
Comments by jerikson40 (page 49)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    "Opinions?" Well, if you want opinions, here's mine: If I were you, I'd consider getting off the fucking drugs and try to straighten up your life, and instead of being an (apparently) self obsessed addict trying to erase deep seated issues you won't deal with, why not try doing something constructive? Like helping others. Devote your money and your life to doing something that will make a difference in somebody else's life. Stop trying to feed your deflated ego by coming on here and bragging about how rich you are and how many fucked up hookers and strippers will put up with your insane shit, and become a man.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    Farmerart sez: "Come to the oil patch, ranukam." I'm curious... Is Canada similar to the US in that a foreigner can't get a work visa unless you can prove the skill isn't available in Canada? If so, it becomes kind of moot, since presumably the skills are available if a physical therapist can qualify. Also moot since he wants a less physically taxing job, and it sounds like an oil rig guy is at the upper end of physically taxing jobs...
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    Is there an echo in here? :)
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    Oh, by the way, it might help you to look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website (bls.gov) and check out their report on "May 2013 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates United States", which was discussed in another thread on pay scales. You can sort based on mean annual salary, and it will give you an extensive list of occupations whose mean annual salary is $60k or above. Or whatever salary you might want.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    Something doesn't compute... "75K a year in the job I'm doing I had to go to graduate school for it. the job is a lot of wear and tear on my body What are some jobs that you can make at least 60K, it's not wear and tear on your body, and not a lot of school is required?" So you went to graduate school. And the job you got is a "lot of wear and tear on your body". Are you a football player? Certainly not a trade job, since those don't usually require graduate degrees. I'm confused. By wear and tear do you mean mental stress, or long hours, or something along those lines? Why not just get a different job that also requires the graduate degree you already have, and easier hours? What exactly are you looking for?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    Jester sez: "But like many women, she just "knows"" That was a jab at women." Yes, of course it was. Is that illegal to take a jab at people? I don't think so. And for some verification that my jab at women hits the mark to some extent, just look at the vicious response from Lopaw. An entire discussion about what type of person she is certain that I am. Never met me, has absolutely no clue whatsoever anything about me, other than a few posts I've made. But she is absolutely certain she is reading me correctly. She isn't, but that doesn't really matter. She's convinced I'm, among other things, "narrow-minded bitter angry old fuck", "a life force drainer", and "I'll bet that if you asked any dancer if they had to choose between spending time with someone like me or someone like you, I'd win hands down", and " something in the early 1900's might suit you best......you know- when white men still had all the power and women and people of color "knew their place"...and on and on... Never met me, but she has developed this deep seated HATRED for me solely because I say stuff she doesn't agree with. Now, anyone who has been around women for a long time will objectively agree that they TEND to be driven more by emotion and intuition than purely logic and rationality in their decisions, and especially their "take" on others. Not a knock, but there is a grain of truth in it. Now, back to the issue. There ARE legitimate, LEGAL reasons to discriminate against customers. For example, based on age (you must be over 21 to enter some clubs), dress (you must dress nice to enter some clubs), gender (you must be an accompanied female to enter some clubs), social status (you must be able to afford a cover to enter some clubs), mental ability (you won't be admitted to some clubs if you're too drunk), and so on. My only point is that there are MANY ways to legally discriminate against customers and turn them away, so to assume that the club chose an ILLEGAL reason to discriminate, without knowing all the facts, is premature.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    "But like many assholes you just wanted to take a jab at women." No, I wanted to present that there are two sides to every story. There are also rational business reasons, LEGAL business reasons, for not admitting certain people, which have NOTHING to do with illegal discrimination. In the other thread I merely mentioned some of those reasons. People tend to take a very shallow view of issues and decide based upon limited or no information. That's why we have court cases where all the facts are presented. Since that case hasn't occurred yet (apparently, since this fiasco was only announced recently), it's safe to assume that NOBODY, including the participants, knows the full story. Does Ms. Lopaw know the written policies and procedures of the Paradise strip club? Probably not, although I'm sure that's being gathered right now. Anyway, if people have facts, it would be nice to hear them. But the author of the article presents NONE, only her opinion, and Ms. Lopaw presents NONE, only her opinion and name calling. I fully understand if there are "I like her, I hate the grinch" games being played here, that's to be expected of this forum. But at least lets use some rational though, huh?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    BTW, my only point about this particular case was that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and ASSUME discrimination. I clearly stated that people here are jumping to conclusions, and shouldn't. I never claimed to know the answer, I just posted some rational reasoning behind my opinion. The problem is, it wasn't favorable to Lopaw, so she takes it personally and starts the mud slinging. It would be nice if she could enlighten us about the case, but apparently she has nothing to offer. Except name calling.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    Anyone here is welcome to present a rational discussion to refute whatever I say. The problem is that nobody can. All they can do is call me names. Including Lopaw. Notice she didn't provide a SINGLE bit of information to refute what I said. I just said some things that people here don't like, and they go all 3rd grade on me. No matter what you think of me, NOBODY can argue that I don't provide a well thought out, rational basis for what I present. I include facts, and reasoned opinion. Until you morons can match that with intelligent discussion, you continue to prove yourselves to be nothing more than 6 year olds. No offense intended to 6 year olds.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Jenny Craig
    Are you fucking serious??? Take a look a this, and then rate her on a 1-10. http://without-make-up.com/melissa-mccarthy-without-makeup
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    BTW, she was on the mark, IMO, in one aspect. She recognized that strip clubs are for guys, and designed for guys. Now personally, if women want a place they can hang out without guys hanging around, I can respect that. Not discrimination against males, just freedom to associate with whoever they want to associate with. I would respect that, and not attempt to make a federal case to force them to let me join. This nonsense, IMO, of girls' parents feeling discriminated against because the Boy Scouts won't allow girls is fucking insane. If men want to have a men's organization, then let them, and don't try to fuck it up. If there's really a market for a lesbian strip club, then make one. Don't try to force yourself in places you're not wanted.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    Perhaps the most idiotic quote from the article: "I have no doubt that Yatkin was denied entry because of her gender and sexuality, and, in both law and principle, that makes it discrimination." She has no knowledge, whatsoever, regarding the facts of the case, the policies under question, what transpired, etc. But like many women, she just "knows". She's expecting discrimination at every turn, therefore she sees it at every turn.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Talk about a show that should be closed down
    And on a semi-related note... Note that the channel is entitled "Black Entertainment Television". Now consider what would happen if someone decided to produce a channel entitled "White Entertainment Network". One is accepted, the other is insanely racist. Things that make you go "hhmmmm....."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Talk about a show that should be closed down
    The statistics show that 1 in 3 black males will be imprisoned at some point in their lives. Yes, that's one out of every three black males. It's not a typo. For black males in their thirties, 1 in every 10 is in prison or jail on any given day. Therefore, it is highly likely that many of the black males involved in the rap music industry would be in jail if they didn't get lucky enough to be sidetracked into the music business.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Ever encountered this scenario
    I can't recall ever, in my many years of clubbing, seeing a single female in a strip club. Rarely you might see a couple, where the guy somehow managed to convince his GF it would be fun to go see strippers. Of course, I don't hang out at the higher end clubs, nor do I go at night, so maybe I'm missing it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Anyone planning on buying the Twitter IPO?
