
Proper etiquette for LDK'ing

Friday, February 12, 2016 1:43 PM
I'm still kind of new to the strip club scene. The other day I was getting some dances from a girl with a phat ass. She put it on my dick a few times. I wanted to cum so bad, but I wasn't sure if its disrespectful to dancers to cum in your pants without permission and it seems kind of lame to ask if I can cum in my pants. Is there a sign dancers give you that let's you know its fine to cum in your pants? Some expertise on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


    8 years ago
    Just go for it. Don't make a big thing of it and if you think it's enough that she's going to notice just say "That's good baby". I've LDKed hundreds of times and no one has ever said anything to me about having a problem. I think the dancers that would have a problem with it wouldn't help you get to that point. Keep in mind some dancers figure you'll be a repeat customer if you LDK.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's only disrespectful to get any semen on her.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    Some girls will make a stink if you cum and it gets on them. But if you play it cool - and get her off of you - before any seeps through your pants - then she might not know. It's best to get out of the lap dance area before the girl suspects anything like that - as some dancers might get the bouncer involved. I think some girls are concerned about exchanging bodily fluids. Other girls want to feel in control. If you are thinking you might cum in your pants the next time you get a dance from her - don't go commando.
  • footballguy
    8 years ago
    I think most dancers don't care but it probably depends what type of club you are in. Obviously they don't want you to LDK in the first few songs so as long as you but several they shouldn't care. You are mug more likely to be a repeat customer if she makes you LDK. If the dancer does a lot of grinding, especially staying in the same position and same rhythm that's a good sign that she's trying to make you cum. If she constantly shifts it could mean that she either doesn't want you to cum or is just trying to delay it to get you to buy more dances. I've had one dancer that started grinding on me and asking me if I liked it harder or softer. This was before I had ever LDK'd so I didn't pick up the que that she wanted me to come. Over later visits she got me to LDK on multiple visits. On my last visit after I came she asked if it was "mission complete". I have yet to meet a dancer that had a bad reaction or refused dances from me due to me LDKing.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Just tell them yiu cant handle any more
  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    I consider it one of the most enjoyable parts of my strip club experience when I cum. That being said, dancer's reactions vary considerably when it happens.. Some wipe it on my pants and keep on going, others immediately want a bigger tip and mention it, others are genuinely happy, and in the true " gentleman's clubs " I've known them to react negatively. I wear thick cotton pants whenever I'm in a club, so that makes it easy to hide. I love it when it happens, every time.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    New to the scene and you've reviewed 39 clubs?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I was surprised to read that from Chessmaster too (RE: new to the scene). And that's just the number reviewed! Not a true total (assuming he has visits for which he didn't write a review). For comparison, I've probably been to SCs 25 or 26 times I the whole 20+ years I've been clubbing (incl. a 12 year break before last year). I took it to be although he's not new to clubbing he may be new to LDK. I know I am. Fortunately in my case I already had sex earlier I the day, when I came twice In the club (once from LDK and once from stick-shifting) I didn't have much semen volume to deal with, which helps.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    If your jizzing in your drawers during a standard LD etiquette has already gone out the window.
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    I still don't understand how PLs LDK from a lap dance. My CF has on occasions grinded on me at a nice rhythm for two songs straight and I don't even get close to the point of no return. Would the average PL, LDK from two songs of non stop grinding? Do I need to see a doctor, lol.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I let her know when I'm getting close and often it spurns them on to make it happen. Most girls look at it as an accomplishment on their part and take it as a compliment.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    @Bavarian- no you don't need to see a doctor. Most guys aren't gonna nut from 2 songs. And most dancers are no doubt happy about that.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Agreed most PLs don't nut from a couple songs. But some dancers are better than others about starting the fun on the floor (GFE), which isn't accounted for in the 2 (or more) songs in the back.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    I would think standard etiquette would be to wear a condom. So she can grind as bad as she wants with no fear because she wont feel jizz go through your pants
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    But how common is GFE on the floor? I think that's reserved for VIP where there's more privacy. Can strippers get in trouble for GFE activities if seen by management?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    You guys that can cum in your pants during lapdances, how are you during actual sex? One minute men?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Depends on the club the dancer and how much you are spending. But yeah, a lot of time they have us take it to the back and if the area isn't crowded I don't have to pay them, just tip her, which I would do anyway in the floor. The trick is finding a dark spot where you're not noticed.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It also helps if you're buying booze for you and the dancer. Booze sales = loose dancer and happy SC management. So they let it slide. The only real issue is try not to be obvious to other customers or draw attention to yourself. The night I had the LDK, I had spent time earlier with a dancer who did body rubs on the side. Her hand technique at the table was incredible, and very discreet. ;) Even her-hand-on-my-hand contact was incredible, let alone the rest of the stuff. Magic fingers.
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