
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Guerrero vs. Kate Upton
    Correction from above: This is the Celebrity Bracket, not the Pornstar Bracket. My bad, y'all.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    @sshr: I never noticed that, but yeah, now that you say that ... she does. [shrug] OK, let's close her up as I file one vote for Jameson, too. JAMESON: 12 IVY: 7 NEITHER: 5 ̶T̶a̶n̶g̶e̶n̶t̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶c̶u̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶:̶ ̶1̶1̶ ̶J̶e̶n̶n̶a̶'̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶d̶ ̶r̶i̶d̶e̶:̶ ̶4̶ ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶s̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶w̶e̶i̶g̶h̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶s̶t̶:̶ ̶1̶ Jameson wins and moves on. Name recognition matters. Also, credit to you guys for following instructions. Jenna will either face off against a younger, similar-looking star in Ashlynn Brooke, or a much louder Gianna Michaels, in the second round.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    As I suspected, we're different in a whole lot of ways. Different perspectives make for diverse sets of thoughts. Always good to see.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    @25: Valid points there. I appreciate your candor, as well. I think you do have a largely valid point when it comes to "too much porn," at least for most people. Don't get me wrong; I love porn. But I feel like porn, and pornstars, are a partition in my brain that's separate from the regular women we interact with on a day-to-day basis. I'm more than conscious that what I see in porn isn't reality. I don't model how to please a woman off porn, as there would need to be a lot more backrubs and far better dialog in porn. Porn is just kind of mindless self-gratification. It's a good cure for morning wood, but it's not helpful much outside of that. That being said, I think differently than a lot of people, so yeah, for the average Joe, porn can easily be a bad influence for them. Also, you'll notice a distinct skew from 1991 to the early 2000s here. In other words, from when I was between ages nine and 23 or so. Before I could club, this stuff was the only way to get satisfaction. Put me in my mid-20s, give me a little cash and some transportation and, suddenly, clubbing gets easier and I watch less adult content, not to mention, yes, starting to actually have real success with non-club women as well. Granted, broadband internet and the ability to watch it on my phone has kind of brought me back some in the interest of saving money. But yeah, this bracket on the whole is as much about reminiscing and nostalgia as anything, too. I don't think porn should replace going and doing, like you say. I'm horny enough that I both watch porn and club. And porn is a decent substitute during the horny times when women aren't around, as long as its seen as what it is and not seen as more real than it is. Not a replacement for reality and actually going out and doing. Just a way to fill time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Gross, but gets the job done
    While there are a few good options at GH, many are not. There are more than a few occasions where I walk in, the girls line up, I say "No thanks" and leave. If none are your type, don't be afraid to just walk away. Save your cash and live to fight another day.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Most attractive women you’ve seen in a strip club?
    Shadow: She's very cute. I can see how she won someone over.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Most attractive women you’ve seen in a strip club?
    1. Angelina, Polekatz Chicago, 2013. Great body. Started her lappers by standing over you and slowly doing the splits onto you. One time, I proceeded to breathe in her ear when she landed and she instantaneously went all goosebumpy. Amazing body control. ATF. Wouldn't give contact info and is now purportedly out of the business. Huge loss. 2. Mandi, Spearmint Rhino Las Vegas, 2018. I caught her on the perfect night, as she had her hair professionally done for a retro photoshoot that day. If you took Marilyn Monroe and made her a raven-haired Latina with a perfect body, that would be Mandi that night. Hoping to spend more time with her someday, but I get to that part of the country very rarely.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    @25: I hope you didn't take the "you" in that sentence personally. I meant "the royal you," in this way: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Royal%20you. It's moreso the general idea that, for the most part, dancers sell an experience that isn't real. It's the concept behind the definition of "PL" in the TUSCL glossary above. At a strip club, the vast majority of dancers are just there to get your money. They may put on a show, they may tell you ("the royal you") everything they want to hear, heck, if it's an extras club, they may do some awesome stuff with you. But, ultimately, except in the rarest of cases, they're doing it because they want your money. If you don't assume that's their ultimate goal, you're setting yourself up for problems. If you start believing they really like you, that you're really as great as they say you are, all of that, you're up a creek. For the vast majority, it's just a sales tactic. For the vast majority, they need to remember, they're not the dancer's only customer and she doesn't like actually them that much, which is exactly what I said above. It relates back to the suspension of disbelief idea because, if you can't handle it with porn, I'm not sure how you handle it in the club. If you see a pornstar as someone who's had, as you put it, "more dicks in them than Carter has pills," how can you see a stripper as someone who isn't willing to sit in whoever's lap she thinks is next to the biggest wallet? How can you not enjoy one and enjoy the other? Granted, maybe it's because you personally have a big wallet and get all the ladies accordingly. If so, good for you. Not all of us are so lucky. That said, I do sense you're a different kind of cat than me. I think you're more