
Comments by farmerart (page 26)

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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Defending Bieber and Ford...
    The Beebs and Fat Bobbie? All I can say is this.......just shows that USA has not cornered the market supply of cretins. We have our share up here in The Great White North.
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Just got a call from the good ol' boys down at the local requesting my presence at the 'We Beat The Yanks' party. My response was that I was already drunk and that I wasn't moving anywhere. The reply?.....'We're all drunk too. We'll send Fat Farley out on a sled to getcha.' Hmmmmm?........wonder where I'll be sleepin' tonight (assuming Fat Farley doesn't kill me on the SkiDoo)?
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    11 years ago
    This is one ban that I heartily support. My machine shop has an ice dam on the south west portion of the roof with metre-long icicles hanging down. It may look pretty but it means that I will be spending serious dollars to fix the insulation. Fucking icicles! Ban the buggers!
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    My Response to farmerart
    We Canadians talk funny, you say? That would be because we speak English in Canada. Wazzat language called dat y'all speak down south?
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Men's Hockey........Canada 1 USA 0 farmerart is mightily pleased!!! My boys play Sweden for the gold medal tomorrow. This game didn't have quite the drama of other Canada-USA hockey games, certainly nothing like the women's game yesterday. Kudos to J. Quick and P. Kessel on the American team. I always knew that Quick was a world-class goalie but I always thought that Phil Kessel was an over-rated little pissant. Gotta change that opinion of mine. He is the real deal....fast skater and deadly dangerous around the net. Well done, Yanks. Just remember that Canadians have the same grit, courage, and toughness that Americans possess. Even though it is -18C at Rancho farmerart right now I will be slapping a honkin' huge Wagyu ribeye on the outside BBQ and cracking open one of my remaining bottles of Latour '45 to celebrate. Olympics 2014 hangover #2 will be in the making right now.
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    11 years ago
    Another Endorsement for Stock Ticker RICK
    I think you gave me an extra 7 cents on BAM.A.......I had that one at 44.45 at the open. Otherwise, I am in complete agreement. I wasn't really paying attention yesterday......wrapped up in watching Olympics on TV. That hockey game with USA women was just epic. Bit of a hangover this morning..............BURP!
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    As expected Canadian men win curling gold medal, thrashing the Brits. Canadian women win gold and silver in something called ski cross?? The big one starts in 1 hour - Canada vs. USA men's hockey semi-final. The entire nation of Canada will shut down to watch that titanic battle on TV. I am as nervous as a herd of bull calves the day the vet comes with the testicle clippers.
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Mention has been made in this thread of Justin Bieber and Rob Ford, two of Canada's less-than-stellar citizens. I just saw a news clip of Rob Ford in a Toronto council meeting at the moment of the golden goal in the Canada-USA women's hockey game. Fat Bobbie is jiggling all over and attempting to jump up and down in celebration. Seems like Fat Bobbie can jump maybe 5cm. Hilarious sight.
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Just saw a clip from Edmonton TV news......3 little girls with #29 Team Canada hockey jerseys. Marie-Philip Poulin wears #29. A month from now there will be hundreds of thousands of Canadian girls begging their parents for a #29 Team Canada jersey.
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Well!...as expected my Canadian women kicked American ass in the gold medal hockey game as the Americans pulled their usual choke-ola when the game was on the line. In addition the American coach must have had her head up her cunt when she put that geriatric Julie Chu out on the ice when the game was on the line in the last minute of regular time. Marie-Philip Poulin is the new Canadian superwoman. 2 goals in the 2010 gold medal game.......2 goals in the 2014 gold medal game. She is 22 years old.....Canada's newest cold blooded American killer. farmerart is most joyously drunk at 4:30PM(MST).
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    11 years ago
    O.T. - Canada vs. USA At The Olympics
    Whew!!......tight women's curling game between Canada and Sweden for the gold medal just broke open in my girls' favour. Canada 3-up coming home. Home and cooled out in this one.
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    11 years ago
    Would you defend your fave?
    Damn right I would.......and it wouldn't have to be a fav either. Even though I am an old bastard I am still feisty. I got bounced once from the old French Maid in Calgary for just this behaviour. An idiot in gyno row was heating loonies with a cigarette lighter and tossing them at the stage dancer. I cold cocked the idiot and put him on the floor. Bouncer came over immediately and hustled me out the door.....even though the stage dancer rushed to my defense. The bugger wasn't gentle with me as I got tossed out.
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    11 years ago
    Amanda Knox....did she do it?
    Just saw this old thread. I don't know any details of the case but I had this thought about the matter. An Italian request for extradition will be very difficult for the US to deny. Currently, US and Italian police and justice departments are in intimate cooperation in pursuing, prosecuting, and extraditing Mafia members back and forth between the two countries. This is working well in the interests of both countries. Italy will be much less eager to honour US Mafia extradition requests if USA denies a legitimate Italian Amanda Knox extradition request.
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    11 years ago
    [Update] I got extras without any extra cash, and I wasn't expecting it.
    Yikes! What a dismal story.
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    11 years ago
    Strip Club Tour Guide
    Nobody ever asks me advice about Calgary, Edmonton, or Vancouver clubs. I wonder why?
