Comments by metrocard11
discussion comment
11 years ago
I live in the Midwest, so go fuck yourself.
discussion comment
11 years ago
More definitive proof that pussy has a price. Of course they don't object to high cost items; it makes them able to charge more for sex.
I have a dream...that one day, I'll be able to wake up and see VAG 20.43 -.22 ( 1.21%) listed on the New York Stock Exchange, right next to Coca-Cola and Nike. Free at last!
discussion comment
11 years ago
What really is your point to all of this, Jane? Or did you feel compelled to complain all of a sudden?
You posted this at a great time as I've been doing some extensive research on this very topic. The fact is that the business has changed, and in a very good way for guests.
Men generally don't go to strip clubs to look--they go to get serviced, and that has a lot of different interpretations, be it paying to talk, lap dances, or full on sex. While they may be significant components of the experience, the stage show and socializing are not the primary agendas for most guests if extras are available.
Pussy is, always has been, and always will be a commodity, and today's clubs are merely a reflection of that reality. Why would a man drop 100 to watch someone dance half naked when he could fuck someone else in the club for the same price?
The real problem here is that women--strippers or not--do not like that reality very much as prostitution lowers the price of pussy and erodes a woman's ability to extract cash without having to give it up in return.
I intend to address some of things you mentioned in your profile in a future post.
discussion comment
11 years ago
23cambyman, I'm using his avatar facetiously because it's the most ridiculous one I've seen from any member posting here.
Dracula, when you can produce a copyright or a trademark documenting that the image belongs to you, then I'll stop using it.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Lol, I'm not Alucard. I just borrowed his avatar.
discussion comment
11 years ago
You and your self-righteous bullshit can both get the fuck out of here. No one's forcing a gun to these women's heads and making them strip.
We all have our own decisions to make based on what's important to us, and people do what they have to do in life in order to survive.
I work 60 hour weeks and get yelled at by clients every day. I could quit literally right now if I wanted to, but I choose not to because I'd rather not be homeless.
Just like there can be a wide variation in the motivations of customers who come in, the motivations of dancers can vary considerably as well. Of course, it's clear that you did not consider this at all before you opened your mouth.
I think it's quite pathetic that you not only came to a discussion forum to chastise a group that promotes the positive aspects of the strip club subculture while discouraging negative ones, but it's even more pathetic that you felt compelled to tell willing adults what they should or should not do with their lives based on your own ill-informed agenda.
discussion comment
11 years ago
I remember reading a review recently from someone on here who claimed to have spent $500 on a hj. I'll bet he wishes it was only $60.
discussion comment
11 years ago
I don't tip on stage because I'm not there to see the stage.
I'm like rickdugan: I only pay for services rendered.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Negotiation beforehand is a must, especially in a town like Detroit.
discussion comment
12 years ago
the speed force!
And who appointed you resident moderator?
If you don't like what other people post...
(Alucard voice)
...that Is TOO Fucking BAD!!!!!!!
discussion comment
12 years ago
It wasn't meant to be funny. I'm paying him respect.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Hmmm. Some insightful observations there; thank you for that.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Don't go to grocery stores looking for food. Grocery stores are like any other store, the product happens to be items that can be consumed. You are simply spending money for a product.
Do people eat the things they buy from a grocery store? Yes, but that is the exception to the rule. They're there to provide a fun shopping experience.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Yeah. It's these women seriously expect patrons to be "monogamous" when they've been with God knows how many people earlier that day, let alone in their careers? Strip clubs feel like miniature high schools sometimes!
review comment
11 years ago
Wouldn't be surprised if Alan himself wrote this.
review comment
11 years ago
Too much of a good thing is never enough
Thanks for the heads up.
article comment
12 years ago
Wow. For all that bullshit they talk at Brad's Brass Flamingo about it being a "clean" club, there's cameras in the VIP, etc...this just proves that <b>anything</b> goes as long as you have enough fucking ca$h!