
Comments by jerikson40 (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    be careful what you wish for.
    "I wore my new t-shirt to the club today. The one that says "Vagina Inspector". Holy fuck...don't tell me you're one of those old guys who comes into a club with some stupid ass t-shirt like that, hoping the girls will think you're awesome and funny. Let me guess...you also wear shorts with dress shoes and black socks, right? Oh, wait, I'm sure you'll say the girls just love you. Right...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Life Changes
    LMN, I know you'll never understand any of this, but you asked for some advice, so let's just hope you listen to somebody. You said " my parents, I essentially had none growing up.." Exactly. And you spend the rest of your life suppressing the pain of being parentless by taking drugs and feeling entitled because you think they abandoned you and fucked you over, so you're entitled to fuck them back. You have a choice. Either die from an overdose, or become a man and take control of your life. Because right now you're a fucking 6 year old entitled brat who thinks the world owes you something because your childhood sucked. BWAHHH !!!! Stop fucking crying like a little child and DO SOMETHING !!! If you were a man you'd tell your father "Dad, thanks for all you and your Dad have done to provide $$ for me, but as of today I'm taking control of my life and I'm starting from scratch, getting a job, and becoming a man. I don't need your money anymore". NOBODY GIVES A FUCK IF YOU GIVE "YOUR" MONEY TO OTHERS !!!! What will help you, however, is if you become a man and become self sufficient where you don't need anyone else's money. Now, you can call people trolls and names and get pissed, but if you really want to fix your life, I and others have just given you what you need to do it. So either decide to become a man, get off the fucking drugs, forgive everyone who has hurt you, and become self sufficient. Until you can do that, you'll live the rest of your life like a spoiled little 6 year old brat, and die in a drug-induced coma. It's your choice.
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    10 years ago
    Escort and Google Exec
    Hugh Grant and Divine Brown. NO SHE WA'N'T !!!!!!
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    OT - what is the greatest age difference?
    More interesting, IMO, is to determine the greatest age difference for UNPAID sex with a girlfriend. In other words, how young can a girl be and still suppress the gag reflex associated with sex with a much older guy? I'm guessing we won't hear of any 70 year old guys and 20 year old girls (ie, 50 years difference). I'm guessing more like 25 years different. Max...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Hot Celebrity Moms & Daughters
    Maybe everyone is searching the web to find out who the fuck those women are.. Yeah, Christy Brinkley, and Kim Basinger, but for the rest: who they fuck are they?>
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Old people using computers
    Never forget receiving the Heathkit box in the afternoon, spending the entire night nonstop putting the computer kit together, soldering, inserting chips, whatever... And it was maybe 8am when I finally turned it on and guess what I saw: C:> Holy crap I was in heaven.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Escort and Google Exec
    "....these rich dudes seem to pay a lot for mediocre, at best, talent." Absolutely. Though many have their police photos after they've been crying and without makeup. And I'm convinced that many "hot" strippers/hookers are pretty average looking without all the makeup and sexy clothes. Anyone remember that young British actor who was dating that hot British actress, and he was caught with that nasty looking black stripper? What the hell was his name. Everyone was scratching their heads at that one...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Old people using computers
    "back in my day we assembled our computers while walking up hill in the snow with no shoes on" HA !!! what a pussy !!! We did it with hurricane force winds and hailstones the size of baseballs !!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    otc without the tools
    Wow, dude, that's rough. No car is almost as bad as being short. Reminds me of one of the best movies ever, "40 Year Old Virgin". Tells his not new girlfriend he rides a bike. She says, "oh, okay, that's fine. I've dated a lot of guys who ride motorcycles." "Umm, no, I mean a bicycle"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Old people using computers
    Hey I just looked up the old H89 Heathkit computer I built in the 80's...it had 48kB of RAM. That's back when men were men and you had to learn all about code efficiency...every bit and byte counted. :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Old people using computers
    Some of us were building our own computers back in the 80's when Heathkit was big. And we bought the very first Apple Macintosh when it was a "holy shit, can you believe that???" And some of us were doing assembly programming back then too. And C++. And Fortran. And Basic. Honestly, in spite of all the press that the "internet generation" gets about being so freaking tech savvy, I've found just the opposite. Yeah, a 2 year old can pick up an incredibly simple to use tablet or iMac and press the icons to play games, but when you ask a "tech savvy" college person how it all works, or about IP addresses or anything REALLY technical, they're totally clueless. Building websites is so freaking easy and mindless nowadays, at least compared to what it was, that any moron can do it. Same goes with much of the software programming. So yeah, people can use technology nowadays, and post on FB and do IM and watch videos while you're trying to have a freaking conversation with them, but don't expect them to really understand any of it.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Gotta give her credit though for at least caring enough about the kid. I guess nobody really knows how she'll do with him, but if he's 10 years old she still might do a decent job. Is the average stripper on the same level as a 10 year old? Heck, maybe with all her problems she can manage to teach him. Let's hope.
