
Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ

As promised, I returned to the HK Club in Tijuana (TJ) this past weekend and am happy to report my experiences. I drove up through Northern Mexico, crossed over in Mexicali, continued on to San Diego by car, parked on the American side and then walked across into TJ with an overnight duffle bag. I arrived at about 8pm on a Sunday night and checked into Las Cascadas Hotel (I made the reservation online), which is directly above the HK Club.

Cascadas is where you take the chicas from the HK Club (and other clubs) to experience deeper carnal knowledge -- it's essentially the brothel part of the experience. I had requested a renovated room and was given one on the 4th floor near the back part of the hotel where there is still some dry wall and such laying around. The little room was fairly decent (dare I say even stylish in some regards) and I was surprised that I couldn't hear the music from the club below -- guess I didn't need those earplugs after all! Cost was $50 plus deposits for the key, TV remote and AC remote, which totaled another $30, although I got the money back the next morning without issue and was told I would receive discounted rates on rooms in the future. My only complaints about the room: the bedding was very cheap and not particularly clean and there was no hair dryer, but otherwise very convenient if you intend on sampling chicas. The TV has about a dozen or so channels, including some porn, action movies and Mexican variety shows. My bed was very firm and the glass door shower was great -- all in all, better than I had expected. I unpacked my bag, cleaned up, put my passport in the little safe next to the bed and headed down to the action outside.

As I noted in my original article, lots going on outside the clubs -- many dozens of street girls (SGs), lots of mongers walking about and great variety / quality of street food. I slowly walked around the block, smiling at all the girls and who do I come across standing in exactly the same spot as before? Claudia, the cute SG who I had met the month prior. We spoke in Spanish:

Me: Hey, I remember you…
Her: Yes, me too. You're the guy who ate 3 hotdogs across the street.
Me: I'm sure it was only 2 (grinning).
Her: No, it was 3 and you waved at me and then came over to talk.
Me: Yes and your name is Claudia, right?
Her: Yes, that's right! When did you get here? Did you come from Canada?
Me: I just arrived and you really have a good memory.
Her: Sure, but are we going to go to the hotel this time?
Me: Well, let me get some food and I'll come back. It's a little cold now, so can I bring you a coffee or something?
Her: No, caffeine makes me jittery, but thank you.
Me: Well, maybe I'll make you warm in other ways later… (winking).

As I walked away from Claudia, I was a little bit in shock about her recall. We had only talked for a few minutes about 5-6 weeks prior and I didn't take it beyond that. Did I make that much of a positive impression or are these gals that sharp? I came to learn it was a combo of both.

After I finished my loop around the block, I headed to the HK Club, got a little pat down and walked in without paying any cover charge. As usual, babes galore all shaking their money makers. I walked to the back stage and ran into my main mesero from before (Armundo), and sure enough, dude instantly recognizes me. I order drinks from him just before he finishes his shift (using my 2-for-1 coupon) and grab a little booth along the sidewall. Truth be told, I was not feeling 100% on this night; bit of a sore throat, mild headache and tired from a long day of driving, but I was trying to let the club quickly rejuvenate me. After a few minutes, 2 chicas invaded my booth and started gossiping while shooting me side glances and seductive smiles. Solid 7.5s, but not really my types and I was just trying to hydrate and get my wits about me, so I wasn't feeling too chatty yet. Despite my lack of invitation or receptive vibes, one of the girls leans over and says in really good English:

Her: You obviously don't speak much Spanish, otherwise you'd be laughing at what we're talking about.
Me: Don't be too sure. You two are bitching about your clients.
Her: Oh, you're right! Did you understand everything?
Me: No, but I try not to listen too closely when girls bitch and vent. It gives me a headache.
Her: Well, what all the guys want now is anal sex, barebacked blow jobs and cumming in my face; it's just ridiculous, especially without protection.
Her friend: Yeah, lots of germs, it's dangerous and gross.
Her: It's like my tits and pussy aren't enough for these fucking idiots.
Me: Well, I'm from Canada; we don't do anal sex unless the pussy is frozen shut (smiling).
Her: Very funny, but we have a tough job, don't you think?
Me: Hey, I'll pay you $20 right now if you knock that fucker out for me (pointing to an irritating little fuck offering tequila shots from his bottle while constantly blowing a whistle).
Her: OK (and she turns around and gives a surprisingly realistic overhead right that intentionally misses the little ponce by only a few inches -- which kind of shocks the fucker into silence). How about buying us drinks instead?
Me: Later maybe, I'm not too talkative right now, but thanks for shutting that little prick up.
Her: So Canadians don't like anal sex and they are all too poor to buy drinks (smiling)?
Me: Hey, you're too cheeky for your own good. I'll need more time and energy before I can deal with you (winking).

