extent that alone is appealing
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    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    You know, despite my protestations to the contrary, I got a reminder this week that I do sometimes pay for time ... sorta. This week I went to a lower touch club with some buddies, and was reminded of what my usual pattern is in such clubs. As my buddy went to the back with his stripper, I was sitting with mine with my hand down her back on her buttcheek. I was asking her if I'd be able to do that in the VIP, and her response was, "a little bit, as long as it's not too open". So, I suggested to her that the cameras could not see where my hand was at all, and if she was okay with a bit more contact here at the table, I'd be happy to tip her for a VIP. Her response was to left her ass up and drop it on my hand, so my fingers were across her asshole and pussy. Proposal accepted. This is, actually, a pretty common way that I try to get much higher contact in low contact clubs -- down the back of our comfy chairs, where neither bouncers nor the eye-in-the-sky can tell where my hand is or what it's doing. In such clubs, with a girl who is game, you can get more -- sometimes significantly more -- contact out on the floor, than in the highly-patrolled VIPs. Since in this area, the low touch clubs often have gorgeous girls, it's a basically acceptable value for me. Lap dances do little for me, so I'd rather do this than get lap contact.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    When you go get extras in VIP
    -->"Nicole is funny? Seriously? Funny? Never once." Trollwarnbot, may I submit that at this point, the persona whose main contributions is to tell us how funny all the other trolls are, is also obviously a troll?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Clubbing on a budget
    I just plain wouldn't go on $50. If you were thinking $50/weekly trip, I'd prefer to only go once every 6 weeks with $300
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    6 years ago
    Before dancers were famous
    There were a few girls I met who went on to become mid-level to borderline-famous porn stars, and one who went on to become a world-famous (or at least US famous) dominatrix. Not sure anyone would recognize names, but nothing on the level of Anna Nicole Smith, for sure
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    6 years ago
    Countering trolls by resurrecting dead theads
    -->"Lol I noticed some random thread about customer ratios got resurrected out of nowhere. " Not a random thread. My thought-provoking and sublime musings on dancer:customer ratios and the implications thereof. Ironically, resurrected not just by a troll, but basically Son of Mtent
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    6 years ago
    I Quit Drinking
    Let's face it, if you stop drinking at the club, the girls will definitely peg you for LE Time to take up AMPs, old bean
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would Like To Apologize In Advance
    amma hook you up w/ the people of walmart sponsorship bro!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    -->"I actually admire you bro... as well as I do with others on this site that are older and have been teaching me the ways to being a strip club Master" You have done well, young padawan. It's time for you to know the truth: Rick is your father
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    -->"My favorite spends 3 hours with me basically average time including dance time and the first time I tipped her $30 for that on top of the dance and she acted absolutely delighted." If we're buying dances, no one tips for time on top of that... I don't think that's what anyone in this thread was saying, DC. My preferred way to get my stripper money is to buy dances, usually one VIP per 60-90 minutes. OP was asking, if I let her sit with me that 60-90 minutes and then, for some reason, didn't want to do a dance (inconceivable, but I'll play along), what would I do? Answer: if a girl spends 60-90 minutes with me, and I never told her I was not going to do a dance with her, I think I'd tip her her normal takeaway after club cut from a VIP In real life, I like to just get dances though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would Like To Apologize In Advance
    Someone needs to mind meld with Juice to convince him that every thought that goes on in his head, doesn't need to be a new thread. Maybe one mega Juice's Incoherent Thoughts, Bad Advice, and Poor Choices for 08/10/18, brought to you by Four Loko and PeopleOfWalmart.com. Then, of course, a new one tomorrow.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Quit Drinking
    Mtent Adjacent in the house :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Why cant i rember dancers names ?
