
Sex tourism?

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, August 10, 2019 11:17 AM
Whether It's Tijuana, The Fkk clubs in Europe or Thailand, How long it long enough and do you combine other activities along with the sex? In my younger days before I was married, I was hung up on Acapulco. I made visits about 4 times a year and spent from 3 to 7 days there. Other than water sports and dining there is not many reasons other than sex to go there. I would sleep late, have lunch at the beach, take a nap until dinner time, then hit the zona roja around 9PM and stay until 2 or 3 in the morning. I found that after 3 nights of whoring it up, I was pretty much burned out and ready to go home.


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Have not done sex-tourism per se but have taken a fair # of strip-club trips for the sole purpose of strip-clubbing - seems I don't have much time for anything else since the purpose of my trip is SCing and I wanna get as much of it in as possible - I like hitting day and night shifts and liking variety wanna see/visit as many clubs that interest me - b/w getting up late; finding a place I wanna eat at; fighting traffic; seems I don't have time for much else if I'm gonna be hitting clubs on day and night shifts. For me about 5 days usually works out - get to hit the clubs on weekdays late in the week and on the weekend - usually fly in on a Wednesday and fly out on a Monday but don't do anything on that Monday and maybe not much on the Wednesday I fly in depending what time I get in.
  • boomer79
    5 years ago
    Personally I love to travel. It would not be the primary purpose behind my trip but I did enjoy myself in Spain this year.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Never did any sex travel, usually I travel with a beautiful companion and take in the sights and enjoy the experience. I really have no desire for sex tourism, yet I enjoy traveling a lot.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I try to do it in this country. I’ll go sight seeing during the day, maybe some exercise like the pool and then SC/SA at night see what happens. I do get jealous when I hear stories of German orgies and Mexican bar girls. If I was in a more tropical/Paradise environment, I would be just wrapped up in the beach and pussy stuff. If I was in like Europe England, France whatever I might be too wrapped up in the sight seeing aspect. Too much cool history stuff like castles 🏰 tour, old cathedrals. That would be fucking so cool, I might not have enough time for girls if I was in one of those places.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    I travel internationally several times a year, and if I can combine cultural activities with sex I will. This year I visited Berlin and Vienna, enjoying the cities and culture in the mornings and afternoons and then checking out FKK clubs at night.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    3 days is as much as I can take of Tijuana. And it's probably because of the fact that there is very little to do. Or maybe I don't feel safe enough to go venture out beyond that one block area. I think Germany would be a lot more fun for a full trip. I would love to see that country. Problem with going to Germany is that my wife would not let me go alone.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    I also like water sports, the real kind, not the alleged Donald Trump in a Moscow hotel room type of water sports. Years ago, I took several beach vacations to Thailand, which has the best beaches in the world as well as the best nightlife in the world. I would spend the day on the beach and/or in the water, and spend the night carousing, most often ending with a girl in my hotel room. I did the cultural stuff too—temples, palaces, and other stuff around Bangkok and Chiang Mai. No beaches in those areas, but girls everywhere. It wasn’t exactly sex tourism. At the time, I was already living in Asia and could pretty much get all the pussy I wanted where I was, but it was tourism with lots of sex included. The only problem was that it was hard to fit in time for sleep. I needed a vacation to recover from vacations like that.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    Regarding Tijuana: The first time I went there was Memorial Day weekend. I rented a car and spent the day at Black's Beach in La Jolla (about a half-hour drive from the border) and hit TJ at night before returning to my hotel in the San Diego area. I've found it more economical to stay in TJ (Hotel Cascades next to Club Hong Kong) and not deal with a rental car. But I don't spent the day in TJ. I try to sleep in after a long night of partying, shower and grab by laptop, take the Hong Kong shuttle to the border (free, $2 tip) and spent the afternoon at the Outlet mall near the border. Get lunch at the food court, catch up on some work or peruse the message boards while having a coffee at Starbucks, and then grab dinner (usually a Cheesesteak) at the food court before heading back to TJ around 7 or 8 p.m. Shower again and then head down to HK for pussy, and lots of it.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I'm not an older guy (yet) but unless there are other attractions there, I agree that 3 nights is long enough. I've done 2 trips to TJ for two nights and I wouldn't have minded a third.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I live about 2 hours from TJ so I can go anytime and at first I never stayed overnight. Now, I have more fun staying at least one night but never more than two nights (three days). There are a few things to do around TJ aside from the Zona Norte: malls, movies, beaches, clubs, restuarants, casinos, etc.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    I was in San Diego for a week for other business this summer. I went three times while I was there. I think that was about perfect for ther time frame.
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    From LA to TJ in 2hrs? You must be riding a motocycle. 3 days is about right for a sex tour. Butt, after 3 days you'll want it again, and wish you could go every week.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    For me, sex tourism is as easy as the occasional trip to Detroit. Granted, it's a regional tourist trap compared to the internatonal destinations you guys are talking about, but compared to the rest of the Midwest, the adult options are significantly better and more numerous. Two days is usually enough. More than that starts getting a little pricey for me, especially if I'm hitting day and night shift. Plus, I can then just make it a weekend getaway. For me, it's either a 90-minute flight or a six-hour drive. I've done both. The drive is fine, though it always seems to take longer to get there (Chicago traffic) than back. Sometimes, it's a relaxing treat to just hop on a cheap puddle-jumper flight and get there a little quicker, if it is another $150 or so. It's not that much more than the two tanks of gas. Obviously I can make it work with just a backpack. I like Michigan proper as well. There's decent municipal golf that's affordable and a decent challenge. I want to get to a Tigers game one of these trips. A summer weekend with golf, fresh air and women is what I call a slice of heaven.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    Tried it once in the Dominican Republic. Was fun for 2 days, but after that you learn the sad reality that "working" is not fun for the girls but a means of life. Families often send young girls out to work to bring back money. Luckily I live in a place where a lot of them live and work at clubs negating a need to visit again.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I haven't tried sex tourism yet. I go down to TJ for the tacos.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @anislee So true, 3 days is enough and then n 3 days I want to return.
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    I would love to visit FKK clubs. Surely there must be something to do in Germany in between clubbing visits.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Sex tourism is good way to increase your chances of getting one of those antibiotic-resistant STDs. Especially trips to SE Asia and Mexico. Have fun guys.
  • londonguy
    5 years ago
    When I go to Vegas I average about four hours sleep in a 24 hour period. After seven nights I am knackered.
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