With this, she leaves in search of other marks, but her friend (Mary Jane from Cabo San Lucas) stays behind and escalates the action with lots a crotch rubbing and a tit massage to my face. She eventually breaks me down and I end up buying 2 drinks for her over the course of 45 minutes, despite her not really being my type (5'7” or so, about 140 pounds, buxom, flat stomach, big natural tits, fake dirty blond hair, too much makeup). She was showing me all her pics on her iPhone and it got me thinking that although only a 7.5 in the HK Club, if I was w/ this very affectionate gal in any regular club / bar / restaurant, I would likely be the envy of the entire place. Some of her pics were model quality and she may actually rate closer to an 8.5 in a different environment, but here I was, trying to get rid of her. She was offering me the world in VIP and said I could fuck her there no problem. She even said she prefers doggy style and I could get pretty wild if I wanted. In her rough English, she kept on saying, “Come on baby, let me be your girlfriend tonight” but I was on the lookout for some of the girls whom I made a connection with from my previous visit, so I was trying to cut her loose gracefully. And sure enough, I spotted my Desiree dancing on the back stage about 20 feet away from me. In Spanglish:

Me: Yes, doggy style is my favorite position too, but I need to get some food and say hello to my friend on stage over there before you and I go to VIP.
MJ: Why? Let's fuck first and then you can eat later or just order a Redbull now. Is that girl on stage your friend (chica) or girlfriend (novia)?
Me: Well, I guess you could say she's my Hong Kong friend… (sensing a problem developing)
MJ: You know Mexican girls are possessive, right? So I want you as my boyfriend tonight. You stay with me.
Me: Yes, I like everything about Latinas, very sexy, but I will see you later and then we go to VIP and you can show me your passion. In fact, my new name for you is Novia (girlfriend), so I won't forget you.

Well, I eventually escaped from the booth and headed over to where Desiree (although she just changed her stage name to something like Kiara, but her real name is Judy...) was sitting with a chica friend. While I was cutting my stalker loose, I was glancing at Desiree's stage show over MJ's shoulder and remembered that she is one of the very few chicas that gets completely naked on stage. And once again, Desi has my perfect body type (at least a 9.5) and a cute, expressive face (about an 8). As I approached, she noticed me from 10 feet away and gets up and RUNS towards me! We embraced like long lost lovers and she was beaming. In Spanish:

Her: Oh my god, it's you! How are you?
Me: Great to see you Judy. I have good memories of you from last time.
Her: Me too. You are the Canadian doctor who massaged my feet so well!
Me: Yes, I enjoyed it and we made all the other chicas so jealous (winking).
Her: Yes, it was wonderful... (look of joy on her face). Well, let's sit down and talk.
Me: Sure, I'll buy you a drink.
Her: What? Oh, well sure if you like, thank you (seemed embarrassed that I assumed she wanted me to buy her a drink so quickly).

So we sat together and thoroughly enjoyed each other for about 45 minutes while kissing, caressing and hugging right next to the hot tub. She remembered every detail of me from 5-6 weeks prior. I told her about my stalker because I noticed that MJ had spotted us from the other side of the back stage, about 30 feet away, and it was making me a little self-conscious. In fact, this is a problem with the HK Club, in my opinion, if you tend to have a heart and give a fuck about any of these girls -- they will very likely remember you and expect your attention / money and will get bothered and maybe even a little jealous if you snog other girls in front of them. I'm sure many guys wouldn't think twice about it and don't give a shit, but I do and try to avoid any unwanted issues. For example, even a chica who I talked to for only 30 seconds last visit (and I didn't even grope her or get her name) waved me over and asked where my eye glasses were (I had worn a pair of dark horn rimmed frames the previous time, but left them in my room this time) -- WTF??? So, this little chica (about a 7 or 7.5) is giving me the puppy dog eyes while I'm getting molested by MJ and then while I'm thoroughly snogging Desiree. I don't know about you, gentle reader, but that sort of thing unnerves me, so I sought out a private booth in a corner and proceeded to really enjoy Desiree's company. Good conversation, lots of genuine laughs, and some sexy snogging. Desi was not pounding her beers back, so a further 3 drinks ($30 including tips) bought me nearly 1.5 hours of quality booth time. I then decided to escalate.

