Different club experience
After work last evening I stopped by a club I don't normally visit. The parking area was full, but upon entering the club, I saw the entrance lady, one dancer on stage, a DJ, 5 bouncers/managers, a bartender, and 3 customers. As I took a spot at the bar, I was served. Still saw no other dancers. They called out the next dancer and the one coming off the stage did her tip walk to the 3 of us, then retired to the dressing room not to be seen again. This was repeated by the next 3 dancers. Not one stayed out in the club. To me, very strange.
There were no high rollers. The dancers were just in the dressing room. I doubt there would be a high roller in this club.
I have no idea about the parking lot, but I will admit it isn't that big to start with.
The first time I went to this club, it was called the Organ Grinder. Many years ago, and I always thought that a rather reveling name for a club. It went through some name changes. At one time, I am not sure of the real name, but I stopped by with some friends after work. We then called it the "Ugly and Nasty". It was the pits. The name now is "Playhouse Miami".
Anyway, this was my fourth recent visit. The first was to check it out as I had heard it was redone. I did review it then. I went back to check it out since a dancer told me I was there on a bad night. The second visit, I ran into an old (46) dancer friend. I saw her as I was leaving, but she asked me to return, so I did. And the above time was the fourth. I think that will do it for a time.
As vm knows, I am hooked to Stir Crazy and Showgirls, both south of Miami. Well, maybe not the clubs so much. :)
How much you wanna bet that they were all in the dressing room bitching to each other how they are not making any money. Sheesh.
yes there have been a few times when i was at various clubs and the dancers just ignored the customers or hung out in the dressing room. i guess they were just lazy or moody at the time.
I would agree, but of the 5 managers/bouncers, they were all playing with the various TV's. Not sure what they were trying to do, but at least it was more entertaining than the "dancers".