Another PL attachment issue.

avatar for new20
I am new to this shit, and I think that I've become very attached and have strong feelings for a dancer. I'm 29 and she is 22 and I have known her for a couple years, but recently in the last few months have seen her in the club every other week

And the last couple months talk to her on the phone or text or both, every few days. Yes I have spent a good amount of money ITC and haven't met up OTC yet.

She doesn't do extras, and she doesn't do stripper shit either, no problems, doesn't ask for anything, never any stripper shit in the whole couple years I've known her in terms of problems, never. She is single and she has kids but again she doesn't have stripper shit problems. Does Not.

I suppose the question is, should I confront her about liking her, or not say anything? Is there any way I could go about it or any thing I could do to convey that I like her more than just seeing her in the club. I would like to do normal activities/dates with her, basically I like her and want to convey that message


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avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
No way would I date a stripper with kids. Cold stop for me! Can't relate to this predicament.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
OK guys, let me have the honor...DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER!
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
She probably noticed at least a month ago. So, you can say something like "Hey, would you be up for going to the Golden Corral sometime?" When she says: "Sorry hon, I am between babysitters right now", try not to cry in front of her. Then back off and get dancers with other dancers and if she doesn't score a whale, she might be more open to suggestions.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
This sounds like she's the one. (The whore you should marry) ROFLMAO
avatar for jaredlucas
7 years ago
I feel for you. Many of us have been there. Often times it starts out like what you described but you need to understand that at some weak
Moment your non extras girl will become an extras girls. Somebody with better game , bigger wallet, bigger dick ... Whatever it is. Mayne just a lucky bastard at the right time will get her to suck his dick in the club. Or meet in a hotel for a big payday. When this happens it hurts. It also makes you grow up and realize what the real world strippers are exposed to.

Have a great time. Have great sex. Learn new tricks in bed. Don't fall in love. Just Have fun. See others in the same club. Did I mention don't fall in love ??
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
No. Don't do it. Be a good customer and enjoy the fact that you have a good stripper (for now...).

Some variation of your story pops up here repeatedly. It always ends in a mushroom cloud.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
"It always ends up in a mushroom cloud."

Well, not *always*, but often enough that "proceed with caution" tends to be an understatement.

Even if it ends well, it's gonna hurt.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I hear wedding bells!
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
She has many of the same problems and issues that other strippers have. You just don't know her well enough yet. And the odds are good that she has a boyfriend. They usually do. And you can't know otherwise from just seeing her as a strip club customer.

If you pursue her there is a 99.9 percent chance that it will turn out badly. If you decide to go for the .1 percent chance, which you probably will, just hope that it turns bad sooner rather than later.

avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
You're new to this but you've known her for a couple of years? There's a steep learning curve for PLs, apparently.

Seriously, I'm happy that you're happy.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
Many times even when you think there's no SS there's SS. As many have conveyed a relationship is a no-no. Try to get her otc and enjoy her that way. Good luck.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
and hey, if all else fails, you can do like Dadillac and buy her club, demolish it and turn it into a gas station with a quickie mart. You lose points if you hire her on as a manager at the quickie mart, though.
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
ppwh lololo I remember that epic thread.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
If she liked you, she'd say something, like "hey, can you pet sit for me?"
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I am looking forward to the weekly updates on this one. This has drama written all over it.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Follow your heart, not your head! What could possibly go wrong?!?!
avatar for JAprufrock
7 years ago
Unless you're Richard Gere and she's Julia Roberts, this isn't going to work. As bad as my life got a few years ago when my marriage dissolved, and as much as it's killing me slowly every day, I've never lost grasp of reality and tried to pursue a relationship with a pro (stripper, hooker, masseuse) because it doesn't work. She's a stripper for a reason. You will be hurt. You will be burned. You need to get a hold of yourself. You're not 18 years old.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
If you've known her for a couple of years, and haven't done OTC yet, you're never going to get that pussy. Sorry bud!
avatar for HungryGiraffe
7 years ago
Some of the best lessons in life come from the "School of Hard Knocks". With that said, I say go for it. "Just ask" for the pussy. If she says "No", don't beg for it. Just move on. Plenty of strippers out there that will really "love" you and appreciate who you are.

