
OT: The biggest immediate threat to the US is Trump

Although it is EXTREMELY unlikely Trump has any real chance at winning the presidency, It is not unfathomable to imagine a scenario in which this clown was actually voted in. If this disaster did happen, it would truly be the end of the US world dynasty.

Trump is riding the animosity towards illegals to gain power. He is saying he will round up all 12m of them up and deport them. That sounds eerily familiar to a well known leader in Germany that used the jews to gain power in Germany. No one is really calling Trump out on this BS.

Other genius tidbits - the use of drones on American soil to bomb drug cartels. How about “taking out” ISIS as soon as he is president. The list goes on.

The fact that this dude is leading the polls right now is fucking crazy. It would tear our country apart if he was actually elected.

Again, I know he has a snowball's chance in hell but just the fact he is getting so much press is truly disturbing.


  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Trump is an even bigger nutcase than you are, Lone_Sheep.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Well since you're in AZ you know first hand what crud he's pandering too. I've seen more than a handful of his supporters in GA, all repeating his nonsense, all believing he is right because he's rich. I'm just hoping his supporters do what they always do and stay home yelling at the TV's while finishing their bucket of Miller Draft at home. And not the polls
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Trump is a threat to the Republican Party and who ever it nominates. So I am all for him!

  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Trump is a fucking clown, I think he and his supporter are in for a big letdown when it comes time for us to actually vote.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Pfffffttt, I will prefer Trump over any libtard, specially this cunt Hillary.
    It's a pity I am not a citizen - I would vote for him. He is not my favorite Republican but since right now he has more support than any of them so yeah, he would get my vote. I wish, Democratic Party would get abolished in the U.S, tbh. In Russia we can't stand these liberal weirdos.
    Also I don't understand what's up with recent Western tendency to compare disliked politician with Hitler, lol. Firstly Putin, now Trump - c'mon.:))
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    If anyone here votes for Hillary, keep it to yourself.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "Can anyone explain why US immigration laws shouldn't be obeyed and enforced?"

    Because they are rooted in racism.

  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Dancer95: "Also I don't understand what's up with recent Western tendency to compare disliked politician with Hitler, lol"

    Nothing recent about. Check Godwin's Law, however. Lol!
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    @Sjg, how come they are racist?
    @Dougster, damn right! I think, I started I started noticing that only after Vladimir was compared with him, sigh.
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago

    Trump is no threat to anybody. You want to know the biggest threat to America? You hairless apes. Stupid ass hairless apes like all of you are destroying the planet and Trump is no better and no worse than any of you.

    You're all pissing in your pants over al Qaeda and ISIS and crap like that. Wait till you see a brigade of lions wearing suits and carrying AKs coming right at you.

  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    Remember Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 tax plan? He was leading the GOP pack about this time four years ago. I think he's delivering pizzas today.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    The media are also ass clowns.

    I think Trump is an idiot, but a reporter described Trump as "former reality TV star"

    She must be a 22 year old former stripper if she thinks that's how he became rich and famous.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    sjg posted: "Trump is a threat to the Republican Party and who ever it nominates. So I am all for him!"

    Sadly, there is some truth to that. Even more so if he is the one nominated. A hard core anti-immigration candidate might be able to win over enough insular right wing extremists to secure the Republican nomination. However, he will never capture the Independents or a decent % of the Latin block, both of which are needed to win the general election.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Trump is a badass
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    ^ Ikr
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    If we can make it till January of 2017 and be rid of the socialist he have now, we can survive anything. Well, maybe not another 4 or 8 years of another obama type. Luckily, carter only had 4 years of damage to fix.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @lone_wolf “If this disaster did happen, it would truly be the end of the US world dynasty.”

    that boat has already sailed. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the leading contenders. and Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush…???? fuck, just fuck… how in any fucking sane state of consciousness could ANYONE consider any of these imbeciles, incompetents and lying, thieving whores for elected office?

