avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore

Comments by datinman (page 40)

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4 years ago
avatar for Muddy
The notion of one pussy
I have had two monogamous marriages lasting 10+ years each. I have also had hundreds of one night stands. For me the sweet spot is the first two or three months of dating. Familiar enough to know what each other like; new enough you are constantly horny for each other; we haven't tried that / there yet; spontaneous BJs / car sex / toys; well you get the point. My problem is after several months two things usually happen, She's asking "where do you see this going? at the same time as she is losing the "new car smell". I will never remarry and I am up front about this, so that marks the end of the FWB. Fortunately, I fall in lust easily.
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4 years ago
avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore
Presidential Debate Thread
"Thank you for your participation. I ask that the microphone now be turned off." The debates (scheduled for three of them) seemed like a reasonable topic for the political group. Given no one threatened to meet for a parking lot fight, this has been a reasonably civil discourse for TUSCL. But by all means if Tahohecruz, as our new moderator, feels he should shut down MY thread.... Oh, wait a minute.
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4 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
We don't need no stinkin' masks
We need to get back to as normal as we can. Society has to function. The same people that want to continue to shelter in place would be starving right now if tens of thousands weren't willing to risk their asses to put food in the groceries. However, If masks and social distancing got Florida to the point of phase 3, it doesn't really make sense to completely stop what was working. As far as masks go, most studies suggest they help reduce aerosols in indoor environs. They may also reduce initial viral load which seems to be associated with disease severity. I liken masks to cigarette smoking. You may have the right to smoke, but I have the right to not have to breathe in your second hand smoke. If your indoors, please wear a mask. Finally, while most people exposed to Sars-Cov-2 survive, some don't and some are forever damaged. I always ask myself, Am I in better shape than Nick Cordero? You know, that 41 year old Broadway dancer with no comorbidity whose wife is a fitness model/trainer and spent 90+ days in ICU suffering lungs destroyed, blood clots, leg amputation, sepsis and then death. I am glad Covid is not as deadly as SARS or MERS, but I know first hand this is not a scam.
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4 years ago
avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore
Presidential Debate Thread
Biden camp will probably say, Trump didn't follow the agreed upon rules, so no further Presidential debates. They should do the follow ups, but just make one mic live at a time.
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4 years ago
avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore
Presidential Debate Thread
Total shit show, but Biden kept talking to the camera (the audience) and Trump was always talking to Biden or Wallace. You would think he would be more media aware. Also not a good look when you start arguing with the moderator as well as your opponent.
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4 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
Trump seven fitty
"but not so long ago with Obama as President, him as VP and the Senate and House held by Democrats he/they had the opportunity to write the whole damn thing from scratch if they wanted to. " Likewise, the republicans controlled both for the first two years of Trump. Neither party is willing to undertake a major rewrite.
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4 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: Browser Question
Are you talking copy/paste?
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
OT: Browser Question
I am confused by the question. Firefox is a browser, not a search engine.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Things that made you go “huh??” when getting out of a local area
The first time I went to strip clubs in Lawrence KS and was told I had to purchase a membership and there was a waiting period. WTF? (The Outhouse allows same day entry however.)
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore
Presidential Debate Thread
We are choosing between two septuagenarians. Screw the debate. I would love for them to be at the podiums tonight and instead of Chris Wallace, Alex Trebek walks out. The curtain opens to reveal a Jeopardy board with categories like Foreign Leaders, Geography, U.S. Military, American History, The Bill of Rights, The Bible, and 10th Grade Civics. Let us see what they really know and how well they think on their feet. I'll take embarrassed politician for 1000, Alex.
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4 years ago
avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore
Presidential Debate Thread
Tomorrow's the first debate and I have a plan to make it even more entertaining. Grab a bottle of Michter"s Rye (bourbon or scotch if you must). Take a shot every time you hear: Trump - Slow, Sleepy, or Hunter Biden - Failed, Impeached, or taxes If you hear corn pop or covfefe, just kill the damn bottle.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
The Dollar Dance
IIRC Christies in Phoenix had something like this. All the dancers would parade on stage, get introduced by the DJ, and then go onto the floor for a cheap table side lap dance. It was nice to assess all the talent at once and grab your preferred dancer for a cheap trial before heading back.
