
Qiiz for the day

Avatar for txtittyfan

A group of friends are in a strip club each enjoyibg it in their own way.

Which one is Dougster?

A. the one at the tip rail throwing $10,000 in monopoly money.

B. the one playing with himself in the corner muttering "they're all whores".

C. the one under a table sucking cock.

D. all of the above.

E. none of the above, Dougster doesn't have a group of friends.


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Avatar for Dougster

F. The guy whose trades are 10x the size of tittylad's.

Keep us posted on how your plans to retire by shorting treasuries in your "mini" account are working out.

Avatar for jerikson40

So let me see if I understand this...

I check in here maybe once a month or so, and it's usually the same group of ladies chit-chatting and gossiping with each other about useless nonsense.

So tell me, is it that you guys really have no life whatsoever and spend it here at TUSCL every single freakin' day?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.......

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio

It's sad but this site is for Pathetic Losers.

I love spending my dull life with you guys.

I have been known to throw Monopoly Money around @ the Men's Club before.

Avatar for deogol

(Eats popcorn)

Avatar for gatorfan

I'm waiting for someone else to list the answer

Avatar for Alucard

My answer is E.

jerikson40 do us a favor and check in a lot LESS often. LOL

Avatar for mikeya02

F. The guy sitting with ALP, Iniquitous, and Steve3003 talking shit to everybody.

Avatar for Alucard

Might have a point. :)

Avatar for Doc_Holliday

Someone please link to Doug's infamous investing advice?

Avatar for Alucard

What about a link to the accounts.

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