Me: I think it's time I enjoyed you without clothes.
Her: Me too.
Me: Let's start w/ a private lap dance upstairs -- last visit I remember you had some great moves.
Her: Well, I can do more right here if you like... (as she takes off her bra).

That's the great thing about this chica: no hard upsell and always willing to please. But because I wanted to get up close and personal w/ Desi's clean shaved bird, I insisted on a private lap dance. I flagged down my new mesero, gave him my lap dance coupon ($15 w/ tip) and off we went hand in hand. Once inside the lap dance closet, we tackled each other and I pulled off her panties. Like before, she stood up on the little bench so that I had full access to her bird and I went to town without a concern in the world. In fact, at one point while she had her spread ass cheeks about 1 inch from face as I'm sitting and she is bent over, I actually pondered rimming her -- that's how clean and inviting she was. The 5 minutes went by in a flash (although they do time it with a stopwatch, literally) and we both had hungry, predatorial looks upon our faces when it was over. At this stage, I wanted a little fresh air to ponder my strategy (I didn't tell Desi yet that I had a room in the hotel) and to get something to eat because my stomach was really grumbling. So I said I would be back for Round 3 and left Desi with baited breath.

Back on the street, I wondered an additional block in each direction looking for interesting food and didn't feel unsafe in the least. I settled on some bacon wrapped hotdogs on a corner behind HK Club and tipped a guy $1 to play a couple of songs on his guitar. Across the street I noticed an OXO (they are everywhere in Northern Mexico now), so I walked in and bought a small hot chocolate, which I intended to give to Claudia the SG and chat her up. However, when I walked back to her “spot” she wasn't there, so I gave the cocoa to an old street vendor who was very thankful before I walked in the back entrance of HK.

Once inside, I stood inconspicuously near the side bar and pondered my next step. From a safe distance, I saw Desi sitting by the hot tub again, MJ cruising for action (maybe even looking for me) and about a dozen girls whom I recognized from my previous visit. I didn't see Lil' Mo (the cutie w/ some Asian blood, if you recall) unfortunately, but I did spot the infamous Lulu -- and I'll be damned if she didn't look even better than I remember! Lulu has the Best Ass Ever and has to be in the Top 3 of HK Club, but she knows she's hot and doesn't give the best mileage or prices because of it. But damn, that body, perfect skin, real pretty face and long (fake)blonde hair was causing palpitations and even some mild wood from over 20 feet away. But, I had built up the sexual tension so well with Desi, I thought fuck it and decided to pass on Lulu in favor of my little chica from Monterrey. As I walked over to Desi, by strange coincidence, Robin Thicke's “Blurred Lines” was playing (see my previous article), but the video playing behind the main bar on the big screen was the topless one that we are able to see in the States / Canada, not the lame censored one we watched during my last visit to HK Club. Strange, but I took that as a good sign and tapped Desi on the shoulder. In Spanish:

Me: There's my little nurse, let's go play doctor.
Her: You came back this time!
Me: Of course, let's go upstairs (meaning the hotel), but about your price...
Her: Sure, how much did I quote you last time?
Me: Well, you said $50 last time, but that's too low I think, considering our chemistry. I will pay you $80 (the full fee), but 30 minutes is not enough.
Her: Oh, I really like you so the money is not so important...
Me: How about $80 for at least 45 minutes and we can shower after?
Her: Well sure, if that's OK with you.
Me: Perfect. And I already have a room upstairs, so let's go.

