
Comments by Estafador (page 68)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do strippers manage to buy homes?
    Also it could be since that the responsible adult escort some how managed to either over time or otherwise get her dirty dollars into a bank without the IRS asking questions. And as for a purchase itself, either they are buying the deed OR they have good credit from other purchases like a car loan finished being paid off (the easiest form of credit to build in my opinion)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do strippers manage to buy homes?
    I would think they pay for their home in cold cash, no mortgages allowed. One and done sort of purchase. That's what I plan to do in the future. They get to own the house AND they owe no one but the sweat on their brow.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    First Visit to a Black Dive
    That's very interesting JS69. I guess apparently I never been to a dive because what I thought was a dive was FAR worse than what you described...and have learned it's called an underground strip club. I feel like you ran into a club where it's DOMINATED by fake asses. Not all African-Americans have such huge asses and to say you saw gargantuan is a far stretch for natural. It can be natural in some cases, but they usually have roots in the Caribbeans or straight from the motherland.Though when you have "gargantuan", the only way these chicks are making them move is with leg strenght and plenty of practice. Just look at these twerkers who have fake asses but somehow can still make em giggle. Do you think you'll try to venture more into dive bars to see if you get better service during the day?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    First Visit to a Black Dive
    its hard to take the term seriously when some people say the word ghetto. Some of them are uppity black bitches who are born into the "ghetto", raised by their ghetto friends, acted ghetto at one point and suddenly had a revalation that being ghetto is lame, still while rolling their necks, wearing hoop earrings, long fingernails weave down to their ass and not liking the "nice" guy. We won't debate about the definition of a "nice" guy. I call these uppity bitches, paux-class proletarians.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Not trying to get robbed in OTC
    @JS69 fucking laugh riot man. If the bitch asks, what's the plywood for, tell her its not a coffin. That'll make her think twice about double crossing you ^_^
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Not trying to get robbed in OTC
    My OTHER piece of advice even if you take necessary precautions; get a gun. That's right I'm pro-gun baby. These bad guys keeps getting them illegally anyway, why can't you have one LEGALLY. Put a cap in a pimp's ass if s/he thinks s/he's going to rob you. Funny story I DID see a female pimp. Of course she was hotter than her hoe because she was clean but DAMN that was the funniest thing I have seen in the seedy world. Driving around in her black Infinit QX80
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Not trying to get robbed in OTC
    Your in quite a pickle. You want OTC, but you're married. Going to the house is OUT the question. Best thing I can say is, tell her you guys are going to a hotel (or motel, whichever you find is better for your pursuit), but don't say which. Watch her every movement with the phone and if you want to go the extra mile, HOLD HER PHONE or tell her to keep the phone off. If your really paranoid, you don't want her to tell her people where you guys are going. Make sure only YOU have the keys to the room and don't fall asleep before her. Even more paranoid, just don't sleep there and use it for sex and hit the bricks. Of course this requires explaining why you are home so late to your wife. You don't have friends you can use for a quick romp sess?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Paying a dancer to leave another customer
    ALSO, when you open a thread, on these sorts of websties, you open yourself to people giving their opinions whether it be positive or negative. I post everywhere because I don't block people just because I don't like what they say. Everyone says something informative at least SOME of the time. Or entertaining. Either or
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Paying a dancer to leave another customer
    @JS69 sorry bro, but I'm consistantly blunt. I don't hide behind niceties just to make you feel better. A good time shouldn't be had for one if your having it with friends. If your with good people, all should make sure their companions are also having a good time...to an extent of course. Don't pay his mortgage worth at a strip club just because he broke. @25 why are you so obsessed with overly analyzing me. And why are you incredibly slow on the uptake that I'm 24? I have never hid this nor tried to make myself seem older. In fact I made it a point to let everyone know I'm a young buck so you asking that makes me question your reasons for speaking to me about why I say what I do. From what I can concur, you just want me to get into an argument with you. Whether to fuel your ego that old folk are better than young or that I'm just an ignorant young man or whatever else your reason may be, cut the bullshit out bro. Though from the entirety of your post, I can deduce that you just like to make yourself look superior. You look like a bully, big guy pick on the little guy. Of course you assume I'm ignorant and trying to "play" with the "big dogs". I kind of can understand why Nina can get fustrated with many of you folk. You seem to intentionally start trouble. I started on JS69 BECAUSE he made those comments and he's OP, not because it's what I find "cool". I have readily disagreed with plenty of people you see me on her agreeing with, such as Papi, Dougstar, Ranukam, Shadowcat and so on. MOVING ONI do have plenty of friends despite what you may think. Ultimately, your just upset that this young person refuses to grasp your inkling of what you call "reality". Of course it's generally agreed upon that the older you become, the more stuck in your ways you are. I won't discriminate against you for disagreeing with my point of views directed towards JS69 but that doesn't mean I won't shit on you when you try it on me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How do you manage multiple favorites in a club all showing up in the same shift
    if you got the dough for so many hoes, then spend it all on them INDIVIDUALLY. One at a time. They're all getting their fair share and should know your not a one woman type of guy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How do you manage multiple favorites in a club all showing up in the same shift
    if you got the dough for so many hoes, then spend it all on them INDIVIDUALLY. One at a time. They're all getting their fair share and should know your not a one woman type of guy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your preferred drink at the strip club?
