
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Different price points for girls at the same club
    Scratch the "don't" from the "want to kill you sentence." This is why I do the bracket posts from a computer and not my phone.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Different price points for girls at the same club
    I think those of us who do this often enough get into this boat on occasion in one way or another. When there's no open market, we'll take the best prices we can get. It can even be a situation where you're a regular with multiple dancers at the same club, but then they both approach you at the same time one night and you suddenly have to make a choice. This is part of the reason I have a rotation of clubs. When one gets a little difficult, I just avoid it for a while until things calm down, then, when I do return, they're just happy to see me back. Right now, I have the following situations: - Two clubs where I've grown tried of a favorite who seems to be putting less effort into dances lately. I'm just not going to those clubs because the favorite will find me and there will almost be an obligation to talk and do dances. - Another club where I have a favorite who hasn't been there in a while and won't give contact info and another favorite who has given contact info and I'm on the fence about OTC with -- she wants to, but we haven't made the timing work. I've been kind of avoiding that club, too, because I like the non-OTC favorite better and I'm guessing the OTC one wouldn't want to see me with her. - Another club where I know fun stuff is on the table with one girl, but another girl I have info from has said she's going to start dancing there and I want to have fun stuff with her much worse. In the end, consider it a wealth of riches. These are first-world problems. Trying to balance it and not screw it up with any of them is part of the fun. Just don't piss them off so badly that they don't want to kill you. Do what you can, but at the end of the day, there are other customers. Ghosting in this world isn't nearly as much of a sin as it is in real life. If you have to abandon ship with one or a few, it happens.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When OTC goes to LOL
    I'm too nice of a guy, so I texted back and basically let her know that was way out of my price range. She was understanding and said that we should see each other in the club again. She did say she dances at extras clubs, so my thought is that she'll have to accept something more like market rate at those places. And while she's pricey, don't get me wrong, if I can get the number down, heck yeah I still would. She was, at minimum, in nine territory to me. So yeah. Don't burn bridges. You never know. At least she was polite and responsive. You never know. Maybe she'll come down as far as I want under other circumstances.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Nikki Fritz vs. Ahmo Hight
    Wow. You guys split straight down the middle. But I get a vote yet. And sorry, but a woman that can do the splits with big boobs is better than one who can't with bigger boobs, at least in my book. I vote Hight and that will be the difference as we close the book. HIGHT: 11 FRITZ: 10 ̶L̶i̶n̶k̶-̶f̶i̶x̶i̶n̶g̶:̶ ̶2̶ ̶B̶o̶t̶h̶:̶ ̶1̶ Nikki Fritz may have pitched a shutout in the first round, but Hight matches her own first-round vote total in the second round and pulls the upset. To say Fritz came in with a bang and went out with a bust is true in a number of ways, but that's the way it falls. This is why we do the bracket. You never know what will happen. Ahmo Hight gets to wear the Cinderella crown into the next round.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Reviews being too explicit
    I think the Billy Joel thing is actually kind of clever. I'm partial to Turnstiles myself.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    To what extent does being in shape help with sex workers / SCs?