Well, we headed out, got a red satin robe ($1), an extra towel ($1) and took the elevator to the 4th floor. We were in that little room for about an hour and 15 minutes -- no rushing -- and had a real passionate session that rivaled anything I've ever experienced, with the possible exception of only 1 other past girlfriend. Not bad HK Club, not bad at all. A legitimate girlfriend experience, albeit w/ condom during penetration, and essentially no limits. No brushing hands away, no avoiding the tongue, no squirming to avoid different positions. And, perhaps best of all, I got this little chica to squirt, but didn't have a towel underneath, so she got the thread bare sheets quite saturated. Small price to pay, me thinks. She ended up leaving at around 2am, although she had to be on the floor of the club for at least another 2 hours or so -- I wondered what she was thinking for the rest of the night. Was she smiling mainly due to the money, or more about the connection we made? I decided not to head out again -- no need to really, so I watched the end of a Denzel Washington movie and then fell asleep. I woke up feeling somewhat marginal (sore throat had progressed to nasal congestion) at 7:30am and was in line at the border by 8:10. It took me 1 hour to get through immigration by foot, which wasn't horrific, but not much fun either. Sentri card holders seemed to make it through a little faster, but not much. Regardless, another tremendous experience and I found myself planning my next visit for sometime in January during my 5-hour drive home. Final costs:

$10 for parking on the U.S. side
$10 for taxi rides
$50 for hotel room
$15 on discounted drinks for me (including tips)
$70 for ladies drinks (including tips)
$15 for a discounted lap dance (including tip)
$80 for a very memorable shag
$5 for three hotdogs
For a total of $255. It was money well spent gents.


  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    Why the #$%* would anyone drive from Mexico into the US ("cross at Mexicali"), west to San Diego, and then have to cross back into Mexico at TJ??? Why not just drive directly from Mexicali to TJ in Mexico and save all the boarder crossing BS???

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    My sentiment exactly. Great trip, nonetheless.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Well, sorry to upset your sense of travel logistics, gents! I spend most of my time in Mexico, so that's where I departed from on this occasion. I have never driven that particular route before (003), so I spent time looking at the map trying to decide the best / safest drive. I didn't want to drive straight to TJ within Mexico because I was unable to see where the hotel's "secured" parking was and exactly how it looked. Furthermore, crossing over from TJ into the U.S. by car is always a nightmare and frequently exceeds 2 hours, so I thought my best bet was to cross at the new border crossing in Mexicali then hook up to the #8 in Cali heading West to San Diego. It was all good in the end (keep in mind also that I was heading back to my house in Arizona on that Monday), but it took me 1 hour to cross by foot from TJ back into the U.S. to pick up my car from a secured 24-hour lot ($10). If I can confirm that there is a truly secure parking lot within a few blocks of the HK Club, then next time (if I'm departing from my casa in Mexico) I will drive directly to TJ -- the roads are fine and not many Federalis. My issue is that I don't always return to my casa in Mexico after these road trips, so my logistics are usually a little complicated. Does that make sense now, gents??? This time I went Northern Mexico->TJ->Arizona via car, whereas the other time I went Arizona->TJ->Arizona.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    Well.. I can't comment on the 'secure' parking issue, so, I'll take you work for it.

    Seems to me that the most efficient route starting in Mexicali would be:
    Mexicali > TJ via 2 > Mexicali via 2 > AZ = one boarder crossing

    Mexicali > SD > TJ > SD > AZ = three crossing!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Despite what you report, I have no desire to endanger my life south of the border in Mexico.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Just talked to my Tia Carmella. It was her birthday on Friday. She turned 88. All 88 years spent living in Mexico.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I enjoyed the article – reads almost like a novel LOL.

    “… I spend most of my time in Mexico …” - “… my house in Arizona …” - “…I'm departing from my casa in Mexico …”

    Now I’m a bit confused – you say you are Canadian – but you also spend most of your time in Mexico and have a house there in Mexico *and* Arizona?

    Are you some kind of “international man of mystery” or are you just taking advantage of the anonymity the internet offers in order to make such claims :)
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Wow, gents, take it easy. I'm a Canadian citizen, although resident of Mexico (for tax reasons), who also has a house in Arizona. Put differently: born and raised in Canada; worked in Northern Mexico for over 7 years, which is why I have a place there; eventually bought a house West of Phoenix when prices got ridiculously cheap. Is everyone on the same page??? Does it fucking matter? Yes, my lifestyle is not conventional, but is anyone expecting an apology or something?

