
Comments by MojoDojo (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    "Strippers are better than real friends. They don't make you watch Dancing With the Stars or ask you, 'do these jeans make my butt look fat?'" True...funny as shit but true!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    Juice, Juice, Juice... You're ALWAYS a bad boy! Juice Crew!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    May 13, 2013
    Done smacked some bitches asses and got mine smacked in response...good times, good times!
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    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    Careful Ms Duo you're gonna hurt his feelings and then he'll call you bad names...
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    11 years ago
    A question
    ^^Actually she's asking if we think the offeror is serious and presumably if we think that they are would we comply. The answer to the first part of your question depends on the circumstances under which I was asked. If I trust the person regardless of the duration of the time I've known them I would treat the proposition as being serious. The answer to the second part for me would be no because sex slave has specific connotations that my not yield a pleasurable outcome for me personally. That's not to say that I wouldn't enjoy a little role playing with some BSDM component to it. But that's just this man's opinion. YMMV
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    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    Hmmmm, so yes you called me a complete fucking asshole and I don't deny you the right to your opinion. Did you read my response to your post? Of course not and how do I know this? Quite simply because I didn't respond to your comments. I can see that someone could perceive my actions the way you did and I bear you no ill will on that point. Live and let live I say. No flag, no foul. That doesn't mean I agree with you and in the case of your premise here I believe that it is flawed and I said so. More specifically my response was aimed at you for the very same reasons that sclvr mentions, namely that of late you are a whiney bitch of a person at least on this board obviously I have no idea about your life away from the TUSCLverse. So while I take no offense to your comments on my post and chose to call you out on this one the two are actually unrelated. Furthermore I don't hate you or anything else you and I certainly will not be stalking your posts and looking for opportunities to flame your thoughts and ideas but take a good look in the mirror and give yourself some afirmations because if you're worried about making enemies here start by being nicer to yourself and stop the nasty tirades that infurate folks. That's it I wont comment on this subject anymore....OAO
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    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    So if I understand the OP correctly the finite number of original ideas means that all new ideas are just rehashed old ideas unless they're stupid in which case they might be new ideas but regardless nothing is cool unless the jerikson thinks it is. Hmmmm sounds to me like a tired old rehashed sentiment espoused by a tired old PL who needs to take his iron tablets and get off his high horse.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    San Antonio Bound...
    Yeah, I've read 15 ~ 20 reviews and have actually done a couple clubs in Austin but I haven't done any in SA. Thanks for the leads I'll follow up on them and see what comes of it. Cheers!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    San Antonio Bound...
    Yeah, I've read 15 ~ 20 reviews and have actually done a couple clubs in Austin but I haven't done any in SA. Thanks for the leads I'll follow up on them and see what comes of it. Cheers!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Amateur night
    Ditto on Club_Goer's comments. The intangible element is if a waitress or other non-dancing employee is going for the win too. Often the other dancers and regulars will go ape shit for her even if she sucks like a Hoover. I say go for it and go LARGE!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    No touch, or worse no lapdance, clubs. How do they even stay in business?
    Props to you Mr Papi_Chulo!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Phew!!!! I thought for sure tha... Uh, what? Oh, uh, what? Do I know you?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    PL Scale...
    @ Jackslash - I would vote for the latter of the 2 i.e. that PL is humorous term. And thank you for the contribution as well as the closing comment, point taken 8-) @ Clubber - in the absolute I believe you are correct but this exercise is an attempt to collect various dimensions that make up our individual "idea" of what defines a PL. Like motorhead said above, dancers consider low financial investment a dimension so that can be quantified to a degree sufficent to incorporate it into a rateing. The result like assigning a "hotness" scale to women is inherently personal i.e. your 10 and my 10 will invarribly differ, but it is still a usefull tool on the outset. So I am still curious about what criiteria can be used to quantify a PL and now I'll shut up.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Worst Scourge...
    ^^ Bwah Ha Ha Ha...That was going to be option D but I thought that the other three options wouldn't stand a chance if I included it. Thank you Mr. Cat I needed that this morning. 8-D
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    11 years ago
    Road R-R-Rage...
    Amen brother ^^ "Adversity is the first path to truth." -- Lord Byron
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    PL Scale...
    ^^So the "how often" component is a number consiquently easy to quantify. The "taken advantage" part requires some thought. First what is the difination of "taken advantage of"? is it money spent/services renderd ratio? i.e. $500 spent and no services renderd vs $500 spent and OTC FS with a BBBJ on the way to the hotel. If that's the case then what you need to do is quantify that outcome on a scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 whatever suits the case best. In order for it to work though one has to enter into the arrangement with the intent of acquireing services for a fee IMO.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Road R-R-Rage...
    Naw, fucking Google ratted me out and now I gotta do some damage control... To answer your next logical question...Yes I do know what a fucking PL I am...(hangs head in shame)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    No touch, or worse no lapdance, clubs. How do they even stay in business?
    I bow to your experience and wisdom (not to mention your prodigious research) Mr Cat. I would simply suggest that not all GFE is a) with a prostitute and b) involves BBanything. Perhaps it's time to coin a new acronym that aligns with the reality that I described and have experienced for the last 20 something years. Perhaps...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Road R-R-Rage...