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    10 years ago
    New Jersey
    Deaf dancer
    "fricatives..." HAHAHA !! He said "fricatives".... I'm telling....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would this appeal to you?
    I don't know about the P4P aspect, but in my view there is no greater girlfriend than a hot girl who takes you to her apartment/home, and shows you a spare room that is fully outfitted with a stripper pole...and she knows how to use it. Wow. She sits you down, goes to change into something insanely sexy, and does a stripper routine just for you. And it turns into a hot lap dance and all kinds of insane stuff. Never had that, but if I had it would be incredible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip Club Hound Interview with Kat, Part 1
    "For me, a CBJ is a waste of time" Absolutely true. It's tough enough to bust from a BBBJ performed by someone without the requisite skills (which can be rare), but with a condom it's next to impossible. Unless she's REALLY skilled. And even then it's tough. But I'm always amazed at the stripper logic. FS is reserved for my boyfriend, but I'll gladly suck some stranger's dick and swallow his load. Because that's different. It's not as personal. Good lord....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Eating pussy in your personal life
    "it's my ultimate turn on" Really?? Wow. On a list of all the things that turn me on about women, licking pussy just ain't at, or near, the top. Personally, I find them big ol' labia lips kinda ugly. A tiny, tight slit of a pussy with a tiny tuft of hair, or a landing strip, is great. But most pussies with big ol' lips are kinda, well, disgusting IMO. OTOH, I enjoy pleasing a woman, and will do what it takes. But going south is pretty much for her, not me. Kinda like sucking dick is pretty much for men, not women. But good for you if pleasing her like that is such a turn-on for you. I guess I'm kinda jealous. And I definitely would sign up for a pussy licking class given by someone like Lopaw. I imagine that lesbians are probably world class experts at it. It's probably a lot easier to be good if you KNOW how it feels. Guys like me are pretty much clueless and guessing most of the time. I really think that there ought to be classes in how to please the opposite sex. Why aren't there any? Hell, I'd pay for something like that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    "I could see buying Iopaw a couple of lap dances from the babe of her choice if we ever coincide (but sorry, dear, you're on your own for dancer drinks) just as a thank you for her postings here and elsewhere." Be my guest. Personally, I think her tirade against me reveals that she is really as narrow minded, prejudicial and discriminatory as she accuses others of being. Not knowing a thing about me she launches this ridiculous tirade, pre-judging my character and everything about me. That my friends is prejudice. Apparently when it's against a white guy, it's fair. Especially an older white guy. Racial and gender prejudice and discrimination against an older white guy is fine, but just don't try it against a woman or a gay or a person of color. That's when the tables are turned and suddenly it's a crime against humanity. She clearly is exhibiting a deep seated hatred for an entire class of people, ie., older white guys. Clearly she blames "us" for all the worlds evil attitudes and problems. Sorry but I don't like prejudice and discrimination against ANYONE, and I have no interest in associating with someone who does.
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    10 years ago
    Article idea ?
