
Dancers with good attitudes.

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, May 12, 2013 9:40 AM
Yesterday one of my favorites came up to me. We had done VIP last week. She asked "Have you been cheating on me?" with a smile on her face. She said "I don't care, I just want to know with whom" So I gave her the names of the 3 dancers that I had already done dances with that day and she said "I approve of them". I wish there were more strippers out there like her.


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    All I care about is an enthusiastic attitude and willingness to please me. Other dancers are none of their business.
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    I have one like that, she likes to "approve" of the other dancers I "cheat" on her with. Its clearly not a possessive thing, just something we both get a few laughs out of from time to time. I agree, its a pleasant change from the catty "oh you touched that dirty skank..." type of shit some of them spout out.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I was visiting Jacksonville FL fairly often for a while anon one of the girls at the (now closed) Dollhouse would ask if I wanted dances from other girls and go get the girl for me if I said I did. Told me she didn't want me to think she just attacked me when I came through the door. Never seemed jealous. Not bad at all...
  • canigetlaid
    11 years ago
    Yeah I prefer the ones with good attitudes. I just go there to have fun and when they understand that it makes the night better. I love to interact with others sometimes. I guess I know they don't all get along but red flags just go up when a girl talk trash about the other girls and I just met her. Esp if I know the other girl.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    It's certainly is freshing to have favorite dancers that know that although I've come in to see them, they understand that I'm likely to get dances with another dancer while I'm there. Not quite on topic, but a favorite story of mine about a dancer with great attitude: I had "loaned" Dancer "A" $300. It was my rule that I wouldn't get dances from her again, until she repaid the loan. So, even though she hadn't repaid the loan, she did a very nice thing for me one day while I was in her presence. She and I were sitting close to the stage. There was a fabulous dancer, Dancer "B," that just arrived on stage--exactly my type. I was in awe of her. After her stage was over, Dancer "A", said, "Would you like me to go get her for you?" I said yes. Not only did she, but Dancer "A" gave Dancer "B" a glowing recommnedation on me; Dancer "B" and I hit it off very well, and seven years later, I'm still a regular of the Dancer "B." Even though Dancer "A" couldn't repay the loan, she was very gracious and did someting nice for me instead.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I got several girls like that. They know I like to play the field, but that they will get some of my money. Girls who are not like that are the bitchiest bitches.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I prefer a dancer who is successful enough that she's not going to waste time worrying about who else I'm dancing with. In fact, I hope she is just pleasant and courteous with me as a smart business practice, but doesn't give much of a shit about me otherwise. Although it's fairly mild, it's a-hole-ish of a dancer to "approve" or not of who else a customer gets dances from. In spite of the age difference I often find common interests with dancers. But please ladies, spare me your faux interest in me, don't need or want it.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Club Goer for $300, I would want Dancer A to introduce me a woman who looks like Kim Kardashian and waits up on Christmas Eve cause she wants to ask Santa to be her fuck-buddy.
  • crecat03
    11 years ago
    It is refreshing to see the girls not be protective or too competitive. I had a similar experience today and there's a good chance it's the same dancer SC referred to. After 4 songs with us both clearly enjoying it, I decided to stop so I could save some for another specific dancer. She said "I would want to save some for her too." After chatting for another 5-10 minutes she went to the other girl (who was doing a lap dance) and said "it's your turn to go dance for [insert my real name]."
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    I agree shadow.....it goes a long way for me 2
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Good attitude is like white wine, best served chilled.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    "I don't care, I just want to know with whom" yeh... and then she bitch slapped those other girls silly in the dressing room after you left
  • MojoDojo
    11 years ago
    Amen Mr. Cat...I am with you 100% Looks are important She's gotta be fine... But a good attitude will open the doors to my gold mine. I'm just say'n
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    I went to see a dancer a while ago and she was with another guy. When she went on stage I went to tip her and let her know I was there. She stopped by on her way off stage and said she was going to be busy for an hour+ in the Champagne Room and she did not want me to wait so she was sending her friend. Wow her friend was at least as good looking and was ready and willing. When I saw the first girl a few days later she asked if I had a good time cause her friend said that she did. She said liked me (really my wallet) but she was not jealous and we all are there for a good time, just avoid and she gave me names of the dancers in the club who were possessive or ROB's. We had a good time while is lasted until we moved on. I do not got to a club to have an exclusive relationship nor do I want one that is why I do not have a fav nor a regular club I always go to.
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