
avatar for grinddawg
I've only been here a few weeks. And it looks like I haven't missed much. There seems to be a lot of negativity here, and instead of people finding common ground in this hobby of ours, there seems to be a lot of duds who think they are "superior" because they pay less, get better mileage, do things a different way, etc.

I posted last week about my fave getting a little weird one day. Within hours, 2 posters were criticizing me because I don't attempt to get higher mileage from this woman, who happens to be a very nice person and young enough to be my daughter. She is remarkably hot and really nice. She gives a good grind and is fun to talk to. Where else can I get a early 20's Latina knockout grinding on me and hanging out with me? For me, it's fantasy come to life. Sex with her has never been a goal. I enjoy my time with her for what it is: the company of a fun young woman who I believe is amazingly hot. I know some of the girls who will do more in the club if that's what I'm after. I also know it will cost me and possibly fuck up my business relationship with some other girls there. If some of you guys want to pay for extras, that's good for you. But not everyone is looking to get laid or a blowjob or a hand job when they go to a strip club. And the fact that you are looking for more, does not make you any better or smarter of a person than I.

Then, we get guys belittling others about overpaying in comparison to "market rates". Someone please enlighten me as to the mythical "market rates". I used to go to massage parlors when I was younger, and girls will ask for different prices based on their ethnicity, possibly your ethnicity/appearance, the location of the establishment, their mood that day, etc. The Vietnamese girls would want more money than the Chinese girls, etc. Every dancer will charge what she thinks is right. Some dancers feel they are worth more based on their looks and they have every right to charge what they think they are worth. There are no objective market rates: that is a myth. It all comes down to what the customer is willing to pay and what the dancer thinks she is entitled to.

Regarding "The System", I started reading some of the threads, and I still don't know too much about it. A guy wears a suit to clubs in towns where he's not a regular and has some techniques he uses to increase his chances of getting good action OTC. Sounds pretty harmless to me. And it seems like the guy is having fun using his method. Some people may disagree with it sure, but is it necessary to make continuous threads calling a guy a "fag" and say he strokes off the bouncers? At some point, you have to wonder about the mental health of the people who keep repeating the same shit over and over.

I guess this site is a microcosm of what is going on in society as a whole. So much negativity and cowardice and name calling in the media. I was watching the UFC last night, and read today that one of the fighters retired after winning by a knockout. Next thing after his interview, one of the media guys is talking shit, questioning his decision to retire and name calling.

It's pretty sad to see some of the negativity here. But at least I have the Ignore feature.


last comment
avatar for hiroaki
9 years ago
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Nobody's forcing you to stay here. Don't let the door hit your geriatric ass on the way out.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
It's not a PLUR crowd, but it's not that bad
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Don't come here all innocent and whine about "negativity" and "cowardice" when you oh-so bravely sit anonymously behind your keyboard and spew misogynist crap like you did in that other post. You reap what you sow.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
G-dawg- I haven't posted on any of your prior threads, but you have to take what many people say on here with a grain of salt. Only when people cross the line and get personal talking about your family members does it really cross the line. I put the one asshole who did that to me on ignore.
Most of the discussion posters on here do go for extras and otc. That doesn't mean those who don't won't have a place in the discussion. There are many other posts on here. Chime in on the ones you want to and don't on the others. There will be some who will ride you to see how thick your skin is. If there is someone who bothers you, put them on ignore. Then you never have to hear from them again. Like most places on the internet there are trolls. I hope you decide to stick around.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Lopaw - I must have missed that. What post was that?
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Ok just found it. She does have a point G-dawg. I can't condone hitting a woman under any circumstances.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Ok just found it. She does have a point G-dawg. I can't condone hitting a woman under any circumstances.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Ok just found it. She does have a point G-dawg. I can't condone hitting a woman under any circumstances.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Ok just found it. She does have a point G-dawg. I can't condone hitting a woman under any circumstances.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Ok just found it. She does have a point G-dawg. I can't condone hitting a woman under any circumstances.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Dammit - phone messed up and I thought it want working and I kept hitting post comment. Sorry guys.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
You're quicker than me, rh48hr :)
Old, and still don't know how to not to let people you don't know hurt your feelings... hope that rob Latina stripper of you're so friends with takes you for every last penny and you find out just how much friends you are when she completely disregards you as a customer friends and person.
The OP is correct about the obsession of Dougster and his aliases with the System. But Dougster is not going to stop no matter what any of us say or do. I think most of us have just become resigned to it and barely notice any more. It's kind of like an irritating buzz in your head that never quite goes away. It's always there but after a while it blends into the background and you barely notice it.

