stop the KKK bullshit

avatar for Dacandyman
i dont know what race juicebox69 is nut calling him a n$gger is srsly not cool. i think all of us should tell bonesbrother to shut the fuck up about this racist crap. im a pretty peacefil guy cause i mostly just like to smoke weed an eat candy and watch porno. but I also exercise a lot and Im sure i could kick bonesbrothers ass if i ever met him and i would because anybody who uses that word who isnt a african american rapper is a racist asswhole that deserves to get their ass kicked

truth be known i dont even like it whan rappers or chris rock use that word but at least they are recliming a word used against them or trying to make a point. bonesbrother ur just being an a sswhole. go back and suck the grand wizerds dick u worthless sack of crap

i think everybody should criticize bonesbrother for this so nobody else does it. we should all reject racism

23cambyman ur all upset with juice cause he posts to much. altho i find some of juice stuff kinda funny I also agree. juicebox should post lesss but make each post funier or about strippers or porno or somethin relevent. but bonesbrother using the n word is srsly wrong. Where is ur moral outrage?? u got on my case for bad grammer and spelling well i can spell better when i have to i just dont wanna have to focus that much when i joke around on the net. but Im not a peace of racist KKK krap. so u should show moral outrage to

and if this was a joke bonesbrother it was not funny. u srsly need to apologize


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avatar for LordxBetty
12 years ago
This Post is Seriously a Big Fucken Joke MEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEE Go back to going to the path of Diabetes and go spank it on your computer you loser. Meheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mnnnnnnnnnnnn
avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago
that is not cool lordxbety. i totally mean this and u shoul also shut up cause ur not that funny. ur not that racist but ur also not funny or costructive. it is ok if u wanna joke but dont do it here and learn to be funnier
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
candyboy- bonesbrother is an african american rapper! Please post your apologies to him and all the other members of this forum for making an ASSumption. Now go back to eating your twizzlers and watching your porn!
avatar for LordxBetty
12 years ago
avatar for KingxGorilla
12 years ago
From my time being here so far Candy, I found that there is a small handful of people on here that are legitimately racist while others I believe do it just to spark a little conflict in the boards, just ignore it, and continue doing you...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
BonedBrother is just comical. Will call people "niggers" in one post and then chide others for their lack of "emotional intelligence" in another.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Imagine a deep southern white guy in his 70s saying "look at those niggers and how they have no social intelligence". That is BonedBrorher in a nutshell.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Lol ^^^^
avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago
23cambyman if bonesbrother is an african american rapper he is a rly shitty one cause he writes like a KKK asswhole. plus he shows no talent for language. im sloppy when I rite but i can recognize good writing and a real MC could talk circles round u or bonesbrother.

so i will issue a chalenge to u and bonesbrother. explain y a stupid post insulting juicebox69 should use the word n$gger. u dont even know if juicebox69 is black or white or chinese or whatever. how can u justify writing that KKK bullshit??

an bonesbrother if u are rly african american how can u justify talkin like a KKK racist?? an change careers if ur rly a rapper cause u suck at it

so what will it be 23cambyman an bonesbrother?? are u men who wil do the right thing an apologize or maybe just go the fuck awayor are u a pair of pussies??

an 23cambyman i may have made an ASSumption but ur the one who putthe ASS in there u asswhole
avatar for Dacandyman
12 years ago
thx kingxgorilla. i just dont think that stuff is funny. maybe if bonesbrother apologizes ill think hes ok but rite now i consider him an 23cambyman who is makin up crap to be the two ppl on this bord that i consider real jerks. im a peaceful guy but i dont like h8ers or racists or homofobes

ur cool tho. u keep bein u too! peace out. no h8
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
*** BOOM Dacandyman slam dunks those racist asswholes 23camby & bonerbreath!!! ***

Juice and Candy are right about 23camby. I've tried to reason with that twit but he's really just an "asswhole". All he and bonerbreath deserve is derision.
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Look at the 3 stooges zipturd,candyfaggot, and sippycup again accusing me of being a racist when no one knows what race I am and I have no idea what race juice is (with as many different aliases he has, such as candyman and zipturd, he probably acts a different race with each personality to appeal to the public). I challenge each of you to write coherently for a week. GOOD NIGHT!
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Looks like I touched a nerve.....sippycup wins agsin !... ***Boooom !*** cambyass pussy
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
You my man zip ! I like wen you suck my dick !
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Looks like I touched a nerve.....sippycup wins agsin !... ***Boooom !***
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