Clubbing on a budget

avatar for UGK.22
Got laid off yesterday so I'll be on a tight budget to club on. How many of you guys do son on $50 ?


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$50 is on the absolute low end for me. It is two $25 dances and I can LDK in two songs but my realistic minimum is $60 for a good and cheap club visit. $60 covers a drink and two $25 lap dances with a minimal tip.
Thank god I have follies. At $10 a pop I'll be able to get five high quality dances that covers a hand job in my shorts
^ yeah $50 is a fortune to me if I go to a $10 table dance club but those don't exist in Portland.
Yeah guys near Atlanta are just blessed. If I was to club on $50 it wouldn't get me far

$10 at door
$5 for drinks
$10 for tips
$25 one dance
^ Luckily a lot of Portland clubs don't charge a cover but dammit I wish there were table dances out here. I got spoiled on them in Phoenix and Albuquerque.
Yeah I can't get a free day shift unless I spend $20 in gas lol
avatar for _Constantine_
7 years ago
Just buy some Monopoly money and write IOU on it. Make sure to stress you live on Park Place and things have just been slow after you went to jail and did not pass GO.

Works every time!
Follies is about the only place where you can have a pretty good time on $50. Otherwise I’d save up my $ and not go untitl I had at least $200-300 to spend.
Have you considered panhandling ?
I have a six dance minimum
Around here that wouldn't go far at all especially on night shift
I guess you could PM some of the elderly, impoverished members here, like @ flagooner, for tips on scrapping by on a fixed income (e.g. going to the club at noon to avoid the cover charge, eating the free lunch buffet, etc.)...but what you really should be doing with your time is looking for a new J-O-B, you lazy bum.
I just plain wouldn't go on $50. If you were thinking $50/weekly trip, I'd prefer to only go once every 6 weeks with $300
When I was a newb I could probably get by with $60 and feel like I had a good time - these day it takes a min of $150 and on avg $200.

As has been said, one can have an ok/better-than-nothing time at Follies with $50 but I probably wouldn't leave satisfied.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
There was a great value discussion the other day about working on your PPK (pocket pool king) game. Adherents of this system reportedly cut a hole in the bottom of one pocket and give themselves "the secret handshake" with one hand while tipping the strippers with the other. ref:…

Once you get good enough and the left hand knows what the right hand is doing so to speak, you can reportedly time the ending strategically while tipping. If you develop a rapport with the dancers you're tipping, you might even be able to find a PPQ (pocket pool queen) who encourages your tipping and allows eye contact as you finish. If you're really lucky, you might even be able to score some JOI.

One system that has been deemed ineffective and bothersome to the strippers is the "obvious boner method", walking up to the strippers and brushing against them. There is nothing in the literature regarding non-obvious boners (e.g., utilizing compression boxers under sweatpants), but it appears likely that boner obviousness is not the primary determinant impacting the success of this system. ref:…
My PPK game is so rusty. When I reach for more dollars in my pocket at the stage I may give myself a quick stroke but I can't quite PPK from it yet. After I get my LDKs down to half a song I may switch to PPK mode for a while.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
word to the wise - they might kick you out if the last dollar sticks to her ass
man. most of us are desperate for the female touch.
@ppwh how amateur. An experienced PL makes sure his last PPK tip is a $10 bill. Strippers always appreciate a "Sticky Alex".
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
*scribbles something down on page 32 of the spiral notebook*
Shit, going to a club with a short stack is like going to a barbecue offering steak, chicken, brisket, burgers and all the fixins only to be limited to eating a single hot dog. I don't think I'd enjoy a club experience where I had to sit there smelling all that good food cooking and seeing others chowing down, but not be able to dig in myself.
@rickdugan I see it more like only having the beans.
+1 Sir. Or maybe the cole slaw, lol.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
This is true. May be better to switch to a camming website
avatar for question_anon
7 years ago
I agree with two_bits, though I'm not going to be a snot about it. I'm sorry you lost your job, but if that's the case, you really should be concentrating on finding a new one and put the strip clubbing on hold for a while.

That's what I'd do. Even if I were in love with the girls, I'd tell them not now and go find myself a job. Money and your own financial security should come first.