As to the other issues that you complain about, I think you need a tougher skin. If people criticize you either ignore it or defend your position. If people repeatedly and seriously irritate you, put them on ignore. I had several people calling me a liar earlier today just because I share stories of sexual adventures with my stripper. Sure I'm disappointed at some level because I'm only trying to share my exploits with like minded people. But I was over it before I responded. Why should it bother me? Ive got my DS, and that's all I really need.

This place is dysfunctional, but if you hang around you'll find that somehow it works. It's not always pretty, and it's not without conflict, but it works. And I've learned tons about strip clubs through the years here. Hang around, learn, teach us, and don't take the crap personally.

Also, if you need help falling asleep, that's a good time to read through SJG's posts. One or two is usually sufficient to knock me out.
^dysfunctional doesn't even begin to describe it.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
For falling asleep, I think abovetopsecret with the black background option is the best for falling asleep. I wouldn't be surprised if the darker light aids in falling asleep. I read the typical white light from computers and phones and tablets will keep you up longer.

Microsoft should know all about js69 his emails, any conversation he had while his computer was on, etc. after he updates to Windows 10 if he didn't opt out of being spied on and tracked. We can write to microsoft to verify accuracy of the stories and obtain pics. Well I'm sure they would only sell stuff for profit. Mainly for advertisers though and whatever deal they got going on with the NSA.
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
"1 Hour Ago • Don't come here all innocent and whine about "negativity" and "cowardice" when you oh-so bravely sit anonymously behind your keyboard and spew misogynist crap like you did in that other post. You reap what you sow."

I am entitled to my opinion, am I not? Where I come from, a woman calling a man a "bitch" is grounds for cutting her down to size.

Not everyone thinks the way you think. Grow the fuck up, bitch.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
No you creepy old fuck -YOU grow the fuck up and learn some respect you piece of shit.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Oh let me finish piece of shit BITCH.
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
Yeah, I have put GAYca club and the other douche on the ignore list, and will keep monitoring. Just because someone is willing to pay more or not looking for sex, that doesn't mean their way of clubbing is wrong. And I really don't need lectures on political correctness from some shit for brains on a strip club discussion board.

I saw that guy call you a liar. My interpretation of the tone of his post (which could be wrong) is that he thought your reports were too good to be true. But I know first hand that when you find a young one who is still new and hasn't developed into a shark yet, they tend to be more real (not completely real) with customers and less of a scam artist.

"As to the other issues that you complain about, I think you need a tougher skin. If people criticize you either ignore it or defend your position. If people repeatedly and seriously irritate you, put them on ignore. I had several people calling me a liar earlier today just because I share stories of sexual adventures with my stripper. Sure I'm disappointed at some level because I'm only trying to share my exploits with like minded people. But I was over it before I responded. Why should it bother me? Ive got my DS, and that's all I really need."
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
"Oh let me finish piece of shit BITCH."

avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
And lopaw for the win!!!!!
Lol yup....grinddouche is a real piece of work.
Maybe his old nan diaper needs changing?
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago

Nod off on your meds, pops???

avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago

hell you pansy asses don’t know how good you have it. bitching and moaning about trivial shit like the lousy sandwich your woman makes you. that kind of shit is all well and good for the coddled and safe middle classes playing arm chair hero from the comfort of your couch but in my day we were lucky to have a kitchen for the little woman to be barefoot and pregnant in much less any thought of having the fixin’s for a sandwich…

we were a lot more concerned with getting back at the damn Nazis for bombing pearl harbor. you all have it too damn good that’s all i have to say about it
I love it, he actually has to pay people to talk to him LMAO, I'm sure it because he has a great and positive personality.

