
Japanese Confessions of an International Strip Club Monger

Avatar for wwpmi

The old Beach Boys song “California Girls” comes to mind, although California girls are not my favorite, in that I have mongered in many states in the United States and more than a few countries.

My most excursion was to Japan. This was my first trip to Tokyo and most likely my only trip. I won't bore you with the travel details, the long flight, the language barrier, or how nice the locals are. It is a hell of a long flight, the public transportation system in Tokyo is excellent but extremely condensed. The Tokyo travel culture does not understand “private space”. The locals are extremely polite but English is not their second language. If you go prepare yourself for a few bumps. I did feel safe at all times of the day and at every location I visited.

After checking the Internet I was prepared for limited enjoyment on the Tokyo mongering scene. Most of what I read spoke of high prices and limited contact. The idea of a hostess environment does not appeal to me and tuscl.net did not provide many positive reviews of the strip club options. One site which is my “go to” for my UK travels had more listings in North Dakota than in Japan, much less Tokyo. I frequent a site which specializes in Tijuana mongering with a little more of a blogging perspective than this site. It has a section covering Asia and Tokyo but my interpretation of its advice was “if you can make to Tokyo, catch a flight to Thailand” which is closer to the TJ experience only magnitudes better. Unfortunately I did not have the time to extend my trip so Tokyo was all I had.

I finally surfed onto a site that led me to an understanding of Japan's Pink Salons and Soaplands businesses. As I understand Japan has some unusual (from my understanding) interpretations of the sex act. I don't want to take responsibility of describing them on this forum but the bottom line, as I understand it is that if there is no vaginal penetration then many acts are not considered an illegal sex act. It appears as if Bill Clinton was schooled on these interpretations. Focusing on Pink Salon and Soapland my perspectives improved.

I ended up eliminating the Soaplands due to distance and time available, this left Pink Salons. While most I read implied that there were many Pink Salons throughout Tokyo I only found reviews and directions on one site. Within Tokyo there is an area called Kabuki-cho Shinjuku which is their red light district. It seems filled with video locations, hostess houses, strip clubs, and Pink Salon's. I found a Pink Salon via the Internet called Happy Hinomaru. Apparently many adult businesses reject or refuse foreigners. Happy Hinomaru was supposed to be foreigner friendly. The web site gave detailed directions within Kabuki-cho but limited details on how to get into the Kabuki-cho area which is in Shinjuku. Tokyo is a little like New York City with multiple boroughs. On my first run I found the building but could not believe it was the actual place. It was a little like the walk ups in Soho UK.

So back to the computer, on to the site, revisit the directions and head back to the area on the next evening. I ventured into the building and found a rather large area upstairs with a reception area and a picture wall. The wall had pictures of the girls that were working. The receptionist (male) spoke English. You pick your women of choice from the pictures and find out is she is available and also select how much time you want. The time options are 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 minutes for 4,000, 6,000, 8,000, 10,000, or 12,000 yen and with the exchange rate at 100 yen to $1 you can do the math. I paid receptionist for 30 minutes and he leads you back into a very dark area with limited task lighting. Your area is actually a small love seat type couch; in fact the entire area is multiple sections of small couches. If the place was full then the lack of privacy would be an issue. As it turned out when I stopped by there were lots of girls available and limited customers, so privacy was not an issue.

I sat for a while, and almost went back to the receptionist thinking I missed a step, when a pretty, small woman came to my couch. Now I am not really sure if she was the one in the picture as it was pretty dark but she was acceptable. We sat for a while she giggled, no English, told me her name was Mimi and we started to have a little foreplay. The fore play lead to a BJ (covered) which lead to clean up and finished with snuggling and kissing. I left and headed back out to the street, which by now the sun is down and the lights are up. Looked like I was in Vegas, well at least the visual part.

So I made the best of Japan, I would do things a little different if there was another trip, like I would go to Thailand. I have done UK, Mexico, Japan, visited but did not monger in Germany, Amsterdam, South Africa and Venezuela all and all to date I like Mexico and Detroit the best.


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Thanks for the insight.

I was hoping you might have found the silver bullet in that you found a place that exceeded; or at least met; your expectations – but it seems as if Tokyo is a low-mileage kinda place and probably the kind of place I would not want to be in if I was looking for or in need of sexual action,.

Avatar for wwpmi

I guess it did exceed my expectations as they were pretty low for Tokyo.

Avatar for lopaw

I have been to Kabuki-cho before and found some great adventures just walking down the busy streets after dark. Hawkers yelling out and promoting there places of business like it was a circus. Some were handing out flyers and passes to stripclubs and kareoke bars and the like. A small girl dressed up like a Sailor Moon character was standing in front of a doorway looking very cute (I only hoped that she was of legal age - whatever that is in Japan). Her English was spotty and my Japanese wasn't much better but I essentially asked her if she entertained women and she nodded. I'll leave the details up to the imagination. What an adventure!

Avatar for shadowcat

I can appreciate your experience. I spent 1964/65 stationed 25 miles from Tokyo. Taking trains was a nightmare as none of the signs were in English and finding any native that spoke English was difficult. We did occasionally make trips to the Ginza and once went all the way to Yokohama.

