
Comments by tigerfan3 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Thanks for the advice. I'm not much of a writer, but I will consider that. In the meantime I'll enjoy using this site to learn things from the customers side of things.
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    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    "tigerfan3: Why don't you tell us what you think it takes to run a successful club? You said you were surprised at what it took, and I for one would be interested in why you were surprised. Like clubber says, it's a personal service oriented business (irrespective of whether or not you tolerate some of the "extra" service that sometimes occurs), and there are tried and true methods for improving the odds of success in one of those. Yes, there are differences, but those differences are mostly of degree, and not kind. What troop was detailing were some of the *attributes* of a club that would entice him to come back, and frankly, I agree with every single one of them. If you believe those attributes are, at least in part, incompatible with running a "successful" club, which your answer implies, tell us why you think so." Thank you for the reply. While troop made some great points, it's easier said than done. Hiring good dancers who don't cheat, for example. Well that sounds good but it ain't easy to do! He also remarked about DJs. Well in my city, which has a small workforce to draw upon, finding a good DJ is almost impossible. Then if you get one they are either prima-donnas or they are just there to bang your girls. When it comes to turning down the music, there are reasons why it's so high at strip clubs.One is that it makes it so people at the table next to you can't here your conversation with the dancer. Another is that it makes it so the customer and the dancer have to lean into each other in order to talk, they have to speak into each others ear. Troop also mentions the gangster music. Truth is, we play to the audience. If I have 12 guys with cowboy hats in the club, we're playing country. If I have a club full of men over 45, it's classic rock. You asked me what it takes to run a successful club, and thats hard to answer here. My post would end up being an essay!!
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    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Well, it would prevent me from having honest conversations with people here when it comes to what goes on behind the scenes. Honest conversation with others in the business would be beneficial to me, talk with customers would help too. But surely you can see that naming my club would dramatically limit that. Once the club is named, then my public face has to go on.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    To the poster who mentioned strippersweb--thank you. It's mainly for dancers, but it's still an interesting site for me. This one is as well, although it's mainly for customers. To the poster who asked if I'd be willing to share what club is mine, I'm unable to do that. I can only tell you that it is in a state with less than ten total strip clubs. To tell more would limit my ability to speak freely.
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    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Well, I can't argue with you there clubber. Still, I was surprised at what it takes to be successful in this business.
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    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Lol, more to it than that I'm afraid.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    People who run adult nightclubs
    Thanks folks, but what I'm really looking for is a place where strip club operators/managers can talk and compare notes. It's a tricky business and not as easy as you might think.
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    14 years ago
    drink minimums
    The club I run has a one drink per hour minimum but we only enforce that on deadbeats.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    drink minimums
    The club I run has a one drink per hour minimum but we only enforce that on deadbeats.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    My Top Three Annoying Stripper Types
    My least favorite types of dancers are The ones who want to sit in the dressing room all night long. This type of girl is a club operators nightmare.
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    13 years ago
    Where are all the video booths?
    Video booths attract creeps. I'd ratehr have them at home on the net.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    In my club the no saggy pants, no hats, no sports jersey thing isn't meant to keep out any race, it's meant to keep out gang banger wanna be's. We just try to make it uncomfortable for them. The second someone's pants hangs low I have a six foot five security guy correcting the problem. It makes those people feel like they're not wanted. We don't serve liquor, and we don't let the gang bangers in. That helps keep the place classy, and most of my customers come here because of that. If they want to get shot, they go to the saggy pants clubs, lol.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    I'm going to be honest here, in the club I operate racism is a problem and it drives me nuts. It's a constant battle to get employees to treat evryone the same. The dancers seem to each have their preferences. There are a few that focus mainly on Black or Native American customers, most seem to flock to white men. Very few seem interested in Asians. The security seems to focus harder on the Black customers, even though IMO they aren't any more likely than other race to cause trouble. We have a strict dress code (no saggy pants, no backwards hats etc) but that is enforeced equally on all races. I can't really replace my staff because in this city I don't think I'd find replacements that were any better.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    The OP makes some good points. Regarding the loose fitting pants, in my club we have a strict dress code. No gym shorts and no sweats. Its too easy for things to "pop out".
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    13 years ago
    Behind the Scenes: The Strip Club Dressing Room
    I think a "deluxe" dressing room sounds great - problem is, girls would never want to leave! Exactly right. I actually like it when girls complain to me that the dressing room is too hot or too cold, to messy, cramped etc...I just tell them to spend as little time in there as possible. A deluxe dressing room wouldn't do any of us any good. What gets me about the dressing room is how messy it gets! It's unbelievable, really.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    I have no stats to back this up, but the STD rates among dancers seems pretty high to me. Proceed with caution.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    If you have sex with a stripper, double bag it.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    The only thing I can add is that I'm in the business...I should know better. But I still keep finding out that---yes, it is a mistake. It's never worth it. It's always a bad idea. They almost never have their shit together. If you're in it only for the sex, it's worth it. Beyond that, you are really fooling yourself.
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    13 years ago
    Behind the Scenes: The Strip Club Dressing Room
    Speaking as a male who spends a lot of time in the dressing room-all I can say is you don't wanna be there.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    Stripahn, I don't know what to say other than guys who actually do end up taking dancers out of my club cost me money. Luckily, 99% of customers have no hope of ever doing that. No, not every dancer is a prositute. Most of them aren't. I have respect for the dancers, believe me. My mother was a dancer, ok? My Aunt was a dancer. But I know enough to know that when a customer starts fucking a girl in the real world he isn't coming here to get a lap dance anymore. He may stop by to drop off Taco Bell and cigarrettes to her, but that'll be about it.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    But for those of you who go into to clubs trying to pick them up but who have no means of ever doing so----thank you. You keep me in business, you keep braces on my kids teeth, and you give me those vacations in Hawaii. I think you should keep on trying over and over again!!!! lol To those few of you who actually have enough game to take them out of my club, I'd like to strike you with the hammer of Thor one thousand times over.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    I could go on, but I think most people with a clue understand me perfectly well.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    But if you do end up dating them, never trust them. Never believe that they love you and you only. Just be happy that you got your taste of hot pussy when you did, it's probably going to be your only shot at it unless you deal. Even then, that will be the only reason they love you although you will get awesome sex. Don't ever try to reform them...in that case you're a sucker. OK, how's that for being honest? I'm in the biz, and I'm just letting you know. If you want something real, this isn't the way to go for the most part. If you're ugly and you have no game but you have money, I'll be honest---I wouldn't blame you. This is your best chance at a fling with hot pussy. In that case, you and I are adversaries because I will fire the girl that hangs out with your pathetic lonely ass. But in truth, I will always understand you. Sorry folks, been there too long....
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    Ok, I haven't read the responses here and believe me I don't need to. I've been running a club for A LONG TIME NOW...I've seen what happens when you date a stripper over and over again. And while I don't date my dancers and never would out of respect, I have dated former dancers of mine and it simply never works out for me. That being said.... If you are someone who has no social skills..... If you are someone who is ugly... Well, if you you fall into those two areas and you have money strippers or whores are your best chance at fucking a hot girl. If you are a drug dealer then throwing money at them never hurts...hey, just being honest here. I'm on the other side of the fence than most of you.... If you don't have money, then you need a really dumb stripper, and they are out there too.