
Comments by jerikson40 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    By the way, Mr. Dugan, consider all the times in this forum that someone comes on here and proudly proclaims "Wow, I had sex in the VIP and it only cost me $500 for 15 minutes, and she actually let me touch her breasts !!!" What does everyone here do? They immediately respond with "Dude, you paid way to much. That was unreasonable" That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Provide some rational thought on what's reasonable, for those who probably never considered it. If you don't agree, then fine. But at least provide some rational reasons that make some sense, instead of the "that's how it is, don't complain" BS that everyone here seems to favor.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Mr. Dugan, All customers dictate what they want, and what they are willing to pay for. If we didn't we would be paying for shit we don't want. In your twisted market analysis, you don't want to allow the customer to have a choice. I, on the other hand, feel it is imperative for customers to make their needs and desires knows so that service can improve. Companies spend untold millions or billions every year for market research to determine what customers want. If you think that is communism, then you are mistaken. Hugely mistaken. My point, which you refuse to see, is that we the customers set market prices by being intelligent, knowledgeable, and making our desires known. If you merely pay what the dancer requests, and have no rational basis for deciding what is a reasonable price, you are doing a disservice to the market. And if you are willing to accept dancers who don't perform, and refuse to speak out about it, again you are doing a disservice. And when you call those who would attempt to clarify the market as communists, you are again doing a disservice. The fact is, $10 lap dances with hot dancers and high mileage do exist in many clubs. It seems to me that the average customer would prefer that to a $40, no-mileage lap dance. Am I wrong? Am I communist for suggesting that we as customers should support clubs who offer the lower priced high mileage laps? I merely provided a reference point of information so you can see how lap dance prices compare with other labor rates in the US. Why does that get everyone's panties in a bunch? It's a fact, and without those facts customers have no reference point to judge prices, other than the standard "oh, that was worth it" BS that everyone responds with. I'm merely trying to get a common reference point that puts us all on equal footing. Now I know this will be far too complicated for you, and you'll keep referring to me as a bolshevik or whatever, so fine.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The True Identity of Jerikson40
    And Mr. Smith joins the ever growing list of non-existent forum posters in 3.....2......1
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The True Identity of Jerikson40
    Wow, Mr. Smith...I'm a bit speechless. But I think I speak for a majority of the few well-balanced individuals on this forum when I say dude, this is fucking creepy. This reeks of some obsessed manifesto by a wanna-be stalker. You spend how many hours, or days, or weeks, compiling every post I've ever made, and write this wild manifesto over this strange obsession you have? Dude, seriously, you need to tap the brakes a bit. Honestly, Mr. Smith, I sincerely apologize if I said some things that you disagree with, or that offended you, or made you look bad, or whatever. But really, you need to get a grip and realize it's all just talk and opinions Nothing to get obsessed over. Now if it will make you feel better if I admit to whatever you've come up with, then I'll be happy to admit it, especially if it keeps you from going off the deep end. If you're convinced I'm actually a stripper who is trying to convince customers to pay LESS for lap dances, then I'll happily admit it. I don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone else here thinks I am. But seriously, Mr. Smith, or Dougster, or LMN, or Juice, or whoever the fuck you are, you need to relax and realize none of this is personal, and none of it is a reason to get obsessed and go into stalker mode. Okay?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Boob Jobs
    Anyone remember Tiffany Towers? HUGE tits, but not so huge they were grotesque. Tiny waist, great legs, and she had that all important "side boob" that someone mentioned and I love so very much. Her tits were some of the best tits ever, IMO. The perfect tits for titty fucking, and not too saggy, but big and healthy and just awesome looking. However, they were, for me, at the upper limit of size. Anything even slightly larger would be grotesque. Hers were perfect. Not sure if they were natural, I kind doubt it because they were so huge, but it makes no difference whatsoever. Natural or fake, they were absolutely spectacular.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    First Time Happening Just Now, She Wants To Make It Happen
    "Thanks bro." You realize I was fucking with you, right? You're a fucking self involved twit who's just looking for praise about how awesome you are. Geezus.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    For you clowns that missed it, here was my bottom line in the discussion: "Seems to me like somewhere between $5-10 per lap dance is a good way to encourage a little (though not much) hard work while still giving dancers a reasonably lucrative job." My present favorite club offers very high mileage lap dances for $10 each, with some decent or hot dancers. To me, that's reasonable, and it works great. Other clubs in the area, as well as many in the country offer similar pricing. Other clubs in the country offer even cheaper laps. Paying $40 for a lap dance only happens because YOU allow it to. Other clubs have very hot dancers giving much cheaper lap dances for much less money AND high mileage. But if you want to pay $40 for a 3 minute dance, go ahead. But don't get pissed when some club decides "hey these douchebags will pay $40, so why not charge $50 !!". Apparently some of you feel that "it is what it is, so deal with it". Fine. That's true of anything, but it's ridiculous and irrelevant. If you are incapable of discussing hypotheticals, then fine. And if you don't know what that word means, look it up.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    "You bring up this sh*t and you get flamed--of course--you bastard." Well, unless my math was wrong, it is factually correct. And your problem is....???