results-oriented, whereas I'm more process oriented. You're moreso, "Do I want to sleep with her? Can I? Yes? Great, let's do it. No? Then screw this." It's like being a good closer as a salesperson. Seal the deal or move on. I'm more into asking why and how. I like threads like this. I like seeing reasoning why one girl or another. I like the process. The theoretical can be just as interesting as the practical, to me, if not moreso sometimes. This is why I could never work in sales and work in IT. I mean, I get it in a way. For instance, science fiction stuff does nothing for me. I can't relate. And maybe you just can't relate to the idea of thinking about ladies you can't actually do anything with. But I enjoy the, "If I could, who would I and" aspect of analyzing, as well as seeing if that lines up with the hive mind's opinion. I have no doubt you do great. If you're happy, you're doing something right, and good for you. Threads like this make me happy. If you want folks like me to be happy, I'd appreciate you simply not rain on our parade. Feel free to hit the 'Ignore' button for me if they get annoying.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Self-made millionaire: This is the greatest paradox of wealth—and most peopl
    Neat piece. I always say this: The ultimate goal is happiness. Money is simply the means to get it. If you spend all your time chasing money, but unhappy, you're doing it wrong. Also, remember that everyone else's goal is happiness, too. If you can only feel happy relative to other people — because you have more money, because you're better than them at something, whatever — that's problematic, because the only way you can feel happy is by robbing others of their happiness. You have to find your own version of happy separate from everyone else's. I don't get hung up on trying to get rich. If money meant more than happiness, I wouldn't club. I do get hung up on people that don't value others' happiness, or only value their own. Those folks bother me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    @Pistola: Seeing Jenna dance in some other videos makes me think she might have been one of the better strippers of all-time, too. She seems like she was something else. @Ferdinx: In the end, there can be only one ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJ8lpCQbyw&t=12s @Nidan/@yahtzee: To each his own. As I outlined in a previous bracket thread, I don't mind enhancements. You do. To each his own. That's why I let you have a 'Neither' choice, at least in the first round. It's OK to choose that. @Esta: You at least took their prime into account, so I'll actually call that valid. We're going to have another showdown later in the opening round where I think "the now" is going overshadow "the prime" so much that it's going to be too difficult for most people to overcome. The contestant's name will rhyme with Henny BicCarthy. However, we also paired her against Salma Hayek, so I think the problem should solve itself. @Stephanie: You're 99 percent correct. She did anal at least once, as in one stroke by accident. https://www.xvideos.com/video7020442/jenna_jameson_accidental_anal @25: I think this spawns an interesting discussion. In mainstream cinema, there's a concept called "suspension of disbelief." It's the idea that the stuff that happens in films tends to happen too perfectly and without the randomness we see in real life, but as long as it seems plausibly possible enough, the audience can stick with it in the interest of being entertained and enjoying the story. Here's the Wiki article for a more in-depth look at the concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspension_of_disbelief. Consider, also, that suspension of disbelief has its limits for most people, such as how many felt "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" was ruined when Indiana Jones survived being sent into near-Earth orbit while hiding in a refrigerator during a nuclear explosion. Put another way, it violated many people's limits of their suspension of disbelief, in that they just couldn't wrap their head around surviving that occurrence truly being possible. In porn, there's a different kind of suspension of belief for it to work. You have to be in the moment of the scene. You have to kind of believe that yes, I, too, could be that buff guy with the 12-incher making the impossibly hot buxom blonde babe moan uncontrollably for 10-15 minutes. If you can't get past the idea that it's actually a Viagra-addled dude who can't cut it as a waiter with a girl who's shot 13 scenes with 13 different guys that week to pay for her next collagen injection, then I think porn just isn't for you. Then again, I also would question whether strip clubs are for you, too. You're not her only customer, and she probably doesn't actually like you that much. I know the ins and outs of behind the scenes for porn, even some of the more troubling ones, but I can still suspend the disbelief to enjoy it. Also, I have no more expectation of women somehow being with a small number of men than I do expectation of tempering my own want for variety. I like a lot of different women. Every girl has her own uniqueness. I don't mind if they've been with a lot of different men, as long as they're safe about it. It just means they've had more practice and will be better at it. It's one thing for a girl to try to have all the trappings of a good girl and a pornstar at the same time. Those are the Instagram models that tout their virtue and chastity while alternating between pictures of themselves wearing next to nothing with pictures of themselves with the new guy they're banging for a few weeks. I don't respect those women. Pornstars make it obvious: Yeah, I do it a lot, with a lot of different guys, because people want to see it and I'm good at it. Want to be one of those guys, too? And I don't mind that. Anyhow, if that's your thinking, hate to break it to you, but we have 16 girls going head-to-head in the Pornstar Bracket, not to mention we had enough Pornstars that some had to go into the Model Bracket as well. Maybe these threads just aren't for you, which is fine.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex tourism?
