
Comments by Subraman (page 144)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Size of your wallet
    You got to play with her titties? I'm still waiting for that. Next year, she says
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    6 years ago
    Size of your wallet
    -->"Understand what lines she won’t cross and respect them" You had me 100% until this. I mean, yes, earn her trust. But one of the benefits of being a trusted regular is that her "lines" will move over time -- if you gently push on them. nicespice's Indian guy and I both want to stick our fingers in her ass; the only difference between us is that his approach is obnoxious and sometimes rape-y, whereas I am insidious. He'll get yelled out, but I'll be two-knuckles deep in a month :)
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    6 years ago
    Size of your wallet
    For girls that value regulars (not all do), being a consistent low-overhead regular can be a high value, overshadowing "size of wallet" at times. That is, sometimes some chump will tip my ATF $100 at the stage, and the guy probably has some big $$$ to spend if he's throwing that away at stage, but she'll still come back to me, even though she'll only be getting $200 (or whatever) per trip from me I'm not necessarily low overhead, but that has seemed to be ok
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    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    The tag team for this saterday 8-18-18
    Jesus. You managed to put together a lineup where Juice is the hottest one.
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    6 years ago
    Average TUSCL user age
    -->"And how long have you guys been active on this site?" In its current form, I've been active on this site for 2 or 3 years or so. However, I was active previously on this site, back when the "forum" was a simple flat text format... does anyone know when the initial incarnation of a tuscl forum was? Late '90s? Whenever it was, that's when I was originally on, before everyone from my area left for a more local forum
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    $300 seems like the optimal number for a single club visit
    -->"The town hooker is only $50" Yes but how often can you have Juice blow you before you get bored of it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    $300 seems like the optimal number for a single club visit
    It is the exact correct number for everyone, everywhere. Agree. :) Smart-assery aside, that's the right number for me, too
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Travel Around
    How to politely declined a sexual offer but maintain the business of the client
    This is the natural end to the relationship. He wants a service you don't offer. Unless he's a desperate RIL who'll just keep spending and fantasizing, it's over -- I assume it's obvious to tell the difference between a RIL, and an extras-focused customer
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Juice Intervention
    Stop fooling around guys, this is really important anZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZzzzzzzzz
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Useless fact of the week
    -->"Lol Subraman that's not a palindrome." REads the same forward and back! Yeah, the first part is technically Klingon, but stil...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Useless fact of the week
    Ren ob a emg nivige rallauoy you all are giving me a boner
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Text messages with CF
    Ya, if we made a "top 10 things newbies should read" list, this should be on it. TFP, it's a weird thing -- I remember back when I used to think "it's easy to get caught up in feelings and make a bad choice" in this scenario. I *remember* feeling that way, but it's completely alien to me now, it's like the switch turned off. If anything, I am suspicious and irritated, and put the stripper (or sugarbaby -- SA is just as bad for this behavior, as strippers) on "one more fuckup and you're gone" classification. She does it more than once, she's gone. And I'm not remotely ever tempted to give her the $, beyond "I can meet you OTC tomorrow" type things. That's why I think it's so good for beginners to read this. They get confused because it feels so personal -- not only might she not like me anymore if I don't give her the money, but how touching that when she's in trouble I'm the white knight she comes to. They don't realize that it's exactly the opposite, she not looking for her personal hero, she is trying to figure out how weak of a little bitch you are. It's not touching, it's the first step in a hustle. It should get you angry, not tug at your heartstrings
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    -->"Your stripper doesn't sound like con artist or anything like that. She's just good at her job. " I think that's worth re-reading. I've always felt it was victim-think to pay a stripper to treat you like a king, and then yell "con job!" when she treats you like a king. It's a con job if she starts whispering how she's developing "real feelings", etc. Otherwise, you paid her to make you feel amazing, and she's over-delivering -- if yelp had stripper ratings, she'd get 5 stars. If YOU misinterpret everything and get inappropriate feelings, that's your fuck-up, not hers. She's delivering a top shelf experience, all for $250 every two weeks. Alas, if you're not experienced, it IS easy to misinterpret what's going on. Social media gives the illusion of closeness (*and* scientifically proven to trigger a dopamine rush, so she's lighting you up even when she's not around). VERY easy for a non-PL to underestimate how valuable a consistent regular is to a stripper -- "she ignores all her other customers, and I'm only paying her $250 every 2 weeks, and BTW, I've started going more often and spending more, but yeah...". Etc.