    Generally speaking, if you're in better shape, you're going to be more attractive than if you're not. People prefer to be around more-attractive people than less-attractive ones. Sex workers are people. Anything you can do to make yourself more preferable to be around will make your experience enough others, sex workers included, better.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Nikki Fritz vs. Ahmo Hight
    Try this: https://www.redpornblog.com/hot-nude-ahmo-hight/hot-nude-ahmo-hight-13.html
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    An afternoon lost
    I'm going to go ahead and guess that a townie club in northeastern Wisconsin on a Thursday afternoon is not where you're going to find a lot of hotties. Might want to try a Friday or Saturday night before you write the place off completely. I have a feeling this is the kind of club where dayshift isn't going to be much to write home about.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Reviews being too explicit
    I don't think there are necessarily specific rules now that the approval of reviews has been crowdsourced. Plus, now that you have to be VIP to view reviews in any way, shape or form (you used to be able to see the most recent review), I think it's a little less concerning than it used to be. That said, I always like to tell folks to think of Stringer Bell in "The Wire": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBdGOrcUEg8 Do you really think it's a good idea to go online, even if you're behind the proverbial seven proxies, and document activity you're doing that's against the law for just about anyone to read? I understand, though, we're trying to be helpful to each other. As such, my solution has been to be creative, and I like posts from guys like HeShootsHeScores who are creative, too. Here are some reviews I've done where I hope you can interpret what acts happened while having some plausible deniability built in. The key is to create posts where folks who can read between the lines can do so while folks who aren't quite as clued in might be confused. I think this is a good path. Atlantis (Chicago), Oct. 2019 - Note how I described the young lady: https://www.tuscl.net/review.php?id=362608 Geisha House (Madison, Wis.), April 2018 - The lady and I played a fun "board game": https://www.tuscl.net/review.php?id=328642 Penthouse Club (Detroit), June 2014 - The lady and I had a "Russian conversation" (note the first few results when you search "Russian sex act" on your favorite search engine): https://www.tuscl.net/review.php?id=218734 And so on. Be discreet, gentlemen. I know we want to help each other, but let's not get ourselves or anyone else in trouble, eh?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Jenna Jameson vs. Gianna Michaels
    Poll closed. This was a war and a great start to the second round. I will file my vote for Jameson, but it's not going to be nearly enough. MICHAELS: 23 JAMESON: 14 B̶o̶t̶h̶:̶ ̶1̶ Gianna Michaels' milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. The 37-vote turnout eclipses any total number of votes we had in the first round by six, while her 23-vote total is the second-most we've had yet, only short of Salma Hayek's easy romp over Jenny McCarthy. Oh by the way, she also knocks off the best-known pornstar of our generation. Gianna Michaels punches her ticket to the Sweet Pussy 16 with the win.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When OTC goes to LOL
    If she saw the hoopty I drive, she'd know I don't spend exclusively on luxuries.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When OTC goes to LOL
    Yeah, the kinkiest thing I'm into is a little dress-up. I like clubbing around Halloween. Get those cheerleader, schoolgirl and maid costumes ready, ladies. I am very conversational during intimate activities, too. The brain is an erogenous zone, right? Neither of those things approaches BDSM, though, and yeah, I can see how ladies would want top dollar for that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    When OTC goes to LOL
    I don't think she was saying "No thank you" because she was really very responsive. She was the most responsive dancer I've ever met via text. More details may help inform this. In Chicago, we did dances and, like I said, made a good connection. We talked about other places where there are fewer rules and cameras. She agreed that yes, we'd be fun in a place like that. We had a lot of fun with what we could do. This is a place where they're fairly strict about no contact info being passed between dancers & custies; she said she had to be sneaky to write her info on a free admission pass with the house mom in the back. It felt like a win to get that. I texted her as I left and she got back to me the next night, asking questions about me, what might work and asking where I was so she could travel to me. Knowing some escorts have day and travel rates and whatnot, I did say, "Don't plan a trip just for me. I can only make it so much worth your while." I do think the BDSM detail is key. When we were doing dances, she said at one point she didn't believe my career was in IT; that I was too smooth and well-spoken. I told her other ladies have said I have a Christian Grey quality about me. I think she interpreted that to mean BDSM; I was just referring to my general presence: Dress nice, smell nice, tip well, don't just get turned on but try and turn the dancer on, too, etc. I can see how, for BDSM stuff, a practitioner may want to charge more, depending how rough and/or trust-dependent activities are. She did say she could go $4K for two hours and $1.5K per hour if I was "consistent." So it's not like she was trying to completely blow me off. But yeah, all of those prices are way out of my range, and definitely not within range of what I can get, say, in Detroit for darn good service. I mean, this lady is well put-together. She claimed to have been a personal trainer before and I believe it. With a little more intense training, I could see her even doing some of the less mass-intensive bodybuilding/fitness competitions out there. She said before our dances she works out hard to "get out her anger," which, again, BDSM. So yeah, I can see her being one of those true, high-end pros you see advertising on Eros or whatever for crazy ridiculous rates. But I'm not in the market for that. And I'm not sure any guy who knows the club scene will be. 10x what I thought I'd be looking at. Yikes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    What does PK stand for?
