Dracula died?

avatar for metrocard11
He did say that he was having health problems as of late. Hopefully he's living it up at the big Flight Club in the sky.

<b>RIP Alucard
1954 - 2013</b>


last comment
Dude not funny at all
avatar for metrocard11
12 years ago
It wasn't meant to be funny. I'm paying him respect.
By assuming he's dead because he hasn't posted for a week?
If so,no doubt he's giving St. Peter shit.
@ranukam... Agreed.

Let's not sign a death certificate for ol' Drac yet. Nobody has given that wacky dude more shit than me (well...not true...Dougsta has given more shit than me but I've given my fair share) but I don't wish him any ill.

I hope that crazy dude is still with us, enjoying BBBJs from a hot redhead stripper.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Agree. Even I don't wish him ill health. Want him back so we can kick him around, sure, but not ill health.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
RIP Metrocard. 2012-any day now.
avatar for metrocard11
12 years ago
Shit ! Both in Detroit clubbing ...both missing....maybee Altard is mo'head
avatar for rell
washington dc
12 years ago
maybe he found some 12 year old girl to marry
avatar for ime
Fuck Joe Biden
12 years ago
Finkel is Einhorn. Einhorn is Finkel!!!!
avatar for metrocard11
12 years ago
@rell: lmao!
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