Comments by Estafador (page 213)

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    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    One PL's First Experience Using The System (part 1)
    LMMFAO. HOLY SHIT this is too funny to be true. Man this is worse than NY. At least here I got an actual dance and not chatter followed by bathroom breaks. TOO FUNNY! Well at least your a rich stud right? 2K is nothing to you of course. Even if it was only an hour of talking and sitting, you are getting other woman's panties wet right?
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    9 years ago
    Spending The Big Money
    Explains why you're barely ever on the board. You're busy working doubly hard to build back what was lost. 600K and nearly no regrets huh? Still your life story is helluva intense one and in such short amount of time. Good for you bro.
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    9 years ago
    Terrible Time in Tijuana
    LMAO, while this story sounds incredibly fabricated to the ninth degree, almost something out of a movie scene, it was very entertaining. Damn, those were some exciting close calls. Once he hit the taxi, you should have called it quits and went out of the country. Rule number 1: never trust ANYBODY that you don't know. The main thing that pointed out that makes this seem highly fabricated, your "random" tourist buddy jumps in a car with a total stranger and the same stranger comes back and doesn't even think to change his shirt or hide the blade. Still I wonder if they'll be more precaucious of a dangerous looking big black man?
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    9 years ago
    Deep South Sex
    Plagiarism from where? Proof sir
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    9 years ago
    Earn Respect by Giving Respect
    If one could hold his jacket, one would do so. How many people actually appreciate the gesture of someone taking your jacket. Its like valet, you do it because it's required not because its awesome. Not everyone wants to be held by the hand, be waited on when they have legs and tip the biuncer for doing his job. Just like the waitress, the bartender and the door person. I won't even get into the bathroom troll. Point is, ifits in your job description, why should i tip you for doing your job. Is the waitress or bartender gonna get me a larger or extra drink? Tips are for services beyond the norm not just the norm. Why not just the cashier at Duane reade a tip every time you go. Matter fact why not give the chef at the club or restaurant a tip because THEY made you delicious food not the waiter/waitress. This whole tipping thing is extremely blown out of proportion and has to be deflated.
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    9 years ago
    How to "Lose the Groove"
    Also did you kiss the strippers after you got herpes? If so you're a straight dick
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    9 years ago
    How to "Lose the Groove"
    Everything that you been labelled is total crap. Your simply an asshole. You don't like to be stuck to one person. Hey your not the only one (I'm not indicating myself btw), there are plenty of people like you. Its a little fucked up that you realize this after someone dies but hey, what's done is done. If you really want to change your ways you need to give up all dark paths that led you to this road. No strip clubs, no bookers no TESCO. Yup this site too as its a link to the sc world. But will you honestly do that. Especially since you got a month free review privilege. But decent article nonetheless. Good luck in your endeavors.
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    9 years ago
    Deep South Sex
    You sir are an inspiration for this young buck. I shall now take classes to learn how to properly massasge
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    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Voyeurism in a Strip Club, Part I
    I'm not gonna lie, you sound like a possible rapist with that last comment. But you're still here so I can hopefully rule out foul play...hopefully.
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    10 years ago
    The Time Value Of A $5 Table Dance Compared To A $10 Dance.
    Man, I need to move to the south because NY doesn't have anything close to a $5 dance club....unless you do those underground clubs, but that's not legal. Can't wait till I get big
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    10 years ago
    Extreme ITC extras
    Damn, I laughed so hard when you said she bugged out. Fucking hilarious. Glad she found her place to scam customers though funny as hell trying to leave awkwardly. Ah well, glad the brother gave you some leverage.
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    10 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    MJX’s Strip Club Theory - Part 1
    I guess I'm everybody else since I visit strip club scarcely these days but I would think that visitig even once a month would consider you "everybody else". And the fact that I never visit the same club repeatedly in a row on a particular day makes that more so. SO then by your standards, is there any point for the "everybody else" type of guy to bother with strip clubs when he continues to be everybody else in the eyes of the clubs and dancers?