    A link to the review would be helpful to put it in context. I sometimes refer to the club Polekatz as PK, much the way Detroiters sometimes talk about H8 (Henry VIII).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: First Round Babermetrics
    @clubber: Ah, OK. In the first round, we counted 'Neither' votes. I even had a contingency for 'Neither' winning a matchup. You can see that we had stats on 'Neither' above. You can say 'Neither' in the second round, but it won't be counted toward the total. It'll end up crossed out at the bottom of the count, just like 'Both'.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: First Round Babermetrics
    @clubber: Can you rephrase your question? I'm not sure what the "bit bucket" is.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Second Round Changes
    Actually, that is a kind of interesting concept for a different kind of parlor game, but I struggle to see executing it. But you're welcome. We have to do something between club visits.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Second Round Changes
    It kind of just evolved. A crowdsourcing element for the next bracket is definitely something I have in mind. We'll take a significant break after this one gets done, though. I feel like I'm spending way more time on TUSCL than a healthy human being should.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Ann vs. Megan Rain
    @wall: No offense taken whatsoever. I kind of wish you could be right. I actually wish we could discuss the votes more. It's better conversation and more relevant to the site's purpose than a lot of what's here. The problem with resurfacing old threads is people lose the active one, or think they can still vote on threads that have already been decided, because most of us have the board set to show the most recent threads commented upon at the top of the board. Granted, we don't have an active thread right now, so it's not all that bad at the moment. But it's the principle for when we do have them. FWIW, I have done some statistical analysis in the first round results, and when I have time (maybe tomorrow night), I'll post that as an intermediary thing before we start the second round. There will be some fun things to discuss in there, so be on the lookout for that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Ann vs. Megan Rain
    Kids, this matchup closed on August 2. Rain won, per above. There is no active matchup at the moment. Taking a short break between rounds 1 and 2.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Going to a strip club in Vegas with my buddy’s this weekend for a bachelor party
    Hey bud. Welcome to paradise, AKA the world of strip-clubbing. So a few things to consider: 1. You're going with your buddies and not just you. I bring this up because it's one thing to go to a club by yourself and end up messing yourself, but it's another thing to have to cover things up down there and walk out to your buddies. I definitely have been known to get off on dances, but on the rare occasions I've clubbed with people I've known at bachelor parties, I don't think I would have felt comfortable going back to my buds with cum all over the front of my pants. I feel like that leaves you with three options: a. Don't partake in lapper fun. b. If you do, know your limits and stop the lady before anything happens. c. If you really want to get off, or don't think you can stop yourself, my easy suggestion is to wear a condom. The buddies don't have to know and you can just sneak to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet if it gets "soiled." Make sure it's on good (i.e. all the way to the base and maybe a little extra room at the end of the tip) so it doesn't fall off during a good grind. 2. That said, yes, no jeans because that's uncomfortable for dancers. I don't recommend shorts. I mean, yeah, you can in Vegas, but I think you get a better experience with slacks. Smoother the better. I don't feel like the underwear matters all that much, but yeah, something you're not uncomfortable getting an erection in, which usually isn't briefs. 3. I sometimes think there's a curve to your club experiences that's at its highest in your first visit(s) to a club, then goes down into a valley before coming back up as you figure out what you can get away with, and with whom, at different places. In my experience, when you tell a dancer it's your first time, it's not uncommon for her to give an amazing grind in the effort to turn you into a regular returner. Plus, she's walking you through the paces (how much things cost, rules, maybe even etiquette, etc.), so she gets to tell you at the end that it's appropriate to tip and may even dictate how much. That means two things: a. Be ready to be ridden upon like nothing else with the right girl, so you might want to prepare your preferred strategy should you reach the exploding point. (Aside: Masturbating before going clubbing so your tank is on 'E' ain't the worst idea.) b. Don't fall in love or get taken, especially in Vegas, where ROBs (rip-off bitches; ladies who will talk you out of your money one way or another) are pretty common. Know how much you want to spend, keep to your limit and while yes, you definitely should tip, if you're doing dances, make your tip akin to what it is for dining out, i.e. 15-25 percent. 