
Comments by jerikson40 (page 78)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Just for steve229
    "I love the cheerleader/school girl look, too. But unfortunately, dancers usually don't dress up in these outfits." Yes, I agree completely. Slutty cheerleader, slutty schoolgirl, slutty nurse, slutty slut...these are all excellent options for dancer outfits. But as you say, rarely do dancers have the imagination to wear anything more than a freakin' bikini. I would love to see a dancer in an absolutely skin tight, super thin and ultra stretchy gown/tube dress that goes all the way down to her ankles. Big nasty tits with hard nipples poking thru. So tight she could barely walk in her stiletto heels. Yeah, baby. Or a slutty cheerleader, with a short, fuzzy, skin tight sweater just below her massive tits, and a tiny cheerleader skirt with no panties, and she carries big pom poms with her so she can place them in your lap to cover her hands as she secretly jerks you off. I swear, I would give any dancer with that kind of style and imagination a tip like she's never seen before. THAT is a real stripper, not some brainless dingbat who spends all shift texting or BS'ing in the dressing room, and thinks she can just show up and guys will tip her just for being a girl. Even though some of you guys do just that.......
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Friday Night 8/31 - Detroit Club Jaunt - Any Takers?
    Why would anyone want to go with another guy to a club? I don't get it. I go for the women, I'm focused on the women, I don't need some guy to ruin my concentration. If I need someone to BS with, I'll grab a dancer. I don't want some guy sitting next to me, because then a dancer can't sit there. What's the benefit? Maybe I've been missing something my entire life, but with strip clubs I'm there for a little while to have some fun, then I'm outta there. Unless maybe you're from out of town and need someone to show you where the clubs are. But why not just use a GPS?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Dual Reviews
    "You'd be surprised how obsessive some guys are on here about their local clubs: checking for new reviews every single day..." That wouldn't surprise me at all. I check for new reviews at least a few times a week, sometimes every day. Rarely check into the discussions playground, but new reviews are important. Gotta see what girls are strokin' guys off in the $10 lap areas. But yeah, that's probably a bit obsessive, but we're talkin' about chicks and sex, man. Not much is more important in a dude's life than that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Dual Reviews
    So, Dougster, a little bit off the subject... Why do these guys always rag on you? Yeah, you don't have to tell me what douchebags some of them are, it's pretty clear from just reading some of their posts. But are you also a douchebag, or do they just need someone to rag on? Personally, I'm guessing you're probably a nice guy, and some of the guys here are getting back at everyone because of how they were treated on the playground by bullies when they were kids. Though maybe not. I try not to follow the nonsense here, 'cuz it's like listening to a bunch of 6-year-olds.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Dual Reviews
    "Interesting"? Like what?...you mean the radio waves thing was right?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Qiiz for the day
    So let me see if I understand this... I check in here maybe once a month or so, and it's usually the same group of ladies chit-chatting and gossiping with each other about useless nonsense. So tell me, is it that you guys really have no life whatsoever and spend it here at TUSCL every single freakin' day? Not that there's anything wrong with that.......
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Dual Reviews
    Ahhh....so you mean non-members or whatever check in to TUSCL for the first time, they can't read the reviews, but they see there's something that just came in and post a shill so they can be members... How sneaky. But aren't the new reviews posted just once each day? The shills would show up the next day...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    My Strip Club Pet Peeves (for Dancers Off-Stage)
    That's it? That's your list? You gotta be kidding, or else this was posted by a dancer. 1. Dancers, get the fuck out of the dressing room !!!! 2. Dancers, get off your freakin' cellphones !!!! 3. Dancers, don't come out of the dressing room, ask one guy out of 120 for a lap dance, then go back into the dressing room for an hour. You're not choosing a freakin' husband !!! 4. Dancers, don't expect a tip if you don't do anything worth a tip !!! Being a dancer doesn't entitle you to a tip. If you're not getting paid enough, talk to your boss, not to us !!!!! 5. Dancers, use just a LITTLE imagination when choosing an outfit to wear. Holy crap, just throwing a bikini on like every other dancer on the planet gets a little old after a while. 6. Dancers, don't ASSUME about customers. ASK them for a dance, don't ASSUME "oh, I didn't ask because I didn't think you were interested because I thought that you liked her better because of the way you looked at her the other day, and you asked her for a dance and when I walked by you just smiled but not as big as you smiled at that other girl BLAH BLAH BLAH" 7. Dancers, in spite of what the total freakin' losers here will say, DON'T spend all shift with some pathetic dude who shells out money for your rent and babysits your kids. Take a few minutes and make your rounds to see if there are other guys there who want a dance with you. Don't worry, the pathetic loser ain't goin' anywhere, so you can treat him like dirt and he'll even offer to wash your laundry.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Does being young and good looking help with mileage?