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    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    GACA didn't call it a 7 month rule ... he was just observing that OP and his ATF had been together for 7 months, and pointing out that "Any girl (civie, stripper or otherwise) who hasn't fucked you within 7 months of knowing you is playing you." Frankly, I (and I suspect, GACA would agree) think even 7 months it outrageously too long
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    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    -->"Hers a way for you to test her feelings for fou, invite her out to dinner, and make no mention of money, real friends that enjoy your company, don’t expect to get paid for an evening of your company. If she asks how much you know where you stand, regardless of what she says to you it’s all a hustle." The only weakness in this is that sometimes, strippers will go out to dinner with their fave customers for free. I've had a number of ATFs who would meet me for lunch or dinner before or after their shift, or whatever, no charge. It might be rare, but you'll get some false positives. Now, if you're getting the SEX for free... you've got something
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    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    Nearly all of us have fallen for it once. Once is all you need. The simple test -- stop paying her -- is all the defense you need, next time you start feeling all rainbows and unicorns with her
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    -->"She's told me about her personal life and a lot of other things that you wouldn't normally expect from a stripper. I think it's the fact that she allowed me to see her personal side, her life outside her profession. It makes everything seem too real" I know it makes it feel that way to you, but as jsully said, they all do that. Well, maybe not all, but it's very common. I am not being hyperbolic here: there is literally nothing in your story that isn't incredibly common -- blowing off other customers for her regular (which you are), etc. You just haven't run into it before and she's good enough to make it feel organic. -->"She's on my mind 24/7 and I can't get her to leave my thoughts" She's a good stripper. Lots of her customers feel that way, most likely.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why Can't All these Trolls Be @Dougster?
    He's definitely the daddy
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New to TUSCL and I have a question for all you strip club veterans
    Every one of us have lived that story a dozen times over, and have seen guys come in with the "she's doing this and that, what does it mean?" question. The answer is always the same: she's a good stripper, it's her job to make you feel this way, that you're special, not just a customer, etc. I guarantee she has a number of customers who feel the same way about her. If you want to tempt fate to see where things really stand, stop paying her. It's the only way to know -- the girls are better at acting "real", than we are at detecting their hustle, always. It's not unheard of, but pretty damn rare it turns out to be real romantic interest. She might like you as a customer. *as* *a* *customer* Agree with houjack that at this point, you're probably a regular in love -- this path leads to heartache if you don't get the "what does it mean?" out of your head
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why Can't All these Trolls Be @Dougster?
    Fuck you for putting me on your top 10 list oh shit, wrong acct
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why Can't All these Trolls Be @Dougster?
    There's a LOT of trolls and fake accounts, I could easily see a few people being involved. Pretty sure Nina just caught another of juice's, right? I'd say there is a 100% chance that Dougster is behind at least one or more of these. There's no such thing as a guy investing so much of himself trolling on a website, seemingly on at all hours, and then just disappearing. Every article about internet trolls paints the same picture; Dougster just decided to retire his "dougster" persona for a while. Absolutely no chance he's gone. But, I'd guess there's a few people behind these. Maybe lots -- at least one person has told me in DM "I'm the so-and-so troll", maybe lots of guys are having fun at this point
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What causes you to go to one club over another?
    ^^^ I've spent the past year spending more time on SA than SCs -- actually, as I look back at it, *far* more time on SA, I didn't realize at the time how much difference there was. In the past 2 months I've gotten back to the SC and it's like I hit the refresh button, definitely super enjoying it again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What causes you to go to one club over another?
    Numerous options here, but the clubs are different from each other -- from super-high-$ extras, to lower-$ extras with gross ghetto girls, to super hot no extras, to hit-or-miss hot no-extras, etc. All of that means that if I know what kind of experience I'm in the mood for, it's usually easy to pick the club that matches it. Usually, that means a club that serves alcohol, hit-or-miss lineup hotness & low hustle (the alcohol club w/ super hot lineups goes high-hustle when the # of customers hits some critical mass, it's how like grasshoppers know when to turn into locusts). The couple of clubs like this I enjoy, I put in the little bit of effort to be on good terms w/ the manager, bartender, bouncers, this can pay big divididends. More rarely, I just want the kid-in-a-candy-store experience and take a risk going to the super hot alcohol club (I turn around and walk right out if I can see we're in locust territory), or go to the hit-or-miss extras club
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big Game Tomorrow
    -->"LOL. I'm glad I don't give you a boner." Well then, you should be a little sad right now. Just semi-sad.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Love Canal
    What does the term "full service" include?
    If it's really full service, she should also check my oil . If you know what I'm saying. And I think you do.