
Offtopic rant against Apple

They make great products when the products are less than a year old but I hate the fact that they plan on breaking those products and dropping support for them after less than 2 or 3 years. I just found out the reason my original iPad keeps crashing on certain web sites is a lack of ram or memory, not to be confused with storage space. Apparently the last operation system upgrade which apple stopped doing for the older devices eats up even more ram or memory which causes frequent crashes on multiple web sites especially Facebook.

I found a site that mentioned turning off a bunch of memory using features in one of the last operating system updates . I went back to Facebook and did not experience any crash after the first one. Well it did not crash in about 5 minutes, a massive record for me on Facebook. It used to crash in 5 seconds. I will not plan on buying another apple device now that I know how they plan to screw everyone over by breaking their older devices. When I say break, the devices crash after a year or two more and more frequently by design. They even will send out an upgrade to the operating system to help the process before they totally drop support and make you feel like your device is obsolete because it may be over 2 years old.


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    by help the process, I am being sarcastic. The latest update they send out will use up even more memory without using most of the features causing web sites to crash much more frequently. Thus people feel like they need a new product because their device is too old at only 2 or 3 years. Shame on Apple.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If you have an older apple device, this link might help.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Sadly they fucked everyone that bought the 1st gen ipad years ago. They haven't updated it for several years but the 2nd gen up iPads received updates.
    I have a 2nd gen ipad and haven't checked if iOS8 is compatible. If you're a little computer savvy you may want to consider jail breaking your ipad. If you're unfamiliar with the term just check out youtube to get a better understanding.

    You can do some crazy things with a jail broken ipad. I downloaded all the old Nintendo games and can use a wii remote to control the games. Hey it's something to do when you're stuck in a hotel with no casinos or strip clubs nearby.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    I've never been an Apple fan, especially when it comes to computing.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    I have to give Apple a lot of credit. They are absolute masters at convincing the world that it needs something that it never knew it needed, and that it can no longer live without. And they are also masters at generating revenue in ways that most companies can only look upon in awe. They invent new markets from nothing, and suddenly those minor conveniences become a way of life.

    Just look at tablets. The iPad. Fucking brilliant. How many people need an iPad? But how many can no longer live without one? When they first came out I was scratching my head about why the average guy, who has a smart phone and a laptop, need a tablet. Yeah, a few guys have specialized needs for some easily portable device that's larger than a phone, like construction guys and people who do a lot of work in the field. But somehow Apple convinced the world it can't live without them. Absolutely brilliant.

    The downside is, when the economy really turns south, the first thing to go is those conveniences that people don't really need, but think they really need.
  • Blakeney
    10 years ago
    Yes. I updated to 8.0 and I just noticed I can't link to anything. The links other commenters post won't open up in my browser. Never had that problem before the update
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I've had my IPhone 4S since 2011. It's been dropped countless times. It's even gone into the Mighty Pacific Ocean. And it still works. I made a thread about it last year.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I have the iPad 2 and I downloaded IOS8 with any problems. But I think Sharkhunter is right about Apple's business model. And other tech companies like Microsoft also stop supporting old products. I'm still using Windows XP and you can get no help from Microsoft (you can't even report problems).

    Planned obsolescence is not unique to Apple or to tech companies. Look how car companies try to convince you that you need a new car when your old one will probably last another 10 years
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Jack-My Toyota truck has almost 225,000 miles and zero problems.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I love my Kindle HDX and would never consider an iPad. Got an ultrabook as well for real work.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Dougster-Do you have any suggestions regarding MP3 players? I have the original ITouch and it works fine but I need more than 8 gigs. Also, it doesn't support Audible.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Why the hell do you need all these Apple products?.......or tablets?........Kindles?

    I get along just swell with my Blackberry for all corporate shit, a simple cell phone for my personal mobile communication, and my laptop for internet play. At home on the farm virtually all phone communication is done via land line. In fact, in my machine shop I have an old rotary dial phone that must be close to 70 years old; damn thing works just fine. I am also quite content with Canada Post's good old fashioned snail mail for much of my communication needs.

    As someone noted earlier in this thread: the triumph of marketing over actual need.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Gee, our old LaSalle ran great"

    Good to have you back, Art!

    (Pop culture reference #3)
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Art-I grew up listening to books on casette tape and now I use the Audible app for audio books. It's a great resource when you don't have the opportunity to read an actual book.
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