    And MJX01, I didn't start my journey in Mexicali, that's merely where I crossed over. When I find a parking lot near the HK Club in the Zona that I feel OK about parking my nice car in for a day or 2, then I'll simply drive there from my casa in Mexico, but in the mean time, I prefer to park just across the border and walk in. The hassle of course is walking back out, especially on a Monday morning. Having said that, I had absolutely no wait when I walked out a little past midnight on Saturday and Sunday nights (during the trip prior).

    And Alucard, you're sounding like a broken record, so why bother us w/ your blither-blather about the "Dangers of Mexico"?

    And Papi_Chulo, are you a Latino descendant of Sherlock Holmes or something? Southern Arizona is crawling w/ Canadians this time of year -- they're called Snow birds. In fact, a half dozen other family members of mine have places down here too -- no big deal. In fact, here's a detail that will undoubtedly blow your mind: I once lived and worked in JAPAN!!! OMG, I must be really taking the piss now, eh?
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… are you a Latino descendant of Sherlock Holmes or something …”

    Yes – please send me a complete list of all your addresses so I can do some further investigating.

    But really – this is an internet forum – much worse things are often said in these types of venues – no need to get your cock all bent out of shape – most women don’t like a crooked cock.

    “… Yes, my lifestyle is not conventional …”

    And thus some of the enquiries to your post – I’d venture to say most folks on this board don’t have houses in multiple countries nor drive around Mexico.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    I'm already bent to the left, too late...

    I'd dare say that Americans don't live like most other folks in the World, in one way or another. Having 2 houses that are only 3.5 hours from each other is not nearly as odd as many things I see and hear in this country or read on this forum. So who's the oddball actually?

    Regardless, I get your point Papi_Chulo and no real offense taken.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    DAYUM that's a lot work to get into Tijuanna. Still you really make it seem worth the trip there. For about $400, not including hotels, I could do a trip from New York to San Fransicso (or whatever Cali town is closest to Tijuana). Great story, and you really made me empathetic to the ladies there.

    From what you talked about stalking, it seems like Mexico is one big letdown for the ladies and not just money wise either. Sounds like a lot of asshole men leave women scorned and a wealthy fellow like you with a GREAT personality is obviously hard to come by there. At least thats how it seems to me.
  • Dain
    11 years ago
    DrF, another GREAT article! Thanks.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    I can't comment on Dr.F's article other than to say it was much better than the first one - none of the pseudo political social commentary in this one.

    I'll second his comments about Americans. I am also a Canadian who leads a much more international life style than do most Americans. There is a whole big world outside the boundaries of USA. I have seen a fair bit of that world, just not Mexico.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I have family and friends who live in Mojave County, AZ and both Canadians and American snowbirds flick to AZ around this time if year.

    If you wanna be around an interesting time then go to Lake Havasu during Spring Break. The Snowbirds meet the College Kids.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Pseudo political social commentary is my specialty, "farmerart", so expect any future articles written by me to include a least a dusting of it. Somebody has to say it the way it is -- or at least stimulate thoughts / discussions on something more than tits and pussies. Surely as a fellow Canadian who travels the world, your mind asks itself from time to time, "Why are things thus, and who or what is behind such a circus"?

    Thank you "Estafador". Anyone who uses the word empathetic (and actually sounds like they mean it) get's my thumbs up. BTW, not too much hassle to get to TJ for me. Regardless of my route, it's about a 5 hour drive -- and I, like virtually all Canadians, enjoy road trips and are accustomed to driving long distances for adventures. San Diego is closet to TJ obviously, although it's likely cheaper for you to fly into L.A. and rent a car. L.A. to TJ should be no more than a 1.5 hour drive on the Interstate. Make the traveling part of your adventure and not just a hassle / inconvenience. In terms of the girls, I'm not sure what you mean by letdown... they all love their country and are very proud to be latinas, but are trapped in an ugly economic cycle for sure. I try to spend the little that I have fairly and with respect. Further, I always try to make a human connection before an economic one -- just makes me feel better about my mongering.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I used to spend a lot of time in Ensenada and to avoid the long lines at San Ysidro, I would take the back road and cross the border at Tecate. Nice drive.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Yes, I hear Tecate is a great town to see (famous for it's beer) and a convenient place to cross the border. I hope to drive past it on my way to TJ next time.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Dr. F - Did you ever hit the zona roja in San Luis? Back in the 70's there were some good whore house there. LOL.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    I know I'm beating a dead horse here...

