
If Alucard doesn't return...

the speed force!
Friday, July 12, 2013 5:55 AM
...who will take over for TUSCL's resident Wile E. Coyote? Since Monsieur Draques is missing in action (and no jokes about death...not funny...we can call a YUSCL-bro a fucking idiot to their face but no jokin' 'bout death) who will step into his shoes? Somebody who says shit only to have it blow up in his face. My candidates are: Bonerbreath. Dude can't even sustain a simple "you're a moron, you're an asshole" thread. Appears to be too stupid to just give up since he replied to the thread with an equally stupid reply. Boner will have to step up his game if he wants to be King Alturd. Cambydude. Triggered shitstorm by being complete dullard. Seemed to be holding his own in a workmanlike manner (though I am grading on a curve given his obvious intellectual limitations) but then manages to irritate brother Juice enough that we get Juice and Dougsta postin' at a furious pace. Camby would have just been a dude who played with matches and burned his fingers if he had dropped it, but he then tried to embarrass Juicebro. Folks embrace Juices posts, not Camby's. Wile E. Coyote move #1. The Camby gives us and earnest post revealing his reverence for the "old guard" of TUSCL and need to take the board seriously. All I can say is "take a chill pill dude". Not even worth slapping him around for that post since it is prima facie evidence of a need to take a chill pill. Just like Monsieur Draques! RickyBoy. More of a sociopath than Alucard, who did have a strong (albeit somewhat bizarre) moral code. Thinks it is totally cool to hope some poor fucked up girl falls apart further so he can get cheaper OTC. will have to develop a more reasonable moral code to replace Drac. Practice saying "repeal the 2nd amendment" and "don't drink or do drugs". If you repeat enough times you'll believe it. Tittyfag. Too obviously a troll. And a simple one at that. Will have to more subtle to replace the Drac-a-roo. My money is on Monsieur Camby! But let's see how it plays out...


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I'd have to go with BonedBrother: Makes a post talking about the "niggerization" of TUSCL, but fails to realize that it doesn't matter what you say after something like that because you'll never be able to hold the moral high ground. Blissfully unaware, however talks about others lack of "emotional intelligence". Yeah, there a good juxtaposition, talk about how your opponents are "niggerizing" the place in one breath and then complain about *their* lack of "emotional intelligence" in another. Finally when he gets 20 posts ridiculing him in response, concludes that he has proven his point, and it was the truth of what he said that got others all riled up. Ooops, almost forgot the most comical part, 20 posts ridiculing him in response, and one post agreeing with him by none other than... Dracula himself!
  • metrocard11
    11 years ago
    And who appointed you resident moderator? If you don't like what other people post... (Alucard voice) ...that Is TOO Fucking BAD!!!!!!!
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Niggerization...wha t the fuck. I never seen this
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @Estie: Hard to believe in this day and age, but true. Here's the link: [view link]
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Hey Zip, you read Alucard's profile? Dude can't help it. He is one of a kind. There will be no other Alucard.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Wow. Alucard's profile. Just wow.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Brilliant slate Zip.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I vote bonerbreath as the new altard
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Deogol I just saw his profile too. After the list I couldn't read no moe. Toooooo long
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    So zipdude, I do have a question for you; how does juicecarton's dick taste since you are always sucking it...both of you live in some disillusional world if you think everybody loves juice and his posts. Paraphrasing you, everybody loves juice because of all the comments. Embarass juice, he did it himself and he even admitted to it. He is wooed by strippers and buys them flowers and gifts, he is soft, except when his dick is in your ass. (Not that there is anything wrong with it (being gay that is))
  • KingxGorilla
    11 years ago
    it seems when the ventriloquist returns the puppet acts first.....^^^^^^^^
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I think we have a winner after tonight's post: Ibbicianci (or however it is spelled)
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @zipperhead aka comicbookguy you crack me up.
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