Depends on your market but dayshift you can sometimes get away with 10 dollar cover no drinks and 2 20 dollar dances for 50.
It sucks to hear you were laid off. Getting laid off sucks. I’d recommend concentrating on finding a job. Finding a good job can be a full time job in itself.

Put effort into finding connections and finding whether their companies are hiring.

Don’t worry about clubbing with a little money. Clubbing is an expensive hobby, and it’s best to not spend your money on pussy.
Yeah I wouldn’t go at all until I got myself a new job
"... Depends on your market ..."

His market is Follies ATL - no cover on dayshift during the week ($5 on weekend dayshift) - $10 nude 2-way-contact-dances - he's in the right-market for value-SCing.
it boils down to...

Women especially the ones that you desire...

( should've been a few dots after the word 'women')
Save the money and go find a new job.
If I was unemployed, I would hold off on going to strip clubs until I found a new job.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
but how are you going to find a new job while being depressed about not visiting strip clubs? Sometimes you have to spend money to make money
If you need cash quick you could be a drug dealer

My ex husband had the best stuff. Too bad he won’t talk to me anymore
My first knee-jerk response when I read the question was to post what others did about finding a job before clubbing. But I stopped myself when it occurred to me that anyone who is unemployed, yet seriously considering squeezing $50 from his meager budget to club, has already blown past the common sense stage. So instead I took a different tact and tried to appeal to his inner addict by telling him that he wouldn't get his fix from it anyway. ;)
From what I've heard about Follies you may be able to have a good time for $50 but I wouldn't recommend going until you are back to work.

Just because you can have a good time for $50 at Follies doesn't mean that's the best way to spenf that $50. As much as I (along with most of us here) love going to strip clubs I don't think I could have fun spending money on strippers while I don't have a steady income. You never know how long you'll be out of work so that $50 may mean going without something important down the road.

Now once you are back to steady paychecks, I'd dedicate $50 or more from that first check to a trip to Follies.
I too was thinking an unemployed-guy should not be SCing - but along the lines of what ppwh mentioned, being unemployed can be depressing enough and going to a fun/lively strip-club can lift your spirits and perhaps motivate you even more to get a job either b/c your spirits were uplifted or b/c you wanna make $$$ to indulge in the future - plus 50-bucks is probably not going to make a huge difference.
^ Papi, if he only has $50 to spare in the first place, then his budget too tight to be blowing cash at a strip joint. What if an extra expense comes up, like the need to dry clean some clothes for interviews, or pay a parking charge at an office building he is interviewing in, or a medical expense with a copay pops up, or...[insert one of a 1000 possible things here].

1) how dare you question my advice


2) one can always come up w/ a reason not to SC whether one has a job or not - most people live at the level of their earnings; meaning if they lose their job most people are SOL or can only hold on for a short while - thus one can use the same logic of not SCing even w/ a job b/c they should save more for a rainy-day or retirement - financially speaking one will always be better-off not SCing whether working or not (unless one is worth a million or more at least)

Not having a job does not mean he should not do anything fun - there has to be some balance - and like I said $50 is probably not gonna make that big of a difference - if an emergency comes up then use a credit-card - yeah not a good-idea to live off of credit cards but having zero-fun just b/c of what may happen may be worse.

Like I posted; my first thought is one should cut all discretionary spending if unemployed; but if $50 is gonna make that time easier to deal with then it's not a huge investment/drain - unlikely $50 will be the difference b/w being homeless or not.
If the guy has a family to support then that's a different story - but I get the sense the OP is a single young-guy
I agree guys.. this guy should get back in his feet and conserve his funds
omgoodness... it's a terrible situation to be stuck in
I recall in the late-2000s while living in Dallas that I had a plan to go on a SC trip to ATL for the first time.