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    11 years ago
    How do you want it?
    You're not atypical, georg. I don't need grinding and bouncing on my lap. I like boobies in my face and in my hands (mouth if permitted). I am not really an ass man but I do love shapely legs. Groping the pussy is most excellent (again if permitted). It really is not necessary for the dancer to do anything to me. Just make her body available. Kissing not required nor wanted. Of course, I am always eager to advance to genuine extras (if the dancer is willing).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They do things differently in Canada. :)
    ^^^^^^^^^ Yeah, and Justin Trudeau cleaned Brazeau's clock. I would much rather have a pot smoking scrapper as our Prime Minister than the mealy-mouthed weasel who is our current Prime Minister.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Another Endorsement for Stock Ticker RICK
    I am a dolt. I should have been able to figure out that SCHW was Charles Schwab. I know nothing about Interactive Brokers Group (IBKR). Gutsy move.....putting all your eggs in the same industry basket. My 2 choices are much more different from each other than yours. Good luck! I will be holding my 2 positions at year end but there is no obligation for either of us necessarily to abide with that. Tomorrow's open vs. year end close will be the data points for determining winner and loser for this challenge now that we have made public our choices in this challenge.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They do things differently in Canada. :)
    I should tell you, shadowcat, that Canadian senators are completely different animals than USA senators. Canadian senators are political appointees, NOT elected. The Canadian Senate is pretty much a joke pasture for bagmen, unelectable former candidates, or appointees that the prime minister may make to gain a short term advantage in a coming election. Canadian senators must retire when they reach the age of 75. Some of these characters get a 30-40 year ride on the taxpayers' backs. There is strong public pressure to abolish the whole corrupt institution (a major scandal is playing itself out right now). I know this club, Barefax. My visit to the joint was not so great. As a matter of interest, the club is located just steps from the Canadian Senate building where Brazeau used to sit. Are there ay SCs on Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Another Endorsement for Stock Ticker RICK
    Do you want me to take tomorrow's TSE open as my base price? I think that I should do that. BAM.A has had close to a 10% gain from my purchase price. MFC is only pennies above my purchase price. I would also take tomorrow as record date for divvy payments from my 2 positions (if it makes any difference). I think that should make for total fairness for this challenge. OK with you? BAM.A is the follow-on of a grand old Canadian company. It is now a holding company for some very impressive assets - power generation, real estate, various infracture plays. MFC is a a large insurance company (formerly Manufacturers' Life). Assets in Canada, USA, and a growing presence in China and south-east Asia. The company had a near-death moment a few years ago but new management has the company back on a strong growth business plan. (I wish I had pulled the trigger on MFC at C$8/C$9 when I had the chance!) Now, I must go look at SCHW and IBKR. I don't have a clue about those two guys, don't even recognize the symbol.
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    11 years ago
    Another Endorsement for Stock Ticker RICK
    I also think that any dividend income should be excluded from the calculation of gain or loss. I chose 2 dividend payers. You may choose something that pays no divvys so pure capital gain or loss should be the criterion.
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    11 years ago
    Another Endorsement for Stock Ticker RICK
    How about just a simple percentage gain in whatever currency is made for the purchase? Buy in CAD, sell in CAD (or take the year end close). Buy in USD, sell in USD (or take the year end close). Shouldn't that eliminate any currency fluctuation influence? The percentage gain or loss would be a fair measure of our respective abilities as stockpickers in whatever market we choose. Since I didn't respond until 2 weeks after my purchases feel free to take the same liberties as I did. (I was away from tuscl for those 2 weeks and just happened on this old thread today while killing time waiting for tests in a medical lab.)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Another Endorsement for Stock Ticker RICK
    @Dougster, I will accept your challenge at picking a stock for 2014. I will even be so bold as to mention two different stocks. During the week of Feb 3 to Feb 7 I put on two hefty positions: BAM.A (TSE) - Brookfield Asset Management (because of share structure trades only on TSE.) MFC (TSE) - Manulife Financial (also trades on NYSE under the same symbol but I made my purchase on TSE using Canadian dollars.) These are not trading vehicles for me. Barring some catastrophic event for one of these companies these two positions will be multi-year holds. My hope is that my estate will be dealing with a huge capital gain in these two companies upon my death.. These two companies are solid dividend payers and my expectation is that there will be aggressive increases in the divvy over the next few years, particularly from MFC. My only comment about RICK is that it is an untradeable security for me after learning the company's fundamentals from reading the 2009 annual and for the market technicals that make it ineligible for me. I should add that my position in BAM.A has an average cost of C$40.72 and that in MFC is C$20.33.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Slam Dunked the UAW.
    Why such hate for unions in USA? Stats say that union members are now only a small percentage of the American national labour force and that number is inflated by a high percentage of union membership in public service employment.........PLUS, that percentage is in precipitous decline in the private sector. Personally, I also consider lawyers, doctors, architects, teachers, professors, engineers, etc. to be union members as well. 'Professional Association' is just code for a closed-shop union in my books. Lawyers in particular get pretty shirty with me when I refer to them as union members. I love needling lawyers.
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    11 years ago
    Women Curlers At Sochi
    ^^^^^^ Cheryl Bernard from Calgary, nicknamed the 'Vancougar'.