
Comments by jerikson40 (page 50)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    "Cover charges? I can't see any connection to the discussion" Really?? You don't think it's discrimination against the poor homeless guy who wants to look at pretty girls as a bright spot in his sad life? Discrimination against the guy mowing lawns who came all the way from Mexico for a better life but can't afford what those middle class white guys can, and therefore he's being discriminated against, with extreme prejudice? It's discrimination against poor people. I can't believe you aren't ready to march on Washington to abolish cover charges.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    Okay, one more... And before you guys get so shocked that a business would dare to refuse service to anyone, consider this: Dress codes. How many times have you been turned away because of dress code. Collard shirts, no gang attire, whatever. Happens all the time. Something as minor as how you're dressed means whether you're served or not. Fancy clubs. Ever go to a fancy, star studded night club, and get turned away for the least reason? Like because you're not Mariah Carey. Yeah, they do it. Cover charge. You don't pay enough at the door, you don't get in. The list goes on and on. Yes, businesses DO have the right to refuse service as long as they don't break the law in doing so.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    And 2 more cents... I would be VERY surprised if the Paradise lawyers aren't dusting off their club policies, and preparing documents showing that they are fully compliant with all federal and state civil rights law. Which means if the policies are compliant (and they probably are), which is all that you and I and the public really expect, the only thing left is a failure by the bouncer or management that particular day. So what happens? Well, if it was the bouncer who screwed up, and the Miss Lopaw didn't escalate this to the management, the bouncer is out of a job. And if she did escalate it, and management explained a legitimate business reason, then what's the beef? Not sure what Miss Lopaw expects to gain from all of this. Maybe a free pass to Paradise?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    And BTW, my 2 cents... Those who EXPECT discrimination, will find it. Notice how everyone here immediately jumped on the discrimination bandwagon.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    "I am sure I am going to be in the minority, but having been a business owner, I don't think ANYONE has the right to tell me who I must serve!" You gotta be kidding... There are Civil Rights acts that prohibit stuff like that based on race, color, religion, etc. And in California there's an additional civil rights act that prohibits discrimination by businesses bases on sexual preference and other things. Dude, some things are against the law. Now, on the other hand, I assume the club policies, especially in this day and age, were THOROUGHLY evaluated and approved by lawyers, so I'd be surprised if this were much more than either a misinformed bouncer, or a legitimate policy reason for refusing service unrelated to any civil rights issues. Now, for example, let's say that a club is DESIGNED for men's entertainment, and their business model is designed around men. And a bit like the Family Guy episode where the local bar was taken over by women (or was it gays), that could be disastrous for the business. Or not. It depends. So if the owners were merely worried about too many single women making the male customers uncomfortable, and thereby destroying the business, is that a legitimate reason? Yeah, maybe. Nothing to do with civil rights, simply a business decision. And only the business owner knows his market and what's right for it. Hopefully. If it's bad for customers, or bad for business, the owners have a good case. And as far is it being a big loss of business for Paradise to not allow single women, no fucking way. In all my years of clubbing I can't recall every seeing a single woman in a strip club. Not a big market. Women generally like to do that in social groups if anything.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Government going after the first amendment...
    Bye kids...I'm done. This place has always been inhabited by little kids, and apparently it still is. Enjoy your sandbox.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Government going after the first amendment...
    No shit, really? Some fucking 3 year old here decides to take a username similar to mine, and replace the "i" with an "l" and post shit? Geezus, what fucking morons you guys are.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Would She Need That?