I was getting done w/ one project at work and had another one assigned to me that needed attention ASAP - I already had my plane ticket and hotel booked so I could take-off as soon as I had finished my current-project, but ended up cancelling the trip b/c I thought I should "do the right thing" and not delay the next project even more that it had been delayed due to a lack of manpower at the time - one year later I ended up losing my job in the 2008+ financial crisis and never made it to ATL till about 3 years later - i.e. you never know what the future may hold and having some fun and enjoying oneself while you can should be taken advantage off - i.e. in my case "doing the sensible thing" really didn't gain me anything except losing an opportunity to have a good time when I could (which I subsequently couldn't do for a while b/c I had lost my job and thus couldn't take an ATL SC vacation).
I think many of us probably spend more $$$ SCing than we should that most-likely could be put to better use.
what better use is there for money than to enjoy a pretty girl?????
^ investing in Juice's startup
LMFAO damn right papa

Act now and help me kick off my commercial cleaning business
^ we need to get in on the ground-floor - literally
yeah I'm on the ground floor.
looking for a pretty pussy.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
7 years ago
*Shrugs* I may be in the minority, but id suggest going to SC while being unemployed *if* you are collecting unemployment, not married, and dont have any mouths to feed. As someone who has collected unemployment while single SCs were a great place to relax and build confidence before your next interview. Think of the swag you will have talking to your coworkers after a fresh LDK Think of your fav as our new coworkers. In respect to SC's id suggest cutting back on trips to where you can have 100 to spend. Also dont go to clubs where you have a tip parade and if possible try to figure out when there is no cover needed.

Again these are rules to follow if single, no kids, and collecting unemployment. If you are married with kids perhaps learning to love your wife may help.
^ yeah - you wouldn't want to LDK during the job-interview b/c you're so backed-up
^ then again, is there ever a bad time to LDK? That would make for a great post.
Puta Tonta posted: "@RickDugan

1) how dare you question my advice


LOL indeed. No Mensa membership needed to figure out that a guy who can only spare $50 for clubbing might be better served hanging onto it and silly rationalizations won't change the fact that his situation is a little tighter than most others who are pissing away cash in clubs.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of another backhanded club ad for Follies. At least it's not the Dallas clip joint this time. ;)
avatar for NJBalla
New York
7 years ago
@papi_chulo As we learned this week once you LDK "you are playing with house money". If I LDK during a job interview that means im killing it! You will be wearing a black suit and don;t have to hug anyone so you're in the clear.

In all seriousness I really advocate heading to the strip club when unemployed. The waiting game can be mentally tiring and looking at beautiful women is a hell of a lot healthier than drinking or other vices.
The one time i was unemployed and relied on a meager unemployment check that didn't even cover my main expenses as i also relied on savings and credit, i don't think i visited a strip club once. Now there was a different more recent time that i was disciplining in saving almost all of my discretionary income for a few months and having only a fraction left for SCing.

At that point, i only went once a month to my favorite club and once every other month to a second favorite club. The other clubs completely fell out of the rotation. But i still budgeted similar amounts of money as before for each visit or around $500 with the understanding that i didn't have to spend it all and roll it over to my next monthly visit or so, and i may have been a little more tightfisted than usual.

Now if i only had $50 to spare for once a month or even twice a month, i would be realistic and forgo clubbing with the intention of getting lap dances or more. There is no club near me that gives satisfactory $10 lap dance(s), even on their discount days. So $20 lap dances are closer to the minimum. I also don't like doing just one dance. I have received a single very high/ultra high mileage lap dance on occasion, but that was usually from a girl that i had no intention of making her a regular or favorite. And i usually tipped fairly generously on top of that single dance so around $40 or so for that one dance.

Oh, i forgot about 2-for-1 specials. A lot of girls tend to mail their performances in for these specials. And i would have to reject numerous girls as i waited for the promotional feature and even during the feature to get the one i was interested in dancing with and there would still be no guarantee that i would still get with the girl i wanted to dance with. And even if i did, the dances could still suck. So that strategy isn't ideal either.

The last option would be to go to an eye candy club and just tip on stage and maybe one or two $10 floor dances if they were available. Otherwise, probably no dances. I would also try to go when there was no cover and try to avoid the servers/bartender (or get the cheapest drink, often with special/happy hour and milk that) and stay as long as i could before running out of money. Not the experience i currently seek, but one that i might have to settle for and still enjoy somewhat.
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