    For me, sex tourism is as easy as the occasional trip to Detroit. Granted, it's a regional tourist trap compared to the internatonal destinations you guys are talking about, but compared to the rest of the Midwest, the adult options are significantly better and more numerous. Two days is usually enough. More than that starts getting a little pricey for me, especially if I'm hitting day and night shift. Plus, I can then just make it a weekend getaway. For me, it's either a 90-minute flight or a six-hour drive. I've done both. The drive is fine, though it always seems to take longer to get there (Chicago traffic) than back. Sometimes, it's a relaxing treat to just hop on a cheap puddle-jumper flight and get there a little quicker, if it is another $150 or so. It's not that much more than the two tanks of gas. Obviously I can make it work with just a backpack. I like Michigan proper as well. There's decent municipal golf that's affordable and a decent challenge. I want to get to a Tigers game one of these trips. A summer weekend with golf, fresh air and women is what I call a slice of heaven.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    Like I say, though: We're focusing on her prime. And what a prime it was.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Madison Ivy vs. Jenna Jameson
    The last 15 years have been a rollercoaster ride. The surgeries made her look real funny for a while. She kinda fixed that, then put on a ton of weight with one child. That article I posted above is from the last week and shows she's shed a lot of that (it says 80 pounds, which is almost one entire Madison Ivy), but to say she's been on a wild trip is an understatement.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Playing the birthday card
    LOL, Muddy. Yeah, to expand upon Papi's thought, I think a lot of dancers see most customers as one of two things: 1. A regular 2. A non-regular who's there to party for some reason If you're #2, the birthday will be the upsell point. "It's you're birthday?!? Forget dances! We should do a room!" So, if anything, they're going to try to talk you into spending more. If you're a regular, and you seek out a dancer who you've seen numerous times before, as in more than you can count on your fingers, I think it's plausible you could get somewhat better service on your birthday. Plausible. Not necessarily likely, but plausible. The dancers I seek out semi-regularly tend to offer something unique and different each time I see them. If it's a lady like that, then yeah, for your birthday, they may make the grind a little harder, be a little more handsy, heck, maybe up the dirty talk, whatever. However, for the most part, think of dancer mileage like driving a car. You usually go as fast as you feel comfortable going without being unsafe or drawing the ire of cops at speed traps, right? It's the same thing. Most dancers give you as much as they feel comfortable giving you to try and get you to buy more. I don't think most dancers have an extra gear they save for special occasions any more than you feel great about going 95 mph through downtown Metropolis if you're late. But yeah, you probably ain't gettin' nothin' for free unless the relationship is regularly transcending the club somehow, in which case, you moreso have a girlfriend who happens to be a dancer and are getting a birthday gift from a girlfriend accordingly.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Carmen Electra vs. Katarina Witt
    Let's call it. ELECTRA: 15 WITT: 8 NEITHER: 3 ̶B̶o̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶m̶a̶c̶h̶i̶n̶e̶:̶ ̶1̶ ̶S̶I̶ ̶s̶w̶i̶m̶s̶u̶i̶t̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶c̶u̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶:̶ ̶5̶ Carmen Electra moves on in fairly dominant fashion, though Witt made a decent showing. It's worth noting that, of the four brackets, the Celebrity has been the easiest to call thus far. This went about as I expected. Pretty good matchup in the next round, as Electra will take on Kiana Tom.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide at a Manhattan jail, officials said. The finan
    While supposedly on suicide watch. When the people you have dirt on are powerful enough ...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Carmen Electra vs. Katarina Witt
    Also, @papi, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNVNFF4TByQ
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Carmen Electra vs. Katarina Witt
    @eastside: I've truly been a horny bastard since I was about nine years old - OK, maybe even younger, since I was six when Witt skated in '88. It's in my blood. I loves me some great-looking women and I've got a good memory when it comes to the ones I like.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Carmen Electra vs. Katarina Witt
    Rachel Hunter, from that era, will be in the bracket later on. We'll also have SI cover models Kate Upton, Marisa Miller and Rebecca Romijn. One of the requirements for me to post a picture on my profile was the woman had to have a picture out there that was nude, or at least significantly see-through, and that wasn't part of a hack. I do love me some Christie Brinkley and Kathy Ireland, but I couldn't find anything that would suffice for those requirements for them. Tiegs was a little before my time, but the picture I chose of Miller was her 50th anniversary tribute to a pic Tiegs took.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    So what should you do when you see an acquaintance or fellow coworker at the clu