    Interesting... I'm not an expert, but I can speculate on her need for some lubricant. Generally, if someone is going to insert a large object into one of a woman's two holes (ie., her "rumpled slit skin" or her "poo-poo"), it requires some lubrication in order to avoid discomfort to either party. Now, if you are what is referred to as a "rump ranger", and you are planning to do her in her "poop chute", then generous amounts of lubricant are required. Conversely, if you are going to place your engorged member inside her "gash", and she is expecting to be unable to generate her own bodily fluids as lubrication (possibly due to her wanting to gag when she sees you), then copious amounts of external lubrication will be necessary. Now, I'm curious... Since you asked about this event which actually happened to you last week, I assume you already know the answer because, well, you were there when she reached for the lube in the VIP room. So why are you asking us?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Lactating Dancers ... turn on or turn off ?
    Ewww. Gross.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Help with Stripper Logic
    It's funny when you start considering what a woman's price would be for sex. Or for doing something that is considered so very "personal" as kissing. Now, most women will tell you that kissing some stranger is "EWWW !!! That's GROSS !!!" Because it's too personal an act to do with a stranger. Now, if a Brad Pitt, a complete stranger to most women, were to walk up to the average woman, how soon would it be before she was ready to kiss him? Minutes? Seconds? So it's not about someone being a stranger, it's about something less noble. It's about how he makes her feel. If he makes her pussy wet, then game on. If she "feels" right about him, all that other stuff dissolves away. What women say, and what they actually feel inside, are often two very different things.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Help with Stripper Logic
    Every woman is a prostitute. Every woman has her price. Reminds me of the funny saying attributed to Churchill, when he's talking to some socialite: "Madam, would you have sex with me for 5 million pounds?" "Mr. Churchill !!! Well...umm....I don't know...I suppose it's possible...of course we'd have to discuss terms..." "Madam, would you have sex with me for five pounds?" "MR. CHURCHILL !!! WHAT KIND OF WOMAN DO YOU THINK I AM??" "Madam, we have already determined that. Now we are merely haggling about price."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Help with Stripper Logic
    These were quotes from the same dancer...all in the same paragraph even: "That's really gross to me and I wouldn't do it." "However, I would only object to other dancers doing it if they did it for cheap/the same price as a normal dance." "On the other hand, Tourdefranzia, I want to high five you for getting paid while enjoying yourself with a hot dude. I call that a win." So here's the stripper logic: "EEEWWWW !!! It's totally gross. But it's not gross if you charge enough for it, or if the guy is hot. Then it's a win"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Government going after the first amendment...
    And someone actually gives a fuck that their Big Mac doesn't look like the ads? Geez, nowadays we're trying to legislate perfection in our lives. We want zero risk. And perfect behavior. God, what a bunch of pussies we are.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Government going after the first amendment...
    Did you ever consider that maybe we've reached the point in the US where we finally have all the laws we need, and maybe it's time to sit back and stop making more laws? Have all the legislators go home. Because they're just fucking things up.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loose pussy
    Yeah, I've had that happen...a girl I was dating recently...early 40's, had a couple kids. But DAMN I was into her. Tight body, asian, looked a lot younger than her age. But because of having the kids her pussy was, well, loose. Yeah, usually I could nut with her, but especially when going on round two after just nutting it was freaking impossible to knock out another. I was willing and able, it's just she was too loose. So we'd end up using hand and mouth. And when I'm going at it for a while, I got the sense she thought there was something wrong with ME that I couldn't nut. Didn't have the heart to tell her she was suffering from loose pussy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    LDKing is sexual assault...
    "I can, and do, splooge from HJ in the club, which is what you described." Okay, well I'm not too sure what an LDK is, but in a real lap dance, where the dancer fully intends to get you off, it is assumed that she is giving you an HJ or titty fuck, or does a really excellent job with squirming her butt in combination with some hand action. Of course, in a low mileage lap dance, or one where the dancer is NOT intending to get you off, only a 16 year old who DOES come when the breeze blows will let go. But geez, is that even an issue? Is that an LDK? Maybe most of you guys have never been to a real, honest to goodness VHM lap dance club, and are only familiar with semi-air dances.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    LDKing is sexual assault...
