
Comments by sharkhunter (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another PL attachment issue.
    I stopped reading the thread thinking about the rolls Golden Corral had when I last ate there an unknown number of years ago. I think I'm hungry. I think I'll search for an appropriate YouTube sing I found for this thread. This isn't her is it? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctFH4DQQnYo
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    7 years ago
    Old man's arena
    I went to strip clubs in my 20's and had a lot more dancers trying to date me compared to years later. Some of them just liked meeting up with me for whatever at no cost to me unless I paid for a meal but often they paid for their own food. An older guy ends up paying for everything I think. I did have fun partying with some dancers at other places away from strip clubs. One dancer when I suggested visiting a strip club said that was the last place she wanted to visit on her time off. Can't win them all.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    BJ99 new avitar
    What does seem strange is getting dances from both a mother and her daughter. Both were dancing in a club one night. The daughter did look pretty good. I think last year I heard the older dancer became a grandmother in her probably 40's. Strippers have kids at an early age.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    BJ99 new avitar
    I've seen a hot 45 year old dancer. I got several dances from her as well. I once had a young dancer complain I wasn't giving any of the younger dancers a chance. I always thought the young dancers often had little to talk about that I found interesting. Sometimes you do like to talk. If a club was boring, it'd probably be full of very young dancers. I guess if all you want to do is watch and not talk or interact at all with the dancers, the monks idea to get rid of dancers past a certain age works. I thought that idea sucked.
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Ever been accused of being a racist based on what type of girl you prefer?
    I rarely tell anyone in a club what type of dancers I like to get dances from. I'm attracted to 3 types with some variation but I'm not attracted to some types. It's my money and I'm not going to spend it on dancers I'm not attracted to. I call that biology. If someone wants to call that racism then I believe the one saying that is the racist and I don't care what race tries to call someone racist based on attraction. If it's a white girl or black girl, either one is racist if she thinks it's racism if you only get dances based on how attracted you are to a dancer and that excludes a lot of a typical race. Some will call it racism but I think the true racist is the one doing the name calling. I usually don't get dances from fat and or not good looking dancers. I don't care what race they are. There have been groups of white girls who I thought were not pretty and I didn't buy dances. Same for other races. A true racist would refuse dances from the prettiest girl he saw in a club in his own opinion if he thought she was the wrong race and that was why he refused to get dances from her. That's what I call racism. Just because you aren't attracted to someone and don't spend money on dancers whom you don't like, I don't think that is racism. The dancers that are excluded might be unhappy and unhappy dancers and some people like to throw out the word racist if they are that kind of mean. I think people throwing names around are the problem. Whether it is a protest of people saying Jew stay home or a dancer or some person saying someone is racist , they are both name calling and acting the same in my opinion.
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    7 years ago
    If you live in the path of hurricane Harvey, run
    Are Houston strip clubs and the city shut down? Sounds bad and getting worse.
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    7 years ago
    If you live in the path of hurricane Harvey, run
    They are saying shelter in place. Time to get out was earlier. Based on the video of the stripper getting stuck in between 2 lockers, it may be hopeless for someone like that. Don't drink and drive through flooded roads. Sounds like there are limited helicopters and boats and they are prioritizing rescues based on urgency. Reminds me of a church sermon with a church lady surrounded by flood water on roof. A guy cam by in a boat trying to help her. She refused saying God will save me. Water rose. She got higher on her roof. Another boat came by. She refused help saying God will save me. Water rose higher until she was on the tip of her roof. A man came by asking her to get in. She refused saying God will save me. She has faith. She drowned. Up in heaven she asked, why didn't God save me? She heard, I sent someone by in a boat 3 times,
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you live in the path of hurricane Harvey, run
    Update, over1000 water rescues in Houston area alone. I heard the water was 50 feet deep around one tall apartment complex and the first floor is submerged from what I saw. They are saying don't go into an attic without an ax. Go on the roof instead. I guess no posters live in the area with power. They are still expecting 2 or 3 feet more rain this week.
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    7 years ago
    Do you watch the bartender
    I watch the bartender if she's hot. One time a nice looking bartender asked if I remembered her. I said no. She pulled up her top and flashed me and then asked again. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Contact Lap Dances
    I can get two for ones in South Carolina for $30 and there is contact. 50% off so I say 60 is high. It's like asking if Apple stock is high if you paid $2000 a share but I can buy it at $1000 a share. Unfortunately strip clubs are dominated by local laws and freedom to run that business is not uniform across the country. I guess it doesn't matter in real estate and strip clubs what someone else can get at a price, it's all dominated by location. I think health care might be just as uncompetitive. Probably more so because the average person has no way of knowing that the urgent care center charges 1000 bucks less than the local hospital for the same procedure or visa versa. Medical plans have to cover everything instead of offering people basic care health plans. I say let the rich pay for every option if they want it, let the poor and middle class opt for less.
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    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Do the dirty girls know they're dirty?
    In a mostly clean club, a dirty girl might be called nasty by other dancers. I once met one of those nasty girls. I didn't think she was nasty. However she said she only did that with me. I don't remember her asking permission to do anything either. However I almost always drink in strip clubs so anything I say can not be considered reliable information. Except all the stuff about electrical issues and switching to an alternate Earth, that is too crazy to make up. You know that must be true. I really did like the looks of some dancers in the alternate Earth where one dancer had gotten boob implants and one of my favorites used to be blond instead of brunette. Worse thing is when you switch and you don't find out until later and wonder why so many people treat you different. Some are a lot friendlier and some act like they barely know you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OMG this shits funny
    My YouTube settings are messed up. I clicked on 2 more videos and see that's it's a video produced in English but all I hear is Russian. As far as the drunk dancer, a little bit funny.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma
    Add in stuff from remote viewing that shows early humans came from Mars hundreds of millions of years ago due to ecological wars. They escaped here in a big spaceship to start over 800 million years ago. Could be a good show and even have dinosaurs.