I feel like we should stop picking on this weirdo, sure we're bring up some very painful childhood -Jr High- and especially High school trauma

avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
No GACA - this whiney faggot BITCH brought everything on himself. He sounds so old he probably doesn't even remember high school. Did they have high school way back then?
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
I understand OTC is a goal for many members. Fortunately?, where I reside, I can drive 9 or 10 miles and get extras in the club if that's what I really wanted. Granted, many of the gals who offer extras tend to be older or less attractive, but that's neither here or there. My point is why does some joker in the peanut gallery feel the need to consistently attack me because I mentioned I enjoy this young woman for her attractiveness and personality and regular lap dances? He is free to pay for sex if he wishes. Personally, I don't feel that type of vibe with her. I bask in her hotness and it's a fantasy for me that ends when I leave the club that evening. No numbers, no emails, no Facebook, I see her when I want to and enjoy my time and compensate her fairly.

Just like the System. One guy made up a system and uses it to get OTC action. Good for him. Do a few trolls need to regularly and repeatedly attack him because he does things differently.

And the nincompoop lopaw and her brainless followers just reinforce my point. They attack me because I said I would put a woman who called me a bitch in her place. I never said hit a woman. If you saw that, please copy and paste that.

It's the typical liberal and feminazi bullshit and political correctness that's infected this country like a cancer.

"1 Hour Ago • G-dawg- I haven't posted on any of your prior threads, but you have to take what many people say on here with a grain of salt. Only when people cross the line and get personal talking about your family members does it really cross the line. I put the one asshole who did that to me on ignore.
Most of the discussion posters on here do go for extras and otc. That doesn't mean those who don't won't have a place in the discussion. There are many other posts on here. Chime in on the ones you want to and don't on the others. There will be some who will ride you to see how thick your skin is. If there is someone who bothers you, put them on ignore. Then you never have to hear from them again. Like most places on the internet there are trolls. I hope you decide to stick around."
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
More trolls, more trolls....WE NEED MORE TROLLS
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
The true cancer in this country are the old white male throwback dinosaurs and their archaic right wing 1950's regressive rhetoric. You are slowly being eradicated and eventually the open minded progressive thinkers will take us socially where we need to be. LMFAO at "feminazi". A handy ridiculous Limbaugh-esque catch all for any woman who dares to disagree with you.

Assimilate or die.

avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I knew America was pussified when I heard younger women call their male friends/BF "bitch" without getting a tongue lashing or slapped in the face. In my day, any chick that called a dude "bitch" was subject to being put in her place.

You may not have said that you personally hit a woman, But you did insinuate that a woman who called their man a bitch should be slapped or that it was acceptable back in your day. I read that to mean you think women should be hit. If that was not what you meant you may want to elaborate. And if you didn't know lopaw is a woman so that might tell you why she might be upset with that thought process.
So here's the real question of this thread: is grinddawg in reality Donald Trump?
"So here's the real question of this thread: is grinddawg in reality Donald Trump?"

Brilliant question, but I don't think Trump would have started out by decrying negativity!
It's fascinating watching this dialog. Men and women love playing with power and intimacy. I second the suggestion, when it gets personal it crosses the line.
"I've only been here a few weeks. And it looks like I haven't missed much"


Yes you have. You have to understand the history here
"I've only been here a few weeks. And it looks like I haven't missed much"


Yes you have. You have to understand the history here
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Funny thread! And yes RickyBoy does need to be called a homo daily for inventing The System!
So grinddawg, if *you* called a woman a bitch for the same reason the example woman called her man one, would she be justified in bitch slapping you, and taking you down a notch?

If not, shit the fuck up and crawl back in your hole.
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago

welcome to the board but i have to say that you and @lopaw sound like an old married couple in the nursing home sniping at each other. that might be entertaining for a while but she has that annoying rat dog that can’t help but yapping thinking it is somehow defending its mistress and omg that is like fingernails going across a chalkboard. (remember folks to spay and neuter your pets – PLEASE).

anyway, take a chill pill and enjoy some high-brow philosophy:…

so again welcome to TUSCL but leave the old battle-ax at the nursing home and do like everyone else here. go to the strip club and enjoy the charms of a YOUNG good looking stripper in the manner you see fit and try to at least be cognizant of those negative waves
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
I woke up this morning and had a realization: a fair number of the members here such as GAYca club, 5005 retard, and others are probably on anti-depressant medication or have some form of ADD. They are part of the "Ritalin generation". Why else would a grown man manifest such hostility towards others because they choose not to pay for sex? It's abnormal behavior. I think the real reason is the guilt or shame some people feel about paying for sex and being a john that propels them towards abuse of others that do not share their same world view.