    Initial price will not be available to you and me. And prices will go to the stratosphere when trading starts, far beyond what it's worth. Don't even think about buying. Hey, anyone remember MySpace? When it comes to technology like this, people are incredibly fickle. They'll jump to the "hot new thing" in a heartbeat. I also predict the present lineup of internet favorites will be has-beens in the near future. And heaven forbid we go thru a real depression, what to you think will be the first to go? Entertainment/media stuff like Facebook and Twitter. Suddenly paying $50 per month for your entertainment on the internet won't look so important.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is the difference between an 8.5 and a 10?
    It's about more than looks. It's about attitude. With me, it's the end result of her looks and attitude. If she looks hot, and acts sexy, it all works together to give me a boner. A 10 gives you a screaming boner just by observing her looks and attitude. A 10 makes your whole freaking body shake. A 1 gives you anti-boner. Negative boner. A 5 gives you no boner. A 10 gives you screaming boner.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So true of an article
    It always amazes me how so many women fully believe that they DESERVE the perfect man. The tall, dark, and handsome white knight with tons of money. But it never occurs to them that a man like that probably wants nothing to do with her. They hold out for the perfect man, not realizing that she's not worthy of a guy like him.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    Maybe you're right. Now that you mention it, if it even has a slightly tangential relation to "discrimination" or "prejudice", any court and/or jury nowadays will give the same knee-jerk response as the guys in this forum. Maybe Paradise will see that coming and settle. And the world will think justice has been done, as the lady in question walks away with a pocket full o' money. Unfortunately.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So true of an article
    After listening to the fools in this forum who fall all over themselves to get next to women like that, it's a breath of fresh air to read something from a very smart guy with an ounce of self respect.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    Did you do as I suggested, and read the report? No, you didn't. You ASSUMED you know what a top executive is. The point is that top managers in a company don't make very much. Keep in mind there are a lot of SMALL businesses out there that also have managers and presidents, and those are considered "top executives". Most businesses in the US are SMALL businesses. Just because the owner and president of Joe's House of Pool Supplies isn't the CEO of Microsoft doesn't mean he's not a "top executive". Or maybe you aren't familar with the term "median". It's like an average. If you look at the report, you can see that some make over $200k, some make under $100k. And CEO's, of course, make much more. But the VAST MAJORITY of professional people in the US don't make very much. Even those at the top of most companies.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    I was being facetious douchebag. Sarcasm. Making fun of the hyper sensitivity people have to discrimination nowadays. But I forgot this is the TUSCL forum, where people don't understand subtleties like sarcasm. Sorry. And I forgot that most people here are morons, and can't grasp rational thought on legal matters like this. So they think it's grasping at straws. We'll see what happens to the case. My guess is they laugh her out of court. But she'll probably get a free pass for Paradise.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    Copied from the "May 2013 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates", US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupation Title: Top Executives Employment: 2,278,260 Median Annual Wage: $121,010 So of almost 2.3 million "Top Executives", the median annual wage is $120k. Feel free to send the BLS a complaint if you don't like their statistics. You might also take a look at that report. It's interesting. Shows median salaries for all job classifications. However, I don't think they include stock options, bonuses, or other benefits those executives might receive, which make their total income substantially higher. And I'm sure they don't mention how much of those salaries goes to buy illegal drugs, or how many employees are drugged out fucking losers. So maybe you're not interested.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anything you want to tell us lopaw?
    I just noticed the last line of the article: "She is seeking an injunction preventing the club from requiring lesbians and other females to be accompanied by a man before they are allowed inside, as well as unspecified damages." Yeah, unspecified damages. Isn't that really what many of these discrimination lawsuits is really about? Damages? Hmmm, let's see...wouldn't let her enter a strip club...so the damages are that, um, she was denied the opportunity to have illegal sex for money with a stripper? Or whatever lesbians do...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    The average salary for professionals in the US is $45-50k. Top executives average around $100k-$150k. Just look it up online. Bureau of Labor Statistics. It will take you 10 seconds. That's what most people make. VERY few people make over $150k. Most people make that much only in their dreams. And I imagine most of the children in this forum dream a lot. Or maybe it's the drugs.