    ""closer" for whatever...." Yeah, I think he meant closure. Kind of like when people say stuff like "wala" instead of the French word "voila", which means "look at that" or thereabouts. I think a lot of people hear expressions, not sure exactly what the expression is, or even what words it is, but all they remember is some faint stuff about what it meant and they repeat it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Eating pussy in your personal life
    It's not something that does much for me. Same as women suck dick to please a guy, it's usually not something they would ever choose to do. Most don't like sucking dick. Licking pussy is fine for me, I don't dislike it, unless she doesn't taste very good. My present girlfriend, aside from being a very hot Asian, tastes GREAT. But she's not a big fan of having her pussy licked. I think that some more conservative cultures don't feel comfortable with that. Not all, but depending on how you were brought up. She likes it, but usually after a short while she wants some dick instead.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In the wind
    13 Christian Tips To Help Republicans Avoid Gay Flings With The New Male Intern
    What the fuck is it with people? Someone disagrees with your political views, and for some reason people feel the need to hurl the most childish and disgusting personal attacks at them. And entire political party is trashed, and all the people in it, solely because you disagree politically. You go to all this trouble just to vilify people who don't agree with you. Democrats do it, Republicans do it. Okay, if it was funny then it's good for a laugh. But this is just mindless crap. Geezus people grow the fuck up. I disagree with Obama on most things. I'm a conservative, he's a liberal. I think he, like most other presidents, quickly learned that many of his idealistic views just won't work in the real world when you're actually faced with running a country. However, I do respect ANYONE who holds that office, and I think he has made some good decisions. But I generally disagree with his approach and many of his beliefs. But why the fuck should anyone hurl nasty personal, unrelated attacks at him? Look if someone disagrees with you, that doesn't mean they are evil and nasty and useless. Of course, they might be evil and nasty and useless for other, legitimate reasons, but disagreement isn't one of them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    And regarding the topic of cars, honestly I can't really help you there. Personally, I'm not really a car guy. I've found that cars have become, at least visually, so uniform and indistinguishable from each other that the thrill of seeing a really awesome car rarely exists anymore. Yeah, I'm a grumpy old fart in that respect. Gone are the days when you had really cool, DIFFERENT looking cars. But nowadays if you asked me to pick out a Cadillac, a Mercedes, a Toyota, and a whatever else in a lineup I'd have a really tough time. They all look the same, IMO. After years of conforming to engineering requirements for fuel efficiency and safety designs and all the other stuff they've been optimizing for decades, the uniqueness is pretty much gone. A Mustang used to be incredibly unique, as was a Corvette, and a big old Cadillac, and muscle cars were muscle cars with big old cheater slicks... Maybe I'm just clueless when it comes to cars, but it seems like there's only a 2.3% difference between cars nowadays. Maybe that's enough for some guys, but not for me.
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    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    "Jerkoffson" - pretty funny, I think that name fits this idiot more.So I become a man by giving away my money to other people? Lol so dumb." Dude, are you that fucking clueless? Really? It has nothing to do with your money. NOTHING. It's about getting control of your life, and stop being a fucking 6 year old brat who does whatever the fuck he wants and has no self discipline whatsoever. Don't you get it? It's about becoming a different person. A human being. A man. Someone who realizes the world does not revolve around YOU. There are other people in this world, and maybe instead of being a little brat you can fucking contribute to the world in a meaningful way. And maybe when you do that you'll find that all the fucking little problems you're trying to hide from with drugs will dissolve away, because you're life has a greater meaning. It's NOT about your fucking money. That's the problem. It has nothing to do with you. But you can't fathom that can you? Grow the fuck up. Man up, and gain a little self respect. If that's possible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    It's not about your money. It's about becoming a man and taking control of your life. But you'll probably never get that, so never mind.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    "I feel strip clubs aren't exploitation of women as long as the women choose to be there." Of course they aren't. You're absolutely right. But people have agendas, and they will grab onto anything that will further their beliefs and agendas. We all have the ability, every single day that we open our eyes in the morning, to decide what we want to do that day. And that goes for every stripper and hooker on the planet. They can choose to do well in our free public education system and get a regular job or go to college on student loans and become professionals, but they don't. They choose to work at a strip club. But some people, mostly women, hate the idea of pretty women taking the attention of men. That includes wives and girlfriends who hate that their men are spending time with prettier women, and lesbian women who wish those pretty women would pay attention to THEM, not some nasty old men. So they come up with any way they can to discredit what they are doing.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    Never mind... You're right. Go buy another Porsche, score some cocaine or whatever, do a two week drug binge, and beat up some hookers. That'll work.