    Leave. That simple. Make a quiet beeline to the door and leave. There's one club I visit pretty rarely now because a real-life acquaintance is a dancer there now. Another, an acquaintance somehow became a semi-regular. Both know my SO. No need for them to see me or know I do this. Put your drink down and head for the door. Just get out of there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Kira Kener vs. Shyla Stylez
    Let's close 'er up after I add a vote for Stylez. KENER: 9 NEITHER: 7 STYLEZ: 6 ̶D̶i̶s̶c̶u̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶d̶i̶f̶f̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶a̶s̶t̶e̶s̶:̶ ̶4̶ ̶B̶o̶t̶h̶:̶ ̶2̶ This was the first one where 'Neither' beat one of the candidates. It couldn't beat 'em both, though, and Kener is through to the next round. One thing that ... confuses? ... me is that Stylez being a good dancer didn't seem to score more points with you guys. I mean, this is a strip club board, right? Does the dancing part even matter to us mongers who are willing to sign up to be members of a board like this? I mean, isn't that kind of how we usually get our first impression of these girls ... you know, dancing on stage? Or have we conditioned ourselves to think "good dancer on stage, bad lappers/VIPs as a result"? I dunno. Anyhow, Kener advances, though I think she's going to be an underdog against either Veronica Avluv or Dillion Harper.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    I can't imagine some of the pain and anguish doctors see, too. Mental and physical. Imagine being the one who has to say "You have cancer." Ugh. Guilt-ridden work. The fact we call it that is, in and of itself, pretty sad.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    She seeks me out moreso than I seek her when I go to the club. I don't run to find her. I find a seat and, if she sees me, she comes to me. I don't mind. Also, she's legitimately an interesting person. She does most of the talking when we hang out. Her training rituals are intense and very different and I'm curious about them and her approach to showmanship. The conversation is stimulating. The people in her life are different and analyzing her, and their, thinking is actually kind of fun. I don't mind. I say this as the creator of the "Who'd You Rather" bracket: We shouldn't live our lives saying people are only good to us if they want to have sex with us and we want to have sex with them. That part is fun, yes. Fun enough to have a bracket about. But it's possible to meet people who you enjoy having in your life for other reasons. She doesn't see me as "partner" material. But she likes talking to me and I like talking to her. If we both are getting enjoyment from it, I don't think anything's wrong.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    To bring the conversation back to the topic, a lot of guys treat ladies who do this like crap. I was at a club once where a group of guys took pleasure in shouting in girls faces, "Nope!" when they asked for tips. It's garbage. A lot of women who do this are already a little fragile. The least we can do is know that and be good customers. That doesn't mean keeling over and handing every girl all your money. It doesn't mean spending on dancers you don't like. It doesn't mean tolerating rude dancers or ROBs. But, it does mean being polite to those we don't get service from. It means respecting the dancer's personal boundaries. Yes, your and her boundaries may be beyond the club's, but her's are the end-all. And it does mean remembering they're humans and want a little respect, not just body parts there to grind on you and be disposed. If you don't, these fragile women may break, as some of these pornstars did. I don't want that onus on me. I didn't find the dancer I befriended unattractive, but she also wasn't in my "OMG so hot want a dance so bad" file. As such, I was willing to watch and listen to her after our introduction. As such, we bonded. She's interesting to me in that she thinks differently and is highly motivated to be successful. But she also is very hard on herself and struggles with people that don't "get" her. I can see how she can become a great performance artist in time. I can also see how she and her struggles could lead to bad things. I want to say I helped, not hurt. I'd like to see us all be more that way, both with our ATFs and all people we encounter, both in and out of the club.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Kira Kener vs. Shyla Stylez
    It makes a weird kind of sense to me. This is a must-read article for anyone who takes sex in our current age somewhat seriously: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/12/the-sex-recession/573949/. Here's the nutshell, relative to this discussion: Young people are having less sex. Porn is certainly one of many reasons why. But it's not just porn. It's what kind of porn. With porn, we can get exactly what we want. And, what we want could be very different from what other people want. It also could be something so perfectly aligned with our wants that it doesn't actually exist at all. The article mentions the second-most popular porn search is animated/manga/hentai/etc., i.e. stuff you don't see in reality. We are becoming perfectionists, very understanding of our own tastes, less so of others', and people's tastes can be very different. That's a side effect of our online lives being more fulfilling than reality. Think "Ready Player One." That said, part of what's cool about the bracket for me is finding out how my tastes align with those of others', or the hive mind of the board on the whole. If I pick two girls that only appeal to me, that's good to know in and of itself. I don't think that's going to be the case most of the time. I don't think you become known on the web by being unattractive to everyone. But it would make sense if a handful of the 32 opening-round matchups saw 'Neither' win. If it's how you feel, vote 'Neither'!