
Haha, SyFy got creative. Now they have super power demon grandma

Avatar for sharkhunter

I never saw a grandma kick ass and climb up a wall and ceiling and act so tough.

That beats the 5 headed shark I saw a few weeks ago. I'm glad they are getting better.

I'd rather see a new sliders series or something better than all this crap though.

What happened to all the good writers?

You could have like an SG1 sliders series episodes with the military sending missions out to gather resources for a war that must be fought in several almost identical planets. Just imagine finding an almost vacant Earth and going where you know the gold is at or oil is at, or diamonds, set up a mine, etc, and taking it back to fund the wars on the planet and in space with super space weapons.

Any Stargate SG1 fans here?


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Avatar for Bj99

Me. I'm pissed ab the lack of quality sci-fi these days. Netflix used to cater to sci-fi fans. Now all we get are lame crime dramas. FML. Why do you think I spend so much time on here? Not enough time for the sims. No good sci-fi on netflix.

Avatar for Bj99

I'm watching some lame as "Top 10 Secrets and mysteries" crap. That's what it's come to. I try to watch supernatural, but I'm bored w the main storyline, so I don't pay attention.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Much SciFi has gotten "campy" and the "Sci Fi" channel is just crap today.

At least BBC America shows Star Trek in it's various iterations.

CGI has taken the place of actually writing a script, at least in the past cheesy special effects were amusing.

Star gate and Sliders were imaginative and usually well written and acted. I can't name one good sci fi series of late.

Avatar for StuffsEasy

Both stargate and sliders were great shows, neither of which started on syfy Cinemax (stargate) and fox (sliders). The expanse is worth watching, but otherwise syfy is crap.

Avatar for sharkhunter

There are at least 2 million science fiction fans and possibly millions more for quality entertainment. Unfortunately the one channel devoted to the subject puts crap on tv late night. Shuts down their best long run series because of some 10 year contract length they never thought anything would last that long and don't seem to know what they are doing. I'd rather see old BattleStar Galacta late night or Babylon 5 rather than a demon grandma or 5 headed shark.

I guess it must be hard for a writer to hook up with a show to get the right combination of action, adventure, intrigue, and mystery, and a story that attracts a crowd.

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I watched and subscribed to showtime when Stargate SG1 came out. I dropped the network after I read they weren't dong science fiction anymore.

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Someone just create a show with advanced alien human civilizations with some aliens in different star systems and an alien human smuggler thief who stole a hyper dimensional prototype ship that can go anywhere with coordinates with some built in safety features and we can have an alternate SG1 series without the military. It could be like an intergalactic smuggler on the run from authorities making money trading tech and artifacts with Earth type civilizations which could be in violation of the intergalactic federation of planet rules. Throw in some pretty and tall blonds from the Orion constellation and mix action, intrigue, mystery, and an intriguing story with the guy finding the coordinates for Earth from a stolen database of alien civilizations.

Someone put something interesting on tv.

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The guy could even build a smuggling ring and make it into a para military group that is organized. Sell illegal tech to the US or any buyers with something useful to trade.

He wouldn't be able to sell the ship transport because they would need that but they might try to make more. Need science and tech people to build that and funding. Then action plot twists with the US military stealing prototype ship plans and making one on a bigger scale and popping around the galaxy making a mess of things.

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Alternative, have a science guy or military outfit develop a time machine with the purpose to explore not change time at least for the first few years. Discover that man and aliens have been on this planet for hundreds of millions of years. Asteroids and nuclear wars have destroyed civilizations on this planet over and over and over again for hundreds of millions of years. Even if they screw up on one older civ, in the end, that civ destroys itself anyway.

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Add in stuff from remote viewing that shows early humans came from Mars hundreds of millions of years ago due to ecological wars. They escaped here in a big spaceship to start over 800 million years ago. Could be a good show and even have dinosaurs.

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