    It's an unanswerable question... For hot guys, they don't know whether they get better treatment because they don't know how ugly guys are treated. And vice versa. Personally, I'm not a good looking guy. Never have been, never will be. Not ugly, but I just don't have those things that women cream over. Except for "pretty" eyes. And I'm slender, not fat. But otherwise, women won't give me a second glance. Or even a first. I'm the kinda guy who the "10's" in the club are more likely to think "this guy should feel honored just to be in my presence". If they even stop by to chat, which they probably won't. On the other hand, mileage wise, at the clubs I go to, I get some incredible mileage during $10 lap dances. And I'm not a big spender, although I tip real well if the dancer does something to deserve a tip. In any case, if you're a really hot guy, the kind that makes a woman melt when you walk in the room, I can only wish that in some other life I could be that. Nothing I'd like more. So if you're that guy, consider yourself very, very blessed. Although, on the other hand, women will just treat you like a piece of meat, and not really care about the "inner you", and it' will give you all kinds of terrible emotional scars. Yeah, I'll believe that to make myself feel better.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And BTW, you guys make me want to puke the way you stick your noses so far up a stripper's ass around here. Geesh, grow some balls and go out on a date or something.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ummm...guys...how do you know of the guys next to you are "snaking" unless you're doing it too? If you're paying attention to your lap dance like you should be you wouldn't notice or care about some other guy watching. And BTW, checking out other lapdances is an important info gathering technique that is approved by the International Commission on Strip Club Lap Dance Ethics. I regularly check what the other dancers are doing, because it tells me exactly how good she is and whether she's worth a tumble. And if you guys don't like it, then pay attention to your own freakin' dance and you won't even know about it. Of course, staring continuously is uncalled for. And IF the guy had been snaking like he should have been previously and gathering intel, he would have KNOWN that my dancer was much better than his and he wouldn't have to drool over my dancer while he's with a sucky dancer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    That's good, Alucard. Attack when you don't like what someone says. But here's the facts: I'm usually in a club for maybe an hour, two tops. And it's two only if I really want some laps with a dancer who is either in the dressing room for hours, or locked up with some douchebag regular. I don't want girls sitting and chatting with me. I'm twice their age, we have zip in common, and I'm not interested in BS'ing about some useless crap. I'm there to get some laps and get out. Like most guys. We go in to have a little fun and get out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    I'll never forget I was in a club, waiting for a hot girl who had gone to the VIP with one of her regulars, a guy who was 3 times her age. And of course he had her on lockdown while I was there. And then I happened to look over into the VIP thru the smoky glass, and I saw them standing, I think they had just opened the glass door and were finished. And I see him wrap his arms around her and start ballroom dancing with her. Of course she had no clue what ballroom dancing even is, but this douchebag was making believe she was his girlfriend and she wanted to dance with him. I almost threw up. Seriously. Yeah, I get it. I'm an older guy too, and I know how nice it would be to have a hot young girl like me. But I also have what's called self respect. And that self respect (hopefully) stops me before I make a fool of myself, and keeps me from doing pathetic stuff. You guys make excuse upon excuse trying to rationalize your lack of self respect. The girls know it's pathetic, everyone else knows it's pathetic, but you guys seem clueless. Guys, seriously, man up, grow a pair, and maintain a little dignity and self respect.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    Selfish freakin' bastards. The fact that they are staying with you for hours because you give them so much money is a clear indication you are just as I suspect, little pussies who just want that pretty stripper to like me, and I'll give her all my money if she'll be nice to me. Get a freakin' life. Please. Other guys don't empty their wallets on these girls because they have a life and don't need to spend hours with these girls chit chatting and acting like she's your girlfriend. Get a freakin' life. Guys go in there to have a little fun, get some laps, and get out. It's not social hour, ladies. Go out into the world and meet real women who might actually like you, and have a social life with them. Geez, just unbelieveable. And you guys actually admit that you keep feeding them money, which is why they stay with you. Really, the term pathetic losers is so freakin' appropriate with you ladies.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Strip Club Primer
    By the way, a while back I jokingly asked you guys to invite me to your next Tupperware party. As a joke. Seriously, do you guys actually have Tupperware parties?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Strip Club Primer
    Wow. And here I am trying to fight the feeling that the guys here are just prissy little women, who gossip and gab with each other all day long, and worry about etiquette in the club, and worry about what everyone thinks of them, and worry about whether the strippers like them, and kiss the strippers asses, and are just prissy little wimps. And here you go singing Julie Andrews to everyone. Damn. Tell me you weren't actually dancing around the house to "Sound of Music". Please.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    @steve3003 sez "You make decent points but you also talk repetitively, like a stripper on PMS" Thanks Steve, good input, and I really do value your opinion. I'll certainly take that into consideration with future posts. (almost did that with a straight face...) @Rod8432: dude, if that avatar of yours is what I think it is, that is really wrong. Makes me want to puke. Why not replace it with a photo of a hot woman?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Risk Assessment?? Requesting extras from a dancer
