
Comments by jerikson40 (page 79)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How far does this go...
    Dude, seriously, she thinks you're a friend. If you're a man, then you probably don't think of yourself as a friend. She's hot, right? And you want sex, right? Realize that you ain't gonna get sex, dude. It is NOT gonna happen. Unless it's after she breaks up with her real boyfriend and needs a sympathy fuck. If you're fine with just hanging with no sex, kinda like one of her gay guy friends who goes shopping with her, and really REALLY don't have any expectations like "yeah, maybe if I just hang with her long enough it will happen" or anything stupid like that, then it might be okay. But if you're like any other man on the planet, and she's hot, you're gonna want some of that. And you ain't gonna get it. My recommendation: Don't walk away, run away. Now. She's stringing you along, suddenly no contact for a month, and then you're supposed to be there for her when SHE decides she's ready. Dude, that's not healthy. She knows she's hot and you want some, so she can do what she wants with you. Dude, not healthy. Maintain your dignity and self respect, tell the bitch to go, and take the upper hand. Move on. And be careful...there are guys here who will have you paying her rent for her and walking her dog. Don't let them talk you into anything stupid.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    You douchebags really need to grow up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why I'm Going Broke
    Bummer. Sounds like Detroit sucks. Umm, on second thought, you guys should probably stay in Detroit. LA is much worse.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    Thanks for the important clarification George.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why I'm Going Broke
    My last visit to a strip club: Cover charge plus drink................$20.00 Drinks for myself, dancers.............$0.00 Lap dances ($10 each)..................$40.00 Valet parking..........................$0.00 Total..................................$60.00 Dancer gave me a great handjob, so I left very happy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    Okay, then I'm a hypocrite when I wear shorts to a strip club. Now that we have that out of the way, what does that have to do with whether it's legitimate for me to complain about the way women dress? Are you saying that if I don't dress sharp whenever I'm in public, it invalidates my desire for women to? I'm not allowed to complain about how women dress? Nobody is allowed to complain about something unless they prove that they are 100% perfect in that arena? Again, it's irrational. It doesn't make sense. But like I say, if you want to believe that my point about how women dress should be completely erased because I wear shorts to a strip club, then go ahead. You already don't agree with it, so it doesn't matter, does it? In the meanwhile, I'm really considering lopaw's point about wearing a bathrobe to the strip club. Really quite brilliant if you ask me. Especially one of those really soft, fuzzy ones. Yeah, baby....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    "So it's ok for guys to look like slobs but all women have to dress to please you?" Of course that's not what I said, but sometimes people like to find any reason they can to call other people names.... Wearing shorts to a strip club does not equal dressing like a slob whenever you go out in public. Right? Do you see that? It's two different things. You're assuming shorts=slob, and that's not necessarily true. It's one of those "logic" things. :) But if it makes you feel better to assume I'm a hypocrite, then go ahead.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    "Shorts? Seriously?? Do you just want all the strippers to assume you have no job and live with your mother?" Yeah, it's bad enough that they already think that anyone who would go to a strip club to see a stripper like her is a totally pathetic loser who lives with their mother. WHO CARES?????? Do you make sure to wear a pressed, button down shirt and a bow tie with your dress slacks so that maybe she'll think you're NOT just the average pathetic loser? Get real. Relax. You're a man. Enjoy life. Don't care what some damn stripper thinks. Thankfully most clubs in my neck of the woods don't have tight-assed dress codes, and you can wear loose shorts to give the dancer easy access. That's what they do, they're very good at it, and it's fun.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What's a guy supposed to do?
    Reminds me of a hilarious South Park episode. Here's a short clip from it, with a link to the full episode: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/251898/sting-operation
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    And where does calling someone a "fool" fall in your rules for balanced discussions? Or agreeing with someone who calls a certain poster an "asshole"? Dude, get real. You decided you dislike me, and from now on, until the end of time, you'll find any way you can to make fun of me and call me names. Face it, you (and some others here) are like little kids on the playground, and you have no interest whatsoever in a balanced discussion when I'm involved.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    "I blame all the added high fructose corn syrup" "I believe the other part of the weight problem is Americans not getting enough sleep" Uh, no. Those are excuses, not causes. There's a very simple reason why so many people are fat. Here it is. Are you ready? DON'T PUT SO MUCH FREAKIN' FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH !!! Jeez, how simple can it be? We blame Macdonalds, we blame genetics, we blame corn syrup, we blame everybody and every thing. But we never blame ourselves, because as Jack Nicholson said, "You can't handle the truth!!" So we've become a society of finger pointers.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    "As for women who are obese, my heart goes out to them." And IMO that's part of the problem. We place so much importance on not offending them, and making them feel good and proud about themselves. Does it help them fix the problem? No. The problem is already beyond comprehension, and by all accounts getting much worse. But what's apparently very important is that none of the fat women feel offended. And they have support groups. And Oprah and Tyra tell them how proud they should be. And nobody calls them "fat", because that would hurt them. It's insane.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    By the way, I just did 12 miles on my bike. Not a lot, but it was wonderful. And there's absolutely no reason that any person out there can't do the same thing. How many people spend their freakin' lives on their computers on Facebook or whatever, and then blame everyone and everything else because they are fat. There's no excuse whatsoever. Anyway, all of this is one reason why I respect strippers so much. And I'm being serious. Because compared to the vast majority of women out there who couldn't care less how they look, strippers actually spend some time looking their best. And I respect that. You can always count on seeing some nice looking women when you hit a club. And the way most women look in public nowadays, the bar is pretty low, so it doesn't take much to make me say "damn, that's nice". The other reason I respect the profession is that they're kinda like doctors. They make guys feel good. Well, the good ones do... And I respect that. It's a very unselfish thing to do, in a completely self centered society. So I honestly place strippers in the top 3 professions that I respect. Now that's not to say I necessarily respect them as people, but that's a whole different topic.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    "According to the CDC, in a 2012 article, as of 2010 men have caught up with women on the obese scale." Wow, thanks. Good information. Now all the fat women can breathe a sigh of relief and go back to their Haagen Dazs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Ugly Americans