The good news was that as long as we stuck to the bars near the military bases there was lots of pussy to be had. All OTC and 99% of time for all night. I tried living with two different girls but it got to be more trouble than it was worth. They started acting like wives. LOL.

Would I go back for the pussy. Hell no.

Avatar for tumblingdice

That's funny,all my Jewish pals that are in the Rag and Diamond biz were supplied with one or two geishas when they went to Tokyo.

Avatar for wwpmi

oh how times have changed, although I am not Jewish or in the Diamond biz but I was there on biz. I did not get any geishas.


Avatar for Dr.F

Interesting post. I spent a week in Tokyo many years ago before departing for Osaka to fulfill a 1 year teaching job. At that time (1993) we just pulled gals from the "gaijin (foreigner) bars" because we had our own apartments, although there are "love hotels" everywhere. But in those days, some Japanese men still wanted to use their cock & balls, so we had some competition to be sure. Further, we found that women either loved us or hated us, no in-between sentiments. So it was easy to understand their intentions.

But from what I understand in Japan / Tokyo today, 98% of Jap men just have no interest in fucking, so there is a total plethora of women (the 25-45 year old crowd) who are absolutely gagging for it -- but most are pretty fucked in the head as compensation. I had a friend who lived near Tokyo about 4 years ago and he cruised fancy grocery stores that sold mainly imported goods and picked up 3 married women (over the course of a year) who spoke some English and were actually fairly well traveled. They were quickly DTF and frequently bought him gifts. He added them to his rotation, which also included a University student and a goth looking girl who approached him on the subway. None were gifted in bed of course, but my buddy mentored them in the ways of porn stars... These girls / women didn't cost him much because they were happy to go to his place for the deed and eat at the corner sushi / noodle place, if at all. His biggest expense was probably his phone bill!

In terms or P4P, I'd opt for the hostess scene, but count on spending about $1,000 per satisfying pop, unless a 10 minute CBJ while stuffed in a dark, hot closet is your thing. It's probably fair to say that Thailand is 1,000X better at 1/10th the cost, so avoid Japan unless you can live there, make big money and do the pick-up scene. Just my 2 cents.

Are you a TJ Amigo, "wwpmi"?

Avatar for wwpmi

why yes I am:)

Avatar for Dr.F

Ahhh, I just recalled it was you "wwpmi" who recommended the TJ Amigo site to me in the first place; many thanks! My handle is the same, how about yours? Cheers.

Avatar for Estafador

i'm suprised the reviews here of japan was in english. is that all you went to japan for? I hope not.

Avatar for wwpmi

yea on minus rep point for me in the lack of imagination category.

I use the same handle there as well.

Avatar for wwpmi

no I went to work, if I went just to play I would have been on upset loser.

I think I would go to Thailand just to play maybe maybe not considering the distance.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I've always wanted to go to Japan but not for sex. We have enough AMP's in California.

Great article WWPMI, as always. I love TJ too yet haven't been to Detroit, yet. One question, why no love for the California Girls? I've been around the States and I've seen more cuties in California Community colleges than in whole states.

Avatar for wwpmi

oh I guess I was limiting my comments to mongering and P4P:)

I agree from a civie point of view you just have to love west coast girls.

Avatar for Dr.F

Yeah, from a civie point of view, California, Arizona, and most of Western Canada are great for chick watching, but when you want the rubber to hit the pussy highway, you're in for lots of drama, princess BS and lame shagging. Thus, mongering exists and TJ is some of the highest value for your $$$. Thailand is likely the tops, from what I can gather, whereas Japan is likely near the bottom for value. My experience in 1993 was different and I never contemplated P4P a that time, nor did I need to. Plus, now you have the radiation issues in Japan, which are difficult to discern.

Avatar for Experimental

aww man, its too bad you didn't have a local or someone with knowledge to show you the ropes.

kabukicho isn't a red light district. It is a party district where people go to drink, see a concert, club, gamble, party, eat yaki niku, drink cheaply at izakaya and pink salons are prominnt, yeah, but still a minor part of what kabukicho is.

The soaplands are the red light districts. And if you were looking for a satisfying sexual experience, thats where you should have gone.

Most of the girls in kabuki-cho joints are filipina or some other developing country. I don't mean that as a negative just an FYI if someone has a hankering for J pussy.

IME many of the girls in a soapland are japanese. So if you're looking to fuck a J girl, that where ya wanna go.

Of course, if you've got game and want to plow a J girl for "free" then hit a club in roppongi or shibuya. Pulling chicks there is eezy peezy.

If you want to pay for it, go to a soapland. the other stuff in japan is lame.

Just 4 train stops from shinjuku is Ikebukuro, which has a soapland just minutes walk from the train station.

It is incredibly easy to get laid in Japan. You just have to know where to go.

Avatar for Maz

Thanks for the Japan insight. Germany is worth your trouble if you get there.

But I have to ask about Detroit. I must be missing something, since I was just at Flight Club last week. As well as some of the other strip clubs in Inkster and 8 mile. what am I missing?

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