negotiate before?

avatar for LeeH
I've always been one to just take what I get in VIP, and even with that haven't been to a VIP in probably 2 years (and not many club visits at all in that time). But I'm dating this woman who is currently out of town, who TOLD me to go to a club and engage in a specific "extra" activity in VIP -- which is actually beyond what I've ever had in VIP. Basically, she's wanting the ego stroke that she does this activity better than a girl half her age (and I have a feeling that I won't have to lie to make her happy). Plus she knows that it will fluster me to ask for the activity.

So, as a newbie in just this one area of clubbing, do most dancers negotiate money AND activities on the floor? I don't want to shell out the $$$ for VIP and then she says, "Oh, I don't do THAT".


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I’m not an extras/VIP guy – but time and again it is always stated on here about the need to have a clear mutual understanding of what is expected on for how much – AHEAD OF TIME

Anything were the price is not a set price should be negotiated or agreed upon beforehand, no? - e.g. car purchase; etc).
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
If you don't talk about what you can do or what to expect, you will more than likely be dissapointed most of the time unless you aren't expecting much or you're meeting up with someone you already know what to expect.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Here is a thread from a couple of days ago:…

avatar for LeeH
12 years ago
Actually, PC, you give the perfect example of why I was asking. When you go to a dealership, after you've said "I want to buy this car" and they've sat you down in the little office, they start trying to sell you extras. Granted, you're not totally committed to buying the car, but you're more than halfway there.
avatar for bigtimer23
12 years ago
If you plan on getting anything other than dances and conversation in the vip room you definately, always negotiate what you want AND a price. Unless you want too risk being disappointed
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Yes, if I'm going to a VIP for sex, we set the activities and price before even paying for the VIP itself (here in Louisville, the VIP price itself is generally non-negotiable). None of the "we'll discuss it once we get back there" crap.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I negotiate afterward and I always bring enough for the dances
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Have you looked on the internet for an escort?
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
LeeH, are you sure this woman you're dating really wants you to get this extra? Maybe she's testing you. The right to say when she comes back may be, "Baby, I love you so much I couldn't have sex with anyone else."
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
Jack has a good point. That's a VERY odd thing for a significant other to ask! However always negotiate prior to going VIP, what you want and the price. Also FS is a LOT harder to come by ITC than a HJ or BJ so good luck getting it on a first attempt over a weekend!
avatar for LeeH
12 years ago
ilbbaicnl, no, because that's not what she wanted.

jackslash, yes, there are other details/circumstances which I will not divulge here that make me 100% sure that she is sincere about it. Yes, your thought did cross my mind before those details came to light. Good catch, just not applicable this time.

mrrock, trying to remember when I said anything about FS.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"I've always been one to just take what I get in VIP"

Then you have paid more than you should have.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@"Then you have paid more than you should have."

How do *you* know that?
avatar for DoctorPhil
12 years ago

€How do *you* know that?”

because he is an idiot savant except for the savant part
avatar for LeeH
12 years ago
@gmd: How do *you* know that?

Because alucard was there every time, jacking off in the corner.
avatar for metrocard11
12 years ago
Negotiation beforehand is a must, especially in a town like Detroit.
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