    Wow, I'm kinda surprised that someone would really be concerned about this. I mean, geez, you really think you're gonna ask some dancer for a BJ and suddenly the lights will come up and a squad of cops will surround you and some news guy with a camera crew will get in your face and ask why you're being a very naughty boy? When you go into a club, you pretty much know if it's an extras club, right? And even if it isn't, you think a club owner is gonna join forces with the local cops to nab an naughty customer, and in doing so say goodbye to his club? Which of us would want to go to a club where they do that? Something like that hits the news and you might as well just close the doors and go home. "Live at 10, local strip club and local police team up to nab customers in sex sting". I don't think so.... Dude, man up and don't worry about it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    And the reason they ought to expect it is, as we can ALL attest to, it ain't easy to get a guy off during a lap dance. I do it regularly, and the girl has to really want to do it. So for a girl to claim she didn't know is nonsense, or else the stars aligned for the guy and he was on some sort of hair trigger. But in general, they have to know what they're doing and INTEND to get you off. I had a club I like going to where the laps were great, but there was no INTENT. None of the dancers tried to get you off, and as much as I tried, it wasn't going to happen. They'd break up their routine, so just as you were getting into it they'd shift positions and BAM, back to square one. You have to be totally clueless to not know that what you're doing is gonna make a guy come.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    And if I was the manager at this place, I would have fired her ass in a heartbeat. Seems like she has a history of doing this, so all I can figure is she's a wacko who likes making trouble. Freaking out the first time for a new girl, yeah, I can understand, but how many times does it have to happen before you get a clue. And if it was my club, you treat one of my paying customers that way, you're out on your ass. And the bouncer would be gone too. You pull a customer out, and give my club a bad rep for something like that? Now look, it's on the internet, and guys are going to be looking up Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove, Ill., and what's that gonna do for business? Maybe nothing, but if it's my club, I can afford that risk for some wacked out dancer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    Actually that Liquid Lapdance sounds like a freakin' brilliant idea. And I've thought about it, but I can't even find a damn photo of what it really is. Maybe they don't want anyone to copy it, which doesn't make sense cuz you just have to order one if you want to copy it. But anyway, in the clubs I go to it's not really necessary, probably just get in the way, but some day I'll get off my ass and order one.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    And one last thing... I've said this before, and I'll say it again. These clowns who talk about it being "pathetic" and "embarrassing"... Are you freakin' kidding me? Who the hell cares what some other customer thinks about the wet spot in your shorts? Talk about manning up, geez guys. You honestly think other customers are staring at your shorts? And so what, does it matter to you? Unbelievable. Grow a pair, don't care what other people think about you, and live your life. If you like nutting from a lap dance, then be proud of being a male who likes sex, and have fun.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    And another thing... That's why I LOVE black dancers. They're fun, they're generally the last ones to be stuck up princesses, and they know the game. I'm a white guy, and I know damn well that the most likely girls to be clueless, stuck up princesses are white dancers. If a dancer is going to spin around and say "ewww...you actually CAME???", chances are it's a white dancer. Black girls generally don't play that. Chances are if a girl looks back at you and smiles while she's stroking and grinding, and says "Cum for me, daddy", it's a black girl. That's the attitude of a fun lap dancer, and that's a club I'll keep returning to.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    By the way, wearing a condom for a lap dance? Trust me, generally not possible. Either they don't stay on while you're limp and waiting for a lap dance, or they come off during the deed, or they slide off after you cum and go limp and it gets all over anyway. Believe me, I've tried. And I'm a bit larger than most guys, so it's not about size. I even tried various ways to strap the condom on, but bottom line it's just bad scene, man. Might work 30% of the time if you're lucky. But dude, you've gotta be stiff as a rod from start to finish.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Thrown out of the club for busting a nut...
    I cum from LD's all time, the guys who say it's for losers are holier than thou a-holes, and I've never had anyone get upset. But I go to clubs where the goal is to get you off, so no big surprise. Some girls are fun and awesome, others are stuck up pains in the ass. When you find the pains in the ass, stop going to that club. Although one time I did have a girl seem to get a little pissed, though I'm not sure if she was kidding, couldn't really hear what she was saying, and I was too blown away by cumming to give a damn. Something about getting her bottoms wet, though she was a mileage queen in the club, so I think she was complaining/joking that SHE came and got it on her bottoms. Did have a very hot girl in one of those clubs stand up and give a Rocky-style fist pump and do a little dance after she succeeded in making me cum. Damn she was hot. I can certainly understand a girl getting upset if she doesn't want to get it on her, but holy crap, when you're giving a nasty dance in a nasty club and guys are wearing shorts and no underwear, what the fuck do you expect? And I'm sure as hell not going to give her a freakin' play by play and have her suddenly jump off right at the moment of impact. That SUCKS when they are going crazy trying to get you off, then the instant they sense you're about to blow the hop off. WTF?? Not cool at all. Now, some girls really know how to work it. Some know how to jack it and when you're about to blow they point it at the floor. No fuss, no muss. Those are girls who know how to do it, and take control of the situation. If you don't like it when guys cum, then don't do lap dances, and if you do give lap dances, either learn how to take control of the situation, or do like most girls and learn how to give lap dances that won't get the guys off. Geez, most girls in low mileage clubs are freakin' pros at that. A lot of girls understand that, some are too freakin' clueless. Surprised that you actually came? Are you freakin' kidding me? How clueless can a person be?