    Any place in MEX > TJ > AZ = one boarder crossing

    Any place in MEX > SD > TJ > SD > AZ = three crossing!

    Unless you really enjoy the loving company of boarder control agents, I just don't get it.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Another excellent article Dr. F. I was so excited thinking about your adventures with Desiree that I started to buy airline tickets for San Diego.

    But alas, I will wait until next year. Of all the Tijuana articles, yours are the best.

    Can't wait to establish my own regulars if possible.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    mjx01: for the love of God, man, it's because I haven't found a secured parking lot close to the club / hotel in TJ!!! As such, regardless of where I'm departing from, I feel better parking my car on the American side -- but that will likely change in the future as I collect more information. Why can't you get that? I hate the entire border crossing drama probably as much as anyone -- in fact I had a moderately confrontational face-to-face w/ a border patrol asshole a few days before heading up to TJ, which is another story... Furthermore, I've only been to TJ twice (as an adult -- a couple other times as a kid in the 1970s...), so I'm not an expert on the Zona Norte. Rather, I'm a relatively adventurous guy who has the lifestyle to be able to sample and the motivation / time to write about it. So quit being petty with the messenger, dude.
  • sweettalker
    11 years ago
    nice review. Crap. I don't speak spanish. haha
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    What I mean by letdown is that the local guys they have are all probably assholes and really doesn't up their self-esteem, if the indication of "stalkers" you get means anything. I hope that makes sense.

    I read on another article that you shouldn't bring your own condoms. Is this true? What if you're a hung fellow (black)? You probably can't use their condoms anyway am I right? Do you ever see any Africans/African-descendants there at all? And I don't just mean dark-skinned Latinos either I mean Americans or other nationalities with African descent.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Estafador: it's always a good idea to bring your own "equipment", whatever that might entail, but the girls and the hotels likely have a good selection of offerings, either for free or a small fee. The 3 nights I've been in the HK Club I noticed only about 3-4 black guys total -- surprisingly low. The foreign mongers seem to be about 80% white, 10-15% latino, 5-8% Asian and the rare African American, from my observations at least. Some local Mexicans frequent the clubs too, but not that many. At least 2 girls in the HK Club had African blood in them, that I saw, but neither were dark skinned. I think a few real dark skinned girls would be popular in that market, but I have only seen 1 or 2 on the street -- none in the clubs. Well, there was 1 at Mermaids "massage parlor" / bar (directly across the street from HK) if I remember correctly, but I'm sure you get my point.

    I get your point about self-esteem -- it must be a real roller coaster ride for the chicas... I would think that most men they are in contact with are assholes, regardless of nationality. But let's face it, if gender relations in the U.S. / Canada / Western Europe were not such a complete FUBAR at this point in history, then I wouldn't be even thinking about TJ and the chicas. However, as long as society is the way it is, I need those chicas for psychological / emotional therapy (not just the sex) and they certainly need me for $$$. I like to think that along w/ my money, I also give them some self-esteem and laughs too. I tell them that they're beautiful and fun to be with. I strive for a win-win scenario at all times, and try not to be predatorial or parasitic in my relations w/ people. There's enough of that psycho BS in the world as it is.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Toomuchcover: Thanks for the kind words. Hey, flying from Chicago to LA has gotta be pretty cheap, no? Plus weekend deal on a rental car (from LAX), $70 per night for decent American motel, then about $150 or so per night in the HK Club (depending if you're a boozer). I would think that's all under a grand if you're smart / efficient about it.

    My Spanish is not fluent by any means, but I'm no longer shy about spitting it out. I think some Spanish ability greatly contributes to the TJ experience, but if straight banging is the only thing important to you, then all it takes is some dough and wood...
  • jls911
    11 years ago
    DrF, I understand about the parking, but instead of the taxis, why not take advantage of the HK limo to and from the border especially if spending the night in the HK hotel. Parking on the US side if anything does happen to your car, less to explain to your insurance.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    jls911: yes, HK offers a "free" limo service, but the taxis are cheap ($5 each way), quick and truly hassle free, so no need for an itinerary change there in my opinion. Plus, I'm sure the limo driver expects some sort of tip anyway...

