
Comments by Dacandyman (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    First I've Heard of Something Like This
    Guys it rly isn't funny to joke about stuff like this. And Alucard is a nice guy. When has he been mean to you guys?? It would be one thing to poke a little good natured fun at him but accusing him of somethin like that isn't nice at all. I think that it is rly different for an 19 year old to be. Involved with somebody close to the same age that for a bigger age difference. The 19 to 14 age difference does seem a bit much tho. But I don't think Kaitlin is dangerous or anything and prolly she wouldn't do this again with another as young a girl so a more mild punishment might be better.
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    11 years ago
    Madonna-Whore Complex
    I'm not sure I follow SlickSpic? Do you mean like viewing your girlfriend or wife as Madonna and the strippers as whores? Shouldn't you sometimes view your girlfriend as a whore? In a good way tho. Not anything sick. By the way, I'm liking my new iPad. It helps me write less sloppy. And my iPhone voice recognition stuff has never been able to understand the word jizz. I'm feeling bored on my trip but I did get apple swag from my folks.
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    11 years ago
    F-Closing a Technic
    This post gives me a headache Thx for sharing tho
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    11 years ago
    Dumb joke of the day
    Really cool guys. LOL. But I don't know if I want to eat a doughnut from somebody's schlong. Cool. The iPhone recognizes the word schlong. Still can't get it to recognize the word jizz. That time it came out as jitters.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How to have sex with strippers
    And Mr. system 2 you shouldn't have a white power avatar that's not cool. I don't like racists we should all try to treat each other nice.
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    11 years ago
    How to have sex with strippers
    I'm going to write a review of the Admiral in Chicago cause I was just there. The girls are really hot. But I didn't think they would be anyway of getting anything extra and I didn't even try. If you have Rick you're being pretty cool.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    jacking off in the car after a few laps
    And I think jacking it anywhere you can it's cool. As long as you don't do it in front of somebody who doesn't want to watch
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    11 years ago
    jacking off in the car after a few laps
    I joked about jacking it in the men's room after looking down a woman's shirt. Some of you guys thought that was kind of sick. I'll let you guys guess whether I actually did that or out. By the way voice recognition gets the words jacking it. Pretty cool
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New members
    Boss player I'm not sure why you're being so hostile but I wasn't trying to be hostile to you. I was actually talking about Mr. system 2. Mr. system two is clearly trolling Rick Duggins system By the way I was pointing out that Mr. system 2 had a white power avatar and my voice recognition read it as white collar. So maybe my post didn't make sense. I don't like this white power bullshit. All races should try to get along. Although I'm still enjoying my iPhone's voice recognition I'm seeing all the places where it gets what I say wrong. It is kind of funny Swiss I'm not sure what you're talking about. Ranukum said that all of the new users are juice aliases. I thought Joker420 one he said juice was banned. Well he said juice was dead but I interpreted that as banned. Zip has been nice to me but I'm not him. I think some of the new user posts are kind of funny so I'm not necessarily complaining. I'm just curious And boss player. Since you're being hostile to me I want to take my jellybeans I'll let you know that I've already jizzed on them. Using this voice recognition is going to be hard it doesn't recognize the word Jizz. It actually wrote it as Jesus and that's really funny. So get your own jellybeans please. Unless you want my jizz!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New members
    When the post that Juice was dead didn't that mean he was banned? This voice recognition is really funny when I said juice it heard it has Jesus. I had to retype.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Liquid Lapdance Pants Guarantee You'll Bust a Nut at the Strip Club
    Whoops. I'm still learning this voice recognition. Condom sounded like condo to my phone. In fact I had to retype condom.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Liquid Lapdance Pants Guarantee You'll Bust a Nut at the Strip Club
    I wonder if this liquid lab dances just like wearing a lube condom under your pants. That actually sounds kind of gross. But it also sounds kind of funny. Maybe I should try walking around with a loop condo on my dick. That would be really really funny I like my joke about the doggie collar.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How to have sex with strippers
    I'm sure Mr. system2 was just joking. At least I hope you was. I know I'm new here but a lot of this arguing over the system and stuff like that really isn't that funny. I'm going to go back and read the system is it an old post?? I just try to use common sense when I go to clubs. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. But that is part of the fun By the way guys I'm using the new voice recognition feature on my iPhone. I just got a new iPhone. It's great because it takes care of capitalization and stuff for me. I don't know how to make it right sentences though. I keep clicking done and then typing a period Cool I think I realize how to do it I said period it typed it. Of course now I don't know how to type the word period Without turning the voice recognition off. Do any of you guys use the voice recognition on an iPhone?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Buy one girl next one free
    ony bad thin would be a bite job :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Buy one girl next one free
    mikey02 i guess once is to much for some ppl :) im sure ur jokin so ill bite. blow jobs ar almost always good. i sometimes ask ppl who has two thumbz an likes blow jobs. the answer is this guy so yes a two for one blow job is good
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the problem with tuscl
    thx ranukam. i didnt kno cause im new. im just gonna ignore his bullshit. now everybody knows i dont like asswholes that say that KKK shit. but bonesbrothers does not say much so easy to ignore. i will post a review next time i club. Thx for being cool
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Super Joke for Zip
    prty cool mikeya02. i used to watch buffy the vamp slayer an that reminds me of the one with invisible buffy where spike was fuking her. i wold have prefer invisible spike and nakked buffy cause i like jerking it to her
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets talk about two faced pricks.
