
The notion of one pussy

I'll hear guys sometimes say they've only been with one or two girls their whole life. When I hear this I can't help but burst into rolling laughter. I'll sleep with one gorgeous girl, maybe twice not even three times and I'm just done. I'm ready to move on to something new. I still can't tell if it's a pro or con as a fallout from this hobby but I just couldn't imagine being stuck with the same sexual partner for here on out.

The stuff I'm rolling my eyes at though is probably the norm and the stuff we do is probably the outlier. At a recent doctor visit I decided just to be honest...

"How many sexual partners have you had in the last year?"

"Uhhh like 20" (some fucks on here would say rookie numbers)

"Oh...well OK you seem to be quite active"

The look of shock in her eyes might be a sign that I am probably the one with the problem. And damn has a problem never felt so good.

But my question to y'all is maybe this might be too much of a good thing, and are the consequences that of being NEVER satisfied? In the civie world (In America at least) you either have to be famous, be rich, be extremely handsome, or have a particularly special personality or some combination of those. It's not a great deal of the population that are banging super hot girls on the regular. I would guess less than 2%. Most guys just saddle up with one girl and ride it out and they would probably consider themselves lucky if even that. Others might sleep with a bunch of cows on a weekly basis and act like they just slept with an "8" but they seemed to be thrilled with it which is something I don't think I could ever go back to. I may be taking too much of this strip club drug and it's probably bleeding over into the civie life. Thoughts? Thanks.


  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    i split from my ‘one and only’ when i was 61. never had another girl until i was about 62. it’s absolutely wonderful enjoying new experiences since then. been making up for lost time since.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago

    I think; you are having permanent beer or weed googles symptoms and you are still one of those guys that you said; “might sleep with a bunch of cows on a weekly basis and act like they just slept with an "8" “

    It doesn’t matter, as long as you are happy believing what you believe.

    Like you said you believe you are:


    You should know, Cannabis contains chemicals called cannabinoids that act on receptors in the brain that affect pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, appetite, and coordination.

    The primary active chemical responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis (such as pleasure, euphoria, relaxation or in some cases anxiety, panic or paranoia) is THC — tetrahydrocannabadiol."

    Although THC can be responsible for these changes in your body, there are also some cognitive risks as well, and these can include everything from memory loss to risk of psychosis.

    “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.”
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Of course some people get to have one woman for most of their adult life; after 18 years of fucking everything in sight and to also have sex with others after marriage as well. Of course one must handle the idea their spouse has the same rights.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Is 1-2 even a thing at all? Serial monogamy I feel like has been the norm for a while. Probably over a lifetime my guess most individuals would rack up like 5-15?

    As far as “satisfaction” goes, I feel like that’s something beyond just just sex and something on a higher level. Like mutual goals you have with an individual. Whether it’s raising an offspring, or a “power couple” or whatnot. There is something that keeps one fundamentally attached.

    Not that I want to go too far into this, as I’ve personally never had a relationship go past two years so I don’t really feel qualified to speak too much on this.

    Oh or alternatively there’s the long term relationships that seem to be based on a certain dysfunction and codependency, but neither party bails. So mostly together but may end up getting some on the side with 1-3 other individuals on the side on the interim? This seems REALLY common.

    Tl;dr wanting to stick around with the same individual (whether it’s monogamous or not) has reasons that go beyond sex drive.

    I guess if you’re in a self-reflecting mood, you can think about your motives where you seem to completely avoid repeat visits. If your reasons bother you, I guess change it. If not, then don’t worry about it and get on over to the next bar.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Maybe slightly off topic, but when and why did "y'all" become mainstream speech? I was always taught this was improper English and the sign of bad grammar. Hopefully its just a passing language fad.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    @nicespice, 1-2 lifetime partners is common among people who fall in love with their high school sweetheart and stay faithful, or are very religious and marry early. They don't know what they're missing.

    Like you, I've never been in a relationship longer than 18 months. Out of principle, I've never even kissed another woman while in a relationship, but my eye starts to wander after 6 months. I crave novelty.

    Wanting new pussy is a cause, not an effect, of the hobby.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I think one should find happiness on ones own terms. Your post seems to push your desires on to others - so you are attempting to put your view of satisfaction on others.

    There are many different types of women, and many different desires, and many different ideas of satisfaction. So attempting to think a guy can’t be happy with a girl - or a certain amount of pussy - is trying to use a one size fits all view of sexuality.

    Based on your post, it seems you are interested in pussy and sex for the physical satisfaction provided only. That is fine. It is not the only reason men have relationships. Some men may find much more in their long term relationships, beyond physical sexual satisfaction.

    I’m an older guy, and I’ve had a few long term relationships, and many physical civilian and professional sex based relationships. It’s all good in my view. In my view - you find beauty and desire in the woman you are with - and you enjoy your time together for all it’s worth.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Variety is the spice of life ! I have had several intimate relationships in my life. I've been with my current sugar babe for almost a year. But as Charlie Harper on Two and a Half Men said, "sometimes ya just want some strange".
    Being with just one person for a lifetime ? That's not me.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    How many of these girls had told you to wrap up your johnson, or dont cum inside them? Thats your real number. i have walked out many times when this happens to me.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "Being with just one person for a lifetime ? That's not me."

    Same here. I've had several civilian GFs over the years, 2 of them were 2 year relationships. I considered marriage with both but ended up getting tired of them and moving on. I've had several other GFs where the fatigue factor set in at about 3 months and I moved on. Considered marriage with a couple of them.