    a bottle of beer. ONLY because it's actually cheaper than a bottle of water (crazy huh?)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your preferred drink at the strip club?
    you people actually buy bottles at the club? I thought you guys were better than that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Proper etiquette for LDK'ing
    I would think standard etiquette would be to wear a condom. So she can grind as bad as she wants with no fear because she wont feel jizz go through your pants
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Paying a dancer to leave another customer
    oh you guys all met up in Miami? Good for you old farts. A few things for the OP though 1: You are really a grimy person to hang out with at the club if your devious enough to move in on your friend's girl like that in the club 2: your extremely desperate and pathetic if you actually have to PAY someone to leave their current company for you. 3: Your pathetically sad if you have to pay someone just to SIT DOWN with you.... 4: glad you all had fun stabbing each other in the back it seems. Not sure how I would have felt about that. I guess experience would be the answer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    what does "A hair laying across your ass" mean? I never heard that expression before.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'd take it in a heartbeat. Their's always other ways to get independant lap dances and OTC. Strip club is just the best known method on this forum
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Vacation in Dubai
    can't we go on a vacation for anything but sex? What happened to just enjoying all the non-sexual activities as you travel?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How about pre-gaming before hitting the club
    @Rickdugun way to drag on post man. And I live on this "pro drag" strip so it's not like I can avoid it by going around. It's a fucking residential area. Way to be a dick and assume I'm a liar. But whatever, you always know how ruin a good potential conversation involving you.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    @twentyfive I JUST mentioned that I don't care about making a fuss over the racial discrepancies of hookers and why. Why can't I just make an observation without getting angry? you internet folk are definitely a weird breed of being.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    @dominic from all these demands, these whores are just lazy fucks (figuratively and literally) who want quick cash with very little work. Us black men make em work for that measly $60-$100
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    I still find it EXTREMELY odd that these whores who are practicing an illegal business for pennies on the dollar are still demanding racial preferences. I would get all up in arms, but their whores who have no say in society, so their words mean nothing outside of the sex room.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    As a YOUNG black man, I found this distressing as its odd for an illegal whore to make such racist demands. I haven't seen a backpage whore for anything more than head, so not much exrtended conversation was had. Of course these were girls who apparently approved black men. WHat I have read online is a myraid of reasons. We don't want to pay, we're really pimps in disguise, we're too aggressive, too big dicks we want MORE than what we pay for and some actually just don't like to looks of black skin against their own. That last one I got was they actually wanted to fuck for actual pleasure (and plain racism). From all those comments, I can basically infer that compared to us black folks, every other male race are easy enough to deal with. This is what I also read. White men and south asian men are easy going, they do what the prostitute says; it doesn't matter that the man who pays is in charge, he let's the whore walk all over him for eagerness to be in her company or similar. They're dicks aren't some BBC size dicks, they take things exceedingly slow and cum quick. That sounds like real pretty words for he's boring in the sack. They like that because us black men will wear her out and might stimulate her too much causing excess exertion. And best of all, not only do they assume white skin means they have money, they'll pay AND give out huge tips for what isn't deserved. essentially, black men are concious when parting with money and white men are fools with it. Its easier to exploit the desperate than the black shell.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    Just another regular?
    A timeless saying: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!" You got suckered in and for MOST that's common (not for me, but I'm not common lol). Just don't let it happen again.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who does anal in VIP?
    @electronman yeah but tranny faces look DRASTICALLY different from women no matter how well their cosmotoligist is. But I get your point and I can understand that @eyeamlong totally unrelated but I was crusing the posts in a club in NYC. Glad to know there are more NYers posting on the discussion. I see so few that I can relate with.