4. I'm going back to the fact you're there with your buddies for a second. I think that comes with a few other things: a. You probably don't want to be labeled as the guy who lost his self-control or went in naive. So hold to a limit. I wouldn't do more than two or three dances with a girl at the most, and I wouldn't upgrade to any higher level of service than the basic lapper room, like a VIP area or anything. b. Remember, you're there because of the groom. It might be cool of you if, instead of taking back the best-looking girl you can find for yourself, you instead buy the groom a lapper or two with her and let him have the fun. I've done that before — then returned to the club without the guys another night and had more fun than the groom did with the same girl, who thought I was "sweet" for taking care of my buddy like that. c. Follow the rules. There are times, places and clubs where rules are flexible; when you're out with your buddies, I don't think that's the case. Don't be the dude that ruins things for all your friends and gets kicked out such that they all feel obliged to leave, too. 5. Relax and have fun. You're all there and hopefully there's no judgement. Enjoy the scenery, tip the ladies and whatever happens happens. If you like it, go clubbing again sometime, maybe just on your own. If you don't, don't sweat it. Have a few drinks, spend within your limit, enjoy being around your buddies and enjoy being around pretty girls in their most ideal state, i.e. done up and naked. 6. Last but not least: Dancers are people, too. They know you're horny, so that's fine, but don't be rude, mean, insulting, inconsiderate, etc. If you don't like how one or another looks, just don't say anything. If one's trying to sell you on dances and you don't want any from her, just keep saying, "No, thank you" and don't make a scene of it. For many dancers, it's a job, and for some, they don't like it any more than we like our work, so don't make it rougher on them. At least keep that in the back of your head. Have fun, bud.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Capri Cavanni vs. Silvia Saint
    We conclude the first round with Sylvia Saint winning the day. I'll throw one more vote to Cavanni, but it isn't going to matter. SAINT: 16 CAVANNI: 10 NEITHER: 1 ̶P̶o̶s̶t̶e̶r̶-̶o̶n̶-̶p̶o̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶m̶e̶:̶ ̶2̶ ̶G̶e̶n̶e̶r̶a̶l̶l̶y̶:̶ ̶1̶ Saint moves on and will take on Megan Rain in the next round. The first round of the Pornstar Bracket definitely did not turn out how I thought it would. Well-known, "name" stars like Lisa Ann, Dillion Harper, Jesse Jane and Capri Cavanni all go by the wayside in favor of the likes of Eva Angelina, Veronica Avluv, Kira Kener and Megan Rain. If there's any bracket where a preference for brunettes came to the fore, this was it as well. The second round will have the following matchups in the Pornstar Bracket: Eva ANGELINA vs. Madison SCOTT Veronica AVLUV vs. Kira KENER Jenna JAMESON vs. Gianna MICHAELS Megan RAIN vs. Silvia SAINT So that does it for the first round. I'm going to make a first-round summary post and take a night or two off before we start to the second-round matchups.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    First time at Scores Chicago
    Scores has loosened its policy on dresses/gowns significantly. You'll see a lot of bikinis now. I find it disappointing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Boyle vs. Stacy Burke
    Unrelated note: Tonight got busy for me all of a sudden. Maybe we post the final matchup of the first round later this evening, maybe we don't. You'll live.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Boyle vs. Stacy Burke
    I did not expect this to be a contest. It was not, though I might make the case Burke did better than I expected. I still think it's surprising Burke got four votes in this matchup while Sara Suzanne Brown got none against Nikki Fritz. I'm going to throw one more vote Boyle's way. BOYLE: 17 BURKE: 4 NEITHER: 1 B̶o̶t̶h̶:̶ ̶2̶ (This number is one higher than I would expect. Don't get into this habit, guys. It'll get worse as we get deeper into the bracket if I don't make mention. You're just wasting folks' time, your own included. Both *is not* a choice.) Boyle advances and draws Mia Zottoli in the second round. That wraps up the B-Movie Bracket in the first round. Matchups to anticipate in the second round: Lisa BOYLE vs. Mia ZOTTOLI Kristi DUCATI vs. Akira LANE Nikki FRITZ vs. Ahmo HIGHT Lorissa McCOMAS vs. Stacy MORAN