    i’ll tell you how. because America has become nothing more than a festering toilet of pussified politically correct dinseyland-like entertainment tv shows 24/7 but mostly because the average voter (both right and left) is a complete fucktarded idiot (eg. that idiot and racist piece of shit san_jose_guy).
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    The establishment has already thoroughly divided the country.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The democrats like illegal aliens because they assume if they can get a certain percentage of them to vote even if not legal, the votes will count as they likely did in the past and a democrat ends up on top. I got some junk mail recently that suggested that before Obama leaves office he may say screw u, American people. declare martial law, disband congress, and give amnesty to illegals so that they can all vote for a democrat. he can offer them social security and medicare benefits further screwing existing Americans who paid taxes for this all their lives. congress won't be around to contest the martial law.

    I might laugh except I got similar junk mail during the Clinton term saying he would be impeached. well they tried. it was half right. bmaybe Obama won't screw us all over. he did push through higher taxes and higher health care costs for almost everyone. I now pay a whole lot more for medical insurance. if you don't sign up for something, you'll pay extra taxes.

    republicans know illegals Will vote democrat so they don't care for that. there were a number of reports of illegal voting in key areas but of course the democrats blocked efforts to verify election results except via all electronic means so there is nothing to contest.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    trump is riding the anger against politicians in general.

    if he did win, he would make the budget deficit explode while saving billionaires and millionaires billions and millions in taxes. I guess everyone else would end up paying either through higher taxes to pay the huge deficits or he would slash spending on social security and Medicare and everything else. a number of his businesses went bankrupt I read.
    he'd probably still do better than Hilary though. it wouldn't surprise me if Hillary would require an extra tax on all men just because she would argue men need to pay because women according to one survey don't make as much. that is correct. I just do not agree that someone working as a female waiter should be making as much as someone like me who has a college degree and is working in a job that requires a college degree. these surveys on men and women group everyone together and don't compare apples to apples. Obama and Hillary ignore all that information.
  • ww
    9 years ago
    Well, someone HAS to win the presidency and Trump's chances, until proven otherwise, look pretty good right now. I think some people had similar feelings on Reagan, Jesse "The Body" Ventura and Arnold Swartzn*** and they won. For the average voter, not paying much attention or wanting to research, you pretty much vote for who you know and everybody knows Trump. The money is on him to win, unless the media pulls up some type of Cosby/Jared level scandal to put him under the bus. To OP: It is far from EXTREME that Trump could win.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    well they're all clowns in Washington so whats one more?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    This topic really does not belong on this web site. No need for any of us to get in pissing matches over the candidates. Having said that, I'm with Dennis Miller in that I will vote for whoever opposes that cunt Hillary if she gets the democratic nomination. Like Dennis said, she claims to have not known about Bill & Monica. How fucking dumb.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    my junk mail suggests there might not even be an election. I mean if Obama declared martial law due to whatever crisis he created, then he would be the supreme ruler. no reason for an election if you have no congress and Obama rules by executive decrees.
    one hint that this may happen is that Obama is more concerned about getting results he wants rather than going through any legal process requiring Congress.

    one crisis that could pop up would be the US losing our reserve currency status and trillions of dollars flooding back to the US. china, Russia, and other countries are working on it. gas over $20 a gallon, ground beef at $60 a package, eggs several times higher. I could see Obama getting that done. trump would never be president.