    3 months seems to be the norm for me whether it's a civie or a P4P girl but having done over 100 total there were also several 1 nighters and a few 2 or 3 or 10 timers interspersed among that group.

    My peak year was probably about 6 years ago where I had around 35 partners, both civie and paid and several of them multiple times. The following year around 15, again some multiple times and a few 1 timers.
    The totals per year have dropped since then, mainly by my choice to slack off.

    Having been through all of that, the law of averages says I will probably never settle for just 1 the rest of my life but I'm not ruling out the possibility of it happening. I take it day by day and what happens, happens.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    if you have to wear a condom and are not allowed to cum in the vagina youre just a chronic masturbator
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Dude, putting aside strippers, my civilian number before I got married (again) was pretty high and climbing fast. Back then I was good looking, had a good job and was able to comfortably socialize with women, which is pretty much all it took. Shit I fucked and sucked my way up and down the east coast of the state I was in when I was in my early 30s.

    But after a while that gets tiresome, believe it or not. Because it's the same song and dance over and over, including all the same headaches and awkwardness the next few days after when she expresses that she wants to see you again, but you don't. Having to sweep my house every morning after to be sure that the girl didn't "accidentally" leave anything behind was part of the PITA element. Then there were the girls who you fucked several times, only to eventually have to tell them that you didn't want anything more. After a while casual flings became more trouble than they were worth.

    I have nothing but great respect for those guys who are able to stay faithful to one woman for a very long time. Honestly sometimes I wish I was wired to do the same, but I'm simply not. That's why I use a hybrid model, where I have the connection that I crave with a partner while not having to "date" to get some outside strange.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Well that's your opinion but it's certainly not a fact. I also prefer raw dogging it but comparing having your wrapped dick in a beautiful woman's pussy to jerking it isn't even close.
    And that only CIP comment is also a little off the wall. There can be consequences for doing that or haven't you heard? Not all women are on birth control or sterile.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    My last comment was to Salty.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    my boyfriend said, "my civilian number before I got married (again) was pretty high and climbing fast. Back then I was good looking, had a good job and was able to comfortably socialize with women, which is pretty much all it took. Shit I fucked and sucked my way up and down the east coast of the state I was in when I was in my early 30s."

    ^ Hell yeah! Now he just sucks and fucks me! I dont care if he sucks and fucks other dudes as long as he keeps sucking and fucking me! I don't even get jealous when he fucks his fat wife's yucky vagina. She does take care of their kids and cooks and cleans like a good woman, so let her have her fun with him
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    Theres a big difference between raw sex and condom sex, i personally do not like feeling drained after i bust a nut. condom sex make me feel guilty just how i would feel if i masterbated. rather just retain my semen to fill a vagina. i like it when girls tell me they have semen running down their leg after i use them.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    I have had two monogamous marriages lasting 10+ years each. I have also had hundreds of one night stands. For me the sweet spot is the first two or three months of dating. Familiar enough to know what each other like; new enough you are constantly horny for each other; we haven't tried that / there yet; spontaneous BJs / car sex / toys; well you get the point. My problem is after several months two things usually happen, She's asking "where do you see this going? at the same time as she is losing the "new car smell". I will never remarry and I am up front about this, so that marks the end of the FWB. Fortunately, I fall in lust easily.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I very rarely use condoms. Its psychological. I love knowing she wants me to cum in her and gets off on it. Its a completely different dynamic. The way she acts and looks at you after you cum in her vs in a condom.

    As for being with only one woman. If someone is lucky enough to have yheir first be their last I'm jealous and wish them the best
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    "Sex with only one person for the rest of my life."

  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    - I just couldn't imagine - the same sexual partner - for here on out

    People do vary - a lot. I guess I'm clearly on the other end of the scale, I'd have a hard time imagining being partner-less from here on out. I've been sharing a bed and life with one for just over 40 years now.

    Sure, 1st time sex is great, or ok anyway, and the 2nd time is even better cause you know their name and a preference or two.

    Not wanting to sleep with someone a 3rd time? Are you concerned the sex might not be as great, or that one of you may be - however so slightly, in some way - let down a bit? I never thought that way, I just wanted to have sex some more (more) and learn to like (then love) the person who wants to have sex with me.

    How do you maintain interest in sex after 5478 (just a guess) times? Cause, you know, that is a lot of times. One needs: 1. A good relationship and 2. Imagination

    I've imagined all kinds of scenarios while we're doing it, keeps it interesting. But most of all each of we each care about the other and the other's pleasure.

    None of this meant as criticism of how anyone else works "the pursuit of happiness", if something is making you happier, go for it. I just find myself glad for the relationship and the frequent, varied sex and companionship it can bring.

  • datinman
    4 years ago
    @heaving, Do you like lobster? Try it for breakfast... and then lunch... and then dinner... 7 days a week... 52 weeks a year... until you DIE. At some point you start skipping meals.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago

    I thought this was fitting haha
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I have a list of women I had sex with and cum inside them. Blow jobs, titty fuck, hand job, anal sex, sex with a condom, sex where I was too fucked up to cum, didn't qualify. The list ends in 1990, but if u include my wife and the women we've met swinging I could add another 40 - 60 to it.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    If you eliminate the condom fucks , BJs and hand jobs. Just # of girls I have fucked and come inside, it's probably somewhere in between 30-40. Even though I don't like condoms, I really have tried to do most of my mongering covered. Any girl that I came inside, I at least asked beforehand if she was on birth control. Sometimes there was a lot of trust there.
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