    Mitigating factors, rationalizations and finger pointing aside, the fact is it's freakin' disgusting. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I'm getting so freakin' tired of seeing these disgusting fat women all over the place who don't take care of themselves. Got my hair cut today. Of the five "stylists" in the shop, four of them were HUGE. Not just overweight, but freakin' porkers. So my stylist, of course the largest one there, takes me back to wash my hair. She's hovering over me, and her arms were so fat that this huge roll of blubber was hanging down and flapping around just above my nose as she washed my hair. Disgusting. There's more to it than just blaming everyone else. But we've become a nation of finger pointers, so it's just going to get worse. And we've got morons on TV telling women to be proud that they are fat as a house. For those who want to point their fingers at me 'cuz it makes them feel better about themselves, it's a nice day here and I'm going on a bike ride. Like I did yesterday. I weigh 183 and I'm 5' 11". Slightly overweight, not much. So point your fingers elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    "JerkSon....You're an asshole!!!!!!!" Uh oh, now all the little kids in the playground are calling him a "poo poo head", and twisting his name around to make fun of him. I guess it's time to move on. As I vaguely recall from my days in kindergarten, this only gets worse....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    Um, Mr. Alucard, I was joking. Sorry, nothing personal, but I really don't care what you think.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    Uh oh... Mr. Alucard and Mr. Microdong, you guys are starting to scare me. Are you, like, mad at me? Does this mean I can't be in your little clique? No, please, don't do this. I promise, I'll change. You guys are so awesome, don't cut me off like this. Please. Tell you what...I'll loan you money so you'll like me. Really. And I promise I won't ask you to repay it. It'll be a gift. I promise.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    "Yeah jerikson, she *is* selfish." I think you owe Stiletto25 an apology Mr. Microdong.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ever Met Marraige Material At A Strip Club?
    "I don't understand this attitude. The implied assumption that the people one meets in strip clubs aren't marriageable is just as stupid as assuming that the people one meets elsewhere are *good* spouse material." Um, no. Strippers are pre-qualified. For a woman to dance in a strip club is generally an indicator of other stuff going on. Not always, but almost always. Women are generally raised to believe that strippers are ho's. And most women would sooner die than to be seen as a ho. Of course there are women out there who you should never even consider marrying. But while there might be a likelihood of, say, 10% of the general population that fall into that category, with strippers it's more like 90%. Some would say it's more like 110%.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How Much would You Loan your ATF?
    Personally, I don't think you should set a limit on how much you loan a stripper. However, I definitely think you should set strict conditions on what you receive in return. And those conditions should be in writing. Here are some examples, but feel free to modify them as you see fit: 1. She MUST agree to allow you to follow her to the ladies room and wipe her butt after she takes a dump. 2. She MUST agree to allow you to babysit her kids and clean the house when she's out getting nailed by her 23 year old out-of-work boyfriend. 3. She MUST promise to come to you, nobody else, whenever she needs money, because that just shows how much she cares for only you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    "Your response answered my question better than you can imagine." Right. And your point is what? That I'm not allowed to comment on how women dress in public unless I prove to you that I, what, dress sexy in public? And that makes sense to you? I don't get it. If your goal is to call me a hypocrite, then yes, I'm a hypocrite about some stuff. Not this, but other stuff. Do you feel righteous now?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    "Why don't you describe yourself, OP, so that we can all marvel at the beauty that you no doubt project onto the world, and to the women who inhabit it?" This is what is called "deflection". When people don't like what you say, they "deflect" the criticism off themselves or their beliefs, and onto others. That's either because they are too immature to accept criticism, or are unable to generate a rational response. If you want to open a discussion of how men dress in public, then go ahead. But that's not the subject of this thread.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Era Of The Porn Superstar Might Be Coming (Hah!) To A End
    Let me ask you guys something. And this is directed at the guys who like porn. Do you REALLY like the way the porn videos are produced? I mean, they have 2 minutes of buildup of some lame story line, then 25 minutes of two nekkid people doin' the deed. And it's always the same formula. BJ, then she climbs on top, then he does missionary, then a lot of really close closeups, then he shoots. Seems like just about every porno is a camera just sitting there filming two nekkid people doin' the deed. That's it. Maybe I'm weird (well, not maybe...), but wouldn't you prefer something of a story, and maybe focus more on the hot looking woman, and maybe some tease or something. I just can't get into watching an extreme closeup of some ugly dude plowing some girl. And regarding porn stars, who cares if there are superstars? BTW, I was never a Jenna Jameson fan, barely know who she is. But let's face it, porn is an incredibly huge industry all over the world, so it's not like the demand is going to drop. But I also think the the supply of really hot, really good porn stars is very, VERY small. And many of them hang around for a year or two then disappear. So there will always be the few, rare girls who are the best looking, and hang around the industry for a relatively long time, and make some big bucks. So yeah, the supply of crap porno is increasing by massive amounts, but the supply of really hot girls that lots of guys want to watch will always be tiny, which means a really hot girl has a good chance of making major bucks.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    The problem with Wal Mart is anti-boner. There are so many fat, ugly, toothless, weathered women that even if you did see a hot one, she'd have to be insanely hot just to break even.