It's classic liberal ideology and the premise is basically that since many of them are basically sex addicts, dope addicts, and lowlifes, that others are the same as them or should be like them and everybody should be a lowlife.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
I also woke up with a solid realization- grinddouche is one fucked up old turd.
Time to change your diaper and move on to the geriatric ward grandpa. Your politics just like your persona is ancient history.

"It's classic liberal ideology and the premise is basically that since many of them are basically sex addicts, dope addicts, and lowlifes, that others are the same as them or should be like them
and everybody should be a lowlife.
It's classic liberal ideology and the premise is basically that since many of them are basically sex addicts, dope addicts, and lowlifes, that others are the same as them or should be like them and everybody should be a lowlife"


This is the city. Los Angeles, California. I carry a badge...dum-da-DUM-dum

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
"There are eight million stories in the naked city. This has been one of them."
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago

i see lopaw hasn’t yet had the talk with you about a new master in the house. well i’m going to tell you what she won’t because i’m your bestest friend. okay i’m not really your bestest friend but i am a sadistic fuck and frankly every time you open your yappy rat dog yap i want to drop kick you across the room into the wall so it will be my pleasure to be the one that clues you in.

so here goes. there is to be a new lord of the manor and lopaw will soon be taking you on a one way ride to the vet for the needle and the long sleep.

still don’t get it do you? can’t you see that the sexual tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife? the mutual attraction is unmistakable. let me put it in terms that maybe you can understand:

grinddawg and lopaw sitting in a tree
first comes love
then comes marriage
then comes sclvr5005 in an urn on the mantel

sorry little buddy. no pets at the nursing home
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
I hate to admit it but you actually made a funny there, DrPhil.
You do have your moments.
And yeah - the "sexual tension" is as thick as runny gravy.
Oh my......did I say "gravy"?
hey bitch, i have adhd and im not on the ritalin anymore. must wanna get bitch slapped.
oh nevermind, ill let lopaw do it, BITCH.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Imagine finding abnormal behavior on a strip club review site. I didn't know this stuff was so serious. Maybe I can start over reacting just to get a rise too. I am an old fart with priggish morals and attitudes but this is not the place . Admittedly we are all open targets on this site but it just doesn't seem like a place for judgment. Opinions are one thing but proscriptive writing is whole 'nother bag of vitriol. I just scroll past the stuff I don't read. Griddawg needs another site.
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
"Proscriptive writing", that is a two dollar term indeed.

The responses reinforced the premise: this site is filled with low self esteemed losers who have nothing better to than attack people with a different methodology or intended outcomes for their visits to a strip club.

I was attacked by an angry lesbian and her eunuch henchmen, and others piled on, probably because they also have a lynch mob mentality and nothing better to do with their time.

I'll repeat for all of you slow to comprehend:

Why do certain members here have the need to act superior to others and launch personal insults towards others who 1)are not interested in paying for sex 2)choose to pay what they feel an entertainer is worth as opposed to the mythical "market rate"; and 3)continuously spam the forum calling people who have different opinions a "faggot" or other names.

A simple explanation would be a certain segment of the population engages in these types of online behaviors because they live vicariously through their online personas. An alternate theory would be these people are just particularly negative human beings and this aggressive behavior is a manifestation of their mental imbalances, drug abuse, etc.

avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
And as for your assertion that I need a different site, I don't plan on leaving. I intend to continue to call out the trolls, haters, and other chuckleheads.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
^^^ get 'em, killer!
Shut the fuck up before I jump through this fucking screen and slap the dogshit out you.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
grinddouche-Oh don't worry you sad old BITCH- we'll all be here too to make sure that the BITCH slapping that you well deserve continues.
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
@sclvr5005 “…we'll all be here…”

uhhh, aren’t you forgetting that you aren’t actually going to be here? you will be in an urn on the mantel. remember?
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