Don't go to strip clubs looking for sex or love

avatar for tossthrow
Strip clubs are a store just like any other business. You are going to spend money for a product. The product happens to be nudity and attention from women. Do not confuse this with romance, love, or even sex. I think a lot of guys are lonely (sometimes I am too) and start pretending that they can go to a strip club to find their next girlfriend or to buy sex. (Yes sometimes these things happen but I think its the exception not the rule). A lot of these guys end up very disappointed. Strip clubs are fun and like gambling are a place to blow money, do not go when you can barely afford rent and food. Yes you can have a great time and chat up women and practice game on them if that's your thing. But in the end these are women who are selling their sexuality for money they are not sincerely falling in love with you and you are one of a hundred guys they've danced for that week.



last comment
avatar for stenton1
12 years ago
Yes, that is absolutely true. Anyone thinking they can find love in a strip club is sorely mistaken. I know from personal experience when I was a newbie. If you defy the odds, and do actually date a dancer beyond OTC, a nightmare of headaches, drama, and other bizarre events await you. Just like they say with drugs, don't do it!
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Sweetheart. You're a fucking idiot if you don't think both sex and love happen between strippers and customers in the club.

I know strippers who haven't dated anyone except for guys they may in the club for years.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Who knew it would take 10+ years of TUSCL before we would get this genius insight.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Seems the OP is written by a dancer.

The OP is advice for a newbie – most of us on this board are well versed in the SC game and what it is and what is not

“… they can go to a strip club to find their next girlfriend or to buy sex. (Yes sometimes these things happen but I think its the exception not the rule) …”

Really? If this is what you think (or want us to think) – then you are to uninformed to be giving advice - there are many SCs where not being able to buy sex is like not being able to buy quarter-pounders @ McDonalds.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Aw shit! I've been doing it all wrong. :)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"The product happens to be nudity and attention from women. Do not confuse this with romance, love, or even sex"

WAKE up and smell reality! Sex is what Clubs are ALL about. Such naivety!
avatar for metrocard11
12 years ago
Don't go to grocery stores looking for food. Grocery stores are like any other store, the product happens to be items that can be consumed. You are simply spending money for a product.

Do people eat the things they buy from a grocery store? Yes, but that is the exception to the rule. They're there to provide a fun shopping experience.
avatar for MondoGoGo
12 years ago
^ LOL @ metro...true so true!
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
You mean all of the stripper sex that I've been getting is the "exception to the rule"? Wow I never realized how special I am.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Disagree Alucard. You go to brothels where whores work. There are tons of clubs and tons of guys who go to have some fun and company without having sex. I think you should wake up and smell the world outside of Detroit.
avatar for how
12 years ago
Been in many cities and many states, and FS was regularly available in so many places, it is not that much of an "exception."
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Mikeya wake up and realize they're all whores. A lapdance is dry humping, a sex act. So if she's a "clean" dancer, she's just a whore with a very limited menu. But a whore none the less.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Tim Tebow (aka tossthrow)
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I'm with shadow lol
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Mikeya wake up and realize they're all whores. A lapdance is dry humping, a sex act. So if she's a "clean" dancer, she's just a whore with a very limited menu. But a whore none the less"

I agree with most of what boogieknight369 said.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
My disagreement with boogieknight369 is in his use of the term whore.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Maybe I'm fucked in the head(big & small), but I've had some interesting relationships with dancers, in & out the club. Ended up dating a dancer 2 years ago who was actually ended up being one of my best relationships I've had.
avatar for yegi
12 years ago
<i>Tim Tebow (aka tossthrow)</i>

Lol motorhead
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
And what in your best opinion SHOULD we customers be LOOKING for tossthrow?
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Tossthrow altard out of here...that's my opinion
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Maybe I'm fucked in the head"

An Interesting self-assessment.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
It's 5:23 am,do you know where your tossthrow is?
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
<i><b>"Mikeya wake up and realize they're all whores. A lapdance is dry humping, a sex act. So if she's a "clean" dancer, she's just a whore with a very limited menu. But a whore none the less"

I agree with most of what boogieknight369 said.</b></i>

You guys are sounding like Islamists.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… Ended up dating a dancer 2 years ago who was actually ended up being one of my best relationships I've had …”

Birds of a feather?

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