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    10 years ago
    New South Wales
    Know what you want: A warning to other PLs.
    Somehow even though after I started touching and definetely wanted to fuck, I somehow resisted even going for a CBJ in da club. Even while drunk the resistance was strong with this one. Your soul is too weak old one mwahahahaha
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    10 years ago
    New South Wales
    Know what you want: A warning to other PLs.
    Jeez man, you made it sound like you were headed down to attempting to date rape. Calm down on the theatrics. You scared the crap out of me.
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    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    A Dancer's Perspective on Extras
    sounds like to me, unless you have a naturally phat ass or naturally big bust and are comfortable with constantly keeping a clean diet, then the strip club lifestyle is not for you. With all the fees mentioned in the second to last paragraph, not to mention the pickiness of guys who want big butts and tat tas, but don't want anything enhanced, it doesn't worth working at the club. If anything, you might as well work at a retial store making $12/h and you'll probably make more there than in the club no matter how "lenient" the club may seem. Thanks for the insight. Unfortunately I doubt the threat of prostitution will ever happen out here in the tri-state and with the attitutde of the girls these days, quitting sounds more common than trying to avoid the fees. I feel like this article, while definetely insightful and a good read, is trying to influence me to tip bigger and be more considerate to their financal woes, and while I can sympathize, I work too hard too throw away all my money just so you can get a third of it while big manager jim get's the other third and I still get less satisfaction than I hope since its non extra services. I say it's easier for all these girls to just quit while they aren't blackballed.
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    10 years ago
    Marrying an Escort
    if you two didn't actually get married, your a glorified pimp. good job shadowcat
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    11 years ago
    Tijuana, Don't Do Me Like That
    I'd smash Kendra...I'd probably forsake my don't pay for pussy just to hit that. Her twin friend not bad either.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Perhaps I should stay in America then. After all, I'm not too gunhoe to just drop trou and bang anything I see. I need to evaluate all your advice for a final analysis. Thanks though, seriously.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Damn, my american personality won't stand for such blasphamy. I don't even buy my own girlfriend gifts, food or drinks. I would NEVER buy a stripper a drink just to keep her gums a flapping. But then again, when I DO talk to strippers, that's a good indication that I want lap dances. Man will I have a tough time in TJ
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Just reread your article again, who the hell would want to do bareback and anal? That's disgusting and dangerous. Don't know where those lips/walls have been/shitted. I got a question about the mesmero though. From what I've been reading, he seems like the waiter type guy that just won't leave you the fuck alone and trys to give you everything under the florescent sun. Can you shoo him away, because me personally, I don't like baggering strippers and am not afraid to let them know.
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    11 years ago
    The Reality of Being a Regular
    I felt like I read this last year
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    11 years ago
    Japanese Confessions of an International Strip Club Monger
    i'm suprised the reviews here of japan was in english. is that all you went to japan for? I hope not.
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    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    What I mean by letdown is that the local guys they have are all probably assholes and really doesn't up their self-esteem, if the indication of "stalkers" you get means anything. I hope that makes sense. I read on another article that you shouldn't bring your own condoms. Is this true? What if you're a hung fellow (black)? You probably can't use their condoms anyway am I right? Do you ever see any Africans/African-descendants there at all? And I don't just mean dark-skinned Latinos either I mean Americans or other nationalities with African descent.
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    11 years ago
    A Businessman's Visit to Tijuana
    Well I mean, if your a big black fellow, I'm sure they don't have the right condoms for you anyway. You probably might have to bring your own regardless. Do many african-americans even go to TJ and interact with the sex workers?
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Don't fall in love with a stripper
    And leave her alone. You keep giving her money, some crack dealer gonna coerce to buy. She'll never learn until she dead broke or dead. She's not a good person. She's quick to switch the script and drop you if you started addicting to crack. Let someone her own age teach her a lesson as those who can relate to another will respect their word. To her you're just money, so just cut it off completely and let her enjoy the memories of money flow. She'll change after that I'm sure.