    i agree with motorhead. juice says some funny stuff but he shoul dial it back a noth or two. the big thing that i think he should do is show respct to ppl who dont wanna join in the silly stuff. shadowcat has never joined in on the stupid stff so out of respect u shouldny shove it in his face i think it is differen for guys who join the silly threads just to complain an criticize others. ive got shit from some foks just cause im sloppy and dont use perfect grammar. im just jokin. cant u tell its a joke when i say i put a doggy cone on my dick?? i rly do like candy an prolly eat to much so that is the truth. an i am perma horney so thats true. but dont be silly that i actualy had the doggy cone or stupid stuff like that. the worst guy for this says he is away an hopeful he will come back in a good mood an not give ppl shit all the time. out of respect i wouldnt put stupid jokes in to a sereous thread. that would rly help juice
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    what is your kind of lap dance ?
    thats rly funny slickspic it would be cool if there were strip clubs in airports
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers in the Olympics?
    that funny libbaicini.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Chill out dudes
    ur a nice guy to juice. u seemed jerky when i first read ur stuff but i see that ur just jokin around. i think some folk are actualy jerks I need some more bon hits and a pack of twizler peel an eats an maybe jerk it to some good porno. maybe ill watch shane diesel put his giant cock up som little blond girls asswhole to get the taste of ths racist crap out of my mouth
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    stop the KKK bullshit
    thx kingxgorilla. i just dont think that stuff is funny. maybe if bonesbrother apologizes ill think hes ok but rite now i consider him an 23cambyman who is makin up crap to be the two ppl on this bord that i consider real jerks. im a peaceful guy but i dont like h8ers or racists or homofobes ur cool tho. u keep bein u too! peace out. no h8
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Chill out dudes
    ur cool motorhead. i just get pissed of fat ppl like bonesbrother an 23cambyman who dont seem to make any contributins and just insult ppl. 23cambyman has been on my ass since i started postin for no good reason. there are ppl here whi are clearly way smarter than me or that asswhole 23cambyan who are a lot nicer but Im cool now. ur video is pretty melow. ill have to watch it agin after a few more bong hits
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    stop the KKK bullshit
    23cambyman if bonesbrother is an african american rapper he is a rly shitty one cause he writes like a KKK asswhole. plus he shows no talent for language. im sloppy when I rite but i can recognize good writing and a real MC could talk circles round u or bonesbrother. so i will issue a chalenge to u and bonesbrother. explain y a stupid post insulting juicebox69 should use the word n$gger. u dont even know if juicebox69 is black or white or chinese or whatever. how can u justify writing that KKK bullshit?? an bonesbrother if u are rly african american how can u justify talkin like a KKK racist?? an change careers if ur rly a rapper cause u suck at it so what will it be 23cambyman an bonesbrother?? are u men who wil do the right thing an apologize or maybe just go the fuck awayor are u a pair of pussies?? an 23cambyman i may have made an ASSumption but ur the one who putthe ASS in there u asswhole
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Mnnnnn You Cant Roll This Troll
    at least ur tryin to be funny unlike 23cambyman. Im not sure exactly what he does herer xcept criticize ppl. that is one reason why i love readin stuff zipman68 posts bout 23cambyman cause zipman68 is clearly a lot smarter than that asswhole. a whole lot smarter so peace out lordxbety. im not that sensitive or i woulnt make up shit like wearin a dog cone on my dick so I dont jerk off to much. I just dont like that wannabe KKK asswhole bonesbrother and was feelin pissd off