Why It's so Difficult to Communicate with Them
Detroit strip clubs
Last year I was talking to a dancer about some trips I had taken overseas.
Me: "In May I spent five days in England."
Dancer: "O wow! What language do they speak there?"
Me: "In May I spent five days in England."
Dancer: "O wow! What language do they speak there?"
Of course sitting at the bar with her, she still signs my language but we have difficultly talking. :)
There are some college educated smart dancers out there. I would say in my experience most have not graduated from college. A very smart graduate dancer is very rare in my experience. I did meet such a dancer one time. She had her own valid story of why she was dancing instead of working in her profession. It all boiled down to money and good money was being made in dancing at that time. I believe most dancers use dancing as a stepping stone to make money before they move on to another job whether they want to or not.