
Playing the birthday card

Saturday, August 10, 2019 9:24 PM
I got a birthday coming up this week. Normally I don’t give a shit at all with 0 celebration except for one of them Golden Corral coupons. (There is a tiny depressed feeling) But it dawned on me I gotta play this card on a stripper despite it falling on a weekday. Any of you ever had any success BECAUSE it was your birthday? Any dancer treat you differently? Get a free shot maybe. Let’s hear it.


  • gawker
    5 years ago
    My ATF was born on my birthday and we have been celebrating together for years. I do something nice for her and she does something very nice to me.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Nope. But, I do get free shots from strippers quite frequently. Not sure why, but I never turn them down.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Oh wow Gawk well that is a cool coincidence. I actually met a stripper at San Antonio Men’s club with the same birthday as me last weekend. (I didn’t ask for her to prove so it might have been SS though) And a follow up question, are there certain birthday ages that could be given more slack? For example if somebody turns 29 I don’t think anybody gives a shit whereas if somebody turns 100 hell even I’ll suck his dick let’s keep it on the real.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Strippers don't do shit for free - if anything they'll use it against you - they'll say something like "well baby let's have a good-time and let me give you some dances" (which you will pay for of course) - i.e. most strippers will use anything as a way to make a sale whether you had a death-in-the-family or your dog ran away
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Papi you need to get the fuck away from some of these Cuban dancers good god. That being said your probably right. Alright where’s the delete button?
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    LOL, Muddy. Yeah, to expand upon Papi's thought, I think a lot of dancers see most customers as one of two things: 1. A regular 2. A non-regular who's there to party for some reason If you're #2, the birthday will be the upsell point. "It's you're birthday?!? Forget dances! We should do a room!" So, if anything, they're going to try to talk you into spending more. If you're a regular, and you seek out a dancer who you've seen numerous times before, as in more than you can count on your fingers, I think it's plausible you could get somewhat better service on your birthday. Plausible. Not necessarily likely, but plausible. The dancers I seek out semi-regularly tend to offer something unique and different each time I see them. If it's a lady like that, then yeah, for your birthday, they may make the grind a little harder, be a little more handsy, heck, maybe up the dirty talk, whatever. However, for the most part, think of dancer mileage like driving a car. You usually go as fast as you feel comfortable going without being unsafe or drawing the ire of cops at speed traps, right? It's the same thing. Most dancers give you as much as they feel comfortable giving you to try and get you to buy more. I don't think most dancers have an extra gear they save for special occasions any more than you feel great about going 95 mph through downtown Metropolis if you're late. But yeah, you probably ain't gettin' nothin' for free unless the relationship is regularly transcending the club somehow, in which case, you moreso have a girlfriend who happens to be a dancer and are getting a birthday gift from a girlfriend accordingly.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    On my 77th birthday Follies comped my VIP room charge, a $50 value. I got several free table dances from some of my regulars.
  • MissBoddy
    5 years ago
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    My birthday was is June and my ATF was working that night. Told her I come in and get a CR room with her. She decorated the room brought a cake a card and gave me some THC oil for my vape pen. Plus a decent BJ. In full disclosure we’ve known each for several years and I’ve spent plenty of cash on her so I don’t think she would have done that otherwise. But the effort she made was more than you’d usually get from a stripper
  • bubba267
    5 years ago
    Way back in the day, I told Melissa Wolf, who was a special feature dancer at Gold Rush it was my birthday. She gave me a free dance and autographed photo of me holding her tits while she spread herself. Don’t know that counts for the question asked but I still remember my bday gift.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Congrats Muddy! If you sign up for the Twin Peaks emailnprogram younwill get a free meal there during the week of your Birthday. You can look at some cleavage and est some decent food
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Pregame for the club
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    For the past two years, I spent my birthday in the hospital.
  • MissBoddy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^Well STOP THAT Cristobal !!!!!
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @missbody Ok, next year I will not go to the hospital on my Bday.
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    The DS gave me a “free” blowjob in the car for my birthday. But then I paid her $1,000 after we fucked later that evening in my hotel room.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Many years ago in a SC in San Diego way before a lap dances existed I got a kiss and a boob squeeze in because it was my birthday. My Navy buddy’s were telling all the girls it was my birthday not I. I have not tried it since. Might try it this year though.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    My ATF made me dinner and gave ne a full body massage for my birthday at her place one year. Bur just going to the club, I doubt you would get anything for free. Especially if you don't know the dancer. I think in all of the cases where guys have gotten things, it's with a dancer they've known fie awhile
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    They almost always don't care or turn it around to benefit themselves. I say 'almost' because a long-term ATF might do something legit for the birthday boy. But even then, they probably don't actually care. It's like a smart salesman occasionally giving a discount or dropping off a fruit basket to a top customer. Last year, I had a stripper tell me "It's my birthday. Do you have a gift for me?" To which I replied, "It was your birthday last week. So, either you need new banter, or I fell into the Hot Tub Time Machine." They don't care.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Might be a good idea to show up to a club with friends. Then the dancer will hard sell to *them* to buy *your* dances 😁 (I, erm, have no personal experience with this of course)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't blame dancers for their hustle - it's a competitive business and for the most-part no one is gonna give them anything unless they go out there and hustle for it - they're already in the hole via house-fees, tip-outs, and outfits shoes and makeup - add to this the groping and grinding element in the contact clubs and I understand they wanna make as much as they can given what they have to put-in/invest financially and psychologically
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I also don't blame the dancers for hustling. That's the job. But having a birthday doesn't mean you get free cake. It's a strip club, not an IHOP. nicespice said "Might be a good idea to show up to a club with friends. Then the dancer will hard sell to *them* to buy *your* dances" That's valid.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... having a birthday doesn't mean you get free cake. It's a strip club, not an IHOP ..." 😄
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    @Ish Hold does on IHOP give free cake now on your birthday? @Nice would be a great idea if I actually had any friends @Mackie I’m definitely getting that TP coupon And I got nothing to lose so why not. I was planning on hitting Phoenix that day but I might push that to the right a little bit to try it on strippers I know pretty well. Let’s see what happens. Now I’m wondering.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    "Hold does on IHOP give free cake now on your birthday?" When I was a kid... yes. YMMV.
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