BTW, just so you know, there's likely a BF banging her for free and taking a cut of her earnings.
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
If you REALLY want to pursue this arrangement (and for the record, I'm not saying that you should) then invite her to dinner at a nice family restaurant. If she says that she can't get or afford a sitter, tell her to bring her kids, too.

This will accomplish two things. First, it will tell her that you're an alright guy, and second, it will give you a bit of a reality check as well. Good luck - turbulence ahead.
avatar for sharkhunter
7 years ago
I stopped reading the thread thinking about the rolls Golden Corral had when I last ate there an unknown number of years ago. I think I'm hungry.

I think I'll search for an appropriate YouTube sing I found for this thread.

This isn't her is it?…

avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
^ hahaha
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
it's probably a long-shot ( the odds are against you) but i think you should pursue her. strippers need love too.

as far as how to convey the message, ask her to lunch or dinner. that's a good starter and it won't come across as creepy/weird
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
As much as I enjoy the snark on this thread, the OP may as well get his question answered, rather than spend another year supporting her ITC.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^ I doubt very much that the OP will listen to anyone here my bet is he finds out the hard way.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I would propose that the best way forward is to let her know that you like her. That's the fastest way to find out if she's open to a relationship outside of club life, or if she really just thinks of you as a customer.

Keep in mind, though, that even if you get an answer you like, there's a statistically high chance that she's lying and stringing you along. We may complain about a number of stripper deficiencies, but one thing that they are generally fantastic at is manipulating men. I mean, that's pretty much the first line in their job description.

So, I say rip the Band Aid off fast. Who knows? Maybe you have found the rainbow unicorn of strippers.

But remember that you were warned and that the archives of this discussion board is an elephant graveyard of lovestruck customers.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I would disagree with "telling her he likes her" until after he has fucked her at least 17 times and she might be receptive to such a statement. Realistically, she already knows that he likes her, it's just a matter of how clingy he makes himself look. Fucking her isn't clingy. Hemming and hawing and telling her "I like you and want to do normal things!", maybe a bit more so.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Color me cynical, but every time a thread is started by someone with zero prior posts, I wonder if this is fiction. I get more suspicious if there is incredible penthouse-letter drama in the story.

I'm not suspicious of the " What is the best club in East Puddfucker ?" posts. I do wonder about the "I'm in love with a stripper, does she love me back ?" posts.
avatar for SuperDude
7 years ago
You are being played.
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
Apparently, there is no end to the stories of PLs falling for stripper shit.

No matter how many of us tell our horror stories, every new PL thinks "it won't happen to me" and "she's different."

Lessons learned the hard way are usually the ones that stay with you for life.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I will never forget how much better dating got once I stopped thinking "she's different" just because a girl put on a sweet act at the beginning.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Take it from someone who's been there. Walk away now. I'm serious. Even if it ends well, it's not going to pleasant. It *will* fuck you up.
avatar for day_trader
7 years ago
This reminds me a lot of my CF. Never asks me to go for dances or buy her drinks but I do. Doesn't do extras, or SS. She has a couple of kids. I'm trying to get her out on a "real" date, lol.

You already have her number, just ask, and re-evaluate as you go along.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I doubt the OP is going to take the collective wisdom of the group, but there are a few items to consider:

He's been texting and chatting with her for over a year - and she's not offered to fuck him (for $$ or for free?) He's either friend zoned or she's looking for a whale/sugar daddy to come along (or she's kept her BF hidden).

No stripper shit has come up in your conversations or texts - which means that she's keeping it hidden from you. It's there - you just haven't been let in far enough to catch a whiff of it.

She's got kids. This is a young girl who probably has made lots of questionable decisions about men in her young life. Shes most likely impulsive about who she wants to date/fuck and if she hasn't jumped on you yet - it's highly unlikely now.

You could tell her that you like her, and that's fine. However, the chances of it working in your favor are very very small. She could then see you as more of a PL and start stringing you along with the carrot being a chance at seeing her outside the club on a civilian date.

It's really not worth saying anything. If she's not yet banged you - it's not going to happen.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
I love watching the newbies in love makes me feel better about how I started
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