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4 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
Trump seven fitty
Minimized his taxes, wouldn't have expected anything else. But, $70k write-off for hair styling? For that hair style? Wonder how much of that is for hair spray?
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for rattdog
New York
Tropicana Pure Premium Low Acid, (usually diluted with vodka and Galliano)
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Topher2016
Need advice
I've been on this board too long. I read this and in the back of my mind I hear "FRMOS and when it's time for your pants to come down..."
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4 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Long Island strip clubs are in a CRISIS
^ You forgot corn. The cocktail is not complete without the undigested floating kernels.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for misterorange
Kamala, you're FIRED!
(WAY)OT: Ice Cubes
It is surprising to me that so many guys making over $350K don't have ice makers in their fridge. 🙂 For rocks cocktails I don't want watered down too quickly I use this. Silicone allows you to push the cube out intact. https://www.amazon.com/WP-ICE-KC-GR-Works-Silicone-Dishwasher-Charcoal/dp/B01FV1D3X8/ref=pd_di_sccai_1/141-0490752-5998025?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01FV1D3X8&pd_rd_r=2f90ca1b-feee-4cc3-8f95-ab631dd9657f&pd_rd_w=5YGiz&pd_rd_wg=7abVa&pf_rd_p=5415687b-2c9d-46da-88a4-bbcfe8e07f3c&pf_rd_r=HR0RCBV37HWMPBC7AGYN&psc=1&refRID=HR0RCBV37HWMPBC7AGYN
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4 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
“And I'm not calling you a nigger” -Winex
My point is no group is exempt. Individuals chose to fill their hearts with love or fill their hearts with hatred. Good and bad in every demographic.
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4 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
“And I'm not calling you a nigger” -Winex
"Black people cant be racist, it’s not possible. " Back in the 1980's in Texas, I knew quite a few Blacks that absolutely hated Vietnamese immigrants. Pretty sure this would qualify as racism. Unfortunately, hatred and prejudice is possible in every demographic group.
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4 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
“And I'm not calling you a nigger” -Winex
Wavey, you're starting to sound like a broken record, but okay, I'll play along. You baited someone into defending that he didn't use a racial slur and then slam him for typing the word during his defense. So, in you mind that is an exclusive use term that no white person can use in any context. So my question (it is an honest question and hopefully deserves an honest response), should that word be exclusively for the Black community? Racial slurs aren't part of my vocabulary, but should I cringe and feel guilt if I even hear the word? Should White folks stop buying rap & hip hop, stop watching Atlanta, not support Black comedians, etc. because Black language is not meant for White audiences? I'd hate to have to give up Run the Jewels. (but I have enough sense not to pick them for karaoke night.)
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Florida is OPEN!
Percentages of positive tests is not a very meaningful statistic. Covid hospitalizations is where we should focus are attention. The whole idea of restrictions was to "flatten the curve" so as to not overburden the system. Florida hospitals currently have adequate bed capacity. The next month after phase 3 opening will be telling to see if that changes.
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4 years ago
avatar for BigPimp69
Why you Kisses Niggas for Free Hoe ?
Who is the most hated member here?
I don't know about most ignored or most hated, but SCPandit (the AIDs guy) is the most despicable.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair
Ginsberg's Dying Wish . . .
@MisterOrange Yes, third party President run would require electoral college changes. However, even 10% third party seats in Congress would force debate and limit partisan stalemates. Maybe wishful thinking, but I'm ready to ditch both parties lately.
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4 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair
Ginsberg's Dying Wish . . .
My post wasn't meant to be inflammatory. I think much like 35y.o. is the minimum, I think a maximum is reasonable. Just curious what age. I think 70 at November 3rd of 1st term would be reasonable. We are definitely getting to the point where there should be few future baby boomer presidents.