    Ok so I had to change out my nick name but it's me and I appreciate your comments immensely. A couple clarifications are in order... First and perhaps most importantly I haden't had a drop of alcohol to drink in any form Friday night (long story) Second it was 2:30am and the roads were pretty much deserted so collateral damage if something went wrong was virtually impossible. Third the roads I was on are designed to accomodate communters in the subburbs outside Washington DC and are wide, well lit and don't have turns that exceed 10 degrees of radius. You wouldn't know it by the incident that I described above but I am actually quite sane and even though I admit I do drive too fast most of the time I dont rat race through traffic. I don't drive one of those tuner cars and look for kids to race. I tend to pick a lane aand stay in it for the long haul especially in rush hour grid lock. My primary driving rules are 1) be predictable and 2) don't do anything to adversly change another drivers speed or direction (obviously that doesn't apply to cars behind me in traffic). All of that having been said I am appreciateave of the comments and agree with most. In retrospect it was an exceptionally foolish thing to do. I should have simply waited for him or them to get bored and drive off. That would have been a better solution than getting all jacked up on "testosterone" and acting the fool. And as far as the bat goes I don't have a conceal and carry permit so no gun in the car, I have a knife in the car too but its primarily there incaase I gotta cut my way of the seat belt or break a window to eescape so I didn't grab it but my bat, well he's a friend and an insurance policy cause you just never know who's going to try and fuck with ya. Anyway I thought y'all might think that the incident was entertaining and frankly I feel lucky to be able to say that nothing much came of it except a shatered sideview mirrior and a pretty accelerated heart rate.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers with good attitudes.
    Amen Mr. Cat...I am with you 100% Looks are important She's gotta be fine... But a good attitude will open the doors to my gold mine. I'm just say'n
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    No touch, or worse no lapdance, clubs. How do they even stay in business?
    Ok so I've been reluctant to kick in on this topic even though I have some relevant experience because I've noticed a certain tendency by some of the more tenured members here to lambast any SC activity that falls short of fucking a dancer in the ass on stage during her set for $20 in quarters.  I'm being facetious here guys but you know what I mean.  One of the side effects (I apologize for straying a little off topic here) of the fervent opinion that anything short of FS is unmanly is that I'm sure many members who aren't into the FS scene are not likely to post for fear of incurring the wrath of the rest of the pack.  Obviously there are exceptions but still I think you get my drift. So with the knowledge and expectation that I'll probably irk some of you I'll attempt to shed some light on how the clubs that the OP asked about not only stay in business but actually turn a pretty healthy profit. The obvious answer is, as has been stated by others already, through the sales of alcohol and to a much lesser degree food.  But knowing full well that that answer is unsatisfying because after all in order to make money you need a customer base that is willing to pay your exorbitant drink prices day in and day out.  Enter, stage right naked or semi-naked girls. "WTF?" you say?  "No touchy feely equal no interest/no $$$," you say? Well as a senior executive member of the royal order of PLs, lodge 69, Mendocino CA, I am here to tell you that there exists a category of SC aficionado who dotes on the Girl Friend Experience (GFE).  Now I am not trying to insult your intelligence.  I know that probably without exception you all know about GFE but I believe that most of you underestimate the numbers of us out here who truly enjoy it. Let me develop my hypothesis a bit further here. I believe that there are roughly 3 main clientele that frequent "no touch" clubs: 1) Those seeking the GFE with attractive young women, 2) Rowdy young bucks who think that they are going to score one of the dancers OTC and 3) Voyeurs who just want to sit and watch.  Obviously there are others like bachelor parties and out of towners stopping in but in reality those tend to be exceptions and you can't really build a business around them.  My experience in DC over the past 20 years has been that the rough ratio is 75/5/15 during the day shift and 50/30/20 during the night shifts with the numbers shifting even more on Fri and Sat evenings to something like 35/50/15.  Before you call me on the mat looking for my data tables I'll confess that those ratios are entirely based on my observations and the many conversations I've had with the girls that work in the clubs I frequent.  In short I ain't got me no "real" data just that fucked up anecdotal stuff and shit. Of those mentioned above I am closest to the GFE crowd because frankly and honestly I am one of them, while at home at least.  I am an animal of a different color when I hit clubs out of town and truthfully I enjoy pretty much everything on the menu.  I'm not sure if y'all know what makes us tick but I can tell you that the sensation I get when I'm hanging with my ATF, a 20 year old hottie with perky natural tits and an ass to fucking die for, and we're cuddling and smooching in a dark corner of the club, is as potent as any FS act I've ever experienced and I've had my share of "excellent adventures" in that regard.  I believe that it generally boils down to brain chemistry and I get a heaping helping of dopamine every time I visit her so so what if I'm never going to fuck her.  In a certain sense I don't want to fuck her because frankly it isn't likely that it can live up to the fantasy I've got playing in my head. So any given day you will find a dozen or so middle aged business men with decent disposable income sitting around with doting young women, paying them for the fantasy of "being" with them.  Mixed in to that crowd is a handful of voyeurs eyeballing the girls as they dance and also as they hang with their Men and a handful of young turks getting up close and personal stage side giving them a gynecological exam and thinking that they will get "lucky" with a cleaver line or witty reportage.  That's 20 ~ 30 guys ordering $8 drinks for a couple hours with the occasional "bottle" at $300 ~ $700 a pop.  On weekends double and triple those numbers and wala you have a business that leverages the power of pussy to drive the engine of pushing drinks to the clientele I described above...or I'm completely full of shit.  After all "Everything on this site should be considered a work of fiction."  Y'all can decide. Juice Crew!
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    Curious Dancer Pt 1 - Visions of Ecstasy
    Thank you Steve3003. I do appreciate your sage advice and keen insight but it's hard to chill out when you're a cranky old fuck as you should well know. As for the advice of mondo bongo hmmmm well if you happen upon him or her please enlighten me (lol). Again thank you oh so much for the enlightening repartee Steve3003 or should I just call you "them grand pa"... (Sarcasm paid for by Depends undergarments. When does Steve3003 wear them? Well it depends...)