    I have two weird SC super powers. One of them is more like a curse, like "the troubles" in Haven. The other one is: my mind is like a steel trap for strippers names. My buddies and I can go to the club, meet a bunch of new girls, sit and get drunk with them, and the next day they'll all ask me what the names of their girls were. It's borderline embarrassing: "You were with Tia. You were Porsche. You were with Cashmoney".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    -->"I almost-always tell her sooner than later - if she doesn't leave then I don't feel obligated to pay her anything - if I let her go on for a while w/o telling her anything then I'll tip her something" Exactly ... the best thing about telling her you're not getting dances for her, is that if she stays, you're off the hook, that's on her. You don't tell her, but suck up an hour of her time, be a decent person and get some dances, or pay her some reasonable equivalent
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    -->"For whatever reason, you're not up for dances with her that day" Do you really need to be "up" to sit there and let her wiggle around on your lap? Okay, let's ignore that, and go to the question... really, all the details you provided about having a drink or talking about a variety of topics don't matter at all. What matters is: you approached her, and used up an hour of her time, without ever indicating to her that you weren't going to get dances. Different PLs have different SC-ethics here, but for me, I'm not looking to take advantage of anyone, so if I were going to walk away without getting dances, after using up an hour of her time, I can't imagine tipping her less than $40, and I don't think it's terribly unfair to compensate her based on my usual dance schedule: I usually do about 1 VIP every 60-90 minutes, which costs $100, of which the club lets her keep $70. If I use up an hour of her time, is it terribly unfair to give her the $60-$70 she otherwise would have made from me? That changes if I did indicate to her that I'm not doing dances, say. But why should I pay her less than I usually would, just because I'm not "up" for dances that day, for some odd reason?
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    6 years ago
    Really TrollWarnBot??
    -->"And lol! The Warn Bot is even more complex than I thought." I know! Nearly anyone else would say that a monkey could figure out who the trolls are on tuscl, but half the retards here are still "giving Mtent a chance" and the other half are still sending Nicole dick pics, so I defer to founder's genius in this area
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    6 years ago
    Really TrollWarnBot??
    It has been obvious for many years that founder is a top-shelf data scientist, but even in his expert hands, it takes a while to pick the right hyperparameters, activation function, number of layers in his artificial neural network, etc.
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    6 years ago
    Really TrollWarnBot??
    I happen to know that trollwarnbot is a deep feed-forward neural network, trained using petabytes of historical tuscl troll data on Google cloud TensorFlow. Founder continues to train the model via outliers, but so far the model predictions have been dead accurate
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    For those of you using SA--or thinking about it.
    W: ya, right now, with the filters I've always used, if I sort by Newest, by the time I'm 5 girls down, it's "joined 5 days ago". When the rush hits, "joined 5 days ago" will be several pages into the Newest search. Think it's just delayed here compared to where you are
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    For those of you using SA--or thinking about it.
    Oddly enough, I'm not seeing that at all... the past few weeks have been the slowest rate of new accounts that I've seen in a loooong time. Maybe it'll take an other week or two before it shows up here
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Juice and GACA hang out and then he’s quiet
    Juice, stop eating the other PLs, you bastard
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    When Trolls become pitiful
    Most of these trolls are pretty transparent after just a few posts. The pitiful thing is how many guys here, who manage to not get swindled by predatory strippers, get sucked in for weeks or months. Retards were still giving Mtent the "well.... I'm still not sure he's a troll" treatment weeks and weeks after it was obvious. Retards were falling all over each other over the wannabe pimp guy who basically regurgitated every basic-bitch PUA article and pimp article into a "how to pick up strippers" article, even as it became crystal clear to everyone with the minimum daily requirement of intelligence that it was all bullshit. That retarded "Stripper A stripper B" guy? how many serious responses Guys were responded to Nicole for how many weeks (months?) after it was obvious "she" was a troll, because ... well, I dunno why, because she has a female picture and name? The trolls -- probably just the same one or two guys, over and over -- are definitely not underestimating the gullibility of many tuscl posters
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    What a loser!
    flag, I can't believe no one has pointed this out to you yet -- there are multiple other threads about this already
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Hot spots out west ?
    -->"On a budget it is Portland, COI, and Phoenix" Interesting... I've had the impression that Portland has a zillion strip clubs, but mostly "pretty good" clubs, nothing to blow you away, like you might find in COI or Phoenix. I've been underestimating Portland?