
Comments by Estafador (page 91)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My Stripper Friend
    I don't understand. Did you pay for the sex? If so, why the hell is it something to brag about?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    @sharkhunter I like the coy ones. The ones that make you ALMOST feel like they really just want to show you a good time and don't care about the money. I came there to get the experience of being wanted upon first site, not my money getting that attention. Of course, i know they're lying their ass off and I've become ok with that because I can give myself the hook no matter how romantic it all may seem.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's a showclub? I started going to strip clubs AFTER I came on this website. I made sure to learn from you guys' mistakes and wised up before I even went waist deep in the club. That and starting off with a small amount of cash to spend per trip helped a lot. That is how you are suppose to learn.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    You know why I respect strippers?
    @ninabambina See you can just put on makeup and get a boob/ass job. When it comes to actual sales, you know selling products that will be used by the customer multiple times a day, it's a different monster. A guy can't just throw on make up and get a dick transplant and suddenly have customers buy his sales pitch all day and rake in the dough. When REAL sales come into play it takes skills, slight of hand and a silver tongue to convince the most reluctant of buyers. Plus the salesman can't offer sex to a female for cash if times get tough. A woman can (not to say that YOU do of course, I'm just saying it happens). If a car salesman can't sell two cars, he's fired. If a stripper (talking females here) can't get enough money in....well it's her loss because she probably won't get fired but she'll have trouble keeping a roof over her head. A society accepted salesman can lose plenty of confidence if he can't sell his wares. He might blame his lack of sales ability, lack of ability to connect with customers, illiteracy of the product he sells. A stripper can just put some make up on, dim the lights and get a guy drinking enough for him to get going. Hell, rub the right places of the body and she's at least got $100 minimum for the night. Sorry my dear, I gotta stick up for shailynn and say your complaints of the tough times of stripper salespersonship is invalid. Everyone deals with physical strain no matter the job.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    You know why I respect strippers?
    @OP really? From all the conversations people here say, it sounds like they STILL just sit there and wait to get talked up. Everyone on here always talks about go and talk to her. If you respect them for anything, it's knowing they can hustle gullible men by just walking around and not putting any work unless badgered to do so.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's bad enough that the 3 Augusta clubs suck!
    Must not be a city worth mentioning because I never heard that city's name in the papers....ever. physically and virtually.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    When did you start paying for sex?
    @warhawk we HAVE to? Since when. I don't pay for shit women want. I give them a great laugh, good company and good dick. Cash never spent on them. At least not my hard earned cash.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    When did you start paying for sex?
    is getting a BJ considered sex? Because I never got sex vaginally (or anally, but that'll never happen even for free) from a stripper, and I don't think strippers want a young 24 anyway so I think I may be that weird strip cluber going for the "garden variety"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Should I pay in full for my car, new or used?
    'well being that I'm young, I don't think my credit is all that high. Last I checked, it was at 620. I believe that's around average correct? And since I don't really spend on many bills, just my gym membership,the credit building is going pretty slow if at all. So if I got financing I'm not sure the bank would be too kind to me with low to no financing especially since I'm STILL trying to fight with the credit bureau to take off an item off my credit report that I wasn't responsible for. Definitely sounds like used cars are the way to go, but I'm going to try and find a lightly used one for half the cost of it's original purchase. Don't want to start off with 100K mileage and I simply drove it off the lot/driveway. While I know buying American "stimulates" the economy, the fact of the matter is, barring European cars the foreign cars mainly have their factories in america so I don't see how America isn't profiting. Even American car companies import their parts from overseas, so its kind of hard to see where the line is blurred between domestic and foreign for many car companies. I'm not mechanically inclined when it comes to cars but I hope to be so so I can spend less at the auto shop. so I'm glad you mentioned that. Better prepare myself for that sort of investment. As a young buck of 24 on my FIRST car, and being that it seems best to buy used, is it even worth it to finance when you're paying $10-17K. That's a high school salary right there. @twentyfive I think I understand what you're saying about financing when you can get a low to no interest for a good chunk of time, but seeing that I'm 24 and more of a liability to most insurance companies and banks (AND no matter what they say, they always judge you based on where you from, so they may use that against me without saying it. One of those things of living in the hood or an low-income environment AND buying a truck. That's 1 invisible strike and two visible strikes against me), I seriously doubt they'll start me off with a low finance deal. Or at the very least a low finance deal for more than even 6 months much less a year. But I'm making educated guesses. i'm sure you guys know better whether my acusations are true.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An ass is the silent mouth. Both spews out shit, the bottom mouth says less than the one on your face. The vagina uses your sperm and the ass does not. If you're gonna fuck a female's ass, then why stop there. Why not just keep a tranny's underwear on and fuck the tranny. It looks like a girl right and you're gonna fuck the ass regardless.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    You want to jizz in public? Then come to japan where everything is accepted. Eve
    @shailynn how does that make them in big trouble. There's enough low class citizens there to procreate? Or is there another issue at hand?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The reality of LDK in public
    I saw someone get CLOWNED out of a strip club by one stripper calling all her stripper friends to look at him since he jizzed from a couch dance. I wanted to laugh, but at the same time, felt bad that the strippers were ridiculing him so much. Isn't it bad enough he paid for an air dance but has to bring all her friends to laugh at him? Not cool in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I have curbed the amount I go significantly, since I'm saving up for a few things. I'm 24, I have to prioritize my money a bit different since other bills and job focus is becoming a heavy priority. So I usually have been going every 3 months.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I would say double the amount of VIP (if VIP is within your version of reasonable pricing). So in G2K for example, it's $180 for 30 minutes (I talk these strippers down to 150 though because anything beyond that is a waste of money). So I would bring $360. In clubs where the VIP is too high for my taste or there is no VIP (POC in queens for example), then I just bring $150-200. I include drink fees with this as well since me personally, I don't like drinking in clubs (not to say I socially drink even with my friends). That's my motto since most of my dollars are going to chair/couch/table dances anyway.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's bad enough that the 3 Augusta clubs suck!
    what is an augusta? Is that a person born under the month of august?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Who's strip clubbing on Halloween tonight!
    I have been saving hard body so probably not. Plus this is the time when whores on the block work the hardest. After they've taken their children trick or treating, they trick their treats to grown men to balance off the costume prices (theirs and their kids lol)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Whose Stories Are More Believable: JS69 or I_MN?
    Nah, js has some nuggets of truths. Like a needle in a haystack. A city filled haystack with 3 needles.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The reality of LDK in public
    Yo shailynn is fucking hilarious
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    10 Reasons Why You Should Never Judge A Stripper
    Strippers aren't worth the effort of being judged in the first place. A good stripper doesn't have it down as a career. It's a part time job as she works her way legitimately up the Corporate ladder.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Have you guys read this?
    I NEVER heard ANYONE call pimping "trapping". That sounds like something a foreigner would misinterpret but it might just become the norm after this crazy story.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Crazy Ass Behind The Scenes Story
    @shailynn are you for real or are you just making a joke?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Have you guys read this?
    @shaliynn really? Their making it into a lifetime movie? What's the name of it, I'd watch it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Have you guys read this?
    HOLY SHIT, I'm only half-way through and I'm already cracking the fuck up. What kind of funny ass shit is this. Is this the real life of a hooker? I feel bad but I'm also laughing my ass off. These white folk are crazy. Let me get back to reading.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who leaves the VIP room first?
    @Eagle1191 proper manners is varies between cultures. If you want true tradition, tell that bitch to quit working, get in the kitchen and make you a sandwich! Don't have the "audacity" to tell a woman to make you a sandwich? To not work? Well then, expect change like everything else in the world