    hopefully this is all hogwash but I see things going on to support it. China has been buying up gold for years. the US debt and future obligations come up to over 9 trillion dollars which is probably like $750,000 per family of 4. no way people can pay for it all. there won't be enough money to pay for it all. the shit will hit the fan at some point and people won't get paid social security, Medicare, etc benefits they were promised or our currency won't be worth very much. I hope it is slow and gradual and a combination of cuts and inflation rather than a disaster. our elected government made the mess but it was the people who voted for all this. over half feel entitled to it all.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    should have been us debt and future obligations are over 98 trillion dollars not 9.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Maybe its this currency crisis? (Just got up to take a piss and what do I see...)
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    news update, Hillary leading the polls, trump in second. shangai market down over 8%, sp500 futures down about 50 points already, Dow futures down over 400 already. we're doomed. we are doomed. in other news NASA denied that there is an asteroid heading for puerto Rico that would wipe out most of the is east coast and cause a global extinction event, they hired a former Baghdad news information for pr and said there is no asteroid.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The GOP has always been mean spirited IMO, with their hatred of LGTG people, women, poor people, people of color... and Trump is the epitome of mean spiritedness. He's the perfect candidate for them. And the irony is his programs will cost more than any tax and spend Democrat! Deporting 11 million people? A wall with Mexico? I have faith we as a country are smarter than Donald Trump.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    And @sharkhunter now probably richer than farmerart with puts he bought last week. Good job!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    to go along with this thread, watching resident evil extinction. I think I never saw the first part of the movie. we're all doomed.
    On the bright side I was expecting a market bounce and almost bought a leveraged bullish stock Friday evening but changed my mind within 2 cents of an order going through. close call. what would trump do? he wouldn't care. it's peanuts for him.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    actually didn't buy puts. I missed out. oh well.
    I recognized one pattern to have made a fortune a few days too late.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    The two things that don't make any sense about Republicans is that they claim to be all for big business and for removing illegal aliens. Never mind that big business can't survive without hiring illegal aliens.

    Also, Trump is doing well with low information voters, and one thing about low information voters is that they don't know when Election Day is.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Being something of a libtard, I guess it's none of my business, but when Republicans could get behind a SMART person who's a bit of a sleazebag like Newt Gingrich, why do they mess with a dumb person who's a total worthless sleazebag?
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    "...one thing about low information voters is that they don't know when Election Day is."

    They sure as hell knew about during the last two presidential elections (OK, so Romney would have won had the base come out). Any thinking person would never have voted for obama. Funny how libs knock Trump as inexperienced and support obama.

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Also, Trump is doing well with low information voters, and one thing about low information voters is that they don't know when Election Day is."

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The immigration laws are rooted in xenophobia, the fear of some "other" sorts of people multiplying and taking over. It has been like this in the US ever since the very first attempts to control immigration.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Whether Republican or Democrat, in the grand scheme of things all these candidates are the same. Trump would definitely be different, maybe America needs change. Trump is definitely a looney tune though.
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    Just because someone is anti illegals doesn't mean racism. Illegals can be any race and just because someone is Hispanic doesn't mean they are illegal. Many of us want illegals gone because many are on welfare (get it through their kids), are criminals or take jobs away from low income Americans (many are black or Hispanic).
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    So apparently ~20% of people polled favor Donald Trump for president ? Sadly, that says more about those 20% than it does about candidate Trump.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think Trump entered the race just for kicks,, maybe with bill and Hillary egging him on. now he might be thinking, hey I might be able to win this.

    he's got the lying part down good. first he says he wants to cut his own taxes, then he says he wants to raise taxes on the rich like him. yeah right. you never know though. 51% voted for Obama so that means anyone could get elected.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I guess if 51% believe every lie a politician says, anyone with enough money could win.

    I do not want Hillary though. I expect our economy to be in the dumps whenever the global debt problem hits here. I expect Europe to go down first though.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Flashback 2007...

    Although it is EXTREMELY unlikely obama has any real chance at winning the presidency, It is not unfathomable to imagine a scenario in which this clown was actually voted in.

    Lone_Wolf, it can happen.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I saw a clip where trump said he supported Hillary in 2007. it sounds like same ol same ol but trump is more entertaining to listen to.
    they said Ronald Reagan was an actor, can't be president too.
    Russia went on full military alert when Reagen joked "we begin bombing in 15 minutes!"
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    With a strong leader, there is always a hint of possible in something such as "we begin bombing in 15 minutes!"

    Obama's Syrian red line was a joke and it is easy to see the repercussions.
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