
F-Closing a Technic

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 5:10 AM
t me say right off the bat that I am in no way an expert on the method. I've only Let me say right off the bat that I am in no way an expert on the method. I've only just started learning and trying to improve myself. However, I have found that while just started learning and trying to improve myself. However, I have found that while I still have difficulty in running game on regular HB's, I am a natural when it comes I still have difficulty in running game on regular HB's, I am a natural when it comes to to strippers strippers . I have f-closed more than one without even trying. Here are the . I have f-closed more than one without even trying. Here are the general guidelines that I live by in a club: general guidelines that I live by in a club: 1. Never never never get a dance from a 1. Never never never get a dance from a stripper stripper that you want to f-close. By that you want to f-close. By getting a dance, you have just become a customer and not someone that they will getting a dance, you have just become a customer and not someone that they will want to go home with. Remember, most of these girls will dance for money, that is want to go home with. Remember, most of these girls will dance for money, that is their job. If they go home with a customer, they have just become an escort in their their job. If they go home with a customer, they have just become an escort in their minds. Some don't mind this, but the majority do. minds. Some don't mind this, but the majority do. 2. Strippers are used to men staring at them all the time. If you want to take one 2. Strippers are used to men staring at them all the time. If you want to take one home, you must be vigilant about NOT being every other guy. It'll be hard, but don't home, you must be vigilant about NOT being every other guy. It'll be hard, but don't look them up and down when the come walking up to you. look them up and down when the come walking up to you. 3. Let them do most of the talking. Again, this'll be tough because we learn to 3. Let them do most of the talking. Again, this'll be tough because we learn to DHV DHV by controlling the conversation. However, you can control the conversation by not by controlling the conversation. However, you can control the conversation by not saying anything at all. When you sit back and let them do all the talking, that is the saying anything at all. When you sit back and let them do all the talking, that is the ultimate sign of disinterest. They will try harder to get your attention, which is what ultimate sign of disinterest. They will try harder to get your attention, which is what you want. you want. 4. This could be one of the more important of my guidelines: Make friends with 4. This could be one of the more important of my guidelines: Make friends with every bartender, bouncer, manager, etc in the place. If they know your name and every bartender, bouncer, manager, etc in the place. If they know your name and stop to talk to you, you have just become the stop to talk to you, you have just become the alpha male alpha male in the room. The other in the room. The other guys are going to look at you like you are someone important - and you are. The guys are going to look at you like you are someone important - and you are. The girls will look at you as someone whom they have to gain the respect of. girls will look at you as someone whom they have to gain the respect of. 5. You have to be prepared to throw all of those guidelines out the window and 5. You have to be prepared to throw all of those guidelines out the window and improvise. I have walked into a club for the first time and left a few hours later at improvise. I have walked into a club for the first time and left a few hours later at closing with a stripper. closing with a stripper. 6. Have fun. They may be working, but you're there to have fun. Smile. Talk to 6. Have fun. They may be working, but you're there to have fun. Smile. Talk to everyone. Make sure that people know you. In general, run everyone. Make sure that people know you. In general, run the game the game on everyone on everyone because having the entire place know you is the ultimate because having the entire place know you is the ultimate DHV DHV in a strip club. in a strip club. I'm sure that these guidelines that I live by have been taught by one of the PUAs, I I'm sure that these guidelines that I live by have been taught by one of the PUAs, I just havnt got to that part my journey yet. just havnt got to that part my journey yet. Hope this helps.


  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    This post gives me a headache Thx for sharing tho
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    The Technic's I like are the one's and two's.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Couldn't read it. Clean it up before you send it in next time.
  • JackFrost9
    11 years ago
    Your kidding me
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    This is an idiot.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Pick-up artists are mentally handicapped.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Lol....this guy is a faggot
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Excuse me, could I get a quick female opinion on something?
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I really hope that mrsystem does continue to improve as he says. He certainly can't get any worse at communicating.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Lol ! Very true jabhut
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "this guy is a faggot" And are you Homophobic BigTuna1?
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    This post is too long and I don't like the white power ppl on this board. Mrsystem2 still has a white power avatar. I have been listening to NPR in the mornings about civil rights and saying this white power bullshit is just as bad as the hateful ppl in the sixties. Don't hate
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    And don't be homophobic. Alucard is right.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Ignore the trolls
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Schizophrenia much?
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