We don't need no stinkin' masks
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
One of the nice parts of Florida's opening is the elimination of mask fines statewide. This effectively gutted all local mask ordinances as it made them unenforceable.
On my way in to a local club last night, I told the door guy that I'd be right back since I forgot something in my car. He responded with "no worries, you don't need a mask anymore." Now I already knew this and was heading back for my money rather than a mask, but it was cool to hear anyway.
It is a great time to be a Floridian.
On my way in to a local club last night, I told the door guy that I'd be right back since I forgot something in my car. He responded with "no worries, you don't need a mask anymore." Now I already knew this and was heading back for my money rather than a mask, but it was cool to hear anyway.
It is a great time to be a Floridian.
It is a good time to club in FL.
"Some covid-19 rule-breakers could be narcissists, experts say. Here’s how to approach them."
According to psychologists, that mind-set is commonly observed in narcissists, who characteristically lack empathy, have high levels of entitlement and grandiosity, and chronically seek validation, admiration and control. Together with Machiavellianism and psychopathy, narcissism makes up one-third of the “Dark Triad,” personality patterns often linked to “a lack of niceness,” said W. Keith Campbell, a psychology professor at the University of Georgia.
“If you’re narcissistic, you’re going to do what you want,” said Campbell, the author of the upcoming book “The New Science of Narcissism.” “If what you want isn’t the same as what the guidelines are, you’re not going to do the guidelines.”
i read that he has kids and is married. just wondering: would he feel terrible at all if he infected someone in his household? or would he just react, "aww c'mon don't be a fucking pussy. if i can deal with it so then can you. suck it up?"
Could be. Or it could be that you're just a frightened sissy afraid of his own shadow and curled up in a fetal position at the mere whiff of a virus that doesn't kill almost anyone under 50 and really not many under 60 absent other comorbidities.
How long do you intend to be a pussy for anyway? Another 6 months? A year? What will you do if it takes another 18 months for a vaccine to come to market, hide in your home for another year and a half?
months ago, the bars and beaches were allowed to be open. i saw it on tv and the 'net. tons, and o mean tons of girls milling around. would i love to have been a part of that scene? fuck yeah!!!!
let's say i was there. i'm just like everyone else - not wearing a mask and mingling with as many as girls as possible. i'll make up a number and say there are 500 people in that setting. here's the thing: there are most likely that there are 496-498 people in that crowd that are not infected. what i'm trying to avoid is those 2-4 that are.
to be infected by the flu or the common cold is one thing. this covid shit is next level, and at the age of 50 with slight health issues i highly advised myself to not to engage.
if all of the above makes me a pussy then so be it: i'm a fucking pussy. and since you actually did catch it and overcame it then that makes you 'THEE MAN" yeah? you can toot like you're hot shit. we all gotta aspire to be like you.
Fair enough on your own caution given your health issues, but don't try to impose your own fears upon others by assuming that they need to be as frightened as you. Each person has to make his/her own assessment of relative risk and then weigh the risk/reward factors when determining how they behave.
As Gov. DeSantis very succinctly put it when talking about the reality that COVID will likely be around for long time: “So people should just understand it is something we are going to have to deal with. But doing that from a fetal position, where society flounders, people are out of work, kids aren’t in school, that is not going to work.”
gov desantis - same guy who enabled lots of college kids to get infected and spread illness. gov desantis says fla ready for stage 3, covid is not going anywhere anytime soon... yada bada yada... allllllright i got it!!!!
you're a gambler. you're playing deflective politics.
i try again for a 3rd time - admire me for my persistence.
"would he feel terrible at all if he infected someone in his household?"
let me change some of this: how would you feel if, god forbid, the girl you picked for some evening's adult activities infected you with this bug? then you in turn, even with ultra precautions, somehow got a family member infected?
common sense tells me you would feel like shit, hell, you would feel like beyond absolute shit.
would you express any regrets if anything unfortunate like that should happen?
What fucking tool
I’m not saying anything that is groundbreaking here. I just don’t understand why there’s still an argument that wearing masks is for more fearful individuals. As opposed to just being socially conscious.
That being said: as soon as wearing masks during dances is allowed again, I’m absolutely not wearing a mask. And the couple of customers who are 70+ that I know wouldn’t be very happy with me if I was still wearing one if I didn’t have to.
clubs are enforcing this? i thought it was optional.
Does anyone seriously think that putting a little napkin over your face is going to do anything other than interfere with your own breathing and collect germs?
I still can't believe a majority of people continue to go on with this non-sense.
Thats basically the "logic" of these arguments.
As far as masks go, most studies suggest they help reduce aerosols in indoor environs. They may also reduce initial viral load which seems to be associated with disease severity. I liken masks to cigarette smoking. You may have the right to smoke, but I have the right to not have to breathe in your second hand smoke. If your indoors, please wear a mask.
Finally, while most people exposed to Sars-Cov-2 survive, some don't and some are forever damaged. I always ask myself, Am I in better shape than Nick Cordero? You know, that 41 year old Broadway dancer with no comorbidity whose wife is a fitness model/trainer and spent 90+ days in ICU suffering lungs destroyed, blood clots, leg amputation, sepsis and then death. I am glad Covid is not as deadly as SARS or MERS, but I know first hand this is not a scam.
Welcome to the party