    Yes, parking on the U.S. side just makes me feel better at this juncture, but I may experiment by driving directly from Penasco to Tijuana next time if I can see evidence of truly secured parking that's close to the HK Club -- they claim they offer it to hotel guests. We'll see.
  • wwpmi
    11 years ago
    Hey DrF.
    it sounds to me like you may enjoy another site call T J amigos.
    If the site name doesn't come through PM me.
    Glad your enjoying TJ I've always said I am glad I can only make it down there 5 to 6 times a year because if I lived closer I would be broke even on a budget of only $50 per day:)
    Travel safe
  • harrydave
    11 years ago
    Dr. F. - enjoyed your article. I can relate to your "relational" and light-hearted approach, and to your comments about international experience. I've got a house in AZ, am renting a villa in Muscat, and aO'm bout to buy a small place in Khon Kaen for my wife's sister and grand-daughter to use while the girl goes to school in the big city. Guys, I left out country names so you can take a break from TUSCL and try google maps search feature.

    As for the huge controversy surrounding your chosen entry point into TJ, and the horror of multiple border crossings, I understand your risk assessment. Stolen or damaged car versus an extra hour or two of inconvenience.

    I've been to TJ a couple of times. I'm sure I would enjoy a return visit. For me now, a visit to Dubai is the immoral equivalent.

    Writing this from NJ. I do get around. Merry Christmas!
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Ah, thank you "harrydave" for your comments and Merry Christmas as well. Yes, Dubai is certainly a hotspot for mongers from what I can ascertain, but likely one that I won't see -- I'm more intrigued by Thailand and the Ukraine at the moment, but haven't visited either yet. Sooo many places to see, so little time (money)... Next year will likely involve the Western side of Germany, Belgium and the red lights of Amsterdam, as well as 3-4 visits to TJ of course!

    "wwpmi": I joined TJamigos upon your advice and am currently browsing the forums -- thank you and happy holidays!
  • Bavarian
    11 years ago
    Thanks Dr. for your excellent articles. Very entertaining and well written. Keep on sharing your experiences.
  • wwpmi
    11 years ago
    great welcome aboard
    PM me your handle
  • wwpmi
    11 years ago
    never mind I found it
    travel safe
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Yeah, it's the same handle "wwpmi."
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Just reread your article again, who the hell would want to do bareback and anal? That's disgusting and dangerous. Don't know where those lips/walls have been/shitted.

    I got a question about the mesmero though. From what I've been reading, he seems like the waiter type guy that just won't leave you the fuck alone and trys to give you everything under the florescent sun. Can you shoo him away, because me personally, I don't like baggering strippers and am not afraid to let them know.
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    Lots of hard core TJ mongers want the bareback and anal, Estafador. They seek the thrill. You can certainly shoo the meseros away, but do it with some flare or respect, instead of just saying "fuck off." However, you have only a few seconds to decide to spend $$$ if a chica wants to sit down w/ you -- you can't hang w/ the girls unless you're buying drinks (fichas) for them.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Damn, my american personality won't stand for such blasphamy. I don't even buy my own girlfriend gifts, food or drinks. I would NEVER buy a stripper a drink just to keep her gums a flapping. But then again, when I DO talk to strippers, that's a good indication that I want lap dances. Man will I have a tough time in TJ
  • Dr.F
    11 years ago
    As a newbie to TJ, you'll have to buy a drink or 2 in order to negotiate the bang upstairs. The drinks are $8 and the girls in HK Club will start negotiating at $80 for the bang. Snog the girl for 10 minutes then offer between $60-70 if she seems responsive to you. You can only be real cheap (and have success) in TJ if you are a veteran of the scene Estafador. It is what it is, but if you're observant and a quick learner, you'll start to understand how to cut corners and save money.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Perhaps I should stay in America then. After all, I'm not too gunhoe to just drop trou and bang anything I see. I need to evaluate all your advice for a final analysis. Thanks though, seriously.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    Never had a problem Parking just across the street up a half a block. Dirt cheap and the guys watch your car. Make sure you have a map or a programmed nav for Mexico because the signs to get there are confusing. Years of going by car. Never a problem.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    a secure hk parking lot is just around the corner of tropical bar... basically just north of tropical bar across from d and g bar.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dr. F,

    Your TJ articles are the very best!

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