    The thing that absolutely boggles my mind is when guys say that they can't cum from a lapdance. I know we've discussed it ad nauseum before, but are you guys really serious? A hot chick is facing away from you, lies down with her back on your tummy, you're cheek to cheek smelling her perfume with her hair in your face, your hands are wrapped around her big nasty knockers, she's rubbing her tight butt on your bone, talking nasty to you, you're staring at that incredible body squirming on top of you, and she reaches behind with both hands, with lotion on them, and slides them under your commando shorts and starts stroking you off. Are you telling me that's not enough to get you off? Really? I know some of you guys are pretty old, but geez, even if you're in your 60's, you can't get off with that? You actually equate that with some 16 year old who comes when a breeze blows on him? Or is it some silly ego thing that you think you're more manly only if you insert?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    LDKing is sexual assault...
    Yeah, I suppose there are some like that, but I doubt it's really that many. That being said, I certainly support the idea that if you ARE going to cum you let her know. Of course most women seem to have that well-honed spidey sense that can detect an impending splooge a mile away. But I think customers are always obligated to let the stripper know. Which isn't too tough..."oh fuck, I'm gonna cum" usually works.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    LDKing is sexual assault...
    BTW, it's freaking painful to read that damn Stripperweb. The hatred those bitches have for their customers makes me want to hurl. How can you guys read that shit? Thank god some strippers don't have those self serving attitudes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    LDKing is sexual assault...
    IMO, it's kind of a non-issue. In order for a guy to come, and dancer has to fully intend to get him off. Some exceptions I suppose, but for most guys there must be full intent. All it takes is for her to switch up at the last minute, or change positions, or a hundred other things and it ain't gonna happen, I don't care who you are. So to claim a dancer is surprised by it is ludicrous. Kind of like blaming some guy for getting you pregnant. If they want to claim sexual assault that's fine, not that it matters. Like a judge is going to convict some customer after a stripper is jacking him off with her butt for 20 minutes? Gimme a break. If a dancer doesn't want you to cum, then you are NOT going to cum. And to complain about a guy cumming with a rubber on? Are you freaking serious? They trying to hold on to this view they have of themselves that even though they are strippers, they're not quite how society sees them as trashy whores, they're really good girls because they don't make guys cum for money. They just almost make them cum. It's different. Really.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your reason for going to the club...
    CaraDevine, it's good of you to at least care about being good at your job. I respect that. Not many strippers give a damn. Now, to answer your question... Men are different from women. Very different. That's why you almost never see strip clubs for women with dancing men. Yeah, they exist, but usually only for bachelorette parties where a bunch of girls go to have some fun. For men it's different. For men, sex is one of the most important things in their lives. And hot women are equally important. And sex with a hot woman is one of our primary goals in life. We are also very visual creatures. We love looking at hot, sexy women. And many men will also go to the club looking to have some sort of sexual encounter. We also are different in that, in general, we don't need an emotional connection with the hot girl to have fun or to have sex. We're just as happy to look at her, and have sex with her, and then leave. That's how god made us. We are very shallow creatures. Now, the point of this is that if you can accept men for who they are, and give them what they want, you will be successful. If you want to make money, be the woman they want you to be, and they'll be falling all over themselves to tip you. Which means be different from most women in the world. Accept that you are there to entertain men, and accept them as they are, and not judge them, but treat them with respect. And all that means is "do unto others". Look good. Show an interest in your customers, and treat them like kings. Don't sit in a corner texting all shift and leave the customers sitting alone bored. Don't spend all shift in the dressing room BS'ing with your friends. If you really care about doing a good job, then go out on the floor, and be nice to your customers. Also accept the fact that not everyone is going to want to spend time with you. You're not everyone's type. Nobody here is everyone's type. So deal with it, and don't think you're being rejected. Just move on to the next guy. Also accept that you're in the customer service business. Which means you need to accept customers for who they are, and recognize they come to the club with different attitudes and backgrounds. One of them may have recently lost a parent, and is feeling like shit. Another might have just lost a job and just needs some cheering up. Another one might have broken up with a girlfriend. And another might have just won the lottery. But don't expect them to entertain YOU. Don't look at them from a distance and do what most strippers do...."oh, he didn't smile at me, so he must be an asshole so I'll ignore him", or "oh wow, he's cute, I'll sit with him". You're not there to get married, you're there to entertain customers and make them feel good. If you can get the attitude that you're there to accept customers for who they are, with a goal to make them feel better than when they arrived, you'll be far ahead of 90% of the strippers out there.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Lost in the 50's.