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    And for you fucking morons who claim I'm saying we should pay 45 cents for a lapdance...are you fucking idiots, or you just cant read? I said $5 to $10 seems reasonable. Geezus...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Uh oh, the children are here....hijacking my username by changing letters....just because they disagree? Fucking 6 year olds. Grow the fuck up. Learn to have a discussion like an adult.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Well zip, maybe all that makes sense and seems relevant to you, but not to me. You're arguing some irrelevant side issue about training, and saying its naive to suggest guys dont overpay strippers ? Ok dude, whatever... You guys give me a headache
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Boob Jobs
    And personally, I generally much prefer a tight, healthy looking pair of tits with little or no sag, sitting high up on the chest. Too many large naturals just look too saggy for me....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Boob Jobs
    "I think every guy prefers a girl with homegrown boobs instead of the store-bought ones, because they just feel better." Not sure I agree....some fakes feel pretty good. However, in many cases, for me at least, the benefit of the visuals of them big nasty tits might greatly overshadow any downsides in the feel department. Depends on what you're gonna do with them. If some chick has some insane looking tits that don't feel that great, I'll probably overlook it for a few lap dances. But yeah, if we're talking titty fuck, some of the hard fakes can ruin the experience.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    "And I have to disagree about strippers not needing any skills" The fact is that in order to get a job as a stripper they need no skills. Period. If they DO have some skills, or learn them, that probably can help them do a better job. But a totally skill-less stripper can still be hired and decent money and be successful at her job if she's merely somewhat attractive. The only skill you need on your resume to get a job as a stripper is being somewhat attractive.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    GACAclub, yeah you have a good point. It's the emotional part that's probably more difficult than we can imagine. I even made a similar point recently in another thread about any of us male customers being young strippers at a female strip club, and having to deal with old wrinkled women wanting to kiss us and handle big jim and the twins. No way I'd do that. But I assume that most strippers have, or develop, ways to cope, and put emotional walls between themselves and their customers, so how difficult it really is to them is anyone's guess. But yeah, no fucking way I'd do it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    I will disagree with the thought that dancers work their butts off. Ask some kid who is working nonstop at a McDonalds, getting $8 an hour, no chance for tips, strict rules and hours, if a stripper is working hard. I'm not buying that line of stripper BS.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    GACAclub, you blew my mind. My mind is officially BLOWN !!!!! Like a head gasket on a 57 chevy. Might take me a week to figure out what you're saying.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Its like the culture of tipping. Be honest, why do you give certain service workers a tip? Usually its not because they do an awesome job, right? Be honest....its because they expect it...and you will feel uncomfortable if you dont. You cave to other peoples expectations. Stand up, be a man, and define the game, dont let them do it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Mikey sez: "It's the game." Ahhh, okay. It's the way things are so play along, right? Good one Mikey.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    "Son: Let us know how you make out with your strip club economic revelation." Thanks, Pop. But there are far too many guys out there who fall for whatever whims the dancers have and are willing to pay huge sums just cuz they're so awestruck that a pretty girl will talk to them. Until the culture of the club customers changes, and we stop frequenting clubs with outrageous lapdance and VIP prices, nothing will change. It's not up to me, it's up to you guys. I already don't frequent clubs with expensive lap dances. How about you?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Consider this.... A hard working dancer who gets $5 for a 3 minute lapdance only has to do two dances in an hour to make minimum wage. No skill, no training, just work 6 minutes out of an hour and you're doing the same as some girl working at McDonalds. Easy money. And then the club has to get it's cut, so figure that into the equation. Seems to me like somewhere between $5-10 per lap dance is a good way to encourage a little (though not much) hard work while still giving dancers a reasonably lucrative job.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Dancer Pricing
    Guys, as usual you're missing the point.... Of course no stripper would work for 45 cents a minute when she's not assured of getting her $8 for that hour unless she's constantly doing dances. It's not assured money, and depends upon what customers want. However, I'm talking in a RELATIVE way, and addressing the mindless stupidity of many guys who brag about how much they unload their wallets to some dumb stripper. Somewhere in between 45 cents and $40 is far more reasonable. $40 is fucking insane for 3 minutes of work. But instead of mindlessly handing over big cash like that solely because the girl looks good is ridiculous. Guys should take control of the situation, and only pay girls a reasonable amount, and only to those who perform. Don't allow dancers to sit on their butts with their cellphones, or spend endless hours in the dressing room, or give them reason to sit on their asses and do nothing while some moron shovels money into their purses solely because he wants their company. Pay for performance.