
avatar for Ch3ll
How many of you have a strict schedule and budget for going to the strip club? For example, you only go on the 3rd Saturday night of the month and spend no more than $300.


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avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
No. Sometimes life just says you need some titties in your face and a stripper in your lap and I go. Other times I want to go but life dictates the budget can't handle it. How much money depends on where I'm going and what I want in terms of action.
No strict schedule but I do have a strict budget. I use to piss away money in the clubs like there was no tomorrow but now I set my absolute limit between $200-$300.
Time and money are no longer an issue.
I'm spontaneous and go when I feel like I need to see ass and tits. My budget depends on how much money I have at that moment.
I don't have a strict schedule because that would be boring and predictable. However, I do have a tendency to go every other Friday or Saturday, which is the byproduct of my pay schedule.
Being retired, I can go any time I want, but I usually go on weekdays in the afternoon. I spend around $500. That social security check really comes in handy
Basically I can go whenever I want to and money is not an issue. However my visits are usually planned a few days ahead of time.
My biggest constraint is getting someone to stay with my wife. As a full time caregiver, time for myself is a rare commodity. This week I made it two afternoons but that's rare. My budget is also shrinking as I've given up consulting and my pension, while pretty good, isn't the same as a job which paid me more, the more I worked.
No schedule. Whenever mrs sea needs to get out to drink and see some T&A we go. We do keep our budget around $300-600. Spending $600 always makes us discuss on the way home how we should've just got a hotel room and an escort.

Main thing is figuring out where we can ship the kids off to for a day or 2.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
As far as budget, no more than what I have on me. I can go to the ATM before though. As far as time, I need time to sleep in and drive while awake. My problem is I fall asleep very easily when I'm tired. With strip clubs an hour away, I need plenty of sleep before driving those long boring drives. If you've ever fallen asleep while driving and woken up behind the wheel, you might realize you never want to repeat that experience again. I don't want to repeat any chevy chase movie thrillers. I fell asleep in the PP club several times. I don't think hardly anyone noticed because I can almost sleep with my eyes open. I did have a couple of dancers claim they were going to take pictures of me or harass me if they caught me sleeping. One dancer curled up on me and went to sleep on top of me for a few minutes. Can happen if the club is open all night long and it's super big.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
It all depends on my funds, what I want to accomplish at the club, and I usually go when I get the "calling", urge, horniness whatever.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
I had to get on a schedule and budget because I was spending too much on the CF. If I can stick to going once every other week and spending no more than $800 each time, I'm winning.
When I go over there I just go as often as I can. I usually manage a midday visit and an evening most days, I don't go midday if I am doing well at craps.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I hit at least one club every week, usually two. A few times a year I go on a road trip and visit 3-5 clubs in a few days. My strip club visits aren't spontaneous but are coordinated with other things I do (concerts, movies, sightseeing, conferences). For example, next week I have a conference in Bloomington/Normal, Illinois all day Friday so I plan to drive to Peoria on Thursday and hit Pulse late in the afternoon, Fluffers in Sparland late at night, and Elliott's late on Friday afternoon. (I've already been to Kappa Kabanna, Big Al's, and Club Cabaret and feel no need to go back any time soon.)

For non-extras clubs I take $150 and often spend only $50-100; for clubs with extras-friendly VIP rooms I take $250-300. I've never spent more than $300 in a strip club.
No schedule and no budget. I just go and let the strip clubs gods govern my destiny. You never know. Sometimes it's a $100 night that ends with me jerking off.m so,et
sometimes it's a $500 night that ends in sex, occassionally it's a $1,000 night with assorted forms of debauchery of all types. And rarely, twice in 20 years, I meet a dream stripper and all bets are off. I love the uncertainty, the hunt, not knowing what'll happen, what I'll spend, or what cute young things I might meet.
I never bring over $100, and usually walk out with $50 or more. I've cut down to once a week to prevent boredom and burnout. I'm tired of most of the day shift girls and night shift mileage is poor value.
@ldk, you serious?
I would say double the amount of VIP (if VIP is within your version of reasonable pricing). So in G2K for example, it's $180 for 30 minutes (I talk these strippers down to 150 though because anything beyond that is a waste of money). So I would bring $360. In clubs where the VIP is too high for my taste or there is no VIP (POC in queens for example), then I just bring $150-200. I include drink fees with this as well since me personally, I don't like drinking in clubs (not to say I socially drink even with my friends). That's my motto since most of my dollars are going to chair/couch/table dances anyway.
I have curbed the amount I go significantly, since I'm saving up for a few things. I'm 24, I have to prioritize my money a bit different since other bills and job focus is becoming a heavy priority. So I usually have been going every 3 months.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
Good to see how others do. I was going every Sat. and spending $200-$300. Only a few times when I went on a Sun. or Tues. night did I spend less than $120. But here's the catch. I love to gamble. I always pay my bills on time and take care of my kids (I'm separated), but I love to gamble. So, since the SC is 90 minutes away as well as the casino, I always hit the casino first trying to win the money or extra to fund the SC visit. And that casino visit has been a $300 loss usually instead of anything extra. Sometimes I'll even go back to the casino after the SC visit to try and break even.

Anyway, I'm 30 and trying to curb my funds dwindling by making my visits once or twice a month. I'm only in the 70k range. No JS69 by far.
avatar for Bend7
9 years ago
No set schedule I may not got for months OR I may go every 2nd or 3rd day..
If, I am out of town, I may go every night to checkout all clubs in new town.
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
I use to go on my days off and blow my weekly pay check on every weekend

But now I'm much more responsible and I haven't been going as much due to savings and using BP girls for sex

I also use Massage parlors so it also has drop me from going a lot to strip clubs

I do have a set budget to go once a month at the end of the month and spend no more than $250 but I usually don't follow this ...I've been saving that money instead a lot of the times and when I do go its hard for me to spend $100 ( most of all my clubs are clean or high mileage clubs but no ITC maybe some times OTC)

I do save up for a once a year road trip to enjoy the open roads and strip clubs with extras now that is fun

But I guess for the most part if I get the itching for some titties I do pop in random at times and burn off a quick $30 in stage tips
No set schedule – I enjoy the SC more when I go if I go b/c I really want-to or I'm really horny.

I have a “soft limit” of what I'm comfortable spending but don't sweat it too much if I go over (or way over) my limit if I am having a good time and wanna keep the good times rolling.

The biggest drawback for me going whenever I want to is that at times I go just b/c I'm bored and thus spend $$$ but don't really enjoy the visit as much as when I go b/c I'm really horny and not just bored.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I spent a total of $25 on lap dances plus I tipped a five in the last two weeks. I think I can afford a lot more at this rate. However if the quality of the girls isn't that high, spending a lot more could be a waste of money. I never go for the expensive rooms and wait for two for one specials. I get some enjoyment out of the lap dances but it doesn't sound anywhere close to what Shadowcat gets. When I was a lot happier with lap dances, I was spending a whole lot more. Mileage was a lot higher too even though I wasn't spending any more for the dances. The lap dances I get today are only slightly better than the table dances I used to get several years ago.
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