    Ahhh, yeah, Elinor Donohue, Billy Gray, and Jerry Mathers as The Beaver... Oh, wait....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Lost in the 50's.
    Oh, and I know people nowadays love to denigrate the concept of the nuclear family, but IMO there are good ways and bad ways to run your life. Some stuff works best, other stuff not so good. And if we had a manual on how to structure our lives for best results, having a nuclear family, with a strong male figure and a supporting female figure, is the best way to do it. Yeah, you can have a gay couple adopting a kid and trying to convince the world that it's just as wonderful, or a single mom telling the world her kids don't really need a father, but I think time will tell that some things are just wrong in the long run. And in future generations our pendulum may swing back a bit when we realize that maybe a nuclear family works best.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Lost in the 50's.
    "...loss of religion and the nuclear family in America killed this country." Yeah, unfortunately I fear you're right. Personally, I think we've ultimately shifted from a "male" society to a "female" society. We're becoming a society whose primary values are protecting everyone's emotions, never honestly evaluating and criticizing ourselves or others, making sure we include everyone and judge nobody because it might hurt their feelings, and ultimately not taking a stand on anything. A good society is a balance of both male and female aspects. I think our pendulum has swung much too far in one direction. It's no longer about honesty and righteousness, or doing your best and high achievement, it's about emotions. As a nation we've lost our balls. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this country is on a steady but certain economic decline, because we're too busy being pussies. And too much of our economy is now based on personal entertainment...youtubes and video games and smart phones and iPads and music and video downloads and facebooks and twitters and stuff that we really don't need....and if the economy really goes south for a big portion of the nation, we'll jettison those billion $$ industries in a hearbeat.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. Lost in the 50's.
    Wow...cool... A little before my time, but I recognize a lot of stuff I haven't seen in forever. Funny how you can see one of those yellow plastic swirly things you put in the center of a 45rpm record and instantly know what it is. Coincidentally, I happened to catch an episode of "Father Knows Best" the other day, for the first time in decades. This one was about the teenage daughter (what's her name??). She was going thru some teenage girl turmoil, trying to figure out what life is all about, and having no direction in her life, but convinced everything her parent's generation had put together just wasn't working. So she's all pissed and moping around the house, until she finally decides she's gonna hop on a bus and leave. So she heads down to the bus terminal, no idea where she's going, or even how to ride the bus, and gets a ticket for someplace she's never heard of before. So she's sitting there waiting for the bus to leave, and this old guy sits down next to her. Clearly the guy is very old and very confused, and can't speak English very well. He's muttering and upset, so she asks him what's wrong. He's going to see his daughter, but doesn't know what to do or what bus to get on or where she lives. So she has to make a decision...her bus is about to leave...does she stay and help him or hop on the bus. She gets kinda frantic, cuz she really wants to get out of town. Well, she finally decides to help him. Her bus leaves, she's all upset, but she takes him to the ticket guy, gets him straightened out, walks him to his bus, and makes sure he's okay. And the old man is so happy and grateful that he's almost in tears. And suddenly she smiles, and finally realizes what life is all about. No generation is perfect. But one thing that generation had going for it was, IMO, a good grasp of what is really important in life. Shows like that were a pretty good model, IMO, for kids who were growing up. Nowadays, people make fun of stuff like that. Too bad.