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    7 years ago
    Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma
    Alternative, have a science guy or military outfit develop a time machine with the purpose to explore not change time at least for the first few years. Discover that man and aliens have been on this planet for hundreds of millions of years. Asteroids and nuclear wars have destroyed civilizations on this planet over and over and over again for hundreds of millions of years. Even if they screw up on one older civ, in the end, that civ destroys itself anyway.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma
    The guy could even build a smuggling ring and make it into a para military group that is organized. Sell illegal tech to the US or any buyers with something useful to trade. He wouldn't be able to sell the ship transport because they would need that but they might try to make more. Need science and tech people to build that and funding. Then action plot twists with the US military stealing prototype ship plans and making one on a bigger scale and popping around the galaxy making a mess of things.
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    7 years ago
    Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma
    Someone just create a show with advanced alien human civilizations with some aliens in different star systems and an alien human smuggler thief who stole a hyper dimensional prototype ship that can go anywhere with coordinates with some built in safety features and we can have an alternate SG1 series without the military. It could be like an intergalactic smuggler on the run from authorities making money trading tech and artifacts with Earth type civilizations which could be in violation of the intergalactic federation of planet rules. Throw in some pretty and tall blonds from the Orion constellation and mix action, intrigue, mystery, and an intriguing story with the guy finding the coordinates for Earth from a stolen database of alien civilizations. Someone put something interesting on tv.
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    7 years ago
    Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma
    I watched and subscribed to showtime when Stargate SG1 came out. I dropped the network after I read they weren't dong science fiction anymore.
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    7 years ago
    Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma
    There are at least 2 million science fiction fans and possibly millions more for quality entertainment. Unfortunately the one channel devoted to the subject puts crap on tv late night. Shuts down their best long run series because of some 10 year contract length they never thought anything would last that long and don't seem to know what they are doing. I'd rather see old BattleStar Galacta late night or Babylon 5 rather than a demon grandma or 5 headed shark. I guess it must be hard for a writer to hook up with a show to get the right combination of action, adventure, intrigue, and mystery, and a story that attracts a crowd.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Longest road trip for a Strip Club
    Over 200 miles if you don't include time at the beach, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ever reflect on strippers you missed out on ?
    I remember a nice looking girl gave me a bj at one club I rarely visited. Bouncer almost caught her at one time. I decided I wanted to pay her and get out. I didn't get her number and next time I visited, she wasn't working there, missed out. I now realize in hind site, if a nice looking girl gives you a bj without even saying she was going to do that, she might be open to more. I guess I just surprised at everything and wasn't thinking about getting more. One of the best lap dances ever.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ever reflect on strippers you missed out on ?
    If I hadn't missed out on some dancers, I might have been unhappily married by common law rules to a stripper by now. I didn't hook up with one dancer who made a number of sexual suggestions because her face didn't look that great even though her body was an 8 or 9. First time I ever had a stripper suggest she could move in with me when I never even went out with her one time. Makes you wonder how the sex would have been but then again a voice was saying, not with her, don't do it. I could end up with her for the rest of my life and that could be a long time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ever reflect on strippers you missed out on ?
    I also remember one very hot dancer that never asked me for dances on the announced two for ones and whenever I was actually free without another dancer asking me, she was busy talking to another dancer making herself unavailable. I almost never saw her doing lap dances. I wondered what's up with that? She was hot and not making money and making the guys happy, myself included. However I usually had only a few seconds to think about it because another dancer would spot me and ask me for a dance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Ever reflect on strippers you missed out on ?
    Every time a girl asks to have sex with me and I decline, I wonder what I may have missed out on. However in one case, I know I still have all my money and organs since I didn't agree to meet up. I'm not sure if that would be true if I had met up. Walking up to a guy in a strip club and asking him to go home with you to do whatever he wants sounds suspicious when it's the only thing she ever said to you. Even if she didn't plan on doing any harm, she might have asked for money when alone. It was like a catch 22. If you ask her if she wants money, she thinks you are implying she's a prostitute that propositioned you and gets offended, if you wait to meet up and then she wants money but didn't want to mention it in the club, she's still pissed if you say no and then you wasted your time too. If you attempt to meet up with a complete stranger, a friend might hold you up and rob you while she claims she never saw the guy. Too many unknowns. Instead of thinking of all these questions, she doesn't understand and then asks are you gay when you don't agree to meet up. I didn't think I was hot stuff but maybe I am for 1 in a 1000 girls. I do wonder what I missed out on. Now if she had pretended to be a dancer that already knew me, I might fall for that one. However I do remember one girl tried to trick me and I thought she was a dancer until a bouncer came over and said customers aren't allowed to do dances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    BJ99 new avitar
    Looking good BJ99. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Economics of fed rate decisions
    The real deal today is that Janet knows she's leaving and didn't say much. The next possible fed chief, Trump's economic guy has been pressured to leave but is hanging in there. I forgot his name but heard he was getting pressured to resign by his wife because he is a Jew and thought Trumps remarks last week defended the side that said something like Jews go home. Trump has said he condemns hate groups but then made that comment about defending both sides which many took to mean he defended the hate groups saying there were good people on both sides. I just hope they raise the debt ceiling quickly and get some tax cuts quickly and get rid of health care penalties at a minimum. They should treat Heath care as a form of tax relief in my opinion and get something that works done quickly but raise the debt ceiling first so that markets and governments aren't shut down leaving investors wondering if this time, will ther be a default? Since low interest rates are causing many to invest in stocks, it might have created a bit of a bubble. I don't think it will end well if they raise rates and taper at the same time.